[The curse of the bloodline falls on Ye Xue. This is a spell from the ancestral dragon. Ye Xue, who carries the blood of the true dragon, is irresistible.】

【Ye Xue spat out a mouthful of blood, looking sluggish. The dragon horns on his head gradually disappeared, and the dragon’s tail was also broken.】

【Her eyes are still determined and she says to you:”Let’s go and leave the Tianlong Star Territory”】

【You nodded,”Okay!””】

【You then looked at the various races in the Tianlong Star Territory and said,”Those who want to leave, and who are willing to follow me and Ye Xue, can come with us!”】

【Your words caused countless riots】

【All the races in the Tianlong Star Territory were about to move, until a practitioner with half the blood of the dragon race walked out and completely detonated the scene.】

【”I’ll go with you”】

【”I don’t want to be scorned by the Dragon Clan anymore.”】

【More and more practitioners are shouting loudly, following you and Ye Xue】

【They are all monks who have been deeply influenced by their bloodline and have been oppressed, and they have long wanted to get rid of the current situation.】

【They also want to establish a new dragon clan, or a brand new race!】

【It’s just that they lack a leader who dares to change the sun and moon to a new sky】

【Without the great changes in the world, such a leader would never have appeared.】

【God’s will is such that Ye Xue turns into a mortal, changes his ideas, and achieves all this】

【The True Dragon Clan, who were already in shock, just watched this scene and did not come out to stop it. The True Dragon Clan was very proud and seemed to disdain to dance with this group of hybrids.】

【In the end, you left the Tianlong Star Territory with Ye Xue and a group of practitioners. ]

Lin Chuan’s main consciousness experienced this scene and felt so familiar.

It reminded him of the Eldar in the dream cycle of [Forbidden Love].

Doesn’t everything I’m experiencing in my dream at this moment [The World of Demons and Troubled Times] correspond to this?

It turns out that was Ye Xue’s obsession!

From a high-altitude pure-blooded true dragon, he experienced sudden changes in the world and was forced to transform into a mortal. He experienced the seven emotions and six desires of the mortal world and gained true love beyond his bloodline.

Then he was rejected and imprisoned by his clan members, and his concept completely changed.

Ye Xue has experienced too much.

From the incident between Ye Xue and the Dragon Clan, Lin Chuan realized how difficult it is to think from someone else’s perspective, and it may be something that is impossible to achieve completely.

Only when you personally stand in the other person’s position can you experience what the other person has experienced.

Only then will you want to change from the bottom of your heart.

Looking back at the past, why wasn’t it the same for myself?

Lin Chuan has experienced so many dreams and reincarnations, but he has never been a good person in the world’s concept.’

【In the reincarnation of”Perfect Female Demon Lord”, he is a swordsman genius of a generation, born in a famous family. He encountered a lot of contempt when he was at a low point, but he still persisted in the right path of supporting justice and slaying demons.

In the end, he unexpectedly ended up with the Demon Lord’s other side. Personality Mo Sangyu forged a relationship

【In the reincarnation of Prince Jianghu, when he was a boy, he was a willful and carefree dude who acted as he pleased. After going through all kinds of things, he finally became mature and steady, and knew how to consider the people around him, so that he lived up to Xiao Qingmei’s wishes.

【Forbidden Love] In the reincarnation, he was born miserable and was ruthlessly abandoned by his family. He was bullied since he was a child, and his personality became cold as a result.

He kills people, kills monsters, and walks on the edge of darkness.

Tushan Jiaojiao is the only salvation in his life

【In the reincarnation of”Buddha’s Purification of the World”, he single-handedly created the birth of the Red Lotus of Purification because of his obsession in two lives, destroying the Buddhist orthodoxy and triggering the madness of the entire world.

Countless creatures kill each other in pursuit of power and survival.

It can also be said that he indirectly killed all living beings in the Buddhist kingdom.

The monk who was supposed to save the world ended up destroying the world.

What kind of environment you live in has a high probability of creating what kind of person you are. Therefore, no matter how real the dream is, Lin Chuan’s main consciousness will not be too affected and deviate.

In the real world, he also has things he firmly wants to do.

【After leaving the Tianlong Star Territory, you and Ye Xue led a group of mixed-race monks to occupy the aura-rich continent as their territory.】

【Most of these practitioners have dragon blood, but some are rare.】

【Most true dragons like to sow seeds everywhere, and the pride in their bones makes them unwilling to admit children who are not pure bloodline.】

【After discussion between you and Ye Xue, you decided to name some races with a large number of ethnic groups.】

【The suitors who came with you from the Tianlong Star Territory also readily agreed.】

【The brand new racial name means that they are no longer attached to the True Dragon Clan, which will greatly increase their confidence and have their own honor from now on.】

【Eventually nine races were named】

【They are: Qiu Niu, Yasui, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Bixi, Bifan, Negative Xi, and Chiqi.】

【There are far more than these nine races who are stained with the blood of the dragon race, but other races are relatively sparse in number and cannot form an independent race.】

【In these troubled times, if you want to establish a race, at least three conditions must be met】

【The first condition is that the number of clan members is large enough】

【The second is that the bloodline can reproduce itself stably, will not mutate, and can be fixed into a brand new bloodline.】

【The third is that there are enough strong people in the ethnic group to take charge.】

【Therefore, with so many followers from the Tianlong Star Territory, only nine ethnic groups were eventually established as new independent races.】

【In order to take care of the remaining races and ensure the unity of the alliance, Ye Xue once again proposed the establishment of a large unified race】

【After many discussions, it was finally named – the Spirit Clan. 】

History is a constant cycle of reincarnation.

Lin Chuan had already guessed this result.

【After the establishment of the Eldar clan, everything seems to be developing in a better direction.】

【With an open mind, your cultivation level has once again broken through, and you have entered the Four Legendary Realms.】

【Not long after, Ye Xue broke through】

【On the night of the breakthrough, Ye Xue found you】

【She rarely showed her charming side, looking at you with watery eyes,”Husband, we haven’t slept together for a long time.”】

【After ten years of separation, and being busy with the spiritual clan affairs, Ye Xue devoted herself to her career and ambition, so you didn’t bother her.】

【Unexpectedly, Ye Xue took the initiative to propose such a thing】

【Daily interaction mode is on:】

【Ask the host to choose interactive behavior】

【1. Hand in homework;】

【2. I’m tired, let’s do it next time. 】

We are already an old married couple, is there any other choice? Of course, I choose to hand in my homework.

【Select Done】

【You and Ye Xue spent a pleasant and wonderful three days and three nights】

【Thanks to your unremitting efforts, Ye Xue’s condition has changed slightly.】

【You are all great monks who are capable of reaching heaven and earth. Your control over your body has already reached the pinnacle. No slightest change can be hidden from you.】

【You can be sure that Ye Xue is pregnant】

【Perhaps it was because of the blood curse of the true dragon clan that Ye Xue lost the body of a true dragon, so you were able to enter the soul with one shot. 】

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