Chopper watched Lu Fei keep stuffing something into his mouth, and he picked it up and ate it himself. This time, he felt that the taste of the food had changed, and it became much more delicious. Sure enough, eating also depends on the environment.

Martin watched Chopper and Luffy play together from a distance, and left with confidence. With Luffy, Chopper should not encounter any danger, and Chopper is not easy to mess with.

While Martin was busy organizing the Adventure King Contest, a person secretly left the Chambord Islands and came to Marie Gioia to meet the Five Old Stars.

"Master Wu Laoxing, this is the blood sample of Martin you want."

"Very good, Spandam will not forget our trust in you." Wu Laoxing shook the test tube, the blood inside was dark in color and felt dry.

"When did you get the blood, how did you become like this, you won't just use anything to fool us!"

"Master Wulaoxing, this is really Martin's blood, but it's been ten years since I got the blood. For the past few years, I've been trying to send the blood to you quickly, but I've been trapped in Gaya Island, couldn’t leave there, didn’t have time to come here until this time,” Spandam explained hastily.

"It's been ten years, and you actually came to us with blood from ten years ago. What's the use of this blood." Wu Laoxing was very angry.

"My lord, my lord Wu Laoxing, I can't help it. Martin was seriously injured that time. He was not injured at other times. The blood in your hand is the only time he leaked blood."

Wu Laoxing heard Spandam like this, so he couldn't blame him anymore, so he could only leave with blood, not knowing what to do.

Spandam watched Wulaoxing leave and didn't know what to do, so he could only follow him to pay homage to his father Spandain, who had been killed for many years.

Not long after, Spandam received an order again, ordering him to go to the power room to meet Wulaoxing again.

"Spandam, do you know how to get him to Mary Gioia?"

Spandam was very curious about what the five old stars said, and wanted to know why Martin came to Marie Joa, but he didn't dare to ask. He knew that there were some things he could know, and some things he couldn't know.

"Master Wu Laoxing may have some difficulties. No one can influence Martin's thoughts. Letting him come to Marie Gioia can only be done voluntarily, otherwise there is no way to do it."

"We naturally know about Spandam. For example, who is important to Martin, or what is important to him, as long as he can come to Marie Gioia, any method is fine."

"It's Lord Wulaoxing, I'll think about it now, I'll think about it carefully." Spandam was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Under the powerful aura of the Five Old Stars, Spandam's entire defense was surrounded by clouds and mist, and he didn't know what to say.

Sweat kept flowing from the pores of his body, soaking all the clothes on his body.

He knew that if he didn't have a good answer, then he would really be doomed, Wu Laoxing would no longer think highly of himself, and Martin would try every means to kill himself.

"I thought about it, I thought about Mr. Wu Laoxing, there is something important about Martin." Spandam suddenly shouted.

Spandam's cry made Wu Laoxing excited for a while. They were disappointed when they saw Spandam's performance just now, and thought they had to find another way, but they didn't expect that Spandam really thought of it.

This guy has been collecting information about Martin, so he should be able to grasp something.

After all, Martin and the other party have a feud against their father, so there should be no reservations.


"What are you waiting for!"

Several five old stars asked again and again.

Wulaoxing asked eagerly, making Spandam tremble with fright, and looked at Wulaoxing in fear.

"It's Chopper, the most important thing about Martin is Chopper."


Five old stars, look at me, I look at you, you haven't seen this in Martin's information, and you don't know what Spandam is doing.

"What is Chopper, it's not fast."

"Master Wulaoxing, Chopper is an animal that eats the fruit of human beings. He is Martin's most important brother. I heard that this animal lived with Martin since he was a child. Martin regards this animal more than his own fate. It's all important," Spandham said quickly.

"Animals, an animal is the most important thing to Martin, Spandam you're kidding!"

A five old star sneered and pulled out the sword in his hand. In his mind, even if Spandam is a woman, he is better than an animal, which is more acceptable to people.

You know, Martin has many women and many wives, and they want to attack Martin's women.

Spandam looked at the sword in Wulaoxing's hand, the cold blade made him shudder: "Master Wulaoxing, it's true, I'm not lying, Chopper is really what Martin values ​​most thing."

Wu Laoxing, who was holding a sword, looked at the others and made eye contact with them, trying to determine whether Spandam was lying or not, and whether he was trying to perfuse them.

