After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 1065 The whole network broadcasts the horse and proposes

"I missed the appointment last time and kept you waiting for ten years. Due to some personal reasons, I didn't even have time to say goodbye." Si Fuqing raised the golden female statue in her hand, she smiled with a firm expression, "But this Once, I stood here again, and now I can tell you that I am your eternal confidence and backing, and I will never leave."


There was a dead silence in the audience, even the sound of breathing and heartbeat was still at this moment.

The audience stared blankly at the girl standing in the middle of the high platform, and their minds were severely shocked at this moment.

The words and sentences she spoke were not obscure, they were all commonly used colloquial words, but the combination of these words and sentences made it difficult for them to understand for a while.

After a full three minutes of silence, several exclamation marks and question marks drifted across the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, shit, shit, what does this mean? Did I get up so hard this morning that my hearing went wrong? 】

[This...the meaning of these words is that Qingqing is the Great Demon King? ! 】

[Ten years ago, after Yun Lan won the Lifetime Achievement Award from Glenn, she disappeared for no reason. Cooperation with Qu Lingyun. 】

[Listen, what she said was that she won this award again, and she also mentioned the critical time ten years ago, besides Yunlan, who else? 】

[But...Ke Ke Yunlan was already twenty-two years old ten years ago, and Qingqing is only twenty-five now, her age doesn't match, and her appearance even more so, what's going on? 】

[What's going on, grandstanding, she said she was Yunlan, she was? I also said that I was the reincarnation of Emperor Yin, and the three families and four alliances would all kneel down to me. 】

The audience at the scene also whispered to each other, their expressions were excited, and they couldn't sit still anymore.

Even the host and the jury opened their eyes wide, obviously unable to understand the development of this awards ceremony.

Qu Lingyun was sitting under the stage, a little confused, and blurted out: "You just said that? Are you afraid of accidents?"

As soon as this sentence came out, he realized a key point.

What could happen to Si Fuqing today?

Under her leadership, Qu Lingyun also saw the wonders of the Eternal Continent.

The spiritual cultivators went to the sky and entered the earth, moving mountains and seas.

Si Fuqing blinked at him, with a calm expression: "Well, that's what I said."

She raised her head again: "If you have any questions, you can ask me. If you can answer them, I will answer them."

With a "bang", a media reporter stood up and overturned the table in front of him with such a big movement.

Regardless of how embarrassed he looked at the moment, he hurriedly picked up the microphone, and stammered: "Miss Si, Si Fuqing, your acceptance speech means that you have won the Lifetime Achievement Award before, you... it Yunlan?"

As expected of the top reporter of Time Weekly, no matter how shocked he was, he still asked the questions that everyone wanted to ask.

"Yes, I'm Yunlan." Si Fuqing smiled again, with a very soft voice, "I was really sorry before, but I disappeared suddenly, and I didn't have time to say hello to you, now I apologize to you."

As soon as this sentence came out, someone in the audience let out an uncontrollable sob.

As if struck by lightning, the reporter was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked: "Then, what's the matter with you, what's the matter...Your age doesn't match Teacher Yunlan's."

Si Fuqing pondered for a moment: "It's a long story. You can treat me as a child again, but I'm still me and haven't changed."

When the reporter sat down again, his clothes were already soaked in sweat, and he was in a daze, obviously suffering from a huge blow.

[Since Qingqing said it, then I will believe it! 】

[My God, I really can’t believe it, but actually I can find some clues. There are so many actors in variety shows, and there are quite a few actors who reenact Yunlan’s movie clips. Only Si Fuqing’s performance made me wonder Instant illusion. 】

[In this world, there will always be many things that science cannot explain, but we just need to know that she didn't leave, she came back, and that's enough. 】

【She did it! Yunlan won the Glenn Lifetime Achievement Award with three films, and now she has won it with two films. She really did it. 】

[The only one who can surpass Qingqing is Qingqing herself. 】

In the audience, there was applause one after another, and gradually everyone came back to their senses, and began to applaud like thunder.

"Yunlan! Yunlan!"

"Si Fuqing! Si Fuqing!"

Sitting in the first row, Ulises looked at Si Fuqing in disbelief, his eyes were trembling, and his face was flushed red.

