In the corner of Tang Xiao's wall, they saw a painting.

Sister Li pointed at the painting and said,"That painting is the gift that Master Xiao prepared for Master Zijian."

The painting was not big and was a family portrait painted in watercolor.

The painting was average, but very attentive.

You can tell who was in the painting, it was Tang Rushan and his wife, four sisters, Tang Zijian, and Tang Xiao himself.

Tang Xiao had no money, and this painting was the best he could do.

But Tang Jie and Tang Yuan still didn't appreciate it:"This little ungrateful boy is quite hypocritical.……"

Neither of them noticed Tang Xin's change.

Tang Xin looked at the painting, then at the book.

Her nose was sore and tears welled up in her eyes.

She murmured to herself:

"It turns out that we are so important in Tang Xiao’s heart!"

"Tang Xiao is a person who loves books. He was not the one who damaged the books in the study that day!"

The truth in Tang Xin's mind was completely overturned!

"Tang Xiao is a good boy, a good brother who loves me deeply!"

Although Tang Jie and Tang Yuan felt complicated, they were not as touched as Tang Xin.

Tang Xin ran out of the room like crazy, not caring about her messy hair.

""Hey! Xiao Xin!" Tang Jie and Tang Yuan followed and ran into Tang Rushan and his wife, Tang Zijian, on the corridor of the villa. Tang Xin's hair was disheveled and her eyes were red. She grabbed Tang Zijian's shoulders and asked

"Zijian! I believe you. Tell me, was it Tang Xiao who damaged Dad's book?"

Tang Zijian was originally in high spirits, but he immediately broke into a cold sweat after being frightened by Tang Xin's words.

Damn it! Has he been discovered?

He tried to show an innocent smile

"Sister... do you doubt me?"

"Tang Xin! Don't you believe Zijian? Are you crazy?"Tang Yuan blamed Tang Xin

"Tang Xin, don't scare Zijian."

The whole family blamed Tang Xin.

"No... I don't doubt Zijian. I just think this is a bit weird."Tang Xin was very sad.

""Tang Xin! You are a sister, don't mess around!" Tang Rushan said sternly.

Tang Xin grabbed Tang Rushan's shoulders and begged,"Dad, we may have really misunderstood Tang Xiao, let him come back."

Zhang Ping, as a mother, also softened her heart:"Rushan, Xiaoxin is right. After all, today is Zijian's birthday, call Tang Xiao and ask him to come back."

"Yes, Dad, let my brother come back. Although Tang Zijian was unwilling in his heart, he pretended to be sensible.

Tang Yuan and Tang Jie were a little stunned. They hadn't made up their minds yet.

""Tang Xin! Stop messing around!"

Tang Rushan was still mad at Tang Xiao, how could he take the initiative to let Tang Xiao come back?

Unless Tang Xiao could still bow his head like before.

Then he could reluctantly consider forgiving Tang Xiao.

At this moment, Tang Rushan's phone rang.

The caller ID showed: Tang Xiao.

Tang Rushan's mouth corners could hardly be suppressed, and he was secretly happy.

I knew this kid would bow his head!

After all, he couldn't bear to let my Tang family have a good life!

Tang Xin's eyes lit up:"It's Tang Xiao! Dad, answer the phone, let Tang Xiao go home quickly"

"Rushan turned on the speakerphone, and I'll talk to Tang Xiao too." Zhang Ping said.

Tang Rushan cleared his throat, made his voice more dignified, and answered the phone.

"Hum, you still remember to call me"

"Haha, it's my duty."

Zhang Ping said softly,"Xiao Xiao, today is your brother's birthday. Come back soon and celebrate Zijian's birthday."

Tang Xiao couldn't help laughing on the other end of the phone

"Hahaha, Mom. Have you forgotten that today is also my birthday?"

Tang Xiao's words silenced everyone.

Silence, deathly silence.

Yes! Today is also Tang Xiao's birthday.

They all forgot.

This is somewhat embarrassing.

This also shows that they really didn't regard Tang Xiao as a family member before.

Zhang Ping hurriedly said:"Tang Xiao, I...we didn't forget, come over first and we'll talk later."

"Forget it, I'm not interested."

Tang Xiao's voice became cold and distant.

Tang Xiao didn't care.

He called to say this,"Since it's Zijian's birthday today, I'll give you a gift."

Tang Xin had a premonition, and she remembered the painting.

That painting was really carefully done.

She had seen that such a beautiful painting, everyone would definitely like it.……

"I, Tang Xiao, will sever ties with your Tang family from today onwards!"

Tang Xiao's voice was cold and resolute.

The scene was silent again.

Tang Rushan was the first to explode.

""Bullshit! You ungrateful bastard! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you to death!"

Tang Rushan was furious. He thought Tang Xiao came to apologize.

Now he wanted to break off relations with him!

If everyone hadn't stopped him, Tang Rushan almost smashed his phone.

Tang Yuan patted Tang Rushan on the back and cursed,"Tang Xiao! You're crazy! Do you know what you are talking about? Look how mad you made dad!"

Tang Jie cursed even more,"Tang Xiao! You ungrateful bastard! Go home right now and kowtow to dad to apologize!"

"Brother, don't say stupid things, come back and explain clearly."Zhang Ping and Tang Zijian's eyes were red.

"Haha, funny, don't you Tang family dislike me? Isn't it a great gift for me to leave the Tang family?"Tang Xiao said with a smile, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

Tang Xin was the saddest, her voice was trembling, she held the phone

"Tang Xiao, this is definitely not what you really think, right? We all know your feelings. You have protected the things we gave you very well. I have also seen your paintings. Go home and explain everything clearly.……"

"Oh? You mean those things? Please help me throw them away."

""Please help me throw those things away."

In his previous life, Tang Xiao was hit by a car while holding that painting.

Tang Xiao's heart was also killed.

That painting, those things he once loved, are now garbage in his eyes.

The more relaxed Tang Xiao's tone, the more it hurt Tang Xin's heart.

Tang Xin regretted it. She had a vague premonition that she had lost something extremely precious and important.

Tang Rushan was furious.

"Tang Xiao, you……"

With a beep, the phone was hung up.

Tang Xiao didn't even give Tang Rushan a chance to speak.

Tang Rushan didn't get a word out of his mouth. All the words he wanted to curse turned into internal injuries. He swallowed them all, so angry that he was fuming.

He couldn't control his anger any more.

"This little bastard!"

Tang Rushan grabbed the phone and smashed it heavily on the ground.

The phone was dead.

The guests who came to the banquet looked at him sideways.

"What are the Tang family doing? Crying and cursing"

"Who knows? Anyway, it wasn't my phone that fell."

"Yes, then give me another glass of Lafite, fill it up."

People do not share the joys and sorrows of others, they just want to take advantage of others.


The next day, early in the morning,

Tang Xiao came to Class 7 of Grade 3 of No. 2 Middle School.

The Tang family might not have slept well yesterday, but he slept very soundly.

The classmates in the classroom were whispering and looking at him from time to time.

Tang Xiao was puzzled.

What was going on?

"Tang Xiao! Rebellious son!"

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