After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 146: The youth’s evil is eating the most (one more)

  Chapter 146 The youth’s evil, eat the most (one more)

  The chemical formula is used as the starting point to analyze the atomic structure of quasicrystals. Among them, there are two important principles, namely the icosahedron principle and the golden median principle.

Under the action of these two principles, the simplest quasi-crystal structure model can be obtained, which can explain all the details of the high-resolution image of Al-Mn quasi-crystal.

  Above, knowledge in the field of chemistry.

  Next, Jiang Fuyue derives formulas for crystals in terms of fractal geometry, pattern sequence, correlation measure, and correlation dimension.

  Among them, the pattern sequence is further discussed in detail under the second, third, and k-orders.

  Above, belong to the category of mathematics.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the whiteboard densely written with English and numbers in front of her, and did not hesitate to switch to the next one.

  At this point, this topic really began to enter the core step, that is, physical elaboration.

  Jiang Fuyue divides it into two parts, namely theoretical physics and applied physics.

  The former mainly includes three theorems, seven formulas, and sixteen derivative theories.

  Jiang Fuyue not only wrote them all, but also set up their own scenarios, and used specific numbers to verify their authenticity. When encountering a situation that could not be brought in, she simply proved it directly.

  Seeing mountains and mountains, making holes if you can’t get past it, simple and rude, but effective.

  As for the applied physics part, that's more...

  For example, the influence of deformation and heat treatment process on the properties of 00Cr12Ni9Mo4Cu2 martensitic stainless steel.

  For another example, quasicrystals enhance the structure and properties of Mg-Zn-RE(Y, Gd) alloy.

  Alternatively, the diffraction properties of one-dimensional Fibonacci-like quasicrystals, the deep undercooling of Al72Ni12Co16 alloy and the solidification behavior of decahedral quasicrystals, etc.

  Jiang Fuyue wrote it down, and soon, the remaining whiteboard was also filled.

  Finally, she concluded with three conclusive derivation formulas, leaving a digital model that can be brought in for verification, and finished the answer perfectly.

  So far, all three theoretical questions have been completed, and it took 37 minutes and 8 seconds in total.

   Yan Zhenfeng's hands are shaking.

  The three coaches looked at each other at a loss.

  Everyone in the audience is also fascinated, like waking up from a dream——

   "Master is stupid."

   "I may have studied a fake competition. What Jiang Fuyue wrote, I can't understand a single symbol."

   "Is this over?"

   "Yes, that's it."

   "I suspect that I was lonely."

   "Don't doubt, you are not the only one who is lonely."

  Su Qing could not help frowning as she listened to the depression and wonder around her.

  The downturn is for myself, and the exclamation is for Jiang Fuyue.

   Liu Ling tugged at her sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Can you understand what she wrote?"

  Su Qing: "..."

  "Zong Jiao Yan has not expressed his opinion, especially the third question. I suspect he can't understand it either..."

   "Impossible!" Chen Sichang immediately interjected, with a firm tone, "Professor Yan has brought five summer sports competition camps. He is experienced and knowledgeable. It is absolutely impossible to be fooled by this little trick! His failure to express his position can only explain one problem."

"what is the problem?"

   "Jiang Fuyue's matter is very serious! Don't break out in silence, just perish in silence, wait and see, now it's just the calm on the eve of the storm."

   Liu Ling was skeptical.

  Su Qing remained silent and reserved.

Suddenly, she turned to look at a seat on the right. There was a boy leaning on the seat with a peaked cap covering most of her face and wearing a pair of noise-reducing headphones. Although she could not see her appearance, she had long hands and long feet. Grade stick.

  At this time, he was asleep, as if everything happening outside had nothing to do with him.

   "A Qing, what are you looking at?"

  "Here." Su Qing screamed in the direction of the boy.

  Liu Ling looked at the situation: "...Who is this? Do you know?"

   "I heard that the genius of the Lin family was also shortlisted for the summer camp this year." Su Qing thoughtfully.

  She just looked at everyone back and forth, only the one who resembled the most.

   "The Lin Family?" Chen Sichang leaned over, his eyes gleaming, "Is this the Lin Family we know?!"


