After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 109: The strongest instruction of the big boss

Meng Qi was dumbfounded now. Originally wanted to show it in front of Qin Xiang, but a single stir-fried seasonal vegetables made him unable to come to Taiwan so much. He also said blatantly about adding five hundred yuan, but the unit price was required. Five thousand, all of this is lost. It is estimated that this waiter has already regarded himself as an old hat. The most important thing is to be ashamed in front of Qin Xiang!

And this stir-fried seasonal vegetables will not work with extra money!

Meng Qi immediately felt that his face was hot, and he couldn't come to the stage in front of so many people!

It was Qin Xiang who came out to help. After all, this stir-fried seasonal vegetables was ordered by herself. She did not expect that this stir-fried seasonal vegetables would be so expensive and she would have to make an appointment, no wonder there is no price on the menu!

"Forget it, it's just one dish, let the waiter go down and order the previous dish!"

Although Meng Qi said he was unwilling, he really couldn't help it. He just went down the stairs and didn't say anything!

After the lady of manners went down, the room was silent for a while before it gradually became active. As for that Meng Qi had just fallen so much face, how could he not find it back, so he said to everyone:

"Everyone will participate in the school celebration tomorrow, and take a good rest tonight. Everyone who opens a room in this Hualong Hotel will count as mine!"

Everyone expressed their gratitude after hearing this. This Hualong Hotel is super five-star standard. If you want to stay here for one night, you can get thousands. This time Meng Qi has lost money. These dozen people will get tens of thousands. It's bucks, if it weren't for losing such a big face, he would really hate it.

"Meng Qi is really a local tyrant, I haven't stayed in this super five-star hotel yet."

"Thank you Meng Tuhao, I will also experience the feeling of this five-star hotel."

"Faithful person, Meng Qi..."

Hearing the compliments from the crowd, Meng Qi began to flutter again, but he was a little displeased looking at Li Zhe who had not spoken over there, saying:

"Li Zhe, how about you? Haven't stayed in this high-end hotel yet, let you experience it today."

Li Zhe smiled slightly:

"No, I have a place to live tonight."

As soon as Li Zhe said this, Meng Qi snorted in his heart, the little peasant wanted face!

Even Fatty Qian looked at Li Zhe suspiciously, didn't he say he wanted to slaughter this bully?

Just kidding, I'm going to sleep in the dormitory of the beautiful class guide tonight. No matter how good this super five-star Hualong hotel is, can you compare with this beautiful class guide Qin Xiang's dormitory?

Qin Xiang knew why Li Zhe rejected Meng Qi, and couldn't help but blush.

Seeing that Li Zhe refused, Meng Qi didn’t care. Anyway, he just humiliated Li Zhe. The most important goal was Qin Xiang, the beautiful class leader:

"Ms. Qin, stay in the hotel at night, I will pay for it!"

Qin Xiang also smiled slightly and refused:


Li Zhe on the side is snickering, who lives in your broken hotel!

Later, I went to the dormitory with my beautiful class guide...

Feeling Li Zhe’s pride, Qin Xiang couldn’t help but feel ashamed. Why did he refuse Meng Qi’s request to stay in a hotel? He disliked Meng Qi. There seemed to be other factors that Qin Xiang didn’t dare to think about or dare. get to the bottom!

Everyone didn't care. Li Zhe refused. They thought that Li Zhe wanted to save face and didn't want to accept Meng Qi's charity. After all, Meng Qi repeatedly targeted Li Zhe and everyone saw it, and everyone knew the reason.

Du Yan, who was next to Meng Qi, looked at Li Zhe and couldn't bear it. After all, she had been in love in college, and she also knew that Meng Qi had targeted Li Zhe this way because of her own sake.

But Meng Qi didn't value himself so much, he was just a plaything of him, and Meng Qi did it because of a strong possession of fish!

The reason for Qin Xiang's refusal was that she was a school teacher after all. Tomorrow is the school celebration, maybe there is something else.

Everyone did not associate Li Zhe with Qin Xiang's rejection of Meng Qi at the same time.

Only Zhu Shan, who was sitting next to Li Zhe, seemed to be puzzled. Although Zhu Shan’s face was cold, it was not just why she kept her eyes on Li Zhe from time to time in the crowd of people, and she also I noticed that there was something wrong with Li Zhe and Qin Xiang, but I couldn't tell.

As it was not too early to finish the meal later, someone suggested to open the room first. Naturally, Meng Qi had no objection. Let everyone bring their ID card and let the hostess take it to open the room!

Everyone took out their ID cards from their bags. Meng Qi also took out his ID cards, but Du Yan next to him did not take them out. I think it should be two people in a room to spend the Spring Festival together. Everyone It's not surprising, but they all glanced at Li Zhe in unison.

Although Li Zhe was relieved for a long time, he always felt uncomfortable to be glimpsed like this. It seemed a bit interesting to others. After all, Du Yan was Li Zhe’s previous girlfriend. It is said that he still disliked Li Zhe for having no money and switching to rich. Meng Qi!

