Seeing that Li Zhe led the cultivators away with a few words, everyone was a little relieved.

Otherwise, if they find that the medicine spirit is here, I am afraid the next battle will be even more difficult.

But at the same time, everyone from the Chilian School also knew that Li Zhenai was the elder of Donghua Sect. They looked at Li Zhe one by one and respected them a little bit more.

"What happens next?"

Immediately, Chan Juan's figure also flashed, reaching Li Zhe's side, and asked softly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe raised his eyes and glanced around, confirming that there was no one around for the time being.

At this moment, Li Zhe raised a finger and tapped the void lightly.

In an instant, a spatial atmosphere lingered on Li Zhe's fingers, and then was lightly clicked out.

Immediately afterwards, a spatial crack appeared in the air out of thin air, and the chaotic aura around it was also quickly sucked into the spatial crack at this moment.

In just a few breaths, the restless spiritual power fluctuations in this space were completely calmed down.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly and murmured: "Okay, it's okay for the time being, let's go down and get the medicine spirit."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, everyone nodded decisively, and then descended following Li Zhe and Chanjuan's figure.

When he descended into the air, Li Zhe raised his hand slightly, and in an instant, there was a faint ripple in the space.

The figures of everyone disappeared between the world at this moment.

Without that spiritual power fluctuation, even if someone in the distance noticed the previous fluctuation rushing over, it would be impossible to confirm where the fluctuation came from.

And the spiritual umbrella used by Yuan Jianzong that day was an excellent shielding magic weapon, at least among them, even the self-destructive coercion of Yuan Ying Realm could cover it!

It can be said to be extremely powerful, but this covering aspect is extremely strong, so that after covering the spiritual power of this spiritual umbrella, it has no other effect.

But this is naturally enough.

At the moment, everyone only felt that it was a flower in front of them, and the illusion created by the spiritual umbrella suddenly dissipated in front of them, and the real scene below also appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that at this moment, everyone is slightly stunned.

I saw you just burned out of the ground, and it was full of dense plant branches. At a glance, all one-meter-wide tree trunks lay all around.

Here, the medicine spirit is no longer visible, and everyone's sights are obscured by the tree trunks growing at various angles.

The trunk looked similar to an ordinary tree, but Li Zhe was keenly aware that there were a lot of tiny spikes on the trunk.

If the spike suddenly stretched out, I am afraid it could cause a lot of damage!

When Li Zhe was hiding above the clouds and observing, he realized that the medicine spirit already had a strength comparable to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and could not be easily subdued.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

At this moment, everyone hadn't had time for how they wanted to act.

Among the countless trees in front, there was a sneer suddenly sounded, and then countless spiky rattans interspersed through the gaps in those trees.

Chanjuan's eyebrows condensed slightly, and his palm gently pushed forward, and a wall of fire was formed instantly, blocking everyone in front.

All the rattans that came from the lasing shot almost shrank back at the moment they touched the rattan!

Upon seeing this, the crowd took a deep breath and looked up at Li Zhe.

In this short period of time, they were all used to listening to Li Zhe's orders.

Only at this moment, Li Zhe raised his eyes and glanced at Chanjuan.

Li Zhe knew very well in his heart that if he and others joined forces, Chan Juan would not hesitate to give up to himself even if it was the medicine spirit obtained by the Chi Lian Sect.

It's just this, but it will make Chanjuan difficult to deal with after returning to the clan.

After all, a dignified sage of saints actually handed these spiritual things into the hands of outsiders, and it couldn't justify anything.

Even if the real Hong Xian is guarding her, she will inevitably be punished by the rules.

Therefore, after Li Zhe took a deep breath, he whispered to Chanjuan, "I'll wait for each to act, and compete for this medicine by my ability."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Chanjuan's brows trembled slightly.

Chanjuan was not a dumb person. At the beginning, she was just a maidservant on Yanxia Island. She was able to sit in the leading position of that maidservant, which proved that Chanjuan was witty.

It was only an instant that Chan Juan knew that Li Zhe's proposal was not a drag on the other party, but for his own consideration.

Chanjuan was stunned, then smiled and nodded, and said to Li Zhe, "The son must work hard."

Hearing Chanjuan's reply, Li Zhe laughed and nodded, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, together with Li Zhe's breath, disappeared in an instant.

"What a strong concealment technique..."

