Wei Changhe was shocked by Tang Xiao's request:"Tang Xiao, calm down. Subject competitions are difficult.……"

"I'm very calm, don't worry, principal, I'm sure of it."Tang Xiao interrupted the principal.

It may be difficult for others, but not for Tang Xiao, it's just a matter of reading a few more books and memorizing a few more sets of questions.

Wei Changhe finally agreed:"Okay, if you can handle it, I'll arrange it for you. The next competition is the day after tomorrow afternoon, the biology competition. Are you sure there's no problem?"

Reason told Wei Changhe that this was impossible, Tang Xiao was too arrogant.

But Tang Xiao didn't seem like an arrogant person, on the contrary he had a very calm personality.

This made Wei Changhe look forward to it.

Tang Xiao nodded:"No problem, arrange it"


On the other side, in the luxurious living room of the Tang family villa,

Tang Jie was still cursing:"Tang Xiao is really too much. I was so polite to him, but he didn't take me seriously at all! I let him get inflated!

A friend in need is a friend indeed, I finally see his true face. Leng Die is really not a good friend, she actually spoke for Tang Xiao, I am so angry. I decided not to talk to her for a week!"

Tang Xin said:"Tang Xiao was not like this before, second sister, did you say something to him?"

Tang Jie was unhappy:"What can I say about him? He didn't take us seriously. Why did you speak for Tang Xiao?"

"That was not what I meant……"

""Sister, stop arguing!"

While the two were still arguing, Tang Zijian came out.

Tang Zijian's eyes were red, and he looked pitiful.

Tang Zijian said with tears in his eyes:"It's all my fault, because my existence makes everyone unhappy. Sister, I'm leaving now, you can let Brother Xiao come back.……"

Tang Zijian looked at Tang Jie and Tang Xin reluctantly, then"determinedly" wanted to go out.

Tang Jie and Tang Xin immediately became anxious, and they hurried to stop Tang Zijian.

Tang Xin helped Tang Zijian wipe his tears:"My silly brother, this is not your fault, none of us blames you."

Tang Jie held Tang Zijian's hand:"Yes, little Zijian, you are our real family. Our eighteen years of relationship is real. Even if we are biological children, we have no feelings for Tang Xiao."

Tang Zijian sobbed, tears streaming:"But... it was me who squeezed Brother Xiao away... I am redundant... you are unhappy because of me... it will be better without me...……"

As he was about to leave, Tang Jie and Tang Xin tried to persuade him for a long time.

What a pitiful child. What a sensible brother. No one blames him, but he still wants to sacrifice himself.

Such a sharp contrast with that cold-hearted bastard Tang Xiao.

Tang Jie said,"Tang Xiao is redundant. You are our only brother. We are unhappy because of Tang Xiao, not because of you."

Tang Zijian said to Tang Xin aggrievedly,"Sister... the book may not be broken by brother Xiao on purpose... it's all my fault. I wish I had found it earlier... seeing you sad these two days, I am also very sad.……"

Tang Zijian looked painful and sad.

Tang Xin felt guilty for wrongly blaming Tang Xiao.

But after Tang Zijian cried like this, she felt more guilty towards Zijian.

Yes, she really ignored Zijian's feelings in the past two days. She only cared about her own pain.

But she forgot that Zijian was obviously the softest and kindest.

She said guiltily:"Zijian, I'm sorry, it's my fault as a sister. It's my sister who ignored your feelings. I apologize to you."

Tang Jie and Tang Xin have a deep sisterly relationship. She said:"Tang Xin, this is not your fault. It's obviously that Tang Xiao, and he didn't explain it clearly. He has such a bad temper and has never understood Zijian's feelings. Zijian is the one who is hurt the most."

Zijian cried more and more sadly:"No... I don't blame Brother Xiao... It's all my fault."

Tang Xin said:"Zijian, don't cry, didn't you say you liked that Patek Philippe last time? Sister will take you to buy it today, and then take you to eat that Italian restaurant, how about it? Can you forgive your sister?"

"Yes, Zijian, just go and have fun with your third sister, and don't think about leaving us. Our family should be together forever, right?" Tang Jie also persuaded

"Um……"Tang Zijian nodded firmly

"Ha, Zijian in our family is the most sensible one!" Tang Xin and Tang Jie smiled.

Seeing that both sisters were speaking for themselves.

Tang Zijian was relieved: he finally fooled them.

He had been a little panicked when Tang Xin questioned him that time.

He gave himself full marks for today's operation!

Tang Zijian was crying on his face, but his heart was dark: Tang Xiao! Everything in the Tang family is mine, and all my sisters are mine! What can you use to fight me! You were lucky that I didn't kill you last time, and you won't be so lucky next time.

Tang Xin was about to take Tang Zijian out.

But Tang Jie said,"You go first, I don't have time to go. I'm going to meet a director later, and this time it may be an action blockbuster."

Tang Zijian said,"But sister, I want to have dinner with you~"

Tang Jie felt warm in her heart. My good brother Zijian is so sensible.

Tang Jie touched Tang Zijian's head:"Haha, Zijian is really sensible. I'll treat you next time, and this time just the two of you go."

""Well, my second sister is a big star! My sister is the best!" Tang Zijian said admiringly.

"Haha, just so-so~"

Tang Jie felt very happy, look how sensible this brother is, he is a real brother, the other one is a complete accident.

That morning.

In the study room of Jiang'an City Library.

Three young people were sitting at a study table.

Tang Xiao sneezed with his hands covering his mouth.

Then he apologized to Xia Yuxi next to him:"Sorry, I made you laugh."

Xia Yuxi blushed and shook her head:"It's okay."

How could she mind?

She was very happy when she thought that she and Tang Xiao actually came to the library outside the school.

I actually met Tang Xiao outside the campus! Is this a date! It's a pity... There are more than two of us.

Because there is also Liu Zihao next to them.

Liu Zihao said to Tang Xiao:"Xiao, this is a library, can't you be more polite? You scared Yuxi."

At this time, Liu Zihao looked very artificial and pretending.

Tang Xiao couldn't help but complain:"Liu Zihao, can you not use bubble sounds when you speak? It sounds disgusting"

"No, I usually talk like this."

Liu Zihao was still serious, and he gave Tang Xiao a look:"School beauty Xia Yuxi is here, didn't you see it?"

Liu Zihao was like this because Xia Yuxi was here.

Just like when some boys play basketball, once a girl passes by, they will play badly.

Tang Xiao and Xia Yuxi are deskmates, so it's nothing strange.

Liu Zihao still had to pretend, he said:"I really didn't expect that you would participate in academic competitions."

Tang Xiao:"I didn't expect that you could participate in academic competitions."

This afternoon, it was the biology competition in Jiang'an City.

Among the senior students of No. 2 Middle School, only the three of them participated.

Xia Yuxi has good grades, and she also signed up for some competitions.

Liu Zihao also participated in academic competitions, which Tang Xiao didn't expect.

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