After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 132: Jiu Ye help, can't contain the fire (one more)

  Chapter 132 Jiuye helps, can't contain the fire (one more)

  Everyone in the audience reacted to Xu Kaiqing. He was still waiting for the teacher to answer.

  I don’t know how long it has been, the list has been tossed and read several times—

   "There is indeed no Jiang Fuyue's name on it."

  Xu Kaiqing: "Look carefully? Are you sure?"

  The teacher leading the team almost cried, "Really not."

  After finishing speaking, he handed the list up directly from the audience, "If you don't believe me, you will always see it by yourself."

  Xu Kaiqing really picked it up, and glanced at it, there really is no.


  The list was photographed on the table. He took the microphone, and his old but firm voice spread throughout the lecture hall: "There is a problem with the shortlist, the ceremony has been suspended, and the start of the camp has been delayed!"


  Fry the pan for a moment on the spot.

  "What does it mean that there is a problem with the list?"

   "There is that Jiang...what month, who?"

   "Why did Mr. Xu specifically ask about her? Still delaying the opening of the camp?"

   "I seem to smell conspiracy."


   Talking about each other.

   "Little Zhang!"

   "Old Xu, I am here."

  "Organize the orderly evacuation of students, and all the staff of the Competition Committee and this summer camp will stay."

   "Yes!" Xiao Zhang's expression suddenly stunned.

  Old Xu is more serious, there is no end to this.

  When Yan Zhenfeng, the head coach of this summer camp, arrived, the scene was basically empty.

  Old Xu stood in the middle of the front, looking coldly at the people sitting in the first row.

   Yan Zhenfeng dazzled, there are Zhao Yongtao of the Competition Committee, several planners of the opening ceremony, two team teachers, three coaches, and several life instructors.

  Sit in a row, under Xu Lao's fierce gaze, one by one, quail-like, shrinking, not daring to speak.

   Yan Zhenfeng saw this posture and knew that the matter was not small.

   But he still managed to pull out a smile, and walked towards Xu Kaiqing: "Teacher..."

   "Why don't you just come back after dinner?!"

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

   "Are you still smiling? What's so funny? I think you, the head coach, is too easy to be a head coach. You are confused and stupid all day long!"

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

As soon as    came, I was dumbfounded, we don’t know, we dare not ask.

  Only bite the bullet and accept all orders.

  Everyone saw that Zongjiao Yan was scolded so badly, they became more and more daring not to breathe more, for fear of drawing Xu Lao's anger.

  "Teacher, don't worry, I'll take care of anything."

  Xu Kaiqing's complexion slowed down, and he turned around and picked up the list on the table and patted Yan Zhenfeng's arms: "Look for yourself!"

  The latter took it, and watched it twice from start to finish: " there any problem?"

  Xu Kaiqing sneered: "You will check again carefully."

   Yan Zhenfeng's expression was solemn, showing what he realized.

  Take out the phone immediately, click on the shortlist saved in the cloud file, and prepare to compare them one by one.

  However, the first name is different.

  His eyes stopped, then he looked down...

  Finally, "Without Jiang Fuyue, there is more Zhao Tong."

   Xu Kaiqing's face sinks like water.

  Fake tricks until his eyelids come down? Oh, these people are really good!

  "Did you know beforehand?" He asked Yan Zhenfeng, his eyes sharp and penetrating scrutiny.

  The latter quickly stated his position: "I just knew it, but as the head coach, I have an unshirkable responsibility."

  Xu Kaiqing nodded. It was a student brought out by himself. Yan Zhenfeng knew what kind of behavior he knew.

   "The impact of this incident is extremely bad and must be thoroughly investigated! I want to see who is behind it!"

   "Don't worry, let me handle it."

After Yan Zhenfeng calmed Xu Kaiqing, he turned around and looked at the crowd sitting quietly in the first row. There was no more smile on his face, instead there was condensation.

  Zhao Yongtao sat among a group of people, looking unremarkable.

After Xu Kaiqing named Jiang Fuyue on the spot, he panicked.

  When the assistant cleared the room, he used the excuse to go to the bathroom and took the opportunity to call Li Xingfang.

  The two made a good talk in order to cope with the next unexpected situation, which allowed Zhao Yongtao to find a little confidence.

   But when Yan Zhenfeng said, "Without Jiang Fuyue, Zhao Tong is more", he inevitably began to panic again.

  Adjusted breathing several times before barely maintaining composure.

