After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1644: Enter the Dragon Palace, cut blood scales

Listening to Guo Yuan's answer, the man didn't speak, just squinted and looked at Guo Yuan's eyes.

Although Guo Yuan's expression was flustered, it was also the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm. At this moment, he also forcibly calmed his heart and looked at the man's eyes.

But the nervous look on his face is still visible to the naked eye.

"Snake Lord, almost everyone in the Water Mansion will have some leftovers from the previous dragon clan. Just clear it out."

At this moment, the palace lord of the water palace outside the door suddenly stood at the door and said to the snake lord from a distance.

Hearing that, the snake owner looked at Guo Yuan and said softly: "But so?"

Originally, Guo Yuan, who was still racking his brains to make excuses for himself, nodded in a hurry, and then said loudly, "Yes, there are a few precious orbs left by the dragons in my house. I should wipe them if I want to come. I made that gem!"

Hearing these words, the snake owner narrowed his eyes slightly, then nodded, and said calmly: "Okay, I see."

After the voice fell, the snake owner released Guo Yuan's hand, letting Guo Yuan breathe a long sigh of relief.

"If the order is passed on, all the remaining dragon clan items in the water mansion will be handed in, and the owner will destroy it himself!"

The snake master raised his head and said loudly to the palace master outside the hall.

At the moment he raised his head, Guo Yuan keenly saw a gap on the skin of his chin, it seemed that the skin was falling off!

"I will go to the mansion to get those orbs back and hand them to you personally!"

Immediately, Guo Yuan didn't dare to look at it anymore. He lowered his head and said loudly to the snake master.

Hearing this, the snake owner nodded slightly, waved at Guo Yuan, and said calmly: "Go back."


Guo Yuan replied, and this is the time to leave.

Looking at Guo Yuan's back, the snake owner's face also showed an interesting smile.

In his eyes, people like Guo Yuan will sooner or later become their own blood. This is their destiny, and they cannot escape.

Therefore, seeing Guo Yuan's nervousness in order to survive is very interesting in his eyes.

Soon, Guo Yuan left the Dragon Palace quickly.

However, no one noticed it. The moment Guo Yuan left the Dragon Palace, with a light wave of his palm, a drop of water suddenly condensed and stuck to the side wall of the Dragon Palace.

This is the communication method commonly used by these Water Palace Lords, and will leave a message in that drop of water.

When the Dragon Clan was still alive, they used these methods to contact each other to inform each other of the situation in the Dragon Palace.

After leaving this message, Guo Yuan unfolded his figure and galloped towards Li Zhe's place.

"how is it?"

Seeing Guo Yuan in front of him, Li Zhe looked at him and said softly.

Hearing this, Guo Yuan nodded to Li Zhe, and said respectfully: "I saw that there were a few cracks on the blood scale snake's skin, and it was obviously about to shed its skin."

Listening to Guo Yuan's words, Li Zhe was relieved. If the blood scale snake hadn't shed its skin for a while, Li Zhe would have to wait.

He knew now that he still had a competitor to the Sea God Sect, and he wanted to race against time to find the holy island.

Immediately, Li Zhe beckoned to Guo Yuan, motioning him to extend his hand.

Upon seeing this, Guo Yuan's eyes lit up instantly, and he stretched out his injured right hand in a hurry.

Li Zhe also raised his hand at this time and covered his palm. This time, Li Zhe didn't stop quickly.

I saw the **** light above Guo Yuan's wound surging rapidly, all of which left Guo Yuan's body, and then dissipated in the sea water.

And that little snake, at this time, twisted away from the two blood holes and flew out.

This little snake now doesn't even have a Void God Realm, Li Zhe just waved it casually, and his spiritual power directly cut the little snake in half!

Immediately afterwards, the blood hole in Guo Yuan's hand began to heal quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the wound was invisible.

Upon seeing this, Guo Yuan also let out a long sigh of relief. In his heart, he now wants to leave the area of ​​the East China Sea Dragon Palace immediately.

But he also knew that it was useful for Li Zhe to keep himself. He did not dare to leave for a while, but sat quietly behind Li Zhe.

Time passed slowly, and soon, other Palace Lords of the Water Mansion received the message left by Guo Yuan and flew towards this side.

Just like Guo Yuan before, these Palace Lords of the Water Mansion were almost immediately shocked when they saw Li Zhe's existence.

After learning that Li Zhe was going to deal with the blood scale snake, all of them were excited, and they did not hesitate to join them.

They are like Guo Yuan, very clear about their own situation, knowing that the blood scale snake is only temporarily using itself.

