After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 121: Class reunions, all for her (End of second update)

  Chapter 121 Classmates reunion, all for her (End of second update)

  Jiang Fuyue: "He is fine."

   Say, stop staying, and leave.

  Liu Jinzhong watched her walk away from her back, retracted her gaze, and looked down at the document in her hand.

  Slightly thinly callused fingers stroked the text annotations left on it, and muttered blankly: "But your handwriting is exactly the same..."

  Jiang Fuyue took a shower in the room prepared by Liu Jinzhong, and only woke up after sleeping three rods in the sun.

  Just after washing up, I received a call from Liu Bowen.

   "Sister Yue, I heard that you participated in the information competition and got the first full score again. It's a great deal!"


   "That's it?! Are you upset? Not excited? Not excited?"

  Jiang Fuyue's response was mediocre: "I got results a week ago. If you want to be excited, you have been excited. You need to wait until now?"

  Liu Bowen: "..." Yazi who put it right and made sense.

   "What's the matter straightforward."

   Liu Bowen on the other hand held the phone and smiled: "I heard that you are back from the imperial capital, and you are going to participate in the summer camp again. It seems that we have never got together in the sports competition class. It is better to hit the sun before choosing a day, or just today?"


On the    end, Liu Bowen said silently, "Yes" with a clenched fist: "At two o'clock in the afternoon, we will gather at the school gate, are you okay?"


  Fixed the main character, Liu Bowen quickly summoned others in the small group.

  【Liu Bowen】: Extraordinary news! Extraordinary news! I have an appointment with the Great God, at two o'clock this afternoon, is there any one together? [proud]

  [Hou Siyuan]: The great **** you are talking about is Sister Yue?

  【Liu Bowen】: Otherwise, who else is worthy of these two words? [Wiping sweat]

  [Hou Siyuan]: Me, Me, Me! I'm going! [Raise hand] [scream]

  【Hang Haoran】: +1

  【Liu Fei】: +2


  [Zhang Chengkai]: It’s still literary and reliable, but I can't help you, 666

  [Liu Bowen]: Of course, don’t look at who I am [cute]

  [Hou Siyuan]: Don’t you know [shit]?

  【Liu Bowen】: You play triumphantly! All 13 people in our class will go, right?

  After five seconds of silence.

  【Hou Siyuan】: Except for Ling Xuan who has not yet spoken, everyone has signed up. @凌轩

   Waited for a few minutes, but there was no response.

  【Hou Siyuan】: Maybe he didn't read the news.

  【Liu Bowen】: Then 11 people first, I will book a private room.

  【Hou Siyuan】: [ojbk]

  [Hang Haoran]: That...cough! Quietly ask, can you bring family members?

  [Hou Siyuan]: Do you have a dog? !

  [Liu Fei]: I seem to smell the sour smell of love?

  【Zhang Chengkai】: If you want to talk about a cow, you are still a cow.

  [He Xin]: Is it our grade? Who is that?

  [Liu Fei]: Someone started to pretend to be dead @杭浩然@杭浩然

  The rest is almost all gossip and polite ridicule.

  The master is forced to be unable to do so, but he has no choice but to cheat the corpse——

  [Hang Haoran]: In our grade, I won’t know who we meet in the afternoon. What's the hurry?

  [Liu Fei]: No hurry, is it Bai Xue?

  【Zhang Chengkai】: How do I think it is Tang Ruoyan?

  【Hou Siyuan】: Tang Ruoyan+1

  [Hang Haoran]:......Brother Wu, grace! Can I bring family members? @刘博文

  Two minutes later.

  【Liu Bowen】: I just asked Sister Yue, she doesn't care. Bring it if you want.

  [Liu Fei]: Can I bring friends?

  【He Xin】: I take my brother.


  Ling’s Villa, the sun is just right at this time.

  Zhou Qin wore a sun hat, wrapped in sun protection clothing, and was fully armed to play with flowers and plants in the yard.

  Ling Qingzhou likes forget-me-not, so she planted a large area in the garden and took care of it by herself every day.