  Emperor has a large number of rich people, but the only ones that can be called "rich" are the eight——

  Xie, Lou, Zhong, Lin, Huo, Yu, Ming, Cen.

  Huo Fanjin comes from the Huo family, and is still a direct line, so no matter where he goes, there are people holding it.

  Even if she has a big temper, a straight personality, a domineering, and not easy to serve, she still has countless followers.

  They did not go for Huo Fanjin, but for the Huo family behind her.

  And the Lin family is stronger than the Huo family.

   "It seems that this year's summer camp is interesting. The descendants of Lin and Huo's family are coming to join in the fun."

  Liu Ling thought for a while: "A Qing, are you sure he is?"

  Su Qing nodded: "Ninety-nine percent."

   "I heard that Young Master Lin is famously fussy and arrogant, let alone, it's really alike." He actually slept on this occasion...

  The average person really can’t do it.

   Chen Sichang's eyes flickered: "What's wrong with being picky and arrogant? People have this capital."

   "This is..." Liu Ling nodded, "But Qing, why did you look at him suddenly?"

Su Qing: "This young master Lin is a genius. He published two papers on "PhysicalReview Letters" as the first author when he was a freshman, and the number of downloads and citations is considerable. The daily contacts are mostly domestic The leading experts in the academic circle have more academic contacts than an ordinary professor who is older than Q."

   "It's really amazing. But what does this have to do with him?"

   "I think, except for Mr. Xu at the scene, he may be the only one who knows whether Jiang Fuyue's answer is right or wrong."

  Unfortunately, people don’t care at all, and they don’t even bother to take a look.

   But on second thoughts, this is just like Young Master Lin’s style, and it fits the identity of a genius boy, doesn’t it?

  Jiang Fuyue finished, stepped back and put down the marker in his hand.

   Yan Zhenfeng asked: "No need to check?"

  She didn’t even think about it: "No."


Now what?

  Jiang Fuyue ended too early, and Huo Fanjin seemed to need some time.

The inquiring gaze turned to Xu Lao, but he saw the latter standing in front of the whiteboard where Jiang Fuyue was answering the question, with a serious expression through the presbyopic lenses, and his eyes focused on scanning every word and number, and then more and more enthusiasm accumulated in his eyes. , More and more unconcealed...

   "Teacher..." Yan Zhenfeng pressed his voice and called him.

  Xu Kaiqing turned a deaf ear. He is now full of these precious figures, and his worship of "sorrow" has risen to a new height.

  How can the thinking be so divergent?

  Why is the logic so clear?

  From the establishment of the question, to the argumentation, and then to the final result, the links are intertwined. The word "perfect" can no longer be described.

   "Teacher..." Yan Zhenfeng continued to call him.

   still ignored.

   In desperation, Yan Zhenfeng had no choice but to walk over and interrupt him, although he knew clearly that such an approach might bring him trouble...

  Sure enough, Xu Kaiqing’s old face suddenly sank: "What is your name?"

  Yan Zhenfeng: [Smile]JPG

  It turns out that you never heard it.

   "Cough... now Jiang Fuyue has finished answering, Huo Fanjin needs time, and it’s lunch again soon, look..."

   "Then let everyone go to dinner first, and gather here at two o'clock in the afternoon."

   Yan Zhenfeng nodded and immediately notified him.

  But everyone remained motionless and had no plans to leave, including Xu Kaiqing himself.

   Yan Zhenfeng said it again.

  The response is still not very enthusiastic.

  "Professor Yan, since it's a game, how can there be any reason to leave after seeing half of it?" Su Qing sat in his seat and smiled.

  She hasn't seen Jiang Fuyue being beaten in public, how could she leave easily?

  Furthermore, who knows if Jiang Fuyue will sneak up to change the answer after leaving?

  Liu Ling nodded: "We are not hungry, it is more important to do the questions."

  Chen Sichang: "Look, Huo Fanjin will finish the first question soon."

   "Huh? The answer is different from Jiang Fuyue!"

   "Tsk, soon demons and monsters will appear."

  At this critical moment of public execution, how can the masses be so little as to eat melons?

  So, Yan Zhenfeng notified three times, but no one left!

  Xu Kaiqing: Look, I told you to leave it alone.

   Yan Zhenfeng: A great reward for contemporary students' deceptive behavior?

