After entering the cinema, Ye Chen took Qiyana to find their seats.

This is a couple's double seat, and it is not far from the big screen, nor is it close, the distance is just right.

In order to book these two seats, Ye Chen spent several more coins.

Perhaps because the popularity has dropped, there are not many viewers watching"The Wandering Little Broken Ball 2" now.

Only half of the people were sitting in the huge screening room.

As the movie started, the screening room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone closed their mouths tacitly and looked at the big screen seriously.

Qiyana also watched it very seriously, holding a large cup of happy water in her hands, sucking the happy water in her arms while watching the big screen, and occasionally opening her mouth to catch the feeding from Ye Chen.

Time passed unknowingly.

Anyone who has seen"The Wandering Little Broken Ball 2" knows that this is a very highly rated movie, and it is also a very long movie.

A full 173 minutes!

That is nearly three hours!

Watching it, Ye Chen suddenly yawned

""What's wrong? Are you sleepy?" Qiyana couldn't help asking.

Ye Chen nodded:"I was careless and got up a little early."

"If you are sleepy, lie down."

Kiana patted her long white legs and said.

Knee pillow? Speaking of which, he has not experienced the knee pillow of his own insect yet!

Ye Chen was not polite, and handed the half-drunk happy water in his hand to Kiana, and then lay on the white thigh.

So white! So soft! There was also a fragrance around the tip of the nose, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"I'm sorry, it's a date, but I feel sleepy at this time."

Ye Chen played with a strand of white hair that fell in front of his eyes.

Kiana grabbed the happy water in one hand and hugged Ye Chen's head with the other hand, stroking his cheek with her palm, and said softly:"It's okay, you have a good sleep, I'll call you after you finish watching it"


After a while, Ye Chen fell asleep.

This scene was also seen by the couples sitting next to him.

The boys all showed envy.

What a gentle girlfriend, and most importantly, she is so beautiful, not like an ordinary girl!

God is unfair, why didn't they meet such a gentle and beautiful girlfriend?

The boys shed tears silently in their hearts.


Finally, after a narration, the movie came to an end.

The crowd in the cinema stood up and left in an orderly manner.

The originally quiet screening room was instantly filled with all kinds of chaotic conversations.

But Ye Chen didn't seem to want to wake up.

Looking at Ye Chen who was still sleeping, Kiana became playful.

She pinched Ye Chen's nose and covered his mouth, just like last time, repeating the same trick.

In less than half a minute, Ye Chen opened his eyes, with a resentful look in his eyes.

"Come again, aren’t you afraid of suffocating me to death?"

"If I die, you will be a widow."

"How can it be so exaggerated." Kiana covered her mouth and smiled,"I know my limits and won't suffocate you."

"Well, the movie is over, let's get out now."

At this time, there were only two people left in the screening room.

Ye Chen picked up the phone on the table and checked the time.

"It's past twelve o'clock, let's go have lunch."

The two held hands, interlocked their fingers, and left the cinema together.

""What are you going to take me to eat?" Kiana asked curiously, her eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Chen smiled mysteriously:"You'll know when you get there, it will definitely surprise you!"

"You're still keeping me in suspense at this time, what a joke." Kiana rolled her eyes and said coquettishly.

The restaurant was not far from the cinema, and the two of them walked for about ten minutes to get there.

"Is this a Gan cuisine restaurant?" Seeing the restaurant in front of her, Qiyana's eyes lit up.

As a soul Yuzhang person, it is not easy to see a hometown restaurant in Jiangcheng.

"Hey, how is it? I know you like to eat hometown food, so I brought you here specially."Ye Chen said proudly, with an expression like"Come and praise me"

"I didn't expect there is a Gan cuisine restaurant here"

"Yes, I just found it by accident when I was looking up the guide."

"But is this Gan cuisine authentic?"

In fact, there are Gan cuisine restaurants in many cities, but there are very few authentic Gan cuisine restaurants.

Most restaurants either sell fake Gan cuisine in the name of Gan cuisine, or they have to compromise with half-authentic food in order to blend in with the tastes of local people.

The tastes are very different.

Ye Chen patted his chest and guaranteed:"It is absolutely authentic. The online reviews of this restaurant are very high, and most importantly, the owner and chef are both from my hometown."

"What are you waiting for! Let's go!"

Qiana pulled Ye Chen and walked towards the restaurant impatiently.

The business in the restaurant was very good, and more than a dozen tables were almost full.

Qiyana took Ye Chen to an empty seat that had just been cleaned up and sat down.

""What would you like to eat?"

As soon as we sat down, a waiter came up to take our order and handed us a menu.

"I want a lotus blood duck, Poyang Lake fat fish head, wine lees fish, green pepper fried meat, and finally two bottles of iced happy water!"Ye Chen didn't look at the menu and directly ordered the dishes he wanted to eat.

The two of them had the same taste, so there was no need to worry about whether Kiana liked it or not.

The waiter knew at a glance that Ye Chen was an old Yuzhang person.

It's just that... the waiter looked at Kiana opposite Ye Chen.

"Are you sure you want to order these? Can your girlfriend handle spicy food?"

As we all know, Gan cuisine is famous for its spiciness, and its spiciness is comparable to that of Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine.

Most importantly, Gan cuisine is pure spiciness, the kind that leaves a lingering aftertaste, which most people can't get used to.

And the dishes Ye Chen ordered at once were all relatively spicy among Gan cuisine.

The waiter didn't doubt whether Ye Chen could handle it, but could this beautiful woman who looked like a foreigner really accept such spicy food?

"Don't worry, I can eat it." Kiana said.

The waiter exclaimed:"Miss, your Chinese is really good."

""Puchi!" Ye Chen couldn't help laughing.

Qiyana said:"Because I am originally from Shenzhou."


The waiter looked at Kiana in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Miss waitress, do you have any questions? If not, please help us order."

Kiana didn't like the way the other party looked at something strange, so she quickly asked the other party to leave.

""Ah? Oh! OK, please wait!" The waiter came to his senses and turned away.

The serving speed of this restaurant is quite fast. The two waited for about ten minutes before all the dishes were served.

A very pungent spicy smell hits you in the face, which is also the reason why many outsiders can't get used to Gan cuisine.

At first glance, it's all red, which makes people stay away.

But once you get used to it, you will find that in addition to the spiciness, the taste of Gan cuisine is actually quite good.

Otherwise, it would not be rated as the ninth cuisine of China!

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