  The flower field is facing the master bedroom and floor-to-ceiling windows in the study. As long as Ling Qingzhou stands in front of the window and bows his head, he can see the flowers he likes.

"Ma'am, I brought the medium-sized scissors. But the gardener said that the commonly used one is broken. Only this one is left. It is a bit heavy and rusty. It is easy to grind your hands. Or let the gardener come. NS……"

   "No need, give it to me."

   "Then, I will get you a pair of gloves."

  Waiting for the servant to take the gloves back, Zhou Qin has already used the scissors proficiently to start trimming.

   "Madam, why are you..."

   "It's okay, I've gotten used to it a long time ago."

  The scorching sun is like fire, the fragrance of flowers is moving, Zhou Qin's concentrated face slips down with crystal beads of sweat, but there is always a calm smile on the corner of his mouth.

  At this time, a smooth and beautiful piano sound spread from the villa to the garden, echoing leisurely in the air.

   "A Xuan is practicing the piano? Didn't he ask the teacher to come to class?"

The   material competition summer camp is imminent. Ling Xuan has been in the material competition class recently and actively asked Ling Qingzhou to find a better competition teacher to help formulate a training plan.

  The piano lessons that were originally twice a week were also reduced to one by him.

   Maid: "I heard the young master calling in the living room just now, so the teacher will not use it today."

   Zhou Qin frowned.

  "What time was the light turned off in Axuan's room recently?"

   "It's almost half past twelve in the morning, and it's a little past a few times."

   "Making a fool! How can this work?"

  Zhou Qin put down the scissors, went into the villa, washed his hands, and hurried up to the second floor without even having time to tidy up his hair.

  Soon, the servant who was still in the garden heard the piano cut off.

   "...Mom, I know it in my heart."

   "Axuan, your grades are good enough, and with the conditions like ours, there is really no need to work too hard."

  Ling Xuan does not comment on this.

  He used to have this idea more or less. He was the first in grade and had a wealthy family. He was already at the top when others were still at the foot of the mountain.

   Ke Jiang Fuyue's appearance broke his self-righteous "superiority."

  It turned out that he was still far from the "top" position. There was a girl who stood taller than him and was still climbing upwards.

  What other qualifications does he have to be complacent?

   "...A Xuan, did you hear what mom was talking about?"

  Ling Xuan raised his eyes, "?"

   Zhou Qin helplessly: “Don’t stay up late at a young age. Your body is the most important thing. Without health, everything else is just empty talk.”

   "Okay, I see, I will go to bed before twelve o'clock in the future."

   "Well. Mom believes you will do what you say. Let's practice piano, I will go down first..."

   "Mom!" Ling Xuan said suddenly.

  Zhou Qin stopped turning back, his eyes gentle: "What's the matter?"

  "What do you think of me participating in an informatics competition?"


  Ling Xuan nodded.

  "But haven’t you already participated in physics and mathematics? The competition is not small. You would have been very distracted by participating in two subjects. If you add one more subject, you may be overwhelmed."

  The corner of Ling Xuan's mouth was pulled into a straight line.

  "Furthermore, you have never been in contact with informatics before, why did you suddenly think of participating in the competition?" Zhou Qin was puzzled.

  Ling Xuan: "Don’t those who are able should work harder?"

"Stupid son, have you ever heard of'specializing in art'? A person's energy is limited, and talent is only one-sided. The purpose of nurturing is to put limited energy into the field related to the strongest talent. So that you can get twice the result with half the effort."

  "Mom, do you think it is possible for a person to take part in three subject competitions while taking care of their studies, and get the first place every time?"

   and it's still full marks.

  Zhou Qin shook his head, thinking that his son was talking about the kind of person he wanted to be, and did not guess in terms of the reality prototype.

   "Stupid son, how is it possible? You just demand too much of yourself. One thing you must know is that no one in this world is omnipotent."

  Ling Xuan lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembled: "It's not..."


   "Someone can do it."

  That person is called--Jiang Fuyue!

  Not long ago, he won the first place with full marks in the NOI domestic trials.

