Tang Xin held onto Tang Xiao and insisted on taking him home.

The grove was far away, but not hidden.

In the distance

, the students on the playground were all looking in Tang Xiao's direction.

Although they couldn't hear what they were saying, they were also stunned by the sight of the two of them pulling each other like this.

"Oh my! The battle is so intense?"Liu Zihao was stunned.

Xia Yuxi kept staring at Tang Xiao, her heart hanging.

In the woods, Tang Xiao and Tang Xin were still pulling

"Let go of that boy!" A female voice came.

Tang Xiao and Tang Xin looked to the side at the same time.

A heroic girl stood on the school wall.

It was Gu Xiaoxi!

She was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and a gray pleated skirt, looking young and beautiful.

Gu Xiaoxi jumped off the wall and came to Tang Xiao.

Gu Xiaoxi held a sword and protected Tang Xiao behind her.

"You witch! You actually robbed a man in broad daylight."

Gu Xiaoxi drew her sword and pointed it at Tang Xin.

This scene shocked everyone again.

What the hell is going on?

Where did this female knight come from?

"Who are you?" Tang Xin frowned.

"You can't afford to offend me!" Gu Xiaoxi pretended to be cold and said.

Tang Xiao was also shocked by Gu Xiaoxi's aggressiveness:"What are you doing in our school? What are you acting?"

Gu Xiaoxi studied in No. 1 Middle School, and Tang Xiao and his classmates were in No. 2 Middle School.

My goodness, Gu Xiaoxi actually climbed over the wall to get in.

Gu Xiaoxi ignored everyone and asked Tang Xiao:"What class are you in this?"

"Physical Education"

"Good! Great. Come with me! I'll take you out of here."


""Hurry up! If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave!"

Gu Xiaoxi held the sword in one hand and pulled Tang Xiao with the other, and rushed to the school gate.

Gu Xiaoxi practiced sports and was very strong. Tang Xiao was too thin and weak, so he was really dragged to run.

Tang Xin watched Tang Xiao being dragged away, and she was anxious.

"Tang Xiao! Tonight is Zijian's birthday! Are you coming or not?"

Tang Xiao turned his head and uttered a word clearly and forcefully.

""Get lost!"

Then he ran after Gu Xiaoxi without looking back. Tang Xin was left alone in a mess.

Coincidentally, the principal was driving in at this time, and the car was only halfway in.

The school gate was open.

When Tang Xiao was dragged out of the school gate, he and the principal in the car looked at each other.

This scene was quite embarrassing.

There were still more than ten minutes before school was over. Tang Xiao was skipping classes.

Tang Xiao was also the second in the grade, so of course the principal knew him.


The principal started to scold before he even had time to roll down the car window. Tang Xiao couldn't hear him, but he must have scolded her terribly.

Tang Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he couldn't explain it.

"I still have more than ten minutes until the class ends. Now I am considered a truant student. Tang Xiao was kidnapped by Gu Xiaoxi.

This scene was seen by the classmates.

"Who is this heroine?"

Liu Zihao, Li Jia, and Xia Yuxi were all stunned.

Especially the school beauty Xia Yuxi.

No one noticed that Xia Yuxi's back teeth were about to break.


Gu Xiaoxi ran with Tang Xiao for several miles.

"No...I can't do it anymore...take a break……"

Tang Xiao leaned against the wall and gasped.

Gu Xiaoxi then stopped.

"I guess they haven't caught up yet. You're so weak, you can't do it anymore?"

Tang Xiao finally got enough rest.

"You are weak. Why are you looking for me?"

"Today is your birthday. I am here to help you celebrate your birthday."

"That's it? Didn't grandma ask us to go home early to spend the day together?"

"That's for you. We haven't celebrated our birthdays together for two years. Come on, you treat me to a barbecue, so I'll treat you to a barbecue."


"What are you daydreaming about? Let's go."

In the sunset, on the street.

Gu Xiaoxi carried a sword on her back, grabbed Tang Xiao's hand, and strode forward...

Originally, Grandma and Grandpa Gu remembered that today was Tang Xiao's birthday.

They asked Tang Xiao to go home early in the evening so that the two families could have dinner together.

But Gu Xiaoxi wanted to celebrate her birthday alone with Tang Xiao.

So she came to find Tang Xiao after school, wanting to play with Tang Xiao before going home for dinner.

This is a routine operation for many students.

Gu Xiaoxi originally planned to wait until Tang Xiao got out of school.

But she saw from a distance that Tang Xiao was being harassed by a strange woman.

She didn't know Tang Xin, but she saw that Tang Xiao was not happy.

Gu Xiaoxi directly climbed over the wall and snatched Tang Xiao away.

She was very proud and felt that she had saved Tang Xiao.

As for the sword, Gu Xiaoxi's last class at No. 1 Middle School was also a physical education class, and she also skipped class.

The sword was a sports equipment, she didn't return it, she just came over with it on her back.

So the scene just now happened.

Knowing the whole story, Tang Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was moved and shocked.

This girl is really fierce.

But it's really easy and pleasant to get along with such a girl.

The stove at the barbecue stall was quite strong.

The two of them were sweating while eating.

But Gu Xiaoxi gnawed on some gluten, and it tasted particularly delicious.

Before Gu Xiaoxi swallowed the gluten in her mouth, she asked,"Who was that woman just now?"

"My former sister, Tang Xin"

""Ah?" Gu Xiaoxi was stunned."Sorry, sorry! I didn't know that was your sister."

Gu Xiaoxi recalled that she pointed a sword at someone and called her a witch, and suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

Tang Xiao smiled.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Tang Xiao was a little grateful to Gu Xiaoxi in his heart.

Looking at Tang Xin's attitude, he couldn't get away for a while.

Gu Xiaoxi asked casually:

"Tang Xiao, you've been living with your biological parents for two years. You must have lived a good life."

"Hmm... it's OK"

"Then tell me about it."Gu Xiaoxi pulled Tang Xiao to talk.

Tang Xiao couldn't resist and told a little story.

"One time, my dad said he would take the whole family to the Maldives and we would leave the next day.

I had never even left my province, let alone been abroad. I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep that night."

"Wow! Maldives! How is it? Maldives is fun, right?"

"have no idea"

"Don't know? How could you not know?"

"The next day they didn't call me, everyone went, even the nanny and the maids, leaving me alone at home."


Gu Xiaoxi wasn't very smart to begin with, and she didn't know how to respond to Tang Xiao's question, so she quickly changed the subject:

"What about your brother? He should be nice to you, right? He shouldn't be a bad kid."

Gu Xiaoxi forgot that although Tang Zijian is Tang Xiao's younger brother, they were born on the same day.

"He falsely accused me of damaging my father's book two days ago, and my father beat me so hard that I was hospitalized."


Gu Xiaoxi choked again.

This day is too hard to talk about.

"What kind of people are you? You make me so angry! I should have killed your sister with a sword just now!"

"Thank you, but I don't want you to go in so early."

Gu Xiaoxi bared his teeth and claws, scolding the Tang family for a long time

"Tang Xiao, don't go back. I'll protect you from now on!" Gu Xiaoxi said, patting her chest.

""Okay, I don't plan to go back."

Gu Xiaoxi didn't know how to comfort Tang Xiao. She handed a bunch of chicken wings to Tang Xiao reluctantly.

"You...you eat it."

Tang Xiao smiled and pointed at the chicken leg in Gu Xiaoxi's hand.

"Thank you. I want that one too." Gu Xiaoxi was dissatisfied:"Tang Xiao! You have no sense of boundaries."

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