"You've got to think it over!"

After a long silence, Li Shimin finally smiled bitterly. Now that the matter was done, it would be useless for him to scold Li Kuan. Even if he forced Li Kuan to disband the so-called new school, the Confucianists would not let Li Kuan go.

After all, he had caused a great loss to the Confucianists today. With the aggressive character of the Confucianists and the Kong family, they would definitely not let Li Kuan go.

Even if it was him!

If things got out of hand, he could only bow his head and admit his mistakes, and issue a self-criticism edict.

Because what Li Shimin was facing was not just the Confucianists, but also the Five Surnames and Seven Families. They were all staring at him covetously... No... They were staring at the entire royal family.

Li Kuan was just a prince. Could he withstand the siege of the Confucianists?

"Since I have made the decision, I have already thought about all the consequences!" Li Kuan nodded.

"You go down, make preparations early, the Confucianists may soon find a place to target you!"Li Shimin covered his head and signaled him to leave.

He really didn't want to see this kid now, he was afraid that he couldn't help but take action.

Last time, the palace servant���But it took a long time to clean up.

""Okay, you guys chat first, I'll leave first!" Li Kuan bowed and left carefully.

He didn't want to stay here. He always felt a little uneasy. If he wasn't careful, he might get beaten.

"Humph, this kid is so capable that it makes people worry. Do you think Confucianism is so easy to deal with? I see you have no way out by then. What should I do?"

Li Shimin looked at Li Kuan's back and felt a headache.

It was difficult enough for him to deal with the Five Surnames and Seven Families. If Confucianism was added, I'm afraid the Tang Dynasty would be unstable.

He couldn't help Li Kuan openly, so he could only provide some help secretly.

"Ahem... Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu has always had a way out. If he can't stay in Chang'an anymore, he can go back to Lingnan!" Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Shimin's troubled look and gave him a proper reminder.

When he was in Lingnan, Cheng Yaojin had never seen any so-called Confucian scholars who were eloquent. They were all practical officials who were dedicated to serving the people.

Therefore, Lingnan also became the most prosperous place in the Tang Dynasty.

"....."When Li Shimin heard Cheng Yaojin's words, he was also shocked.

Just now, he was just fixed in his thinking. Yes, who said that Li Kuan had no way out? He still had Lingnan.

He could have caused trouble in Chang'an and then hide in Lingnan.

Just now, he was moved by Li Kuan's righteousness. He didn't expect that this kid had already thought of a way out.

However, when it came to Lingnan, he also understood why Li Kuan was so disgusted with Confucianism. He didn't seem to see any Confucian scholars who talked freely in Lingnan.

Even the petty officials were fluent in writing, understood the rules, respected the people, and treated foreign merchants well, so they had already created a prosperous Lingnan.

If this was placed in Chang'an, it would be absolutely impossible.

Especially the Confucianists, if they went to Lingnan, they would probably accuse Lingnan of the collapse of rituals and music.

It seems that Li Kuan's approach is right, otherwise, there would be no prosperous Lingnan, but Chang'an is different from Lingnan.

Even if he used all his power, he couldn't move this solidified foundation.

Now, I'm afraid I can only hope that Li Kuan is a knife that can tear a thorny path from the solidified court.

All he could do was to help him secretly, but this kind of help would probably be sporadic.

"Let him do everything!" Li Shimin's sigh echoed in Ganlu Palace.

Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozon looked at each other. It seemed that their emperor had changed. He was lenient to the King of Chu, which was not the case with other princes.

Even the most favored King of Wei, Li Tai, had never been like that. When

Li Kuan left the palace, Zhao Xin and Daniu were waiting outside. He rode on the little white horse and walked towards his courtyard, thinking about his future.

There was nothing to think about. He should take more disciples now and bring them back to Lingnan after the New Year, so that they can contribute to Lingnan and shine.

Anyway, as long as they worship themselves as their teachers, Chang'an will no longer be able to accommodate them. He is doing this for their own good..

Yes... I am doing this for the good of my disciples~!

On the way, Li Kuan passed by the store of Daxing Coal Industry on Zhuque Street and saw that it was crowded with people.

Several people with loud voices were introducing the use of anthracite and coal stoves.

Of course, in addition to iron stoves, Daxing Coal Industry also launched red clay stoves, but the chimneys are all made of iron sheets.

However, selling stoves is just a byproduct, and the main business of Daxing Coal Industry is still selling coal.

Three pounds of coal for one cent, which is many times cheaper than charcoal. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, there is a shortage of coal in Beijing now, and many people want to try the effect of anthracite.

"It seems that the advertising effect is not bad!"Looking at the crowded crowd, Li Kuan nodded with satisfaction.

From today on, Daxing Coal Industry will be a household name in Chang'an City.

It seems that he can also consider using hot air balloons for advertising.

I think there will be a lot of income.

Li Kuan was in a particularly good mood today. He walked around outside for a long time. When he finished dinner, he went back.

But when he got home, Yuan Tiangang and the other two were already waiting outside. The guards didn't know them, so they could only wait.

Li Kuan let them in directly.

"This is the stove that the prince promoted, and there is anthracite!"As soon as he entered the living room, Li Chunfeng was attracted by this special stove.

He was amazed! No wonder the prince promoted coal and stoves like this.

It is really useful. There is no smoke, and you can cook.

"Have you two eaten? Why don't we have dinner together?" Li Kuan greeted them. Unexpectedly, Li Chunfeng and the others did not hesitate to agree.

At the dinner table,

Li Chunfeng praised the delicious dishes while asking about astronomical knowledge.

Li Kuan simply replied to some of them, but for most things, he still needed to see them himself.

Slowly... the sky gradually darkened and candles were lit in the room.

It is winter now, and it is completely dark at 5:15 a.m. in the morning. Several people walked out of the yard and looked up to see the sky full of stars.

There was no heavy industry in the Tang Dynasty, the air was fresh, and there was no haze. You could see the sky full of stars by looking up in the yard.

The sky you see at this time is much better than what you can see in the best viewing spots in Tibet in later generations.

After coming to the Tang Dynasty, watching the stars is also a pleasure for Li Kuan to kill boring time.

"My Lord, these are the twenty-eight constellations: Jiao, Kang, Shi...."As soon as he saw the stars, Li Chunfeng immediately became interested and pointed at them one by one, saying the name of each star.

He could name almost every star in the sky.

"...."Li Kuan also knew how boring the ancients were, and they actually wrote down the names of these stars.

But on second thought, later astronomers named more stars and gave them more names.

"You two, stop talking, take this and look at the starry sky again!"Li Kuan took out a telescope, which was a high-power single-aperture telescope made by someone before he came.

He came here to ask Li Chunfeng to help him develop a sextant, so he naturally had to give him some gifts.

He didn't expect that before he went to find these two, they came to him.

"What is this?"Li Chunfeng took the big iron bucket and was a little confused.


This is a telescope!"Li Kuan pointed at the telescope and continued,"Look through it, and you will see a different starry sky!" Đạo Vô Tâm

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