  This is the fourth time to win the championship with perfect scores after the preliminary, semi-final, and monthly examinations.

  She does not have a professional tutoring team of teachers, nor does she have a night fight, and she even doubles her mind. She usually peeks at extracurricular books under the desk, but she has a higher score and a better ranking.

  Ling Xuan suddenly felt a kind of weakness from the bottom of his heart.

  It seems that no matter how hard he works, he can't get over this mountain named "Jiang Fuyue".

   Zhou Qin saw through his son’s anxiety, and pondered for a moment: "Axuan, do you know what the winners have in common?"


   Zhou Qin shook his head.


   "It's still wrong," Zhou Qin said, "It is self-knowledge. Knowing your own strengths and your weaknesses, so as to maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses."

  Ling Xuan frowned.

"Let me give an example. Your dad started his business as a daily necessities production and packaging. But your dad himself does not produce daily necessities. He doesn't even know how to seal a packaging box. When you stand at a certain height, many things are not true. You don’t need to do it yourself, as long as you master those who have this technology, you will also master this technology."

  "This is the charm and learning of rulers."

  Ling Xuan thoughtfully: "...people with technology may not want to be controlled."

   "That's because you don't have enough chips to attract the opponent."

"for example?"

   Zhou Qin: "You have, but the other party does not, or something that the other party is scarce."

  Ling Xuan seemed to understand something, but also didn't seem to understand anything.

   "Okay, mom just said that. Just listen to it. In short, don't put too much pressure on yourself. We don't lack anything."


   "By the way, passing by your room just now, I heard the phone ringing all the time."

"I gonna go see……"

five minutes later--

   "Mom! I have something to go out!"

   Zhou Qin heard the words, and the action of washing the fruit paused: "What do you do?"

"classmate reunion."

   "It's almost two o'clock, what party picks this time?"

  "The material competition class."

   "Oh, then you go. Is the pocket money enough? Do you want to bring some cherries for your classmates? Just airlifted from Chile."

   "No need." Before the voice fell, people hurried out.


  In the afternoon, two o'clock exactly.

  Jiang Fuyue arrived a few minutes earlier, but saw a bunch of people waiting at the school gate.

  Liu Bowen jumped up and waved to her: "Sister Yue, here--"

  She walked over.

  A group of people went to the pre-booked private room vigorously.

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Bowen lag behind, walking side by side.

   "Why are there so many people?" she asked in a low voice.

   dazzled, there are fifteen or sixteen, there are still a few raw faces in it.

  Liu Bowen smiled and touched his nose: “It’s not Hang Haoran. He wants to take his family, and others will follow suit.”


  At this time, a rush of footsteps came from behind, which was a little messy.

  For a moment, the boy’s gentle but polite voice came: "Sorry, I'm late."

   "Ah! Ling school grass is here!"

   "Isn't there any @ in the group that didn't reply before? It suddenly appears now, there will be nothing wrong, right?"

   "Small conspiracy theory! What can happen? It's a school grass, so handsome..."

  Ling Xuan: "Sorry, the phone has been charging, so I didn't see the group message."

   "It's okay, it's not too late, it's just two o'clock. Let's go, everyone."

  Everyone nodded.

  The popularity of the school grass is not built, and Ling Xuan rarely attends such gatherings, everyone has become more and more enthusiastic, even to the extent that the stars are holding the moon...

  Liu Bowen scratched his head and muttered in a low voice: "I thought he was not coming..."

  Yu Guang went to aim at Jiang Fuyue, but saw that her expression was light, and there was no particular reaction.

  Hey, even the beauty can't touch this sister's heart, what else can she take a look at?

  Liu Bowen thought so in his heart, bald on his mouth, and said it unknowingly.

   "Yes," Jiang Fuyue said flatly, "You take off your pants now and do a hula dance on the spot. I not only look at it more, but both eyes are fine. Try it?"

   "..." I was wrong, please don't kill me.

  At this time, Ling Xuan, who was clearly walking in front, suddenly turned his head, looked over the surrounding classmates, and landed on Jiang Fuyue impartially.

