Hearing Xiaolan’s words, Ye Qiubai pretended to be flustered, and said with a smile: “It may have nothing to do with Aunt Yukiko, but it may also be the illegitimate son of Uncle Yousaku.” After all, Uncle Yusaku is a famous novelist with countless fans, maybe Uncle Yusaku did something sorry to Aunt Yukiko. ”

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Xiaolan remembered the fat face of Conan’s mother Edogawa Fumidai, and said with a smile: “It should be impossible, after all, Conan’s mother is not as good-looking as Aunt Kiko.” ”

“Xiaolan, you are too naïve, maybe Uncle Yusaku was calculated, such as taking drugs, and then making mistakes, and then there was Conan.” Ye Qiubai continued to spread rumors.

Uncle Yusaku, forgive me, I did this to be able to protect your stupid son, as long as Ran believes that Conan is your illegitimate son, then even if Conan is like Kudo Shinichi, Xiaoran will not suspect that he is Kudo Shinichi.

Conan heard that Ye Qiubai was smearing his father, and his dog teeth were almost crushed. You are enough, can you stop smearing my father, and give drugs, do you think my father is such a careless person?

“And don’t you see that Shinichi that guy looks exactly like Uncle Yusaku?” And he also has the strong reasoning ability of Uncle Yusaku, but he has not inherited Aunt Kiko’s acting skills and singing voice, just as he only inherited Uncle Yusaku’s ability. So, Conan may have nothing to do with Aunt Yukiko, but definitely with Uncle Yusaku. Ye Qiubai said with an affirmative look.

“Even if that’s the case, that’s just your guess, right?” Xiaolan was no longer bothered to defend anything, and spoke.

“It’s easy to do.” Ye Qiubai said. Then he reached out and grabbed one of Conan’s hair, and then gently tugged it, and pulled it down.

“Looks can deceive, but genes are not undeceptive, I took Conan’s hair and went back to do a DNA test with the DNA of that guy Shinichi, and I would know if they were brothers.” Ye Qiubai said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Conan was immediately startled, and reached out to grab the hair in Ye Qiubai’s hand, but when Ye Qiubai raised his hand, Conan couldn’t reach it.

“Then tell me when you’re done.” Xiaolan heard Ye Qiubai’s words and said with a gossipy face.

“Xiaobai, tell me too.” Uncle Maori nodded. Then Uncle Maori looked at Conan, who was still bouncing there, walked over and reached out and smashed a fist on his head and said: “I just said why I felt so unhappy after seeing this little ghost, it turned out that this little ghost looked almost exactly like the little ghost in the Kudo family, let you little ghost rob my commission.” ”

“It hurts.” Conan was hammered by Uncle Maori and immediately covered his head and shouted.

Conan feels that his current living conditions are really bad, there is an uncle who has been beating himself, and there is a Ye Qiubai who also bullies herself, although Xiaolan is very good to herself, but she often bathes with herself, and if she recovers after this, she will also be beaten to death. However, none of this is important now, the important thing is to take back his hair from Ye Qiubai, otherwise this test, his secret will be discovered.

“Dad, don’t hit Conan.” Xiaolan picked up Conan and said.

At this moment, Ye Qiubai patted his head and said: “I just remembered that I don’t seem to have the DNA of that guy Kudo, even if I have Conan’s DNA, there is no way to compare it.” ”

Ye Qiubai was mainly tired to see Conan jumping, so he decided to let him go.

“yes, we don’t seem to have Shinichi’s DNA.” Xiaolan nodded.

“It’s okay, I recorded Conan’s DNA first, and when I see Shinichi that guy later, I’m trying to figure out how to get his DNA.” Ye Qiubai said.

Hmph, you want to be beautiful, I decided that after returning to Kudo Shinichi in the future, I will definitely not appear in front of you.

“Ding, collect soul *1.” Just after the four of them walked for a while, the system voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the sound of the system, Ye Qiubai couldn’t help but frown, this way, Conan can kill people? This is also too powerful.