"Very well, since your Chopper is Martin's most important thing, then this arduous task is entrusted to you, and you are responsible for bringing that animal here." A five-old star ordered to Spandam .

"Master Wu Laoxing, although Chopper is an animal, I can't kidnap it. It's very powerful." Spandam said awkwardly.

"This is your business. We don't care what method you use. I hope you will not disappoint our trust in you. We will consider the candidate for the chief of CP0." Wu Laoxing said lightly.

"It's Lord Wulaoxing. I'll find a way to bring that animal to you as soon as possible." Spandam happily promised.

"What to do, what to do, how can I get Chopper to Mary Gioia."

Coming out of Wu Lao Xing, Spandam kept nagging, for him with only 9 powers, no matter what he could do, it would be very difficult.


After thinking about it, Spandam came to the registration point. At this time, he just happened to be hungry and kept barking. He knew all about the free food here, so he just found a seat and sat down to eat.

He suddenly saw that Chopper and Luffy were competing to see who could eat more and eat faster.

"Yes, how did I forget about this, this Chopper is famous for being gluttonous." Spandam jumped up excitedly, and then hurried back to Marie Gioia.

It didn't take long for Chopper and Luffy, who were constantly challenging the limits of foodies, to smell a special aroma. The two of them were unnaturally attracted, and there was an extra food stall outside the venue.

"Mushrooms, mushrooms are delicious mushrooms." The two hawkers kept shouting, and many people surrounded the hawkers asking questions, but their mushrooms cost money, and the food in the stadium was free. Quickly left their booth.

"Boss, bring me a big pot of mushrooms." Luffy gestured.

"Okay, here it is for you." The vendor quickly made two plates of mushrooms, one for Luffy and one for Chopper.

Luffy and Chopper ate straight away, Luffy fell asleep soon and Chopper became listless and lost all energy.

"Hahaha, this waste material mushroom is really useful, no matter how strong you are, if you eat it, you will become waste material." Spandam walked out with a smile.

"Master Wulaoxing, it's Chopper!"

After Spandam caught Chopper, he ran to Wulaoxing non-stop to claim credit.

"Is this your animal? It is, and it is wonderful, Spandam, you did well, and we will remember your credit."

A five old star took Chopper excitedly, and kept stroking Chopper's hair with his hands.

"Thank you, Lord Wu Laoxing, the subordinate will leave first."

"Spandam, get back! When we arrange everything, someone will notify you."

"Thank you, Lord Wu Laoxing," Spandam walked out happily, dreaming about the day when he became the chief of CP0 in his heart.

"Now that the hostages are here, if Spandam didn't lie to us, Martin should come to Mary Gioia. There is only one chance and we must seize it."

"It's not just Martin, but his forces shouldn't need to exist anymore."

"When Martin comes to Marie Gioia, let the navy begin to act! Catch those people from the Chambord Islands as well. The adventure king is really deceiving himself."


"Well, where did Chopper go!"

After Martin was busy with the competition, he came back to look for Chopper, and found that not only Chopper was gone, but even Luffy didn't know where he was.

"Come on!"

"What orders does God King have?"

"Send someone to look for it and see where Chopper went!"

"It's Lord God King!"

Time passed by, and the people sent by Martin never replied, which made him nervous, and a bad feeling filled his heart.

"Lord God King, the subordinates sent people to search the entire Chambord Islands, but they did not find Master Chopper's whereabouts, and no one saw Master Chopper leaving."

"Why not? It's impossible. If you search carefully, you must find Chopper's whereabouts."

"It's Lord God King!"

When Martin sent someone to look for Chopper, Luffy also came over. He turned his head and looked around, and found that Chopper was gone, and the mushroom selling stalls also disappeared.


"I'm so hungry, I remember I ate a lot, why am I hungry again," Luffy said to himself, then slowly walked back to the arena, and began to eat.

a stall

two stalls

three stalls


"It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, why does this taste so much like George's cooking, it's so delicious." Luffy lowered his head and ate desperately. He didn't see the inside of the booth, and he looked at it with a shovel and gritted his teeth. he.


Nami raised the shovel in her hand high, and then slammed it down on Luffy's head. This nasty captain, himself and Sanji worked so hard to make more than half of the delicious food.

"It hurts! Who is it! Who dares to hit me?" Lu Fei raised his head violently, "Nami, why are you here? Aren't you and Sanji busy with a cooking competition?"