   "Lao Zhao, why are you sweating profusely? The collars are all wet."

   "...I've always been afraid of heat, but you don't know."

   "That's right, where do you plan to go to escape the heat this year?"

   "'s not decided yet, let's talk about it."

   "You sweaty, too, do you want them to lower the temperature of the air conditioner?"

   "Don't bother, this is good."

   "Who is not so long-sighted this time, who dares to make a move on the summer camp list? There are only two dozen people in the unity. It is too easy to be spotted with one more and one less. Is that person stupid?"

  "..." Zhao Yongtao smiled reluctantly.

   Another person interjected: "Who is not good to change, but I just changed the first place with full marks, for fear that it is not eye-catching, right?"

  "The key to this is Lao Xu’s acquaintance. Take a look at the list, oh, let’s overturn it immediately!"

  At this time, Yan Zhenfeng has already asked the leading teacher and life instructor, and then it is the turn of the Competition Committee...

   "Director Zhao, the last link of the shortlist is handed over to your competition committee. You call to inform the students to enter the camp on time, right?"

  Zhao Yongtao nodded: "That's it."

   "Is Jiang Fuyue on the list at that time?"


   Yan Zhenfeng raised his eyebrows: "You seemed to hesitate just now."

   "Yes, because I'm not sure if the person responsible for the call below is strictly in accordance with the list."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because when we meet students here, some special circumstances may arise. For example, in previous years, some students voluntarily gave up their qualifications for summer camps. Another example is a sudden illness of a student who is unable to participate in training. We will deal with it in a specific situation. , The list will change."

   Yan Zhenfeng: "So you mean, Jiang Fuyue did not come because of special circumstances?"

  Zhao Yongtao: “I’m not sure for the time being, I need to contact the person in charge of the call.”

   "Okay," Yan Zhenfeng glanced at him deeply, "Then you can contact me."

  Zhao Yongtao calmly took out his mobile phone...

  At the same time, Linhuai Education Bureau, the office on the second floor, also had a big dispute.

  Yu Wenzhou: "We have complete procedures, and everyone who travels around the world is reasonable."

  Meng Zhijian: "The imperial capital deceived people too much. My students can't bear this grievance."

  Yu Wenzhou: "I can't stand it either!"

The clerks looked at the reluctant two with headaches, "Two teachers, I understand your mood very well. I have understood the situation here. I must report it to my superiors in time. Please stay calm and go back and wait. Wait, I will inform the two immediately when the news is available."

  Yu Wenzhou: "When is it in time?"

  Meng Zhijian: "How long does it take to wait?"

  Clerk: "..." is going crazy.

  "You have to give us a specific time. Seeing that the imperial capital is open, the daylily will be cold a little later!"

   "Yes, time waits for no one. Some things get worse as time goes on. Over time, the fake becomes real, and the right becomes wrong."

  The clerk really has no choice but to take two of them: "In this way, I must give them a reply before I get off work!"

  This is always okay, right?

  Yu Wenzhou and Meng Zhijian looked at each other: Medium!

  "Well, can you go back first..." and wait?

  "What's the answer?" Yu Wenzhou raised his wrist to look at his watch, "Anyway, I will get off work in three hours."

  Meng Zhijian: "We will wait here! Convenient."

  Clerk: "?"

   Yes, I went around, but still went back to the origin.

  "Would it be okay for the two of you? I will have a guest later. You should go to the next meeting room for a break first?"

  Meng Zhijian and Yu Wenzhou are not the kind of unreasonable people, they are anxious, but they are by no means arrogant: "Yes."

  The two left and went to the next door.

  The clerk breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the wall clock on the wall again. It was almost three o'clock...

  The sun was over, and a business Mercedes Benz parked at the gate of the Education Bureau.

  Driver: "Jiuye, here it is."

  Xie Dingyuan opened his eyes, his black eyes are like night, filled with endless depth.

  He straightened the front and smoothed out the wrinkles at the cuffs.

   Then, push the door and get off.

  The sun shone on him, but he couldn't penetrate the indifferent face, and the coldness remained.

   After discussing with Zhong Yunyi, Xie Yunzao and Zhong Yunyi decided to let Zhong Ziang stay in the Linhuai College Entrance Examination, and simply transferred his files over.

  Because of inter-provincial shifts and special greetings, both sides move quickly.

   arrived today, and the Municipal Education Bureau notified him to come over and sign.


