In high school, she had always cared about the boy Ye Xiao.

Not only is he handsome, but he also has good academic performance and is gentle to others.

She really wanted to confess her love to Ye Xiao during the second half of her senior year of high school.

However, when I think about the huge gap between the two of them, and their appearance is also relatively ordinary.

Zhao Meng retreated with inferiority.

Until now, her inferiority complex has not been released.

When she was in college, her old classmate Chen Kai confessed his love to her.

She knew that Chen Kai liked her very much.

Instead of spending her feelings on boys she can’t get.

It would be better to find a boy who likes her wholeheartedly.

Although she doesn’t like that boy very much.

However, life cannot always be perfect.

She comforted herself in her mind: Take your time, you will get used to it, and you will develop feelings for him.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Her feelings for Chen Kai were still lukewarm and flat.

I have already made up my mind to live with him like this.

Graduate, get married, and have children……

A life that is ordinary and has no troubles…… until.

Today she met Ye Xiao again today…

My heart, which was originally calm, started to get nervous and heated up….

Even she didn’t think of it.

I haven’t forgotten my feelings for Ye Xiao in high school…….

However, Ye Xiao already has a girlfriend and is getting married.

In addition, his girlfriend is so outstanding and beautiful.

She could only suppress this emotion and try not to let it show out.

In my heart, I began to complain about the injustice of God.

Her life will always be so imperfect……

“Okay, stop talking about me, tell me about you, when did you start dating, and when do you plan to get married.”

Ye Xiao interrupted the topic just now.

He smiled softly at the two of them and asked

“We started dating when we were juniors in college. Hehe, I have had a crush on Mengmeng for a long time. I was really nervous when I confessed my love. But fortunately, Mengmeng agreed to be with me in the end. I am very happy now.”

“We plan to close the knot in June next year…”

Chen Kai hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Zhao Meng interrupted him with a look of embarrassment and said,”I’m not in a hurry about getting married. I plan to make more money, haha.”…”

It was as if this was said to Ye Xiao on purpose.

She didn’t know what was going on.

Suddenly she didn’t want Ye Xiao to know that she was going to marry Chen Kai…

“Mengmeng, we are not with……”

Chen Kai was about to say, didn’t we make an agreement with our family about getting married in June next year?

Zhao Meng coughed slightly and interrupted:”Let’s take a good look around here first, it’s quite big.”

“Ye Xiao, look, here is the project introduction that the entrepreneurial experts are preparing to give this speech.”

Zhao Meng came to a wall.

Pointing to the posters on the wall, he smiled at Ye Xiao and others.

“Ye Xiao, what do you think of this person named Ma Yun’s entrepreneurial project?……”

Zhao Meng pointed to Ma Yun on the poster and asked Ye Xiao.

But Yi Mengyun, who was leaning on Ye Xiao’s arm with a sweet look on her face, frowned slightly.

His face began to darken.

He glared at Zhao Meng with warning eyes.

He obviously promised her before coming in that he would not disturb the world between her and brother Ye Xiao.

But he went back on his word! Bad guy!

“He seems to be planning to build an online trading platform, but we already have an online trading platform called Everest in China, and it has achieved great success. Is it a bit difficult for him to gain a foothold?”

Chen Kai pinched his chin and said to Zhao Meng

“Ye Xiao, is that so?”

Zhao Meng seemed not to have heard Chen Kai’s words and continued to ask Ye Xiao

“Online transactions are also divided into categories. Everest is a B2C model, with corporate sellers targeting individual buyers.”

“Ma Yun’s Alibaba is a B2B model, with enterprise sellers targeting enterprise sellers.”

“Therefore, as long as Ma Yun’s team can polish their own projects, it will be no problem to have a foothold.”

Ye Xiao explained to Zhao Meng

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

Zhao Meng nodded.

“Young man, your analysis is correct. Like you, I am very optimistic about Ma Yun’s project.”

“What’s your name, boy?”

An old man who was almost over fifty years old came to Ye Xiao and said kindly to him.

“Teacher Zhang Lei! ?”

Zhao Meng and Chen Kai looked at Zhang Lei in surprise.

They didn’t expect that Mr. Zhang Lei would come over and chat with Ye Xiao.

He is a well-known elite investor in China.

“Hello, Teacher Zhang Lei, my name is Ye Xiao.”

Ye Xiao greeted Zhang Lei politely.

“You all look very young, you must have just graduated from college, right?”

Zhang Lei asked Ye Xiao and others


A few people nodded.

“Which university did you graduate from?”

Zhang Lei continued to ask

“Chen Kai and I both graduated from two universities, but Ye Xiao is different. He graduated from Ningjiang University of Science and Technology, a prestigious university in China!”

“In high school, his grades were very good, and he ranked first in the school in almost every exam.”

Zhao Meng praised Ye Xiao.

It gave people the illusion that Ye Xiao was her boyfriend.

“I graduated from Ningjiang University of Science and Technology, very good.

Zhang Lei nodded to Ye Xiao with a satisfied look on his face.

Then he asked Ye Xiao,”Do you have a job now?””


Ye Xiao shook his head gently.

After hearing that Ye Xiao didn’t have a job yet, Zhang Lei’s eyes immediately lit up.

He said to him:”I want to invite you to our company. You can do it for salary and benefits. Don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly, and if you perform well, I will also give you shares in our company. There is a lot of room for development.”

“How about it? Brother Ye Xiao, are you interested?”

Zhang Lei looked at Ye Xiao expectantly and asked.

PS: Please give me flowers…………

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