He is not stupid, on the contrary, he has been able to win the crown of Best Actor of Glenn many times, and his IQ is not low.

The 8th Glenn Lifetime Achievement Award was broadcast live globally, and the number of online viewers was close to that of the International Games, exceeding 1.8 billion.

No one would go crazy at this time and ruin their stardom.

Even if the answer is unbelievable, remove all the impossible and the rest is the truth.

Si Fuqing is Yun Lan himself.

Ulisses has always been very clear that he has won more Glenn Awards than Fuqing and Yunlan, firstly because they have made fewer films, and secondly because he is of a different gender from them.

Otherwise, during the time when Yun Lan and Si Fuqing were around, there would be no second person who could win the Best Actress Award.

No wonder... no wonder Si Fuqing said those words to him, no wonder he felt the same sense of oppression on Si Fuqing as Yunlan.

Ulisses suddenly remembered what happened a few years ago, when he watched Si Fuqing's first movie "Light" repeatedly, analyzing his acting skills, he was almost exactly the same as Yunlan.

It's just that he didn't take it to heart, he just thought it was Daxia's unique acting technique.

Now all the confusion is finally resolved, because two people are one person!

Ulises was sweating profusely in an instant, and he couldn't sit still anymore. He wanted to rush up to ask for clarification, but he seemed to be locked in the seat and couldn't move.

At this time, a second person stepped onto the stage.

It is Gu Wenzhu, the godfather of fashion.

"Hi everyone, I'm Gu Wenzhu." Gu Wenzhu patted the microphone, and his voice spread throughout the audience, "As you can see, Alan actually came back after leaving for a few years. When I come back, I won't go into the reasons for this, I know she must have paid a lot."

"I met her for the first time. She was still very young. At that time, she wanted to learn design from me and said that she wanted to design clothes for her relatives. She was very talented in design, so I took her as an apprentice, and she also gave The design world brings forth design objects that can stand as milestones."

In the audience, Bai Jinyu's eyes were bright and she kept applauding.

All the little skirts on her were designed by Jiujiu!

"Later she went to learn how to make movies. She was born with a strong acting talent, and she hit it off with Ling Yun." Gu Wenzhu said with a smile, "I watched them cooperate in several movies and won numerous Grain Awards. It’s a pleasure to be able to continue working together after so many years.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly snorted coldly: "It's just that kid Ling Yun, after making a movie with Qingqing, he didn't find anything wrong."

The camera and lights focused on Qu Lingyun in an instant, he was a little embarrassed, and said tactfully: "Teacher, don't say such things."

At that time, he actually discovered that Si Fuqing and Yun Lan had the same acting skills, but he didn't think too deeply.

Later, when he was told that Si Fuqing was Yunlan, he suddenly realized it.

If Yun Lan's acting skills are so easy to imitate, wouldn't everyone be Yun Lan?

[Who said the right hand of God is Yun Lan's queen designer? This person is self-produced and sold! 】

【Si Fuqing, as expected of you, saving money depends on you. 】

[I must be too tired and have hallucinations, I'm going to sleep quietly. 】

[Ahhh, I just want to scream like crazy now! I have become fans of two people since I was so old, but now you tell me that the two are one person? ! 】

The judges couldn't restrain their excitement, they stepped forward and hugged Si Fuqing one after another.

They are also fans of Yun Lan. Ten years later, they have long since given up any hope, but now they have survived a desperate situation, how can they be unhappy?

The selection of this year's Glenn Awards is destined to be recorded in the annals of film history.

All the hot searches on major social platforms around the world were also dominated by today's awards ceremony.

#Si Fuqing, Yunlan#

#Yunlan is back#

#司复潮: I am all of your confidence and backing#

Netizens are discussing what happened today, in full swing.

At this moment, in the backstage lounge, Si Fuqing had already taken off his formal attire and changed into his normal attire.

Yuejian crossed her arms, leaned against the door, and raised her eyebrows: "When your identity is exposed, it really blows up the scene. Why did you think of telling people all over the world that you are Yunlan? There are some supernatural things that should not be done." Let normal people know."

After all, the earth is a high-tech world, but there are many supernatural things.

From ancient times to the present, some people have been protecting this secret.

