Four or five invigilators were checking Tang Xiao.

In the whole hall, except Xia Yuxi and Liu Zihao, everyone was examining Tang Xiao!

And the one who caused all this was Tang Xiao's most respected elder sister - Tang Yuan!

Tang Xiao glared at Tang Yuan, he was very angry.

But Tang Yuan looked down at him, expressionless, without any guilt.

She even felt that Tang Xiao was angry because he was caught by her.

The invigilator who searched him turned to look at Ge Juan:"Teacher Ge, no evidence was found."

Ge Juan frowned:"Are you sure?"

"We searched very carefully, but couldn't find it." said the invigilator.

They said they couldn't find it, not that there was nothing.

This meant that they still believed that Tang Xiao had cheated, but they just couldn't find any evidence.

No wonder they thought so, because Tang Xiao had stolen Tang Yuan's necklace worth a million.

Wouldn't it be easier for you to cheat?

Tang Yuan frowned, she didn't expect that she wouldn't find any evidence.

It would be embarrassing if she didn't find any.

But for people with prejudice, how could it be embarrassing to judge a person who has been identified as a bad guy?

Ge Juan nodded nonchalantly:"Give the paper back to him."

The invigilator put the paper back on Tang Xiao's desk and added:"Continue with the exam, don't cheat, we will keep an eye on you."

Tang Xiao suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, and asked calmly:"I would like to ask, what is the highest score in the history of your competition?"

"I told you to sit down and do the questions, don't talk!" Ge Juan scolded, she didn't like students who would resist. But

Tang Yuan said:"893 points, this record has been maintained for several years. No one has broken it so far, it is a record set by Tang Xue."

Tang Yuan was full of confidence when she said this.

The reason why she wanted to tell Tang Xiao was to tell Tang Xiao:

How excellent our Tang family is! We are not the same kind of people as you, a dirty ungrateful person!

Tang Xiao nodded:"Okay."

Tang Xiao sat down, didn't say another word, and continued to do the questions.

The other invigilators didn't know why Tang Xiao asked this.

But they didn't stay away from Tang Xiao, they still stayed by Tang Xiao's side, maintaining the greatest degree of"invigilation".

Many people watched the farce with gloating, and then continued to answer the questions.

Xiao Yuxi was far away, she was very worried about Tang Xiao.

However, after more than half an hour, Tang Xiao raised his hand.

"I have finished the report. Can I hand it in now?"

There was an uproar at the scene.

‘Oh my god! It's only been over an hour, and you've already handed in the paper?’

‘How much can I do in an hour? I can't finish it in three hours.’

‘I guess it's too hard to give up.’

‘I handed in my paper early and left. I was stared at by four or five teachers. It was too painful.’

‘Did he cheat or not? Why don't I understand? '

This is a competition, not a national exam, and there is no time limit for handing in the papers.

An invigilator came up and took his paper away.

Tang Xiao ignored these people. He looked directly at Ge Juan and Tang Yuan:"Can I leave?"

Ge Juan said:"Others can, but you can't. Come to the podium and walk. You can only leave after the competition is over!"

She is very experienced, and she will never leave any chance for Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao was speechless, but still walked to the podium.

He was angry and unfair, but now was not the best time to resist.

Tang Xiao deliberately sat not far from Tang Yuan.

Tang Xiao calmly asked Tang Yuan:"Why do you do this?"

Tang Yuan replied:"There is no reason. If you do something wrong, you should pay the price. Isn't it?"

Tang Yuan is the chairman of the Tang Group and a super strong woman known as the 'Queen of the Tang Family'.

She has been fighting in the business for many years, with strong tactics and experienced work, which is not comparable to Tang Jie.

"OK, I understand."Tang Xiao said calmly.

Tang Xiao closed his eyes, a little regretful in his heart.

If I had known that day... I shouldn't have saved her.……


More than an hour passed

"Teacher, I handed in my paper."

"Teacher...I have to hand in my paper too.……"

Two more people handed in their papers early.

To Tang Xiao's surprise, these two people were Liu Zihao and Xia Yuxi.

After the papers were collected, Liu Zihao asked,"Teacher, can I go first?"

""Yes." Ge Juan replied.

Well, others can go first, but Tang Xiao can't.

Undisguised discrimination

"Teacher... I want to leave first too." Xia Yuxi also said

"Go ahead."

After getting permission, the two packed up their things and took their phones back from the storage box.

Liu Zihao gave Tang Xiao a look and left. Xia

Yuxi also looked at Tang Xiao before leaving.

Tang Xiao also signaled them to leave first and not to worry about him.

The situation here was none of their business, and they were of no help here.

Soon, the three-hour answering time was up.

All the students handed in their papers, and the competition was over.

The students could finally speak loudly.

"This year's competition is too difficult. It's so difficult"

"Especially the last few big questions, I couldn't understand them at all."

"It's good enough to get 700 points this time."

"The questions this time are too difficult. I estimate that I can get a ranking if I get around 750."

"Hey, the person who was suspected of cheating is still sitting on the podium. I wonder how they will deal with him in the end."

Everyone was complaining about how difficult the competition questions were.

And the incident that happened to Tang Xiao just now.

Tang Xiao also sat quietly on the podium, wanting to see how he would be dealt with in the end.

At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a bang!

The door of the lecture hall was kicked open.

""Ge Juan! You old idiot, what right do you have to deduct my student!"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses but with a burly figure rushed in aggressively.

This man turned out to be Wei Changhe!

Wei Changhe was followed by Liu Zihao.

Everyone looked at Wei Changhe who broke into the room.

The principal of No. 2 Middle School shocked everyone.

Even Tang Xiao was shocked:"Why is the principal here?"

Seeing Liu Zihao, Tang Xiao understood.

It turned out that Liu Zihao handed in the paper early just to go out and contact Wei Changhe.

Liu Zihao didn't know about Tang Xiao's situation, but he knew that only Wei Changhe could solve this kind of thing.

Tang Xiao was very moved and felt warm in his heart.

Needless to say, in order to help Tang Xiao, Liu Zihao handed in the paper early, and he must not have finished the questions, which was equivalent to giving up this competition.

The only subject he is best at is biology.

Liu Zihao is also a strong competitor in the competition!

But he can't stand his brother Tang Xiao being bullied.

He handed in the paper and went to Tang Xiao to get help. Recently, Wei Changhe was still drinking tea in the office, waiting for the news about Tang Xiao's competition.

He received a call from Liu Zihao, saying that Tang Xiao was suspected of cheating and was detained.

Wei Changhe was furious and drove over at full speed.

The domineering Wei Changhe shocked the whole audience.

They heard that the visitor was the principal of the student sitting on the rostrum.

Ge Juan is very old and a respected person. Who doesn't respect her?

In front of so many people, she was called an old spinning top, and her face turned green with anger.

Ge Juan responded:"Wei Changhe, who are you calling a spinning top? This is not the place for you to make trouble!" Wei Changhe pointed at

Tang Xiao:"I'm making trouble? You illegally imprisoned my students, you are making trouble!"

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