Liquefaction refers to the fact that after the ability is activated, the body can be transformed into a pool of liquid that can be transformed into a pool of fluid that can not only pass through any narrow gap, but also blend into other liquids and hide, which can be called an excellent ability to escape and save your life.

Ice Control, the ability to use abilities to create ice, freeze, or pierce everything.

Magnetic field control, similar to the metal control he already mastered, is equally capable of manipulating all metals. But it can only change the shape of the metal, not the shape of the metal. However, when the magnetic field control reaches the advanced level, it can distort the magnetic field of the entire planet like Magneto in Marvel, causing huge damage to the environment.

What's more worth mentioning is that the human body itself is a micromagnetic field. It can also be controlled by the ability to control the magnetic field. When he reached that realm, Zhuo Yun forced others to commit suicide, which was also a breeze.

Multiple doppelgangers, in fact, are double doppelgangers.

Similar to the shadow clone ninjutsu in Naruto, this ability can be modeled on the main body, replicating a mindless clone with the same ability and form.

Whoever casts this ability is able to switch back and forth between the main body and the clone.

Unlike shadow clones that disappear as soon as they are attacked, if they don't fall prematurely due to massive trauma, they will persist for as long as the ability lasts for three days.

Moreover, even if the doppelganger falls, as long as the consciousness can return before then, the main body will not suffer any damage.

In addition to the fact that the clone cannot be cultivated, increase strength, and refresh the limit once every three days, it can be called a BUG-level ability.

Now, as long as Zhuo Yun doesn't take the initiative to die, or encounters an overlord sword like the one in "The Respect of the World", it is almost difficult to fall again.

Earth control, which can arbitrarily change the shape of the soil and rocks on the surface, as the power of the ability increases, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea is no longer a lie for Zhuo Yun.

Flesh Armament, which uses abilities to transform parts of the body into weapons of any shape. The power depends on the strength of the body itself.

These perverted and weird abilities, coupled with the thirty-two abilities obtained before, this trip to the Yanquan Plane was simply an unprecedented super harvest trip for Zhuo Yun!


After the promulgation of the new regulations, Zhuo Yun became more and more idle. Unless a new valuable Wisher appears in the base, he will show up to absorb the Ability Factor, and spend the rest of the time in his room. Don't bother him with anything, a word, a look, often the people under him have already done it.

I have to admit it.

The harvest of the Yanquan World this time is explosive and amazing. To be honest, even Zhuo Yun himself didn't expect that he would be able to obtain so many abilities this time. Now him.

It's a walking ability. All kinds of unbelievable abilities appear in him one after another. Zhuo Yun has every reason to believe it. As long as these abilities are used well, the combat power they exert will definitely not be lower than that of a primordial-level monk in the Xianxia world. Land immortals, yes, are the existence of land immortals. There is almost nothing that Zhuo Yun can't do now.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that now the power has been divided between the four women around Zhuo Yun, Leticia, Edith, Blanche and Amelia. The four of them strictly carried out the tasks he had given them.

Collect some bleach/shiny girls. These girls are very lucky to have the opportunity to escape from this nightmare world.

On this day, Zhuo Yun was about to drink a glass of water, when a strange feeling suddenly came from the palm of his right arm. Glancing at the golden sigil of time and space again, he looked out the window in surprise, where the sun was shining.

Looking down along the sun, the base is full of people coming and going, and it is a busy scene. Because of the existence of the lamp god, there has always been a steady stream of various foods in the cloud base, coupled with the relaxed slave policy, it has become a huge magnet, attracting people from the surrounding and even distant places to settle down.

Now the total population of the base has exceeded 100,000, making it the strongest base in this area. Compared to Besim Drucker, who had already established the country and became king before he had less than 50,000 people, most of the people in the base who were extremely happy were even a little resentful, and they strongly hoped that their most respected leader would ascend the throne as soon as possible.

This request can be said to be the desire of the people, but he decisively refused. Isn't it a joke to be a king who manages a population of just over 100,000? Not to mention, he won't stay in the world for long.

"I didn't expect three months to pass so quickly. It's really a life experience that people can't miss very much!" Zhuo Yun turned his head and looked at the various high-end and luxurious decorations in the room, as well as the respectful and pretty maid, "The next step is almost the same, it should also be to the point of challenging a higher level of plane and achieving the goal of sublimating the essence of life." "

"Tuk tuk. There was a knock at the door.

Zhuo Yun turned around, and with a slight twist of one hand, he opened the door.

Dressed in a sky blue trench coat and with a cool expression on her face, Letisia walked in from outside. When she saw her, Zhuo Yun's heart was slightly surprised, often she appeared, which meant that there were difficulties in the base that they couldn't solve together.

That's a strange thing. Recently, there have been more and more well-wishers at the base. Among them, there are no longer a few strong people, is there anything they can't solve?

"What's wrong, did you encounter something tricky today?"

"Hmm. Just now, a blessed person who claims to have the dual abilities of diamond hardening and great strength has broken into the base with a group of people. Said it was to occupy the place. "

"Oh, can't the defenders who have grown in strength recently have nothing to do with him?" Zhuo Yun was a little interested in this outsider. As the owner of the base, he naturally knows the situation of the dragon and crouching tiger hidden in the base now. All kinds of strange abilities can be described as endless. These people can't even get a blessed one when they join forces?

"Yes. This guy who came out of nowhere, his physical defense is very amazing, whether it is fire, wind cutting, ice spurs, electric shocks, etc., all kinds of attack methods are ineffective against him, plus he is infinitely powerful, all kinds of means can't restrain him, it's really a headache!

By the way, Edith, Blanche, and Amelia are still pestering him with someone, so we'll have to hurry up. "

Zhuo Yun was speechless.

When Zhuo Yun and Letisia went down to the ground of the base, they happened to see a giant man about two and a half meters tall, who broke free from the thick steel bars that were wrapped around him, and shouted arrogantly: "Who else? This base master, if it's not a turtle with a shrunken head, get out of here quickly!"

When Zhuo Yun heard this, he snorted coldly, and the whole person instantly teleported, appearing in front of him, and his backhand was a slap.

The giant man seemed to be blown by a whirlwind, and flew far away. It hit the ground and sent up a large pile of smoke and rubble. But he quickly stood up again, patted the dust on his body, and said casually: "The strength is okay, but why is it like a girl, like to slap people?"

Zhuo Yun didn't laugh angrily, he didn't play any humble tricks, and then moved to subdue a respectable opponent. If the other party really annoys him, he will really kill him.

To be honest, at first he really had the idea of subduing this person for the base. But now......

Zhuo Yun shook his hand, and a burst of lightning flowed, and his right hand directly turned into a black sword, about four feet and four inches long, and the light of the sword body could be seen!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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