Chapter 167 Search

"what 's wrong?"

Liu Zhiyan was a little trembling with fear. Once someone found these finished products in her box, she would not be able to wash them away by jumping into the Yellow River.

 At this time of summer solstice, I heard a noisy sound coming from a distance.

 It became clear instantly that someone was clearly setting this up.

No matter who did it, they found this thing in their dormitory and jumped into the Yellow River to clean it up.

 Immediately opened the window and jumped directly out of the window.

 “Hand me the box.”

Liu Zhiyan closed the box in a panic, handed it out through the window, and whispered.

"What should I do? If they really come here, what if they find out..."

 “I’ll hide the box somewhere else first.”

Liu Zhiyan watched Xia Zhi disappear with the box.

Hurry and confusion, but the sounds outside the door became clearer and clearer, so I closed the window in a panic and bolted it.

Hurrying to smooth out his sheets again.

 At this moment, I heard the sound outside the door getting louder and louder.

“Director, ten down jackets were lost in our warehouse. This is not a small number.

I heard that someone jumped in through the back window of the warehouse in the morning, and the glass of the back window was smashed.

 At this time, this down jacket cannot be taken out, and it is still in the factory. "

Liu Zhiyan could vaguely hear Gu Han's voice.

A thought suddenly came to my mind, could this matter be related to Gu Han?

She knew that Gu Han and Xia Zhi would not deal with them, but why did she put a down jacket in her box?

“Comrades from the Security Section surrounded the front and back doors of the dormitory, and no one could be let out.

 Give me a dormitory to look for carefully.

Today, no matter what, we must catch this thief who stole public property.

I don’t believe there is such a mouse hidden in the factory. We must find the mouse out.

 We cannot let this mouse harm our entire factory workers. "

 The sound of people being filled with indignation came from outside.

“Director, don’t worry, we promise not to let this thief escape.”

Liu Zhiyan's heart was filled with excitement, and she didn't know if Xia Zhi could run out.

If someone happened to bump into her and saw her carrying a box of down jackets, it would be hard to explain.

At this moment, I heard Gu Han's voice coming from outside the door, and someone was knocking on the door.

“Comrades inside, listen up. Open the door now. We are going to inspect the dormitory, which will be personally supervised by the director, the factory director, and the head of the security department. There has been a theft in our factory. Please cooperate.”

 Liu Zhiyan tugged at the corner of her clothes and tried hard to put a natural smile on her face.

God knows her heart is almost beating out of her chest.

 Opening the door, he saw the eyes that met Gu Han's.

Gu Han saw Liu Zhiyan smiling and said,

"Xiao Liu, we lost a down jacket in the factory. The warehouse reported it to the director. Now the factory director, director and comrades from the security department take it very seriously. Now the entire dormitory area has to be inspected one by one. Please cooperate. "

 “Sure, of course I’m willing to cooperate.”

Liu Zhiyan gritted her teeth and moved away from the door. Behind her were the factory director, the workshop director, and the head of the security department.

Even if he didn’t get out of the way, in order to avoid others’ suspicion, Liu Zhiyan pretended to let everyone in as if nothing had happened.

 In addition to Gu Han, there are also Director Wu, the factory director and several comrades from the security department.

 After rushing in, he started looking through their cabinets, under the bed, and on the bed.

Gu Han's eyes glanced around the dormitory and landed under the sheets. Ding Jiannan told himself that he put it in a suitcase under the bed.

Ding Jiannan didn’t know which bed belonged to Xia Zhi, so he had to find a place where it was easier to hide without being noticed by the two people.

 It is best to hide it in a suitcase.

As long as Xia Zhi is found in this dormitory, it is obviously not that easy to clean up.

Gu Han pretended to lift the bed sheets unintentionally.

 “Oh, what’s that under the bed?”

At first glance, I saw that there was nothing under the bed, and I was a little stunned.

The comrade from the security department came over, took a look under the empty bed, and said with a smile.


At this moment, someone opened the sheets on Xia Zhi’s side and saw a bag under the bed.

Gu Han hurriedly walked forward slightly excitedly. Apparently she thought the bag contained those down jackets.

 Perhaps Ding Jiannan remembered it wrong. Did he put it in his bag?

 After all, there is no suitcase under the bed here, so it could only be in this handbag. And judging from the bulging appearance of this handbag, you know that this handbag must be full of things.

 “Whose bag is this?”

Just then I heard a voice interrupt,

 “This bag is mine.”

Liu Zhiyan raised her head suddenly and saw Xia Zhi walking in from the outside with a calm expression. She felt slightly relieved when she saw the empty hands in Xia Zhi's hands.

The summer solstice appeared here and was definitely not caught.

 But that suitcase is her own suitcase. Once someone discovers it, the suitcase will be easily associated with her.

This is how to do?

Gu Han saw Xia Zhi and smiled and said,

“Comrade Xiaoxia, this bag turns out to be yours!

Then open it and let us all take a look.

Look at your bulging bag. Of course, I definitely don’t suspect you are a thief. But for the sake of fairness, it’s better to let the comrades from the security department check it. "

 Xia Zhi shook his head and said.

“Factory Director, Director, this bag contains things that I prepared to visit a friend of mine when I was going to take a break. They are all food items, and there are no down jackets.

 I hope that my privacy will be respected. "

Factory Director Wang glanced at Xia Zhi, smiled and was about to speak to resolve the embarrassment in front of him. Of course he believed that Xia Zhi was not a thief.

 Unfortunately, Director Wu had already spoken before he could speak.

“Since the factory director is not one of those down jackets, of course he should open them and let everyone take a look.

 Otherwise, other people will have excuses not to let us open their luggage. Who can prove that there is no down jacket hidden in this bag? What if it is?

For the sake of fairness, I’ll open it for everyone to take a look. "

 Director Wang looked at Xia Zhi with some embarrassment and said.

“Xiaoxia, it doesn’t matter if it’s really something to eat. Let everyone take a look at it to avoid any suspicion.”

 He believed that Xia Zhi was useless. After all, there were so many people here, and he, the factory director, had to convince them.

Xia Zhi stood in front of the bag and said,

“Director, I can guarantee that this bag is really just some food and things for use, and has nothing to do with the down jacket.”

The more this happened, the more excited Gu Han became. She absolutely believed that there was something fishy in this bag.

Besides, the bulging bag doesn’t look like food.

 After all, the food you eat will not be this round.

“Since the Summer Solstice is just for food, if there’s anything shameful about it, just open it and let us all have a look.”

 (End of this chapter)

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