Therefore, all of them are obedient to Li Zhe's orders.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, two days' time had passed.

As for Li Zhe, nearly twenty remaining Palace Lords of the Water Palace had already been assembled.

They are all the remaining Palace Lords, and at this moment their wounds have been healed by Li Zhe, and they all respectfully surrounded Li Zhe and sat cross-legged.

Naturally, Li Zhe would not tell them that he wanted to use them to find the island by helping them.

"Now that Dragon Palace is trapped on an isolated island on the sea, I already know how to rescue them, but before that, I still need to clear the troubles in the East China Sea!"

Li Zhe looked at everyone and said calmly.

You know, when the Dragon Palace was still there, everyone knew that Li Zhe was very favored by the Dragon King. At that time, they had already acquiesced that Li Zhe would take over the position of the Dragon King.

Therefore, listening to Li Zhe's words, everyone naturally did not have the slightest doubt.

Moreover, with this blood scale snake as a contrast, everyone has realized how good the Dragon Palace was before.

Although they still have to give the confession on time, they are not as dangerous as they are now, and they themselves can leave a lot of resources for cultivation. It can be said that compared with the present, it is simply a sky and an underground!

"Don't worry, as long as this blood scale snake is resolved, I will immediately search for the island you mentioned!"

"Exactly! Although we have lost a lot of water palaces today, as long as there is no interference from the blood scale snake, we can immediately gather all the monsters within the dragon palace and find them together."

"This matter is all up to you, after you take over as the Dragon King, I will follow you later!"

For a time, all of these Palace Lords of Water Palace responded to Li Zhe without hesitation.

Listening to the people's words, Li Zhe's mouth curled up slightly and nodded. What he wanted was the enthusiasm of these palace masters.

With the blood scale snake incident this time, when you want to come and find these people, that kind of motivation will also be full.

Immediately, Li Zhe signaled everyone to calm down, and then said calmly: "You are here to fix it. When the blood scale snake sheds its skin, you will clear all the weak blood scale snakes outside of the Dragon Palace. As for the contents of the Dragon Palace, leave it to me."

Hearing that, everyone's eyes brightened, and they all followed Li Zhe's arrangement!

Those blood scale snakes outside of the Dragon Palace were almost all left in the water palaces, devouring the remaining blood.

But after all, it is a remnant, and the power that can be improved is not much. The blood scale snake that was cut in half by Li Zhe before is even the more powerful among the blood scale snakes outside.

With so many Golden Core Realm Water Palaces, dealing with some Void God Realm blood scale snakes is naturally not a problem.

And now that they are so oppressed, their hearts have long hated the blood-scale snake. With Li Zhe's support, they naturally want to kill the blood-scale snake in other places!

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, about three days had passed.

At this moment, a slight fluctuation suddenly spread from the Dragon Palace ahead.

This fluctuation is extremely subtle, and no one can perceive all of the Water Palace chiefs, but this fluctuation is extremely obvious in the perception of Li Zhe, who is also the Nascent Soul Realm.

Immediately, Li Zhe slowly stood up and said calmly to the palace masters of the Water Mansion: "Okay, you can wait to kill those blood scale snakes, I'm going to the Dragon Palace!"

When the words fell, Li Zhe's figure turned into a stream of light, and he galloped toward the dragon palace.

Upon seeing this, everyone looked at each other, and then set off together and flew towards the occupied water palaces.

Although they all had doubts about whether Li Zhe could eliminate the blood-scale snake, anyway, kill the blood-scale snake outside first.

If Li Zhe can solve it, it is naturally the best. Even if Li Zhe can't solve it, he will suffer both losses when he wants to come. There is no problem for them to escape.

Thinking about it this way, the palace masters of these water palaces naturally have unlimited power.

And Li Zhe had already come outside the dragon palace at this moment.

When he arrived here, Li Zhe stopped in an instant, and his breath was completely concealed at this moment!

Outside the dragon palace, there were no guards of the shrimp soldiers and crabs, so Li Zhe didn't spend much time and went directly into the dragon palace.

As soon as he entered, Li Zhe felt that in the main hall of the Dragon Palace, there was an aura that was strong and weak.

Li Zhe knew that it was the movement of the blood scale snake when it shed its skin.

The time for the blood scale snake to shed its skin can be delayed, but once it starts to shed its skin, it cannot stop halfway. Stopping is tantamount to death!

After confirming that the blood scale snake was shedding its skin, Li Zhe's mouth slightly cocked, and the hidden breath surged instantly.

Immediately after that, the technique of dragon's breath operated instantly, and in an instant, the rich dragon aura directly enveloped the entire Dragon Palace!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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