   Knowing that Xie Dingyuan is coming, the above arranged for someone to receive him early.

  Yes, it was the clerk who was entangled in the brain by Meng Zhijian and Yu Wenzhou before.

   "Mr. Xie, please—"

  Xie Dingyuan followed him up to the second floor and into the office.

  "Sit down and I will pour you a glass of water."

   "No trouble."

  In spite of this, the clerk respectfully served him a cup of hot tea.

   “That’s the case. Originally, the transfer of student files should be signed by the guardian, but Ms. Xie is far away in the imperial capital, so there is no need to go there. According to the regulations, the parties can entrust their immediate family members to sign on their behalf...”

  After a series of established procedures, the clerks handed over the documents and pens.

  Xie Dingyuan habitually scanned the content, and after confirming that it was correct, he wrote and signed.

  After that, prepare to leave.

  "Wait a minute." The clerk stopped him and closed the office door.

  Xie Dingyuan looked in his eyes, calmly said, "Is there anything else?"

  "...Student Zhong Ziang memorized two punishments in the Imperial Capital before, and they were all recorded on the file. Although the plot is not serious, it is not good at all."

  Especially for families like the Zhong family, if Zhong Ziang enters the system in the future, these two punishments will be fatal stains for him!

  Xie Dingyuan: "What on earth do you want to say?"

  The clerk rolled his eyes and lowered his voice: "I have a way to erase it, do you need it..."

   "No need. Mistakes are remembered, as they should be. He has to pay the corresponding price if he makes trouble himself."

  The clerk looked panicked. He didn't expect Xie Dingyuan to refuse so thoroughly, and the look in his eyes was terrifying...

  It is like the death of the teacher director staring at the wrong student.

   Makes him ashamed!

  Xie Dingyuan: "Power is at hand, it should not be a tool for personal selfishness. You can do it for yourself."

  The clerk's face was earthy, and his legs trembled.

  Out of the office, Xie Dingyuan just walked two steps before he heard a familiar name—

   "Where is Jiang Fuyue? Are you okay?" Meng Zhijian asked.

   "Just sent a WeChat to ask, eat and drink at home, no worries." Yu Wenzhou cracked and typed into the phone.

   "Heh, we are all in a hurry here, for fear that she can't go to the summer camp, but she turns out to be good and very happy! Do you think this is called-the emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is in a hurry?"

  Yu Wenzhou finished the product, and suddenly reacted: "Who is the eunuch? You are the eunuch!"

   "For example, hey..."

  Xie Dingyuan stood outside the door thoughtfully.

  The clerk who was still in a state of panic was wondering what the meaning of Xie Dingyuan's last sentence "to be yourself" means, suddenly the door was opened, and the person who had originally left turned back and appeared in front of him again.

   "Thanks, Mr. Xie..." He swallowed.

  The storm has begun to cry in my heart: the boss please let it go! I don't dare anymore!

   "Cough! I want to ask you something."

   "Huh?" The clerk was a little confused.


   "Two teachers, I have reported your situation to my superiors..."

  Yu Wenzhou and Meng Zhijian, who had been waiting for less than half an hour, sat upright, their eyes lighted: "How do you say?"

   "The above attaches great importance to it. I have contacted the Imperial Capital Education Bureau and asked for a thorough investigation. Nothing unexpected will come out tomorrow."

   Thorough investigation?

  The two looked at each other. Have they ever asked for this?

  Yu Wenzhou: Did you mention it?

  Meng Zhijian: How do I remember?

  Yu Wenzhou: Take care of him, it's best to find out all the **** behind!

  The clerk did not tell lies, Xie Dingyuan spoke, and the entire Municipal Education Bureau paid attention to it, and then found out—

wipe! Isn't this our best seed?

   was actually topped by someone? !

  This grievance, more than teachers and students can not bear, they will not agree to Linhuai!

  Then a phone call to the Imperial Capital Education Bureau, the Imperial Capital Education Bureau suddenly became angry.

  With this kind of obscenity, didn’t it make the place shine brightly? !

  Changed hands and held a phone call to account for the Commission.

  Zhao Yongtao listened to the angry roar and scolding, his knees softened and he fell into a chair.

  Now, the paper can't contain the fire at all.

    One more four thousand words, two more three o’clock in the afternoon.

     Thank you for your concern. I have already seen the doctor. I have prescribed three bottles of eye drops for binocular conjunctivitis (sighing, spreading hands).



  (End of this chapter)

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