"Luffy..." Nami roared loudly, "Look where this is."

Nami shouted and pointed to her booth.

Luffy tilted his head, looked here and there, then knocked his hands together, and said loudly: "Isn't this Sanji's booth? Why am I here? No wonder why I feel that this place is different from Sanji's." It’s as delicious as it is cooked.”

"Get out! Luffy, get away from me!" Nami cursed angrily, and kept waving the shovel in her hand, trying to slap Luffy to death with the shovel.

"Nami, I'm going to play," Luffy jumped up and down to escape, going to find Chopper at Martin's place.


As soon as Luffy stretched his hand, he grabbed a tree and flew towards the field to report the points. Soon he saw Martin standing on the stage wearing a straw hat.

"good chance!"

Luffy noticed that Martin had his hands folded over his chest, and he seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, so he felt that this was a good chance for him to get the straw hat back.


Luffy's arm stretched out in an instant, and he grabbed the straw hat directly. Seeing that he was about to grab the straw hat, Martin raised his hand and directly grabbed Luffy's hand.


Martin snorted coldly. He seemed to be resting with his eyes closed just now, but he was actually perceiving the entire Chambord Islands with his knowledge and arrogance. He was very clear about Chopper's breath. He believed that as long as Chopper was still in the Chambord Islands, he would be able to sense it. , Luffy's shot to attack himself is very clear in his knowledge and domineering aura.

Martin pulled hard, and Luffy was pulled back by him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Martin raised his fist and punched him a few times, directly pressing Luffy on the ground and beating him non-stop, making Luffy bewildered.

Who is Luffy, a king of children who refuses to suffer, and has a hatred for Martin in the first place.

"Giant Fist!"

Luffy bit his fist with his mouth, blew up his hand like a balloon, and then slammed at Martin fiercely.


Martin responded with an understatement, punched Luffy's giant fist with a punch, and punched into Luffy's giant fist with arrogance, directly breaking the devil fruit ability.

Luffy's fist quickly returned to a normal hand under the action of Martin's strength to beat the bull across the mountain, and then retracted.

"What's going on!"

Luffy looked at his hand in disbelief, why did the devil fruit ability suddenly disappear just now.

"I don't have time to play with you. I have important things to do now. If you dare to disturb me again, I will kill you." Martin said fiercely to Luffy.


Luffy responded, and then turned around to leave. Suddenly, Luffy remembered another important thing, that is, he came to play with Chopper.

"Can you hand over your animal, I want to play with it, and eat meat with it is very happy."

"Chopper is missing," Martin said, frowning.

"Oh, Chopper is missing! I went out to eat a big pot of mushrooms with it just now, and finally I fell asleep and woke up and it disappeared. I thought it came back..." Luffy's face changed drastically.

"Missing! You are Chopper who is missing. What can we do? Why is Chopper missing? Go find it, go find it." Luffy yelled and wanted to find it.

"You don't need to look for it. I searched the entire Chambord Islands, but I couldn't find Chopper." Martin sighed.

Luffy stopped with difficulty, then turned around and walked to Martin's side to comfort him: "Don't worry! Chopper, my friend, I will help you find it together."


Martin was stunned, why did he feel that Luffy exuded a special temperament at this moment, could this be the unique temperament of the son of the world.

"Luffy! Luffy! I heard that Chopper is missing, I have a way to find it." Chopper ran over from a distance and shouted.

"Chopper, what can you do?" Martin shouted happily.

"Hahaha Chopper, he is Chopper's partner, how do you find Chopper?" Luffy said quickly seeing Chopper was startled.

"I can smell Chopper, and I can find it by following the smell," Chopper touched his nose and said.

"Great, how did I forget about this, I can find it through smell." Martin said excitedly.

Chopper began to smell Luffy non-stop, and soon it locked on Chopper's scent, and then began to search for it.

"Right here, where the last scent of Chopper has disappeared."

Chopper suddenly said, the current position is beyond the position of the arena.

"Mmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!"

Luffy looked left and right, kept looking around, and suddenly he saw a car, which was a car pushing mushrooms, and it was here that he woke up just now.

"What's wrong with Luffy, did you find anything?" Martin asked immediately when he saw Luffy's behavior.

"I... I remember this place, I ate mushrooms and fell asleep here, and that car is the one that bought mushrooms." Luffy yelled.