However, since he didn’t see the corpse or hear the screams, Ye Qiubai didn’t bother to care.

Xiao Lan asked Ye Qiubai at this time: “Xiao Bai, you haven’t finished talking yet, what about the previous Xinyi?” Since Shinichi is unlikely to be in England, where do you think Shinichi is now? ”

“I know where that guy is.” However, I think the reason why he didn’t show up for so long should be that he caused some trouble, so he didn’t dare to come out, let alone come to you, because he was afraid of injuring you. Ye Qiubai thought about it and said.

Hearing Ye Qiubai’s words, Conan nodded in his heart, but no, he really caused big trouble, but he did not hide, but always with Xiaolan.

“I’m not afraid.” Xiaolan said.

“Xiaolan, I think it’s best for you not to meet with that guy in Xinyi in an upright manner, even if you are not afraid, don’t involve uncle and Aunt Yingli. Even if it’s a meeting, you just meet the guy secretly. Ye Qiubai said to Xiaolan.

“Good.” Xiaolan nodded.

After walking more than ten meters, Ye Qiubai saw a small bird lying in the middle of the road. Seeing this, Conan immediately ran over and took the bird in his hand.

“Still alive, it seems that he should have been knocked unconscious.” Ye Qiubai reached out and poked at the little bird.

At this moment, the little bird walked over, saw Conan startled, then fluttered its wings and flew away.

“Ugh.” Seeing the bird flying away, Ye Qiubai’s group planned to continue to move forward. Suddenly, a shrill female voice came from the upstairs on the side.

Hearing this voice, Conan seemed to hear the starting gun, and the girl ran towards the building on the side, Xiaolan and Uncle Maori also followed, and Ye Qiubai was walking around. People are already dead, and it seems useless to be in a hurry.

Just after Ye Qiubai walked a few steps, he saw a middle-aged uncle carrying a bag, walking out of the building opposite the building where the accident occurred, and then walking towards the building where the accident occurred.

After glancing at this uncle, Ye Qiubai followed this uncle and walked into the building where the accident occurred.

After entering the gate, Ye Qiubai saw a woman with short hair come out of it, and then lay on the ground.

“Are you all right?” Xiaolan hurriedly walked over and picked up the woman.

“I, my husband was killed.” The woman hurriedly said.

Hearing this woman’s voice, everyone present was surprised, and Ye Qiubai looked at the uncle who was carrying the bag, he did not have any mood swings.

“It seems that the murderer is him.” Ye Qiubai thought in his heart.

The Maori uncle immediately picked up the woman, and then a group of people got on the elevator and headed towards the room where the deceased was.

Outside the room where the deceased was, Uncle Maori took out a handkerchief and twisted the doorknob, only to find that they were unlocked, and there were two pairs of men’s shoes and a pair of high heels in the entrance of the door.

A group of people ran to the balcony, and saw an older man in a suit standing on the balcony, and a middle-aged man lying on his stomach on the balcony.

Ye Qiubai came to the side of the corpse, and after touching the carotid artery, he said to Uncle Maory: “Uncle, the person is dead, it seems that he should have been hit in the back of the head by a blunt object and died, so call the police directly.” ”

“Okay, Xiaolan go to the police.” Uncle Maori turned to Xiaolan and said.

Xiaolan ran to call the police, and Uncle Maori also walked over and looked at the corpse and said: “Xiaobai, did you find anything?” ”

“The murderer killed with one blow, very crisp and neat.” Ye Qiubai said.

Then Ye Qiubai stood up and looked at the opposite building. Before judging by his expression that the person carrying the bag was the murderer, and he came out of the opposite building before, it means that he should have been in the opposite building before, and the deceased also happened to have his back to the opposite building, and the direction of the wound was very consistent.

Ye Qiubai came to the edge of the guardrail, looked at the opposite building, and then glanced below, and then Ye Qiubai froze, because the building where Ye Qiubai was now connected to the opposite building and intersected with the road below was the location where the bird fell before.

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