Tang Xiao's heart trembled slightly.

He looked around, the other old men were playing their own games, no one heard what was said here.

He looked at Sun Sheng, although Sun Sheng was laughing.

Tang Xiao could really feel a chill from his words.

This old man may have really killed someone!

But Tang Xiao pretended to be indifferent:"Now it is a society ruled by law, how can I learn to kill people?"

Sun Sheng shook his head:"Learning to kill does not necessarily mean you will really kill people, but you can also prevent yourself from being killed. It's just a technique, a craft, isn't it?

Besides, the minute someone wants to kill you, can the law protect you? At that time, only you can protect yourself.

Killing is the strongest fighting technique in the world. If you can kill, isn't it easier to fight? Just like going to college, isn't the content of elementary school very simple?"

Tang Xiao was silent. Sun Sheng seemed to be talking about perverse logic and his values were not correct.

But in terms of real logic, there was really nothing wrong with it.

Tang Xiao looked at Sun Sheng:"Have you killed anyone?"

""Guess?" Sun Sheng replied with a smile, not seeming to be afraid of

""Aren't you afraid that I will call the police?" Tang Xiao asked again.

Sun Sheng:"Of course I am afraid, but I don't think you will, because I found you strange from the first time I saw you. You are obviously young, but you give me a ruthless feeling of facing death. This kind of ruthlessness is only found in people who have died. People like you are very paranoid and like to have power in their own hands."

Sun Sheng has experienced death many times.

He has this kind of temperament, and only people with this kind of temperament know what this kind of thing is.

There are many people who have experienced death, but they often become timid and carry fear with them all their lives.

Those who bloom with strength in death and those who face death are the real ruthless and strong people.

He actually saw this kind of temperament in Tang Xiao.


The problem is that this young man is only eighteen years old, and this young man often treats and prescribes medicine to the elderly.

This is too contradictory.

Tang Xiao thinks Sun Sheng is mysterious, and Sun Sheng also thinks Tang Xiao is mysterious.

How could he know that Tang Xiao has really experienced death? Death.

That was a real death, not survival, but real death.

Moreover, he was killed by someone who gave his all.

The real destruction of body and mind.

Rebirth brought Tang Xiao not only memory and speed reading, but also mentality.

It is a ruthless mentality of living for death.

Those who are good to him, will be rewarded! Those who are bad to him, will be crushed to ashes!

As for the killing that Sun Sheng said, Tang Xiao was actually interested.

His super memory can learn a lot of things.

But some things cannot be learned through normal means.

For example, killing.

Tang Xiao said truthfully:"But I am not 100% sure about your disease, and I may kill you."

Sun Sheng didn't care:"It's better to die than to be in a wheelchair."

This is Sun Sheng's strange value.

For him, sitting in a wheelchair is really too painful, even more uncomfortable than death.

He wants to seize any chance.

Even if this opportunity comes from a young man under 20 years old.

It doesn't look ridiculous in any way, but Tang Xiao just judged his disease.

Sun Sheng is a heretic, and he wants to take a gamble.

What's more, he thinks that Tang Xiao, this young man, is really interesting

""Okay, let me see your legs again." Tang Xiao said, and walked forward to twist Sun Sheng's legs. What

Tang Xiao meant by this was a deal.

Tang Xiao was tempted by the skill of killing. Tang Xiao still remembered clearly how Tang Yuan used her power to humiliate him yesterday.

He was too weak, and the Tang family was too strong.

Tang Yuan almost killed him with just a few words.

This made Tang Xiao desire more power, even power outside the rules.

Sun Sheng laughed and said,"Thank you, Dr. Tang."

Tang Xiao looked at Sun Sheng with a suspicious look,"But I'm a little curious, will the police really not come to arrest you? I'm still young, and I don't want to go in with you."

Sun Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry,"That's enough. All my experiences were in international affairs, which are beneficial to the country. Otherwise, how could I live comfortably in my country in my old age?

And let me tell you, the Xia government and I have a good relationship."

"Just brag." Tang Xiao didn't believe it.

"Hey! Let me tell you, I have a nickname internationally. They call me the Soldier King."

"Uncle Sun, if you are paralyzed, read less novels. There is no cure for Chuunibyou. Lift your legs up, higher, I want to see your buttocks muscles."

Tang Xiao and Sun Sheng were talking nonsense.

It was strange that they met for the first time, but they got along quite well.

Maybe it was because they were both heretics.


At night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

There are three people on the hill behind the nursing home.

Tang Xiao is sparring with a man in his thirties, and Sun Sheng is sitting in a wheelchair watching.

The sturdy man is big and strong, and very strong.

Tang Xiao and Gu Xiaoxi have learned street fighting, and ordinary people can't beat Tang Xiao at all.

But Tang Xiao is no match at all.

Three minutes later.

The sturdy man found a gap, grabbed Tang Xiao's hand, and threw him over his shoulder easily.


Tang Xiao lay on the ground.

Tang Xiao gritted his teeth in pain:"Uncle Sun, are you going to use such a high level of difficulty right at the beginning? This guy is too powerful."

Sun Sheng nodded:"You have practiced street fighting, which is enough to deal with ordinary people, but not when you meet masters.

You can't always meet ordinary people. Wang Biao's strength is okay, enough for you to practice."

Wang Biao is this big man, who Sun Sheng found.

"Brother Biao is not just okay, he is amazing."Tang Xiao said.

But Tang Xiao was relieved.

Sun Sheng was able to find someone. It seemed that Sun Sheng's identity in the country was indeed legal.

Wang Biao trembled when he heard Tang Xiao's complaints: This kid dared to talk to the Saint like this. Isn't he afraid of death?

Wang Biao knew what a terrifying figure this Uncle Sun Sheng was!

Sun Sheng asked:"How much did you learn from your fight with Wang Biao just now?"

Tang Xiao stood up and began to recall.

"It seems like this is how it was played just now……"

Tang Xiao recalled and made moves, and actually repeated all the moves Wang Biao had just made.

Although some moves were not as powerful and fast, they were exactly the same.

This made Sun Sheng and Wang Biao dumbfounded.

"You... can remember all the moves? Wang Biao is a fast punch master, his moves are very fast. Can you remember them all?" Sun Sheng asked.

Tang Xiao nodded:"Indeed I can remember them all, although my body can't keep up, but my eyes can see clearly."

Sun Sheng said:"Well, Wang Biao, you and Tang Xiao have another fight"


Wang Biao didn't believe it.

Is this kid so evil?

Wang Biao has practiced fast punches for more than ten years. He didn't believe that this kid would remember it after hitting him once.

This time, Tang Xiao was knocked down in one minute.

Because Wang Biao's movements were faster.

After resting for a while, Tang Xiao got up and repeated the whole fighting process again.

Wang Biao was shocked again:"This... how is it possible?"

Sun Sheng's eyes lit up:"Super strong action reading and super strong dynamic vision, you kid's human camera!"

Fighting is different from other sports. It is not about brute force.

Fighting requires the brain the most.

In the field of fighting.

Action reading means stronger adaptability, and good dynamic vision can see other people's movements clearly and react better and faster. Needless to say, the benefits.

Tang Xiao's conditions in these aspects are simply exaggerated!

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