Martin ran over quickly and began to check the car, but it was just a simple wooden car, leaving no clues, and the surroundings were even more extensive. He didn't know where Chopper would be taken.

"Bang bang bang!"

Martin leaned against a tree and kept beating on the trunk with his fist. He thought that with Chopper's nose, he would be able to find Chopper, but he didn't expect the problem to return to the original point.

"Chopper, ask if there is anyone who is particularly serious. Maybe those people are the ones who kidnapped Chopper." Martin said immediately after a flash of inspiration.

Chopper lowered his head and kept smelling. After coming over for a while, he raised his head and said, "I can't smell it. There are too many people passing by here. I can't tell which one is the one who kidnapped Chopper."

Martin was disappointed again when he heard this. Although this place is far away from the Adventure King Competition, it is not far away. There are too many people coming and going, how could Chopper ask.

"What to do, what to do?" Martin kept struggling in his mind, his brain running at full speed, trying to think of a good way to find Chopper immediately.

"Forget it, let's go back! The people who kidnapped Chopper were very thoughtful and didn't leave any clues. I think they will take the initiative to contact me, and I will try to save Chopper by then." Martin said helplessly.


Luffy was also dejected after listening to Martin's words. Chopper is his food friend. It is a very happy thing to share and snatch food with Chopper.

"Meatballs, delicious meatballs, come and taste them, delicious octopus balls."

As soon as Martin and Luffy entered the arena, delicious shouts came. Luffy heard the octopus balls, and his saliva kept drooling.

The unhappiness of Chopper's disappearance just now was thrown out of the sky by him. For Luffy, there is nothing that can't be solved by meat. If there is, then another piece.


Watching Lu Fei rush towards the food stall, Martin looked at the octopus balls thoughtfully. He seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Meatballs, meatballs, Chopper's meatballs." A defensive light in Martin's head lit up, and he finally thought of something special about seeing meatballs. He remembered that Chopper had a medicine that looked similar to octopus balls. That is Rumble Ball, a drug that can activate the power of devil fruit.

"Chopper! Do you have a ramball on you?" Martin asked impatiently.

"Yes, I have a ramball." Chopper said shyly, and untied his bag from his body, and took out a ramball from the bag.

"You, how do you know that I have the Rumble Ball, but I have never used it." After taking out the Rumble Ball, Chopper realized that he had never used this medicine in front of others.

"You don't need to worry about this, can you tell me, can you strengthen your nose and make your sense of smell stronger so that you can smell Chopper after eating Rumble Ball?" Martin asked impatiently.

"It should work! I haven't tried it!" Chopper thought for a while.

"Let's go and try!" Martin grabbed Chopper and moved him to the place where the smell disappeared just now.

"Chopper, what are you doing, these octopus balls are delicious!"

When Luffy saw Martin and Chopper running, he immediately yelled. Seeing that they ignored him, he followed up with octopus balls, hopping on his feet, and kept eating.

"Okay, Chopper, give it a try." Martin said when he came to the place where Chopper's smell disappeared.

"Okay then! I'll try." Chopper took out the rambo ball, threw it into his mouth, and started to bite.


After biting for a while, Chopper swallowed the rambo ball, and there was a reaction as soon as the rambo ball entered his stomach. Chopper looked nervous, as if he was adjusting the properties of the medicine.

"Nose enhancement!"

Chopper yelled, and then Chopper's nose instantly became bigger, several times bigger than before.

After the nose got bigger, Chopper smelled it, and a smile appeared on his face after a while.

Seeing Chopper's smile, Martin thought it had smelled Chopper's question, and he was excited.

"It's so fragrant, so fragrant, why is it so fragrant?" Chopper smiled and drooled.

"Chopper, what are you doing?" Luffy came over, eating octopus balls.

Only then did Martin know how Chopper seemed to smell the smell of octopus balls.


Martin's hand moved like lightning, snatched the octopus balls from Luffy's hand, stuffed them into Luffy's mouth in one breath, then pulled Luffy's mouth, and poured the octopus balls into Luffy's mouth in stomach.

After the aroma of the octopus balls disappeared, Chopper finally smelled the smell again. Although the smell was weak, it still smelled it. Although Chopper was locked in something, there was still an air outlet, and there was a faint smell of Chopper in the air. .

