After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 139: Angelica for the appointment, Zhong Shao is making trouble (Qixi plus more)

  Chapter 139 When I go to an appointment with Angelica, Zhong Shao is messing up (Qixi plus more)

   is the night, the third ring of the imperial capital, and the angelica bar.

  In order to entertain Jiang Fuyue, Niu Chunhua set up a table in the largest private room in the pot.

  Jiang Fuyue is dressed in suspender heating pants, with her slender arms and Liu's long legs exposed, and her long hair hanging down. At first glance, she looks no different from the hot girls in the nightclub.

  "Come?" Niu Chunhua greeted her with surprise.

  Today she wore a red cheongsam. The tailored tailoring outlines a perfect figure. A trace of flesh will be cumbersome, and a little less will be firewood. And she is not too much, just right.

  It’s just the color of this cheongsam...

   "Why do you dress like a rotten tomato again?"

  Niu Chunhua: "..."

  Niu Rui: "Hahahaha..." His head is about to laugh!

   "Shut up!" A knife flew over.

  Under the death gaze of his mother, Niu Rui immediately stopped her voice, but the corners of her mouth couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

  Niu Chunhua's eyes showed faint resentment: "So the stalk of Rotten Tomatoes can't make it through, right?"

  Jiang Fuyue spread both hands: "My fault."

  The three people sat together, the pot was already boiling, and Niu Rui began to serve dishes inside.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I don't want corn."

  Niu Chunhua: "Don't give her corn."

  The two spoke almost at the same time, Niu Chunhua turned her head quickly, looked at her, and a flash of water flashed across her eyes, mixed with other emotions, extremely complicated.

  Sure enough, even the taste is exactly the same as before...

  Jiang Fuyue seemed to have no idea what she was thinking, so she downplayed and smiled back.

  Niu Rui screamed, not sure what dumb riddle the two women were playing, nor curious.

  Move the chopsticks, skip the corn, and put down the mushrooms next to it.

   Then there were plates after plate of meat.

  Jiang Fuyue raises her eyebrows. She likes meat dishes when she eats hot pot and doesn't touch vegetarian dishes much.

  Niu Chunhua snorted, with two points of pride: "Don't think that you know me, I know a lot about you."

  Jiang Fuyue twitched the corners of her mouth: "Then I really thank you."

  Niu Chunhua waved a big hand: "You're welcome."


  "Any news from Master?" Jiang Fuyue asked.

  Last time, she delineated Niu Rui's search range. After so many days, I think there should be results.

  Niu Chunhua can't help but look at her son when she hears this.

  Niu Rui was staring at the two female evil gods, and only felt that his scalp was numb, and the chopsticks in his hand trembled, and the fat cow that had just been picked up steadily fell back into the soup.

  He smacked his mouth, retracted his hand, and sat down: “I will focus on the Dongcheng District as you said, especially the nearby schools and Internet cafes, but there are no qualified candidates.”

   "Manpower is also sent out?"

  Jiang Fuyue knows that Qianjige is accustomed to using the Tianyan network to increase data analysis, and may not send someone out to look for it.

  Who knows Niu Rui nodded: "The eyes of the sky are the main thing, big data provides the direction of investigation, and then people are sent out to look for it on the spot."

   But still nothing.

  Don't mention Ye Qianji himself, even the traces he left could not touch a star.

  Jiang Fuyue twisted her eyebrows.

Niu Rui was also silent for a while.

  Suddenly, "How did they find it?"


   "I mean to distinguish this aspect by appearance."

   "Oh, I will send the master's photo to everyone, and one will be handed over for comparison."

  This can never go wrong, right?

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly had a bad feeling: "What photo?"

   "... Now, this is this one." Niu Rui picked up the iPad, and passed it over after some tricks.

  Jiang Fuyue lowered his head and swept away, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

  I saw the young man in the photo in a suit and leather shoes, with handsome eyebrows and a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. He was handsome, like a gentleman.

  Niu Rui swallowed, "Are there any problems?"

  Jiang Fuyue directly open the retouching software, swipe your finger on the screen, and click save.

   Then return the iPad to Niu Rui: "Just look for it like this."

  Niu Rui looked intently, and almost smiled in the next second.

  On the photo, I saw the original handsome man with loose muscles, all wrinkles, and dots of age spots. His big oily back was replaced with dry and messy white hair. At first glance, it looked like a sparrow nest.

  The broad suit was also replaced by a tattered undershirt.

  It turned out that there was only one retouching software in the middle from handsome and handsome to uncut.

  "This, this, this..." Niu Rui pointed to the photo, his whole body was not good, his eyes widened, full of suspicion.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is the true face of your Patriarch."

  Yeqiang: The dog smashes his disciple, and I am black behind!


   "This is the bar you are talking about?" Zhong Ziang stood in front of the door with his hands in his pockets, looking at the word "Angelica" patched together with blue lights on the signboard with gold rim on the black background.

   "Yes, Ang Ge! Don't look at this bar open on the third ring road. It's a bit far from the city center. It's unremarkable, but the business is very hot."

   "Really?" Zhong Ziang chuckled, a haze suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Of course," the man saw that he was interested, and he worked harder to please him, "It is said that it is because the proprietress here is more beautiful and will entertain guests than the top brand of Emgrand! Well... listen to my dad, Mr. Zhong is also here. Regulars."

  Zhong Zong, refers to Zhong Yunyi, Zhong Ziang's father.

  "Why never heard my dad mention it?" He pressed his voice, every word seemed to come out of his throat.

  The few who had a good relationship with Zhong Ziang knew that he was angry.

  Moreover, the anger is not small.

But the second generation was hard-posted halfway. They didn’t understand Zhong Ziang at all. They thought they were flattering, and even more spared no effort: "Where do they adults tell us about this kind of thing? I heard it secretly, it’s said that Mr. Zhong Still the guest of the boss..."


  Zhong Ziang couldn't bear it, punched the man on the bridge of the nose with a punch, turned his eyes, and fainted.

  He raised his head and looked at the sign blankly.



  He wants to see today, who is this charming proprietress looking forward to!

   "Go, follow me in."

    Three shifts, two thousand words, the Tanabata welfare for everyone~

     Hope you all have a happy holiday, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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