Only Fatty Qian because his home is in Nancheng, he didn't even think about bringing his ID card when he came out, but Meng Qi said that he had paid for the room, and he had to sleep here for one night whatever he wanted. Li Zhe refused. Just use his ID card, and shouted at Li Zhe:

"Li Zhe, bring your ID card and I want to open a room and sleep in a super five-star hotel!"

That Meng Qi's eyelids jumped, but he knew that Fatty Qian's home was in Nancheng, so this Fatty Qian would have to live in a hotel in a desperate manner, but he didn't say anything!

Li Zhe gave the ID card to Fatty Qian directly, and the lady of manners collected it and took it to open the room!

This lady of etiquette took everyone's ID cards to the front desk to help the group of people open a room, and swiped their IDs one by one, but when they swiped Li Zhe's ID, the system showed a VIP sign marked with red letters!

This is the highest-level VIP sign of Hualong Hotel. The hostess who was responsible for swiping the ID card at the front desk immediately notified the hotel director!

The hotel director rushed over as soon as he heard about it. When he saw Li Zhe’s name on the ID card and looked at the red VIP sign, he immediately narrowed his eyes. This seemed to be the person that the boss of the headquarters took special care of. No I dared to delay and immediately called the headquarters. After explaining the situation, the call was finally transferred directly to the boss!

"Try our best to let this Mr. Li Zhe enjoy our Hualong's highest level of service and feel our sincerity! All expenses are reimbursed by the hotel!"

This is the instruction from the big boss to the director of Nancheng Hualong Hotel!

"Which box is this Mr. Li Zhe in? Take me there!"

The hotel director also felt the big boss's attention to this Li Zhe, and hurriedly asked the hostess who was holding the ID card.

The lady of manners hurriedly led the way, and the hotel manager quickly followed to the seventh floor box where Li Zhe was!

The door of the box was pushed open, and Meng Qi thought it was the lady of etiquette who helped him open the delivery. He didn't expect that a middle-aged man in a suit would be followed, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

The hotel director recognized Li Zhe as soon as he came in. After all, she had seen Li Zhe’s ID photo just now, and it was better to recognize it. She walked up to Li Zhe and said respectfully:

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, Mr. Li Zhe, I am the supervisor of Hualong Hotel Nancheng Chain. You are our distinguished friend of Hualong Hotel. I welcome you on behalf of Nancheng Hualong Hotel. Your meal is still open this time. All the expenses are borne by our hotel, you only need to enjoy our services!"

Everyone in the field was stunned. What happened? Suddenly, the supervisor of Hualong Hotel appeared respectful to Li Zhe, and said that Li Zhe is a distinguished friend of Hualong Hotel. Isn't he a small farmer who farms at home? This Li Zhe doesn't seem to be leaking, and he was just like that by Meng Qi.

Qin Xiang, Zhu Shan and even Fatty Qian looked at Li Zhe with a puzzled look on the side. Meng Qi on the other side was even more so. The hotel's supervisor didn't even know him. How could Li Zhe know him?

And seeing that the supervisor gave Li Zhe all the waivers, it seems that Li Zhe is still a big man.

So possible! This is not a joke! He Li Zhe is just a small farmer who farms in Jiangcheng. Although he is a little famous, he is not so big, right?

Or is the person at Hualong Hotel a fool?

Only Li Zhe probably guessed what was going on.

They supply vegetables to Hualong, Yuxuetang and Fumanduo. These three have stood out in the domestic high-end catering industry with their own vegetables and become the current three giants.

It can be said that Li Zhe’s vegetables are their three biggest advantages and the key to becoming the top. And as long as they please Li Zhe, they can always stand at the top of the Chinese restaurant pyramid.

So when he knew that Li Zhe had arrived at the Hualong Hotel Nancheng chain store, the boss of Hualong Hotel would personally give the supervisor of the Nancheng Hualong Hotel such an incredible instruction.

This is face.

Li Zhe was not hypocritical, and said casually: "Thank you, by the way, give us a stir-fried seasonal vegetable. My tutor wants to eat it. I shouldn't need to make an appointment."

The manager of the middle-aged hotel said immediately: "Okay, I will give you first priority to provide you with stir-fried seasonal vegetables."

Just kidding, make an appointment?

The Lord in front of him is the supplier of ingredients for the stir-fried seasonal vegetables. Hualong Hotel is able to rank among the Big Three thanks to the reputation and appeal of the stir-fried seasonal vegetables among high-end diners.

Now everyone is even more dumbfounded. It is necessary to make an appointment for a week of stir-frying seasonal vegetables in advance, and no more money will work. How come there is no concept of appointment at all in Li Zhe? Also available first.

This is Li Zhe's face.

Some things that cannot be bought with money can be saved with face. Sometimes face is better than money.

Only Qin Xiang next to him could not help but feel a little moved. He just ordered this dish of stir-fried seasonal vegetables at will. I didn’t expect this dish of stir-fried seasonal vegetables to be so difficult to eat, but Li Zhe even ordered this dish of stir-fried seasonal vegetables for himself. , There was a warm current flowing through my heart, and an inexplicable sentiment was slowly growing.

Fatty Qian over there has long been looking at Li Zhe with his nose and eyes straight, yes, brother.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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