For a while, everyone sighed without any notice.

Immediately, they all turned their eyes to Chan Juan's body.

Since Li Zhe is no longer there, then naturally he will follow Chan Juan's instructions.

Chanjuan took a deep breath and waved her palm lightly, her whole body's spiritual power instantly diffused, and in a flash, she covered hundreds of meters around her.

After that, Chan Juan slowly closed her eyes, and the fire mark on the center of her brows instantly rotated.


In an instant, all the radiated spiritual power detonated instantly and turned into a sky full of spiritual fire, completely covering the surrounding branches.

Even the elders of the Red Training School could not bear the high temperature brought by the spiritual fire!

The flame only lasted for a moment, and then, all the branches around everyone had burnt out, leaving a huge space.

"Pushing forward slowly, this Yao Ling's attack is too weird, I don't have to wait too impatiently."

After seeing that her practice was effective, Chan Juan also took a slight breath and murmured.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and immediately followed Chan Juan to the front, and soon reached the edge of the burning.

Immediately, Chanjuan was ready to repeat the old trick, and just burned it little by little.

However, at this moment, a thick wood-attribute spiritual power instantly floated out of the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, the sky full of rattans as thick as arms flew in from all directions!

Only this time, Chanjuan's spiritual fire could only slow down the speed of the cane, but it couldn't burn it out!

In an instant, everyone showed their abilities, and they couldn't care about pushing forward again, they could only reluctantly defend.

On the other side, Li Zhe had already passed through countless branches and trunks at this moment, and reached the position where the medicine spirit was just now.

With the purple spirit jade clothing and the forbidden spirit clear aura and shielding aura, Li Zhe didn't suffer any attack all the way, and his actions went extremely smoothly.

However, after arriving here, Li Zhe frowned slightly.

In front of him, the wood spirit grass is still in place, but this wood spirit grass is obviously not the medicine spirit anymore, but a very ordinary wood spirit grass!


Li Zhe condensed his eyebrows and murmured.

It's just that when he turned his head, feeling the constant burst of spiritual force from where Chan Juan and others were located, he shook his head decisively.

The medicine spirit didn't run away, otherwise, these tree trunks here should be dead, and it is impossible for Chan Juan and others to explode so much spiritual resistance.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and directly took out his own Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

After that, he squeezed the long sword in his hand and thrust it into the ground.

When the tip of the sword sank into the ground, Li Zhe also stopped instantly, and then the spiritual power in his body surged toward the sword body!

In an instant, an endless killing intent radiated from the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in an instant, and then, it seemed like endless killing and killing Qi continued to float out of the sword.

Then as the tip of the sword sank into the soil, it spread rapidly underground!

Killing Dao Qi, this is the Qi of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and it is not just monks that can be affected by it. Anything with spirituality will be affected by Dao Qi and become full of the desire to kill!

At the same time, as the murderous aura gushed out, the dense trees around him gathered at this moment, and then gradually expanded, pressing towards Li Zhe!

Li Zhe's expression did not change, and he instantly expanded his killing sword domain, directly covering his surroundings.

Ding Ding Ding...

The slashing sword qi slashed on the rushing branches, and it was not easy to cut it off. Instead, it made the sound of intersecting gold and iron.

It can be seen that the hardness of that branch is definitely supported by a source of spiritual power!

However, although Li Zhe's Killing and Cutting Sword Domain could not cut these branches, the power of that domain combined with the endless sword aura also succeeded in preventing that branch from moving closer to Li Zhe.

After all, the medicine spirit is a spiritual grass, not a monk, even if it has the spiritual power accumulation at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Its strength is at most about the late stage of the ordinary Nascent Soul Stage, but it is just a weird method.

But for Li Zhe, this is of course insignificant.

Time slowly passed. After about a cup of tea, the killing Qi released by Li Zhe finally completely covered the surrounding soil.

In an instant, all the branches began to tremble slightly.

Immediately after that, all the branches began to grow wildly at this moment, and they twitched wildly around!

The pressure on Chanjuan in the distance increased sharply!

Even if they were all fire monks in the Nascent Soul Realm, it seemed extremely difficult to support at this moment!

Those branches do not have any characteristics but are very strong and powerful. However, this is actually difficult for the Fire Element to resist.

This, for Li Zhe, was just able to resist. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (see Chapter 2127 again) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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