"Here, I can smell Chopper's scent. Go fast and the smell is very weak. I don't know if it will disappear?" Chopper said, running quickly, and rushed in one direction following the smell.

Martin and Luffy also quickly followed, quickly following behind Chopper.

Martin felt more and more that something was wrong. This road he knew was the only road to Marie Gioia. The last time he walked behind Sakalski. "Could it be that people from the world government kidnapped Chopper, but what did they kidnap Chopper for?"

"Who are you, this is the holy land of Mary Joa, and no one is allowed to enter!"

Soon Martin and the others came to a pass and were stopped by the people guarding the pass.

"Go away, I'm going to rescue Chopper, none of you are allowed to stop me." Luffy started fighting without saying a word, he already believed that the people inside had kidnapped Chopper.

"Bang bang bang!"

There are only some characters guarding the gate. The world government and the Tianlong people did not expect that someone would attack Marie Gioia head-on. These people were easily blown away by Luffy.

Chopper saw that Luffy hit the person blocking the way, so he rushed forward again, ran amok at Marie Gioia, and soon came to a huge castle, which is the center of world power and the location of the Five Old Stars.

"Who are you, stop quickly, don't you know that you will hit Lord Wulaoxing?"

"Wuluoxing, Wulaoxing actually kidnapped Chopper." Hearing what the guard said, Martin instantly understood, "It turns out that Wulaoxing was the one who messed it up with you."

"What's going on, who is calling us!"

The five elders in the power room looked at each other, wondering how many people in this world would dare to call themselves that.

"Go out and have a look. I haven't gone out for a long time. I'm afraid someone has forgotten us."

Martin's cry couldn't help but aroused the attention of the five old stars, and many people rushed towards this side, wanting to see who was so bold.

Hearing this roar, Spandam began to tremble. He didn't expect that things would be exposed so quickly. It took only so little time for Martin to find this place. He knew that Wu Laoxing had kidnapped Chopper.

At the same time, he also felt fortunate that he didn't keep Chopper, but gave it directly to Wu Laoxing. If Chopper was still in his hands, then he was really finished. Now he began to pray that Wulaoxing could take care of Martin. He believed that if Martin didn't die, he would know that he had kidnapped Chopper someday.

"Bold, you can call the five old stars whatever you want, someone come and take it for me!" A guard shouted to greet everyone.

Called by the guards, a large group of people rushed out towards Martin and the others, trying to take Martin and the others down as soon as possible.

"Rubber machine gun!"

Luffy pulled his hand behind him, let him shoot forward quickly, and the dense fist shadow was like a high-speed designed machine gun.

"Bang bang bang!"

The guard who had just rushed out of the door was beaten back, flying upside down and falling everywhere, and the door was emptied.

Martin stepped over the guards lying on the ground and walked into the castle. He had just walked into the yard and came to the gate when the gate of the castle was suddenly opened, and five old men walked in slowly from inside.

As soon as the five old stars walked out of the door, they went to guard a place. Although these guards were just decorations, they also represented their meeting. To dare to hit these guards was slapping them in the face.


Wu Laoxing looked into the distance angrily, wanting to know who hit the guards.




The five old men said in unison, that the person they had been thinking about and doing everything they could to call appeared, and they were both excited and worried. The excited part was that their plan had succeeded, but the worried part was that they were not ready yet.

The five old stars looked at each other and made a decision. The opportunity is rare. Since Martin appeared in front of him, let's take it. This man is the best gift they gave to Lord Im.

The tacit understanding of several people shot at almost the same time, rushed towards Martin, surrounded Martin one by one, as if they were afraid that Martin would escape.

"Since you're here, Martin, obediently come with us to see Lord Im!" a five-star star said.

"Im, why do I want to see her, what is she, she actually asked me to see her. What about Chopper! Where did you hide Chopper, give it to me quickly, or I will tear down this shitty place .” Martin sneered.

When Wu Laoxing heard that Martin belittled Im so much, he surprisingly didn't question him, as if Martin was not wrong.

As for why, it starts with Spandam giving Martin's blood to the five old stars.

After getting Martin's blood, Wu Laoxing couldn't wait to go to Im's place.

"Master Im, Martin's blood has been obtained!"

"Really? Great, bring it to me!"

A five old star hurried forward and gave Im the test tube containing Martin's blood.

