Tang Yuan was still wondering what Tang Xiao meant.

Tang Xiao had already walked up to Wei Changhe.

Tang Xiao, Wei Changhe, and Liu Zihao strode away, leaving everyone staring at each other in bewilderment.

Liu Zihao followed behind Wei Changhe and asked in a low voice,"Principal, why don't you just call the police?" Before

Wei Changhe could speak, Tang Xiao replied,"Calling the police is useless... The police won't do anything to them."……"

Wei Changhe nodded in appreciation:"That's right, they didn't break the law, at most they will be criticized."

After a while, the three of them arrived at the entrance of the Children's Palace.

A familiar car appeared, it turned out to be Xin Ling's BMW M4.

Xin Ling parked the car on the side of the road and got out of the car with Xia Yuxi angrily.

"This is outrageous. How dare you bully my brother!" Xin Ling rolled up her sleeves and cursed.

Tang Xiao and others stopped her with a smile:"Teacher Xin, forget it, the matter has been resolved."

It turned out that after Xia Yuxi handed in the paper early, she also notified Xin Ling.

Her idea coincided with Liu Zihao's, and they both wanted to find someone to help Tang Xiao.

After receiving the notice, Xin Ling also rushed over, but her car was parked far away and she arrived late.

"No! I want to go up and avenge Tang Xiao!"

"Forget it……"

Xin Ling tried to rush upstairs to the Cultural Palace several times, but was stopped every time.

It was not easy to persuade Xin Ling to stop.

But Xin Ling couldn't swallow this breath in her heart. She thought to herself: Okay, Tang family, you dare to bully my brother, just wait for me.

Tang Xiao looked at Xin Ling, Xia Yuxi, Wei Changhe and Liu Zihao.

They helped him so much today and believed in him so unconditionally.

There seemed to be a warm current in his heart.

Look at how the Tang family treated him? They thought he was a bad guy without thinking, and even used their power to humiliate him.

The comparison between the two is a world of difference.

Tang Xiao said sincerely:"Today... thank you"

""Eh~ It's so corny, so corny. Disgusting." Liu Zihao rubbed his arms as if he wanted to rub off the goose bumps on his arms.

"Forehead……"Tang Xiao was embarrassed:"How about this, I'll treat everyone to a meal. Let's go to Jianhuxuan"

"Jianhuxuan? I haven't heard of it." Apparently, Liu Zihao had never heard of this place.

"This is fine. Let's go to Jianhuxuan."Xin Ling also agreed.

Anyway, Tang Xiao has a meal ticket worth 500,000 yuan, and it can be discounted by 50%. It's a good deal.


The next day, in the chairman's office in the skyscraper of Tang Group,

Tang Yuan was wearing a well-tailored, hip-hugging formal dress, elegant yet queen-like.

She was listening to the report of her subordinates.

The employee reported anxiously:"President Tang, our group's shares were attacked last night, and the market value evaporated by more than 30 million!"

Tang Yuan asked:"Which force attacked us? Have you found out?"

"It is... Hongchang Group"


The people in the office fell silent.

Hongchang Group is a large-scale regional business organization.

It is a business alliance composed of multiple groups and families. It is a behemoth that ranks among the top in the surrounding provinces.

Now we only know that the attack came from Hongchang Group.

There are multiple forces in Hongchang Group. It is really difficult to find out which force attacked them.

But it only caused them to lose more than 30 million. This attack is more like a mockery and a provocation.

Tang Yuan was thinking: Could it be the Wei family? It doesn't seem like it. The Wei family has nothing to do with Hongchang.

And the incident yesterday was not a big deal. They also gave face to the other party. On the surface, they did not offend Wei Changhe.

Wei Changhe has no reason to attack us.

If it's not Wei Changhe, then who could it be?

Tang Yuan felt like she was hit with a stick.

It was inexplicable and uncomfortable.

But there was no way, and she could only swallow the bitter fruit herself.

She waved her hand:"You guys go and do your work. Secretary Zhang, please arrange a driver for me. I need to go out for a while now."

Secretary Zhang:"Okay, Director, where are you going?"

Tang Yuan said:"Take me to the Jiang'an Cultural Palace."

Whenever Tang Yuan was in a bad mood, she would go to the Cultural Palace to sit and chat with Ge Juan.

In addition, she was also curious about the results of yesterday's competition.

Tang Yuan came to Ge Juan's office.

Tang Yuan apologized:"Teacher Ge, I got you into trouble yesterday."

"No, no. We invited you to be a guest.

Besides, it's just a matter of investigating cheating. If Wei Changhe hadn't been involved, things wouldn't be so complicated."

They have investigated students more than once or twice, and yesterday's situation was the first time it happened.

Most of the invigilators didn't dare to blame Tang Yuan, and Ge Juan would not blame Tang Yuan either.

Tang Yuan apologized again:"Thank you Teacher Ge for your understanding. Teacher Ge, are the results of yesterday's competition out?"

Ge Juan:"Wait a few more minutes, it will be out soon. Now it's all electronic marking, which is quite fast."

At this moment, a teacher came in hurriedly:"Teacher Ge, Ms. Tang, the competition results are out.

This time someone has set a new record and broke the record of 900 points. Even far exceeded it!"

Ge Juan and Tang Yuan were quite surprised.

The questions this time were very difficult, and they all thought that no one could break the record this time.

Unexpectedly, there are still masters.

Ge Juan was very happy:"Not bad, not bad, the young are to be feared. This is a good thing……"

Tang Yuan also nodded. It was a good thing that there were young people surpassing her.

"But the problem is……"The teacher was a little hesitant and didn't know what to say.

Ge Juan said,"What's wrong, Teacher Chen? Is there any problem?"

"The student who broke the record is called Tang Xiao"

"Tang Xiao!"

At this time, the expressions of Tang Yuan and Ge Juan became quite interesting.

Ge Juan didn't believe it:"Teacher Chen, are you sure?"

Teacher Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said:"Tang Xiao's results... are a bit weird. Teacher Ge, Ms. Tang, you can also take a look at Tang Xiao's paper."

Because it is computer-graded, after the contestants' papers are collected, they are all entered into the computer at the first time. This is also to ensure the fairness of the grading.

When they came to the grading room, there were other grading teachers here, and they were all waiting for Ge Juan's arrival.

"Teacher Ge, please come and take a look at Tang Xiao's paper."

Everyone turned on the big screen in the examination room and clicked on Tang Xiao's paper on the computer.

The final score: 993.

Tang Yuan and Ge Juan took a breath.

The full score was 1,000, and Tang Xiao actually scored 993!

Tang Xiao got all the difficult questions at the end right!

A teacher whispered,"Tang Xue's record seems to be 893 points, and Tang Xiao's score just exceeded Tang Xue by 100 points."……"

Everyone had a vague sense of something.

It seemed that someone was slapping her in the face!

Tang Yuan was stunned, and her heart was extremely uneasy.

Ge Juan didn't believe it at all:"Is this score confirmed?"

Teacher Chen and several other teachers smiled bitterly:"All of us have confirmed Tang Xiao's paper, and it is 993 points"

"Moreover. Teacher Chen added:"The 7 points that Tang Xiao lost were for the simplest seven questions. He didn't make any mistakes, but didn't do them, so he lost 7 points."

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