  Liu Bowen's scalp tightened. On the other hand, when the person concerned was powerful, he didn't change his face as if he hadn't seen it. Naturally, he didn't give Ling Xuan a response from the corner of his eye.

  Let's see, let's see, I am as stable as a mountain.

   "Ling Xiaocao, what are you looking for?"

   "Nothing." He looked back.

  The undercurrent surging in this corner, except for the two parties and Liu Bowen, everyone else didn't know it, and their attention was on Hang Haoran and his girlfriend Tang Ruoyan.

   "Okay, when did you hook up?"

  "Whether to hook up or not, can you speak? Be gentle, okay? This is called Mingxiu plank road dark Chen Cang!"

   "Yes, it's this warehouse!"

  Hang Haoran: "I said that you bad friends, it's almost done, don't go too far and scare my girlfriend."

   "Ouch! You haven't said anything yet, so is it safe?"

"I'm just wondering. You two are in different classes. How did you get together? You also teach your brothers experience. Just having a girlfriend is what you can do. You have to let everyone have one person. right?"

   "That's right, one person asks for a lesson!"

  Everyone was chattering, daring to spit out anything, and Hang Haoran was so thick-skinned that he almost couldn't stand it.

  Not to mention Tang Ruoyan, a girl who has already shrunk into the corner and pretended to make calls with her mobile phone to avoid the embarrassment right now.

   Her gaze floated, and she fell on Ling Xuanqing’s tall and straight back, and suddenly had a bold idea.

  She dialed a mobile phone number——

   "Hey, Lin Yao..."

  At this time, Liu Fei was also on the phone: "Crook, Brother Ci, what are you doing?"

  The crackling sound of the keyboard and mouse at the other end kept ringing, "Farts, let me go, I'm busy! Go on—you two, hit his head!"

  "A good news, a bad news, which one to listen to first?"

   "Fuck, you can die like this? Are you two pigs?!" There was a roar, accompanied by the sound of beating and beating.

  Yi Ci got up and left his seat, went to the webmaster to take a bottle of Coke, and took two mouthfuls of coke before suppressing the evil fire.

   His tone was impatient: "You had a convulsion today? Just say what you have to say, don't rectify those bells and whistles."

   "I don't, I want you to choose."

   "Hiss...Is it itchy?" Yi Ci grinds his teeth.

   Liu Fei: "I won't say if you don't choose, but I promise you will regret it!"

"……good news."

   Liu Fei smiled: "That's right, anyway, you have to follow me, it's better to be as early as possible..."

   "You **** tell me? Don't tell me to hang up!"

  "Don't don't...I'm with the goddess now, I'm going to eat."

  Yi Ci rolled his eyes: "Your goddess Guan Lao Zi Mao——"


and many more!

   "Who did you say?"

   Liu Fei triumphantly: "My goddess——Jiang Fuyue!"

   "Grass--" Yi Ci violently pinched the Coke bottle, "What's the situation? Why are you with her?"

   "The material competition class gathering, organized by Liu Bowen, can bring family members."

   Yi Ci's heart moved next, but...

   "What's the bad news?"

   Liu Fei: "Ling Xuan is here too."

   "Hey..." That little hypocrite.

   Liu Fei: "How about? Will you come?"

   "Come on! I thought I was afraid of him if I didn't come!"

   "Hey, then you have to admit that you are my family member."

   "Get out--"

   "You can only bring family members, you don't admit it, how can I bring it?"

  Easy words: "……"

   Liu Fei: "Brother, think clearly, there is only one chance, don't you want to chase Sister Yue? I can see that boy Ling Xuan is not honest, looked at Sister Yue several times, and his eyes are green!"

  "This is a good saying, I can’t bear to let the child not catch the wolf. If you feel wronged now, you will be able to hug the beauties in the future. Put Ling Xuan and the kid surnamed Zhong on the floor and rubbing like a devil's pace..."

   "Shut up, you! Silly B!"