Im took the test tube, no matter how long the blood was, and no matter where the blood came from, he poured it directly into his mouth, and then his eyes started to light up.

"It's great, it's great, I never thought that the same blood as the master still exists in this world. I can finally be free, and I don't have to be trapped in this place anymore."

"Congratulations, Mr. Im." The five old stars congratulated at the same time, obviously they knew something.

"Quick, bring the master to me!"

"Master Im, why do you call him master, then we will become his subordinates." Wu Laoxing asked puzzledly.

"This is the master's setting, I can't change it, but as long as he lets me go free, I can do whatever I want in the future, hahaha," Im laughed wildly.

"It's Master Im, let's go and bring Martin here."

After Wu Laoxing left, Im faced Kong and said to himself: "After hundreds of years, I can finally stop drinking the blood of Tianlong people. At the beginning, the master set that only their blood and the blood of the twenty kings can be used. It can activate me. After I united with the twenty kings to rebel against the master, I have kept the descendants of the twenty kings in captivity. In order to prevent the blood from being impure, I even let their close relatives marry. Now I can finally be freed."


"Since you don't want to see Mr. Yim, then we can only do it. Unexpectedly, we still have a chance to do it." A five old star said.

"This is the five old star legal martial god - Topman Woqiu Lisheng. You are lucky to be defeated by my hands. I haven't done it for hundreds of years."

"It's a lot of talking, hurry up if you want to do it, I still want to find my Chopper," Martin said without a good face.


The Wulaoxing named Legal Martial God-Topman Woqiu Lisheng yelled, and then his whole body began to swell, his suit was instantly torn, and a giant with a pig's head appeared in front of Martin.

Martin didn't expect that this person, as the five old stars, is also a devil fruit ability user, and he is also an animal devil fruit ability user.


Martin sensed with his domineering aura, and sensed a large amount of demonic power from this five-old star named Legal Martial God-Topman Woqiu Lisheng, much more than the Galo captured here last time.

Martin then sensed several other five old stars, and they also sensed a lot of demonic power in their bodies. Could it be that what Jia Luo said was true? Only those with animal-type devil fruit abilities can awaken the power of demons. The same is true of stars.

Without allowing Martin to think too much, the five old stars named Topman Woqiu Lisheng, the Martial God of Justice, have already made a move.

The Wulaoxing Martial God of Justice - Topman Woqiulisheng was very angry when he saw that Martin was ignoring him. As a Wulaoxing, he hadn't experienced this feeling for many years.

"go to hell!"

In this five old star legal martial arts god-Topman Woqiu Lisheng forgot Im's entrustment, he wanted to kill Martin, and killed this kid who ignored him.

"The Seal of the Pig!"

Five old star legal martial arts-Topman Woqiu Lisheng, raised his pig's trotters like two seals, and knocked on Martin. The cuticle of the pig's trotters is not only a little hard, but the pointy toes are even more It has a strong penetrating power, not to mention that he also used the power of demons.

"Luffy, it's Wulaoxing, they are Wulaoxing, let's run first!" Chopper looked at Martin and Wulaoxing in fear, the name Wulaoxing was too scary for it.

Although Luffy was two, he also realized that something was wrong at this time. Martin was surrounded by the five old stars, and he didn't think he could beat the five old stars, so he decided to go back and call someone.

"What do you guys want to do? The registration for the Adventure King Contest has ended. Those who want to participate can only wait for the next time."

Seeing Nami and others rushing towards the registration point, a staff member hurriedly stopped them.

"We didn't come here to sign up. Martin, do you know that he is your god king. He was surrounded by five old stars in Marie Gioia." Nami finished quickly.

"It's impossible. Our Temple of Good and Evil and the world government have always been in harmony with each other. How could the five old stars surround Lord God King. Lord God King has been organizing competitions and has never left here," the staff quickly denied. I think these people are making trouble.

"Mine is real, don't stop me, I'm going to find someone to rescue Martin." Nami was about to rush in, Martin was related to her prize, and if he couldn't delay it, no one would give out the prize. Mostly Berry.

"What are you doing, do you think our Temple of Good and Evil is a vegetable market?"

Just when Nami was in conflict with the staff, there was a roar, and then a large group of people came from a distance.

Ai Nilu was leading people to inspect the competition venue, and it was the last moment that he could not be sloppy. This was related to the meeting at the Temple of Good and Evil, and he hurried over when he saw something happened suddenly.

