"Feng Qingyi! It's time for dinner!"

The banging of the door and the loud shouting outside woke Feng Qingyi up from her sleep.

Feng Qingyi got up reluctantly, opened the door with her messy hair.

"Do you want to die?"

Feng Qingci looked at his twin sister with disdain.

"It's already half past eight, and you haven't gotten up to eat yet. I'll starve you to death!"

Feng Qingyi glanced at him.

"Where's my phone! Give it back!"

Speaking of phones, Feng Qingci felt a little guilty.

He was playing games with his sister's phone yesterday, and accidentally dropped it into the big teacup his father used to drink water.

Although he quickly fished it out, it was no longer responsive.

"You listen to my quibbling... No, you listen to my explanation. Your phone is too poor quality. I played two games yesterday and it crashed!"

"Tell me the truth, what happened?"

She spent 7,800 yuan to buy a new phone, and she has only used it for less than a week. How could it crash? Do you think she is a fool!

Feng Qingci weakly took out Feng Qingyi's new phone.

"Sister, I didn't mean to do that. It accidentally fell into the water cup, and then it happened!"

Feng Qingyi's eyes stopped on Feng Qingci's face.

"Such a big phone, tell me, do we have such a big cup in our house that can fall into it?"

Feng Qingci: "Yes, our dad's big teapot!"

Okay! She was careless. Her dad's big teapot can fit two phones, not to mention one phone.

"Now that things have come to this, I'll give you half an hour to buy me an identical one."

After kicking Feng Qingci out, Feng Qingyi slowly tasted the fried rice.

I have to say that although her brother is unreliable, the food he cooks is pretty good.

Half an hour later, Feng Qingci came back with a plastic bag.

Feng Qingyi heard the door open and quickly went to the living room.

"Here, you!"

Feng Qingci threw a plastic bag to Feng Qingyi.

Feng Qingyi opened it and saw that she had never seen such a shabby mobile phone in her life.

The screen was so broken that it was completely unrecognizable, and the corners had faded. No one would want it even if it was sold as scrap!

"Feng Qingci, do you want to die? I bought a new mobile phone for 7,800 yuan, and now you use this broken copper and iron lake to mess with me!"

Feng Qingci saw that Feng Qingyi was about to take action, and ran back to the room quickly.

In terms of skills, he is not as good as his sister who looks delicate and weak.

"Qingyi, you know that your brother is poor and can only afford this broken mobile phone worth 20 yuan!"

"I sent your mobile phone to the store for repair. You can use this one for now."

Feng Qingyi was furious. How could she be so miserable that she had such a brother.

That was the new mobile phone she bought with her scholarship. It was only three days after she bought it, and her brother made her life or death uncertain!

Feng Qingyi picked up the broken mobile phone in the plastic bag with disdain and prepared to throw it into the trash can.

But she didn't expect that a magical scene happened as soon as she picked it up.

The mobile phone screen that was originally broken into tofu dregs was miraculously repaired in an instant.

She must be dazzled, dazzled!

Feng Qingyi put the mobile phone on the coffee table, rubbed her eyes, and looked at it carefully again.

The brand new black mobile phone lay quietly on the coffee table!

What a magical thing!

"Feng Qingci, come out, something big happened!"

Feng Qingci in the room had already put on headphones, so he naturally couldn't hear it.

Feng Qingyi had no choice but to pick up her phone and return to her bedroom to install the phone card.

She opened the phone, and there was nothing but an app store.

This was too clean. At least there should be some software that comes with the system!

Forget it. This has been transformed from a broken piece of metal into a new phone. It is normal to have some unreasonable things.

Feng Qingyi quickly connected to the home network, entered the app store, and downloaded several commonly used software.

Something shocked her. WeChat, which was more than 200 megabytes, was successfully downloaded and installed in two seconds. What a magical speed.

Then Feng Qingyi downloaded several more softwares, and they were all installed immediately after she clicked download.

It seemed that her brother had bought a newly developed high-tech mobile phone from somewhere. Seeing that this mobile phone was so smooth, she would not bother with him for the time being.

Feng Qingyi looked at the phone over and over for a long time, and even checked it on the Internet, but could not find out what brand it was.

Forget it, it can be used, and I will make do with it for a few days.

Although it is not as good-looking as her phone, it seems to have good performance at present.

Feng Qingyi logged into her WeChat and complained to her bestie about her brother's fatal operation.

After sending the message, Feng Qingyi was waiting for her roommates' replies, and suddenly found that she had sent it to the wrong person.

She actually sent the message to a stranger with a blank avatar!

Feng Qingyi was quick-witted and quickly withdrew it.

Fortunately, she was fast!


This is her private WeChat, and she has never added strangers.

So who is this person with a blank avatar and no nickname?

Feng Qingyi decided to ask.

[Qingyi: Who are you? ]

Feng Qingyi chatted with her roommates for a long time but did not receive a reply, so Feng Qingyi decided to delete this person.

The weird thing is that she deleted it several times, but she did not delete this person.

I don't know where her brother bought the phone from, it's so strange.

Feng Qingyi gave up, just let him lie here with peace of mind!

Apocalypse Empire, in the border camp.

The young general in armor was sitting on a chair.

In his hand was the trophy he had just captured - a small black box.

The man's face is like a crown jewel, his facial features are clear and deep, and his ink-like eyes are full of alienation and indifference.

His thin lips pursed slightly, his brows furrowed slightly, and his long fingers tapped lightly on the small black box.

At this moment, the small black box shook slightly.

The man looked at the small box that suddenly lit up in surprise.

Two lines of words appeared on the small box.

"Qingyi" withdrew a message.

Who are you?

Is this a new way for the enemy to obtain intelligence?

"General, Namu Qi wants to see you!" A rough voice sounded outside the camp.

"Come in."

Nam Qi walked into the camp and bowed to the man.

"General, Vice General Lin defeated the enemy at Changxuguan Pass and has set up camp outside the pass, waiting for your orders."

The man's face was expressionless, "Well, here's the order to rest for three days."

"Yes, I will notify you immediately." Namu Qi responded.

"Namu, you have always been well-informed, have you seen this thing?"

The man handed the small black box to Namu Qi.

Namu Qi took the small box and looked around, but couldn't see anything.

"Go back to the general. I have never seen it before, so I don't know what it is."

"Well, you go down first."

This is most likely used by Northern Qi to send messages. It seems that it needs to be investigated carefully.

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