   "Yes!" Liu Fei nodded, with a look of "I am also helpless", "Hang up..."

"and many more!"


   Yi Ci gritted his teeth: "I admit it, okay?"

  "Oh, hello! See you for a long time, this moment is worth remembering for my whole life! I'll take a small book and write it down when I go home later!"

   "..." Silly X.

  Liu Fei took it as soon as he saw it, and hurriedly said the address: "The restaurant opposite the school, the private room on the second floor, hurry up."


   "Unexpectedly, Ci brother, you will have a soft day, maybe this is the power of love!"

  "Are you sure I am soft?" The young man's cool voice came from the other side.

   Liu Fei: "Didn't you admit it just now? You are my family member!"

   "Well, I am the eldest brother, and you are the younger brother."


   "I..." Liu Fei wanted to take revenge, but the call was over.

  No...Dare to love him for a long time, but he still didn't take advantage of it?

  Don’t bring such fun!

   said that at the other end, a group of people arrived in the private room. Because the actual number of people exceeded the estimate, they had to temporarily add a seat.

  Liu Bowen found the waiter: "Thank you for getting a few more stools."

   "About how much?"

  Liu Bowen immediately counted a circle and reported a number.

  Tang Ruoyan, who has always been shy, suddenly said: "Excuse me, can you add one more? I also invited a friend. She should be on the road now, and will be there in about ten minutes."

  After everyone listened, the expressions were more or less subtle.

  Tang Ruoyan was brought by Hang Haoran as a family member, they had nothing to say.

  Can family members bring another person?

  Hang Haoran frowned and pressed her throat: "Why don't you discuss it with me in advance?"

   "No need?" The girl looked innocent: "It's not a big deal. Anyway, if everyone comes out to play, what does it matter if there is one more person and one less person?"

   "Then you should tell me first!"

   "Oh, I only talked about this with her on the way here, so I invited by the way, otherwise it's all from the same school, how bad?"

   "No matter how you say it, you can't—"

   "Are you endless?" Tang Ruoyan was also a little annoyed, "Usually Lin Yao can't invite you, so I have a good relationship with her, and they agreed. You still dislike everything..."

  Hang Haoran was taken aback: "Did you invite Lin Yao?"

  There are other boys who have the same reaction: "Is that Goddess Lin?"

  "Today, the sun came out from the west, or something? Not only the school grass is honored and noble, but the school flowers are also coming."

   "Hehe...Can you not be barking?"

   "Wow? What the hell?"

   "Lick the dog barking! Besides, Lin Yao, the school girl, was stepped down by my sister Yue's PK a long time ago. Don't shout, thank you."

   "Uh! No need to be so serious, right?"

"This is true."

   "Then what I call me, what does it matter to you?"

  "It’s really none of my business, but it’s my right to refuse to lick the dog as an endorsement. So, you can shut up."


  Finally, Liu Bowen stood up: "Okay, then add another chair."

   Liu Fei silently raised his hand: "Two, thank you. My family is also on the way and will be there soon."

  He specially emphasized the word "family", which is fundamentally different from the "family's family" invited by Tang Ruoyan.

  Tang Ruoyan's face is not very good, and she feels offended.

  Liu Bowen didn’t know why this party was so popular today: “Who else wants to add? Hurry up, let’s make statistics now, and I can’t add any more later!”

  Another hand was raised silently, "I, add one."

   "It's not... Hou Siyuan, what the **** are you doing? You didn't say anything in the group yesterday, but now you come to make trouble, is it interesting?"

   Hou Siyuan faltered: "Just, temporary."

   Liu Bowen's mouth twitched wildly, then turned to the waiter and said: "Add three more!"


  When the chairs were ready, everyone took their seats.

  Jiang Fuyue has been watching with her mobile phone since she entered the door, her eyes focused and her expression serious.

  Occasionally typing, like replying to a message.

  As for whether to add seats, how much to add, and where to add, all trivial matters are ignored.

  In the end, Liu Bowen will handle it properly anyway.

  At present, she is quite casual in choosing a seat, and she pulls away the chair in front of her and prepares to sit down.

