Bang bang bang!

The people in the audience began to applaud warmly.

Ma Yun took the microphone and walked to the podium.

“Hello, fellow judges and senior entrepreneurs, I am Ma Yun from the Alibaba Entrepreneurship Team.”

“Our team’s entrepreneurial project is a B2B online trading platform, which can also be referred to as e-commerce.”

“Our purpose is to provide a safe and reliable online trading platform for enterprises across the country and even the world. On the platform of Airi, countless enterprises will cooperate with us in the future.”………………………..

“That’s all the content of my speech, thank you all.”

Ma Yun bowed deeply to the judges and teachers in the audience on the podium.

“Okay, thank you Mr. Ma Yun for your wonderful speech just now. Next is the question time for the judges and teachers.” said the supporter

“OK, all right.”

Ma Yun nodded.

“Hello, as for the e-commerce you just mentioned, there is already a relatively well-known Everest in China. How do you consider the competitive relationship between the two?”

A judge teacher asked Ma Yun

“Well, to be precise, I don’t regard them as competitors. Of course, they will be allergic to anything I say, but I am not afraid of making people allergic.”

“For Ali Baba, we have no opponents, and they have no opponents. Their opponents are the same as us, they are themselves. Ma Yun picked up the phone and explained with a smile.

At this time, another judge teacher asked:”So how much entrepreneurial capital do you expect?””

“My hope is to get 5 million.”

Ma Yun said to the judge teacher.

Hiss………….five million?

This shocked the investors present.

For an event like this, it’s already pretty good to get up to 2 million.

He actually wants 5 million more……

Isn’t this a dream?……

At this time, the ten judges and teachers in the audience began to discuss.

Most of them think that Ma Yun’s Alibaba has the possibility of development, but it is almost impossible to create a lot of profits.

The income under the B2B model is definitely not as high as the income from B2C Everest.

Moreover, Everest has already established a firm foothold in the country, and it will be very difficult for Alibaba to compete with them.

If they don’t see the benefits, they won’t be able to risk investing so much money.

“In the next ten minutes, the judges and teachers can consider whether to invest in this entrepreneurial expert.”

The host spoke.

Time was ticking.

Although Ma Yun looked calm on his face, he was very nervous in his heart.

His back was already sweating.

If he can’t attract investment, then his Alibaba The future is very dangerous

“Mr. Ma, I can give you 1 million to help you start a business. But I hope to get ten points of shares in your company. Of course, we can negotiate these in the future.”

Zhang Lei said to Ma Yun.

After listening to Ma Yun’s introduction to their project just now,

Zhang Lei felt that Alibaba’s value should be more than 10 million.

“Yes, Teacher Zhang Lei.”

Ma Yun said to Zhang Lei.

What he expected in his heart was actually to exchange 5 million for 30 points of the company’s shares, which means one point is about 160,000.

If he can get this 5 million in funds, Ma Yun would There is a 90% certainty that his Alibaba will grow up within two years

“Okay, first of all, congratulations to our Mr. Ma Yun for getting 1 million yuan in entrepreneurial funds, and there are still three minutes left.”

The supporter said on the stage.

The other teachers on the jury seemed not to invest in Ma Yun’s project.

“I can invest 500,000 in Mr. Ma. We can discuss the specific number of shares in the company later.”

A middle-aged man in the seat of ordinary investors picked up the microphone and spoke to Ma Yun.


Ma Yun nodded to him.

“Okay, there is still one minute left. Mr. Ma Yun is still short of 3.5 million in entrepreneurial capital. Can he raise 5 million?”

The host said

“Xiaoyun, how much money do you have in total now?”

Ye Xiao asked Yi Mengyun beside him.

“Brother Ye Xiao, let me take a look~”

After saying that, Yi Mengyun turned on her phone.

“Brother Ye Xiao, I still have a balance of more than 28 million~”

Yi Mengyun placed the phone in front of Ye Xiao.

She smiled sweetly at him~


You, Nizi, are really rich.

“Does brother Ye Xiao want to invest in him?”

Yi Mengyun’s beautiful eyes flickered~ looking at Ye Xiao curiously~with a cute look on her face~


Ye Xiao nodded obediently, and then said a little embarrassedly:”Xiao Yun, can you……Lend me some money?”

“Woo~Why did brother Ye Xiao say borrow it? Brother Ye Xiao and I are husband and wife~ There is no distinction between husband and wife~ My money belongs to brother Ye Xiao~”

Yi Mengyun pursed her lips and looked at Ye Xiao sincerely.~

“Brother Ye Xiao is not allowed to borrow it again, you know?”

Yi Mengyun’s tone became a little tougher.

There was even a commanding tone.


Ye Xiao nodded obediently.

He didn’t dare to disobey her.

“Then Brother Ye Xiao, just say it again~”

Yi Mengyun said softly.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao nodded obediently and said:”Then……, Xiaoyun, when the time comes to pay, just pay it.”

“Yeah~~I will pay~~”

Yi Mengyun nodded happily.

Being able to spend money for her brother Ye Xiao makes her feel happy~~very happy~~

“My wife is so nice~”

Ye Xiao smiled

“Hee hee ~”

Yi Mengyun leaned her face on Ye Xiao’s shoulder affectionately ~ with a sweet look on her face ~ ps: Please give me flowers and review votes……………

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