When Kiana and Ye Chen came out of Xuan's house, they had another bank card in their hands.

The balance in it was 100 million yuan!

This was the thank-you gift after the two rescued Xuan Huahong.

Of course, in addition to the two bank cards, the elixirs also fell into the hands of the two.

Although these elixirs were useless to them, Grandpa Xuan insisted on giving them these elixirs, and they had no choice but to accept the gifts.

On the way out, the smiles on their faces never disappeared.

Xuan Yajing saw that the two were so happy, and she also smiled.

Ye Chen said:"In fact, classmate Xuan Yajing doesn't have to send us, you can go and spend more time with your brother."

From the previous communication, it can be seen that Xuan Yajing and her brother Xuan Huahong have a very good relationship.

After Xuan Huahong woke up, Xuan Yajing lay in her brother's arms and cried.

Now you can still see a trace of tears in the corner of her eyes.

"It's okay, you are the distinguished guests of the Xuan family, and I personally invited you here, how can I let you go back by yourself!"

As they were talking, a Maybach stopped in front of the few people.

Xuan Yajing took the initiative to open the door for Qiyana and Ye Chen, and then the three of them got in together.

The car started slowly, very smoothly, without any sense of movement, worthy of being a luxury car worth tens of millions.

It is comfortable to sit in.

Now that I have money, I can consider buying a car when the time comes. Anyway, Ye Chen has a driver's license!

I don't know if Qiyana has a driver's license.

Ye Chen looked at Qiyana curiously.

After noticing Ye Chen's gaze, Qiyana also looked back at him, tilting her head, as if asking why she was looking at me?

"By the way, Senior Ye Chen, Miss Kiana, do you have the official registration certificate?"Xuan Yajing suddenly asked.

The two looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

Kiana asked:"What is the official certificate?"

Xuan Yajing explained:"I believe you two have already noticed that now is the time for the great era to come, and the awakened ones are gradually appearing."

"In order to better manage the awakened, the official has opened some benefits"

"As long as you are an awakener registered with the official website, you can receive 50,000 to 100,000 yuan in cash every month! This is equivalent to the official initial investment."

"If you choose to join the official awakening organization, not only will the monthly cash you receive increase by a hundred times, but most importantly, the official will also provide you with the resources you need for cultivation for free."

I see."

After listening to Xuan Yajing's explanation, the two also understood.

It's just that people didn't expect that the official has taken action so quickly.

It must be said that using money and resources to attract awakeners is indeed a good method.

Awakeners are definitely not just those ancient martial arts families with a long history. There must be awakeners among the civilians.

But compared to the awakeners of the ancient martial arts families, the civilian awakeners have no money and no resources.

If you want to become stronger, the only way is to find a big tree to rely on.

There is no doubt that the country is the best choice.

After all, even those ancient martial arts families that have been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years, their strength seems extremely weak in front of an entire country!

"If you are interested, you can register. Whether you want to join the official website is up to you."

"What do you think?"Ye Chen looked at Qiyana, wanting her to make the decision.

Qiyana thought about it carefully and said,"You just go and register one, I'll forget it."


Not only Ye Chen was curious, but even Xuan Yajing was curious.

Kiana leaned back in her chair and said with a comfortable look on her face:"As for me, I really like this leisurely life, so I don't want to be disturbed."

Although there are benefits to registering for the awakening certificate, it also means that the official has your information.

As the saying goes, those who are capable will do more work. Once the official knows her strength, the official will definitely try their best to win her over.

In the future, if there is any trouble that they can't handle, they will definitely find her first.

She just wants to live a quiet life now and doesn't want to be disturbed.

The passionate spirit of dedicating herself to the country and protecting the world and the people has long passed.

Ye Chen didn't say anything more after hearing this.

And Kiana's ideas coincided with his.

He just wanted Kiana to be beautiful at home, and he should let him do the fighting and killing.

If he really can't do it, then he can use the wife summoning technique, which is also a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked immediately:"Then where can I go to register for the certificate?"

Xuan Yajing took out her phone and said,"I'll send you a location. You can go there when you are free.""

"Thank you"


Half an hour later, the Maybach stopped downstairs of the rental house.

"Do you want to go up and have a drink? Of course, we only have boiled water."

Faced with Kiana's invitation, Xuan Yajing shook her head and declined.

"No, maybe next time. I have some things to do at home."

""Okay, goodbye."

After watching the car go away, the two entered the rental building.

Looking at the stairs in front of them, Ye Chen suggested:"Now that we have money, should we move to another place?"

The two lived on the sixth floor, and what was speechless was that there was no elevator in the rental house. It took two minutes to climb up and down every time.

In the past, because they had no money, they could only make do.

Now that they have money, they naturally can't continue to wrong themselves.

"By the way, let’s not do live broadcasts at all."

Kiana nodded:"Sure, actually I don’t want to do live broadcasts either."

"As for moving, let's wait until after the National Day holiday. It's only a few days away anyway."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."


Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

At noon that day, Ye Chen was chatting and eating lunch with his adopted sons in the cafeteria when his cell phone suddenly rang.

When Ye Chen took out his cell phone, Cao Yuanhao and the other two stared at him.

""Shit, Ye Chen, when did you get rich? You can actually afford this phone?"

Several people are more concerned about digital products, so they naturally recognize the new Huawei folding screen phone in Ye Chen's hand.

This is a luxury phone that costs 15,000 yuan even with the lowest configuration!

How could Ye Chen afford such an expensive phone?

Ye Chen hugged Kiana next to him and said proudly:"Because my Nana is rich!"

The three then looked at Kiana.

Kiana nodded:"My family does have some money, so buying a phone worth tens of thousands of yuan is nothing."

"Why haven’t I heard you mention it before, Sister Ye?"

"At that time, my father did not support us being together, so he froze my bank card. Now he agrees, and my bank card is unfrozen, so I naturally have money."

This is also the excuse that Qiyana and Ye Chen had discussed in advance.

Otherwise, you can't just tell the truth, right?

They probably won't believe it if you tell them.

Chen Yu exclaimed:"I really can't tell, I didn't expect that Sister Ye, you are actually a rich lady!"

Cao Yuanhao looked envious:"Damn! I'm envious, I also want to be a gigolo!"

Wang Haoxuan said disdainfully:"You? Ye Chen has the looks to be a gigolo, do you?"

"I'm so sad, old friend!"

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