After her rebirth, she also activated the daily check-in system.

But she was extremely averse to having other things in her body, and the feeling made her feel nauseous.

And if her brother Ye Xiao knew that there was something other than him in her body, she would be disliked by brother Ye Xiao because of it…….

She will go crazy!

So she ordered the thing called the system to get out of her body!

After the system received her order.

Finally it was transferred to her mobile phone.

However, this also means that once her phone is lost, it means she will lose the system!

【Positioning Panel] will search based on the opponent’s appearance in the owner’s memory.

The targets Yi Mengyun wants to search are the three people who hurt her brother Ye Xiao at the barbecue restaurant at night.

The search results come out.

Name: Zhang Tianba.

Appearance: Picture.

Current location: Room 202, Nanshan Apartment………

Name: Liu Gao.

Appearance: Picture.

Current location: Room 202, Nanshan Apartment………

Name: Chen Xu.

Appearance: Picture.

Current location: Room 202, Nanshan Apartment………

“It’s great~~The three of us are together~~Hehe~~”

Yi Mengyun looked at the search results on her phone.

A happy smile bloomed on his face~ at this time.

Room 202, Nanshan Apartment



“Not out”………….

The three of them were drinking beer and fighting with the landlord.

It looks quite pleasant.

Suddenly, dong dong dong~~~

There was a knock on the door

“Who? Mader stayed up most of the night. Is she sick?”

Zhang Tianba cursed angrily at the door.

But the knocking on the door did not stop.

“Gaozi, go and see who the fuck is!”

Zhang Tianba said to Liu Gao

“Well done, Brother Ba.”

Liu Gao ran over and opened the door.

After opening the door, he was shocked!

It was the beautiful little girl from the barbecue restaurant at night.

What was she doing here?

Liu Gao was confused.

“You three are all at home, right?~?”

Yi Mengyun tilted her little head and smiled gently at Liu Gao~

“exist…Here I am.” Liu Gao’s face suddenly turned red after looking at Yi Mengyun’s charming smile. This girl is really cute. If he could spend a night with this kind of girl, he would die without regrets.

“Oh, all right~~”

Yi Mengyun nodded her head happily

“Is there anything you need? Liu

Gao asked Yi Mengyun

“OK~~”Yi Mengyun nodded and said in a tone of voice that said:”I’m here to punish the three of you.”~~”


After hearing the punishment, Liu Gao suddenly started thinking about it.

Isn’t it that kind of punishment?

Ah hehe……

Immediately, he said with a fearful look:”Of course it’s no problem, hehe……”

“Come first.”

Liu Gao welcomed Yi Mengyun.

“Thank you~”

Yi Mengyun smiled slightly and said politely.

Then she followed Liu Gao into the house.

“Gaozi, who is it?”

After seeing Liu Gao come in, Zhang Tianba asked

“Brother Ba, the little girl at the barbecue restaurant came to play with us at night.”

Liu Gao pointed to Yi Mengyun who was standing behind him.

He smiled evilly at Zhang Tianba.

“Haha, there is such a good thing!” Zhang Tianba and Chen Xu became excited when they saw Yi Mengyun behind Liu Gao. It was so exciting to be able to play with such a pure and charming beauty all night.

“Sister, how are we going to play?”

Zhang Tianba smiled evilly and walked towards Yi Mengyun.


Yi Mengyun put her index finger on her lips, thinking innocently.

Then, she tilted her head and said softly:”I want to chop off your right hand, okay?”~?”!!!

Zhang Tianba and others were shocked

“What did you say? Did I hear it wrong just now? Zhang

Tianba said doubtfully

“You heard me right~~I want to chop off your right hand~~”

Yi Mengyun had a sweet smile on her face~~ she said the most vicious words in the gentlest tone

“are you crazy!”

“Tie her up and play with her to death tonight!”

Zhang Tianba ordered Liu Gao and Chen Xu.

Then, Liu Gao and Chen Xu approached Yi Mengyun with malicious expressions.

But Yi Mengyun still had a gentle smile on her face.

It seemed a little bit… Not even scared.

I saw a string of data appear on the screen of her mobile phone…….

【Time Stop Panel] starts.

Time stop targets: Liu Gao, Chen Xu, Zhang Tianba.

Stop time: one hour.


The time stop was successful!

Just when the two of them were about to catch Yi Mengyun.


Their bodies froze in place, motionless.

Even Zhang Tianba, who was not far away, was still.

“Next it’s time to punish the bad guys~~”

Yi Mengyun pursed her lips and looked happy~~

She slowly walked to Zhang Tianba.

Then his body was tied up with ropes prepared in advance.

Then she took out her phone.

Opened the [Time Stop Panel] and released the time stop command to Zhang Tianba. ps: Is there anyone here~~

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