The truth of the world is inconvenient for everyone to know.

"I didn't plan, it's just..." Si Fuqing was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "It's just that there are still many people waiting for Yunlan, and I don't want them to wait any longer, I can't bear it."

Yunlan's fan club has set up many check-in locations, all of which have been filmed in movies.

There is also a special Weibo account on Weibo, waiting for Yunlan to come back.

She flipped through every message below.

Over the past ten years, former students have also become successful people in society.

[I scored 723 in the college entrance examination this year, and I am admitted to Xia University. Your movie has given me great encouragement. I have been waiting for you to come back. Alan, when will you come back? Many people say that you are no longer here, but I don't believe it, as long as you come back, we will still follow you. 】

【Alan, I don't know where you went, but I will always wait for you, and wait for you to come back and continue sweeping the international entertainment industry. 】

[I'm so angry, Alan, after you left, several film stars and actresses in the Western Continent began to mock Da Xia's movies in public again, please come back soon, let them know that we are not easy to mess with. 】

One after another, Si Fu looked through hundreds of thousands of messages, each of which was hitting her heart.

"Fortunately you're back." Tsukimi sighed, "You're lucky, and so are they."

"Well, if I said it before, I would definitely be arrested for experimentation." Si Fuqing lazily snapped his fingers, "But it's different now, no one can provoke me."

Yue Jian pursed her lips: "Whoever dares to provoke our little junior sister, I will destroy him first."

After taking off his makeup, Si Fuqing rubbed his abdomen: "Third Senior Sister, I'm hungry, let's go, let's go out to find everyone, have a meal together, and celebrate well."

Hearing this sentence, Yue Jian took a step forward and pressed her shoulder: "Aren't you going to rest more?"

"Rest, eating is rest." Si Fuqing hugged her arm coquettishly, "I'm really hungry."

Yue Jian glanced at the time intentionally or unintentionally, and then said: "Okay, okay, I lost to you, let's go out to eat."

Si Fuqing's fox eyes suddenly narrowed: "Third Senior Sister, do you have something to hide from me?"

"Ah? Is there?" Yue Jian's expression remained unchanged, "Is there anything I can hide from you? Aren't you going out to eat? Go away."

Si Fuqing's eyes narrowed even tighter: "Why do I feel that your expression at this time is so like when you were cheating on your second child?"

"Junior Sister, will I cheat you? I love you before it's too late." Yue Jian pulled her up and pushed her to the door, "If you don't go, it's too late."

Si Fuqing walked out.

It was quiet outside, and there was no one there.

Although she lacks a ray of soul now, her spiritual knowledge is enough to cover the entire earth, but she has not found any trace of the person she knows.

Only Yu Xiheng can do this.

Si Fuqing glanced at Yue Jian: "I want to see what you guys want to do, so lead the way, Third Senior Sister."

Yuejian coughed lightly: "Well, this way."

Si Fuqing followed Yuejian all the way down the stairs, and then walked through a long corridor to the largest garden in Glenn.

It was still very silent, even the sound of breathing was covered up.

Si Fuqing looked around: "Third senior sister, tell me, what is the purpose of you all hiding?"

Yuejian spread her hands: "This, you have to ask him."

Everyone also appeared at this moment.

Bai Jinyu, Xie Yu, Huo Yanxing... everyone was there.

Fireworks also bloomed at the same time, and ribbons were scattered in the air.



The garden is immediately colored by the decoration, resplendent and resplendent.

And in the depths at the end, there is a tall and straight figure walking towards the girl.

Si Fuqing looked up and was suddenly stunned.

Instead of his usual dark gray suit, he changed into white.

The style of the white clothes was very familiar to her. It was exactly the one that he put on the horse and wore when she met him for the first time after he had grown up fifteen hundred years ago.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be crossed, and she traveled back to 1,500 years ago again, and saw the eighteen-year-old boy Yinhuang.

But now, he walked up to her, held her hand again, with a smile on his face and eyes: "Girl, are you willing to marry me?"

In order to meet her again, he traveled through fifteen hundred years and finally met her again.

His liking for her can be seen from generation to generation and known to all living beings.

Marriage proposal~!

One step closer to completion!

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