  He didn't give up, turned around and asked three coach colleagues: "Will you go to dinner?"

  A person is holding a draft paper, comparing Jiang Fuyue's answer, writing a book, and without raising his head: "Don't be noisy, I'll figure it out right away..."

  The other one has been stuck at a certain step in the middle for more than ten minutes, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are written with anxiety: "What else to eat? I will go on a hunger strike if I don't understand this step!"

   Yan Zhenfeng's eyes twitched: skr is ruthless.

  The other one is not as crazy as the first two. He leaned forward to Yan Zhenfeng and smiled: "Old Yan, are you hungry yourself?"

  "!" Gan! Seen through?

   "Hey... I can accompany you to dinner, but you have to promise me one condition."

  He suddenly had a bad hunch: "Behind the group, you have to give me Jiang Fuyue."

   " to give it? I can't decide the result of the lottery!"

   "Everyone is in physics, and the mathematics is not bad. It's about probability, just use your little brain..."

   "Get out!" It's a little brainy, and actually encourage him to cheat?

   "That line, I will not accompany you to dinner. Everyone is not leaving, I think you are embarrassed to leave."

   Yan Zhenfeng: "?"

  No more love.

  Jiang Fuyue swept around and saw that no one was going to leave. She thought for a while, or turned around and stepped down, and then made a gesture... and left? !

  Almost all eyes at the scene are locked on her, intentionally or unintentionally, is this still going to happen?

  Su Qing stood up first and asked coldly: "Jiang Fuyue, are you going to leave?!"


   Everyone's eyes were suddenly subtle when they looked at her.

   "Do you want to run away?"

   "That's too stupid. There are so many eyes staring at it."

   "Leaving midway is equivalent to voluntarily surrendering defeat, she is persuaded!"

   "I saw that the first question made by Huo Fanjin didn't match her answer, so I feel guilty?"


  Bright ridicule and ridicule, Chi Guoguo's contempt and attack.

  With the worst attitude, put on the ugliest face, the youth's "evil" is exposed at this moment.

  Change to another person, I am afraid I can’t bear to collapse long ago.

  Unfortunately, they are facing Jiang Fuyue.

  A cold look in the past made people feel the pain of a shave with ice skates, and finally the voice became smaller and smaller, until it was no longer audible.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue said leisurely: "First, I am going to eat."

   "Secondly, I handed in the paper as soon as I put the pen. What if I leave midway?"

   "Finally, you guys are really noisy and boring. You might even be afraid of losing your life if you look at it more."

  After speaking, strode away.

  She is hungry.

  How can you stop eating after using your brain a lot?

  Everyone: "?"

  Am I noisy?

I am bored?

  Look at my longevity?


   "She's too crazy—" She was actually going to eat? ! Is she a rice bucket? Is there any respect for the game?

  At this moment, Zongjiao Yan passed by everyone like a gust of wind, and ran after Jiang Fuyue's back: "Does classmate Jiang have dinner? Wait for me!"


  In fact, Jiang Fuyue not only ate a meal, but also went back to the dormitory to take a lunch break for an hour.

  At 1:58 in the afternoon, when she appeared again, everyone found that her condition was better than that in the morning, her complexion was ruddy, and her eyes were divine.

  It's so beautiful that you can't move your eyes!

  Then, the hungry guys... sore.

  At this time, Yan Zhenfeng suddenly announced: "It's time for the exam."

  Huo Fanjin was forced to put his pen on stage, his face was more than a little bit worse than Jiang Fuyue.

  Xu Kaiqing was invited to the stage and corrected two answer sheets in public.

  "The first question, Huo Fanjin 8 points..."


   "I said Miss Huo had two brushes! Actually only two points were deducted."


   "Well done, we deserve to be from Beijing circle."

   "Don't be noisy, and Jiang Fuyue hasn't announced it."

  "Do you still need to listen? Look at her answer. Each of the three small questions is different from Huo Fanjin. It must have been zero!"

  But the next second--

  Xu Kaiqing: "Jiang Fuyue 10 minutes!"

    One more four thousand words, two more time comment area notification.

     You are mad at you, my sister Yue breeze blows the hills.



  (End of this chapter)

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