After a moment of joy, Su Chen muttered to himself, "It seems that I have to behave well, otherwise I may be expelled at any time, I don't want the child to be born without a father.......

" In the blink of an eye, it was lunch time, and the plan still had not been discussed, Xiao Yitong looked at Su Chen and said, "If you are hungry, go eat first." "

What about you?" asked Su Chen.

"We still have some things, just order takeout and eat casually...... "


takeout!" Jiang Ying orders takeout, just forget it, Xiao Yitong still orders takeout as a pregnant woman, isn't it a little too irresponsible.

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately remembered the master-level cooking skills he had just obtained.

"It's not good for pregnant women to eat outside, so I'll go to the cafeteria and make some for you......

" "You do it?"

The two women looked at him curiously, they didn't expect him to be a big man who could cook.

"It's just cooking, what's weird?"

Xiao Yitong thought about ordering takeout for convenience, and just wanted to say no, but Jiang Ying said, "That's a good relationship, now that Yitong is pregnant, it's really not suitable to eat takeout anymore, since you take the initiative to ask for takeout, then you have to behave well, don't let our Xiao beauty down......." "I won't let you down

, wait for me!"

Su Chen got up and walked out, and at the end he didn't forget to turn around and admonish." I'll be back soon......

" "Roger!"

Jiang Ying made an OK gesture at him.

Waiting for Su Chen to leave, Xiao Yitong looked at Jiang Ying directly.

Jiang Ying was furious by her, "Why are you looking at me like this, do you have flowers on my face?"

"There are no flowers, I just think you are so strange today, especially... Especially when facing Su Chen......

"Is there one?"

Jiang Ying dragged her chin and said, "Haven't I always been like this, it should be that you think too much."

Xiao Yitong shook his head, secretly thinking that he might really be thinking too much.

On the other side, Su Chen went straight to the back kitchen and found the person in charge of the back kitchen to express his intention.

When the person in charge heard that Su Chen was the newly appointed assistant to the chairman, he immediately greeted him with a smile and a flattering look.

Su Chen looked around in the back kitchen and said to the person in charge, "Please prepare these ingredients for me, one shelled shrimp, one lettuce and one carrot cut into cubes, one pepper and one bell pepper." One snow pea, one pickled hairtail, one pork rib and one millet, and one boiled pig's trotter soup......

" After hearing Su Chen's instructions, the person in charge was puzzled, the ingredients that Su Chen wanted to prepare were all semi-finished products, could it be

that he had to do it himself? The person in charge asked carefully, "Assistant Su, do you want to do it yourself?"


Su Chen didn't explain too much, and finally advised, "Remember that the ingredients must be the freshest." ......."

Understood!" The

person in charge is also a person with a clear mind, and he didn't ask too much, but hurried to get the kitchen ready.

After the ingredients were prepared, Su Chen continued to instruct, "Mix the prepared shrimp with cooking wine, salt, and egg white, and marinate for a while."

"There is also a hairtail that is cleaned and marinated with salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, and chili powder for a while, and the marinated soup is poured out, and then the hairtail is evenly coated with starch.

After getting Su Chen's instructions, the person in charge asked the chef to do it, and Su Chen himself took the pork ribs and cut them into small pieces, then blanched them in the pot, and prepared another dish - millet steamed pork ribs.

After a while, after Su Chen put the pork ribs in the steamer, he began to sit in the pot and put oil, took the marinated shrimp, quickly stir-fried them in the pot, and put them up!

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the garlic and ginger until fragrant, add diced lettuce and carrots and stir-fry.

Then add the green and red peppers and continue to stir-fry well, wait for the lettuce and carrots in the pot to change color, add salt to taste, turn off the heat, and finally put in the shrimp, put it on a plate and remove it from the pot.

In this way, a plate of colorful shrimp is considered to be completed.

The tenderness of the shrimp is mixed with the fragrance of lettuce and carrots, and it spreads instantly.

Looking at Su Chen's seemingly flowing operation, the person in charge of the kitchen and the chefs present were stunned.

"Assistant Su, have you studied before?" the person in charge couldn't help but ask.

"No...... Su

Chen replied with a smile, "I used to watch my mother cook, and over time, I naturally learned." The

person in charge made a look of sudden realization and said with a smile, "That aunt's cooking must be delicious." "

Of course, haha!"

After cooking the first dish, the second dish prepared by Su Chen was barbecued pork hairtail.

He took the hairtail prepared in advance, poured oil into a flat and sticky pan, fried the hairtail in a hot pan with cold oil until it was medium-cooked, mixed the barbecued pork sauce with 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce, added an appropriate amount of water starch and continued to stir, and made it into barbecued pork sauce.

Then pour the prepared barbecued pork sauce into the fried hairtail break, wait for the soup to thicken and wrap the hairtail on the broken hairtail, then take it out of the pot, and sprinkle with chives for garnish.

After making these two dishes, Su Chen made another bean sprouts and pig's trotter soup, and the millet steamed pork ribs were just out of the pot, so that the four home-cooked dishes were ready.

"Oh, by the way, do you have millet porridge and plum blossoms here?"

"Yes!" The

person in charge hurriedly replied, "The millet porridge made in the morning has a little ...... left at noon" "

Okay, please bring it to me."

After taking the things, Su Chen removed the core of the plum and chopped it into minced pieces, sprinkled it into the boiled millet porridge, and put out two bowls for later use.

It took more than 30 minutes to do all this.

Su Chen put the dishes into a special food delivery basket, and after saying hello to the person in charge, he strode towards the office.

When he came to the office, Su Chen put the food delivery basket on the coffee table, looked at the second daughter who was still busy and said with a smile, "You're all hungry, come and see what I have prepared for you......"

The second daughter has been busy for so long, and she is indeed hungry, so she got up and walked over.

Su Chen smiled and took out the dishes one by one and put them in front of the second daughter.

Stir-fried colorful shrimp, stir-fried snow peas, teaspoon hairtail broken fish, pig's trotter bean sprouts soup, and millet porridge.

These dishes are not only fragrant, but also look exceptionally delicate on the plate, and they are not inferior to those well-known hotels.

Jiang Ying looked at the table full of delicacies, swallowed her saliva with difficulty, and asked, "Are you all making?"

"Of course......

" Su Chen brought the millet porridge to the two of them and said

, "Taste it!" Jiang Ying couldn't wait to taste it and exclaimed, "Wow, this is also so delicious, in addition to the fragrance of millet porridge, there is also a sour taste, it is the first time I have drunk such millet porridge." What are you doing here?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, looked at Xiao Yitong and said, "Considering that the chairman may have a harmful reaction recently, and his appetite will be relatively poor, I deliberately added some plum to the millet porridge, which will help appetize."

Hearing him say this, Xiao Yitong didn't seem surprised on the surface, but his heart was slightly warm, he didn't expect Su Chen to be so careful and think of this.

As Su Chen said, she is indeed a little nauseous these days, and often has symptoms of morning sickness, and her appetite has not been very good, so she usually eats little and is pitiful.

Jiang Ying took a sip of millet porridge, touched Xiao Yitong with her elbow, and said with a smile, "You see how hard Su Chen is, try it......" Xiao Yitong

tasted it, it felt really delicious, and he drank several sips in succession.

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