   Liu Bowen has quick eyes and quick hands, so he rushed up and took her left hand: "Sister Yue, I'm next to you!"

Not to be outdone, Hou Siyuan sat down on her right hand side: "Sister Yue, you might not believe it, sitting next to you is a unique sense of security!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

   "Hey." Liu Bowen smiled flatteringly.

   "Hehe." Hou Siyuan looked admired and pleased.


  Ling Xuan silently retracted the outstretched foot.

   Liu Fei secretly scolded himself not fast enough, and didn’t help Ci brother to get a good seat near the water tower.

  Waitress: "Are you ready to serve?"

  Liu Bowen looked at the three temporary family members: “How long are they?”

  Tang Ruoyan: "Immediately."

   Liu Fei: "Within two minutes."

  Hou Siyuan: "No, I don’t know."

  At this moment, the private room door was pushed open, and Lin Yao, wearing a long pink dress, appeared in front of everyone with a smile.

   Slender figure, long hair shawl, white skin glowing ruddy, just like a blooming lotus in summer.

   "Sorry, I seem to be late."

  Even the sound is better than ordinary people, and it is especially beautiful.

   "It doesn't matter, the goddess should be the finale!"

  "Tsk, are you going to be barking around today, right? Goddess finale, what are the ones who played in front? Female nerves?"

   "No... I didn't mean that, you see... you misunderstood me!"

   "Stop it, lick the dog! Has your goddess looked at you since she came in?"

  "..." His heart was broken.

   "Yaoyao, you are here!" Tang Ruoyan put down her phone and greeted her, "Come on, sit here, the seat reserved for you."

  The last sentence is tainted with the ridicule and banter that only my best friends can understand, because Ling Xuan is next to it.

  Lin Yao thanked her, and gracefully put down the small bag on her shoulder.

Waiting to be seated, she turned her head to look at Ling Xuan casually and naturally: "It's a coincidence, I didn't expect you to come too."

   "Yeah." The word cherishment is like gold.

  Lin Yao pursed her lips: "I heard my aunt said that you have been doing competition training recently. When do you plan to leave for the imperial capital?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah! That's a coincidence. I have to fly to the imperial capital the day after tomorrow! Grandma's birthday, my parents can't rush over in foreign countries, so they can only send me as a representative. I'm afraid that I can't handle it. Shame at home..."

   He lowered his eyelids in frustration as he spoke, but he regained his look for a moment, and the movements of his eyes were all squeezed in place.

"Since we are going to the imperial capital the day after tomorrow, why don't we go together? It's good to have a caring on the road, okay, in fact, you have to look at me more. I used to go with my parents. This is the first time I'm alone. People travel far..."

   "Sorry," Ling Xuan interrupted her, "We have uniformly booked the air tickets for the summer camp in the district."

  The arc of Lin Yao's lips that hadn't been fully stretched shortly after she opened her lips froze in such a dramatic way.

   "That's it..." She feels a little regretful, but she is very good at adjusting herself, but the negative emotions are wiped out in a moment.

   "It's okay, although it's not a coincidence this time, there will be opportunities in the future."

  For this, Ling Xuan was noncommittal, lowering his head to drink tea.

  Lin Yao: "What do you drink? Seeing you go up and look good, I am also a little thirsty."

   Before Ling Xuan could speak, another boy next to her spoke diligently——

  "It's ordinary scented tea. There are a lot of them here. Give me the cup and I will pour it for you!"

  Lin Yao: "..." Who didn't know it was scented tea? Want you to talk more!

  The boy: "?"

  Just, very inexplicable.

  When did he offend the goddess?

   Liu Bowen: "How long are the other two? Did I let the waiter serve?"

   Before the voice fell, the door was pushed open again, and a figure walked in...

    Two more, seven thousand words, tired and lying... Diligently begging for monthly tickets, little sisters look down on me!

    PS: Small Shura Field Arrangement! Do you want to get Xie 99 in? (Supporting one's cheek)



  (End of this chapter)

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