After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 68: Beauty conquers, the second is dumped

  Chapter 68 Beauty conquered, the second middle school fell

Isn't    "competitive"?

  No one has made the finals for three consecutive years in the First High School.

Not only did the school lose all confidence, even Meng Zhijian and Yu Wenzhou couldn't help but start to doubt themselves.

  When the first middle school gradually quieted down, the second middle school began to exert its strength. In recent years, the level of physical competition has led more than 100 middle schools in the city, and it is likely to come from behind.

  Because of this, some students who originally liked the first middle school all ran to the second middle school.

  Once the source of students deteriorates, the material competition class becomes even more hopeless. This is like a vicious circle, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the consequences, but no one has the ability to break the cycle and rewrite the ending.

  Until Jiang Fuyue appeared...

   "I guess Zhang Ju's eyes are going to be shocked this time!" Meng Zhijian picked up the tea cup, leaned back on the back of the chair, tilted the jiojio, shook it, and took a sip of tea artificially.

  Yu Wenzhou has put on a vest, entered the No. 2 Middle School campus forum, and started looking for discussion posts about the preliminary results of this competition.

  In fact, it didn't take much effort to find it.

  Because-the homepage is red, and it is also marked with the [hot] label, it is difficult to pretend to not be able to see it.

  "The results of the first test of the National Middle School Physics Competition are announced. The second middle school once again leads the way! Thousands of miles in angrily! 》

  1st floor: As the question, the second high school sports competition has reached a new high. 116 contestants, 30 passed the passing line, and 13 people with a score of 160 or more. Here comes the focus! Among them, Feng Kaixuan has a perfect score, the first in the city!

  2nd floor: dig a groove! Full marks! Feng Shen has never disappointed.

  3rd floor: Congratulations for putting Yizhong on the ground again, rubbing friction, like a devil's pace~

  4th floor: The first middle school is really bad, but fortunately, the second middle school was selected.

  5th floor: In the future, the number one high school in the city will be our school!


  16th floor: There is a lot of bad news on the top of the No. 1 Middle School, and I have the ability to expose this year's No. 1 middle school's sports results!

   Soon the host jumped out: the sun is the sun. 13 people passed, and only 5 people scored above 160. How can I be convinced?

  18th floor: [weak]

  19th floor: [Slap face]

  20th floor: [Khan]


  38th floor: [Embarrassed]

  Yu Wenzhou looked at the expression on the screen, and suddenly exploded.

   immediately put on the battlefield——

  39th floor [one and no two]: Please ask the host for some face! Cut the head to the tail, you are very good, the paparazzi reserve talents in the future, and reverse the black and white seed players! [Middle finger]

  40th floor [one and no two]: Next are the real results of the preliminary examination of the first middle school. 13 people took the test, the passing rate was 100%, and 9 people had a score of 150 or more. Among them, Jiang Fuyue has a full score, ranking first in the city; Ling Xuan 196, second in the city; Liu Bowen 185, 16th in the city.

  41th floor [one and no two]: 116 of the second high school took the exam, and finally only 30 qualified. The big waves and sands can't resist such a leak; although there are only 13 in the first high school, all of them went ashore. Don't come out ashamed, the original poster, as the second middleman, I am embarrassed for you.

  Yu Wenzhou did not forget to protect his little vest in the last sentence.

  Are you a teacher from No. 1 Middle School, you are embarrassed to go to the Forum of No. 2 Middle School and pretend to be a student of No. 2 Middle School and Black No. 2 Middle School?

  Yu Wenzhou: I'm very interesting, thank you~ [smile]

  Wait until he wants to post another one, but the system message prompts [You have been banned by the administrator for 30 days, please click here to appeal]

  Yu Wenzhou: "..." The mouth is fragrant.

  Even if he is banned, he still can’t obliterate the enthusiasm of this “internet addiction middle-aged” eating melon.

  It was led by Yu Wenzhou, and soon, many students who knew it jumped out to express their opinions.

  A heated discussion kicked off——

  Floor 92: If you say one is not good, do you have fun in your head? A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and besides, your horse will start to scatter its hoofs before it is thin. Be humble!

  93th floor: You started...I suspect that the upstairs is engaged in connotation, but I have no evidence.

  94th floor: I am not interested in the competition between schools. I just want to know who is this Jiang Fuyue sacred. Do you have any friends?

  95th floor: Raise your hand! Me me me!

  96th floor: look here! Never heard of this name before, who the hell? Transfer students?


  122 floor: In fact, everyone should have heard that in the last monthly exam of No. 1 Middle School, this sister named Jiang won the first place in the second year of high school with perfect scores in all subjects and became the first strongman in the history of No. 1 Middle School!

   123rd floor: I'll go! It turned out to be her!

  124th floor: I was once again blinded by the full score of general subjects!


  136th floor: Are there any photos? begging

  137th floor: +1

  138th floor: +2


  141 floor: [Picture] [Picture] Take it away, no thanks, finally I am not the only one who shed tears for the value of such a fairy!

  142th floor: How do you feel that this brother upstairs is talking irony?

  143th floor: The internet is not good, the picture hasn’t been loaded yet, so it’s +1, don’t just do it like Sister Feng, hot eyes.

  When two pictures appeared on the screen one after the other, there was a momentary freeze and silence in the entire forum.

In the first photo, a girl sitting in the classroom wearing a sack-like school uniform, with a straight back, a long neck, a simple high ponytail tied behind her head, breeze into the window, and a pinch of hair hanging down on her temples. On her lips, she didn't notice anything, her beautiful peach eyes looked straight and intently forward.

  The hibiscus comes out of clear water, and it is naturally decorated.

  The second photo, with a basketball court in the background, the girl dribbled the ball with one hand, and was captured when she looked up at the basket, with sweat rolling off her cheeks.

   is no longer a loose school uniform. She wore a cool basketball jersey with a black sling for the base, revealing the snow-white arms and collarbone, the shoulder and neck lines are almost perfect, and the slim waist and long legs are even more eye-catching!

  157th floor: OMG! What kind of fairy is this!

  158th floor: The brother who burst the picture, please forgive my ignorance, and then accept my tears.

  159th floor: A4 waist, right-angled shoulders, swan neck, butterfly back, the goddess killed me ten thousand times!


  160th floor: This looks, this figure, absolutely!

   161st floor: I'm a girl who has watched y!


  211th floor: One minute, I want all her information, including her contact information!

  212th floor: Let’s break the news. Although this sister and Feng Shen both got perfect scores in the test, she handed in the paper and left the room within 40 minutes of the test [smile]

  213th floor: I picked up my chin and installed it. Why did you let it fall back to the ground? !

  214th floor: Am I not standing high enough? Why can't I understand it?

  215th floor: It turns out that God is really unfair. He gave her a beautiful face and figure, and also gave her the IQ and brain to kill everyone.


  255th floor: It's time for the replacement of Lieutenant Colonel.

  256th floor: I think the second middle school can also be changed.


  Never underestimate the power of Yanguo, they will not only scream and lick the building, but also lick all kinds of fancy.

  Originally only a few hundred posts on the floor, after a wave of Yangou joined in, in just an hour, the post was in a straight line, and it has a tendency to continue to grow.

  And the discussion about the preliminary test results, after the two pictures were sent out, became the personal butchering scene of "Jiang Fuyue".

   To the back, quite a few middle school students even fumbled along the network cable, showing off their "my girl" in a spitting way.

  (End of this chapter)

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