"Master Plague God, they insist that the King of God be besieged by the five old stars and break in. I am stopping them." The staff quickly explained.

Anilu was asking, when suddenly there was another strange cry.

"You! You! You are Reiju, right!"

Sanji suddenly called out to Reiju, even though they had been separated for many years, Sanji recognized her at a glance.

"What's the matter with Sanji, who is she, why are you so excited?" Nami asked quickly, she found that Reiju was very beautiful, but Sanji, who was a pervert, didn't do what he did in the past.

"Sanji, you've grown up and become a handsome guy." Reiju also saw Sanji at this time, stepped forward quickly, and hugged him.

Enilo and the others looked at Reiju in surprise. Although Reiju was wearing revealing clothes, she was very indifferent to people. Today's behavior is too abnormal.


Just when everyone was in a daze, there was a burst of crying, and Luffy was blindfolded, and tears flowed out of his eyes like money.

"Luffy, what are you doing?" Nami was baffled by Luffy's actions.

"Sabo, you are Sabo, right?"

Luffy yelled at Sabo in the crowd, the same outfit, the same eyes, the same weapon, he would never admit it wrong.

"Who are you!"

Sabo has no impression of Luffy at all, but he can be sure that Luffy definitely knows himself, and that expression cannot be faked.

Sabo thought for a while, but he really couldn't remember who Luffy was, and he really wanted to know what kind of person he was before he lost his memory, so he asked, "Are you..."

"Luffy, I'm Luffy, don't you remember? We were sworn brothers when we were in Windmill Village. Ace was the eldest brother, you were the second brother, and I was the younger brother. We even competed together. Have you forgotten too much?" ?” Luffy said with tears in his eyes.

"Ace, Luffy, Ace, Luffy..." Sabo repeated in his mouth, the more he felt that these two names were familiar and important to him?

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Sabo suddenly yelled and fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands, as if in extreme pain, and finally passed out.

"Sabo, what's wrong with Sabo, I found you again, you can't die anymore." Luffy rushed up and hugged Sabo.

"Chopper! Chopper, take a look, what's wrong with Sabo, he passed out so well."

Hearing Luffy's call, Chopper rushed up, took out the receiver from his bag, and checked it carefully.

"Lu Fei, this person is fine, he was just stimulated, and he should wake up soon."

"Great, great," Luffy exclaimed Gao Xin when he heard that Sabo was fine.

"Civet cat, your medical skills are good, who did you learn from?" Someone asked, standing up straight, and asked Qiaoba.

"I'm not a civet cat, I'm a reindeer. I learned my medical skills from Dr. Kureha." Chopper quickly hid behind Luffy, then poked his head out to face the crowd.


A ship doctor suddenly thought of a famous doctor on Magnetic Drum Island. Her medical skills were among the best in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

"Are you from Drum Island?"

"You also know Drum Island?"

As soon as he arrived in his hometown, Chopper was no longer afraid. He walked out from behind Luffy and asked him in surprise.

"Of course, I came from Magnetic Drum Island, how could I not know Magnetic Drum Island?" The ship doctor said happily, now he can be sure that the civet cat with outstanding medical skills in front of him is actually from his hometown.

While Chopper was chatting and getting to know each other, Sabo woke up rubbing his head.

"Wow! Your medical skills are amazing. I checked him just now, and it took him a long time to wake up. You treated him casually, and he woke up so quickly," Chopper praised the ship doctor when he saw Sabo wake up so quickly.

"Haha, haha, so-so, so-so, the doctors from Magnetic Drum Island are very skilled in medicine." The ship doctor also said narcissistically.

"By the way, Luffy, I saw Luffy, Luffy! Where are you, Luffy?" Sabo shouted with his eyes wide open, and looked around from time to time after shouting, as if looking for Luffy.

"Sabo! Sabo, I'm here, haha, great, it's great that you finally remembered me!" Luffy rushed forward and hugged Sabo.

"I really know each other. This group of people is not simple. They have a good relationship with our Temple of Good and Evil." Anilu touched his chin and said.

"Wait, he was surrounded by the five old stars just now." Enilo remembered what Nami said just now.

"I'm asking you, did you just now, our captain, Martin, was surrounded by five old stars, is that right?"

Enilu stared at Nami and asked with a serious expression.

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