Confidentiality agreement?

Li Shimin listened to Cheng Yaojin's words and couldn't help but look at the bottom of the contract.

Sure enough, there was a very clear mark below:"All those who cooperate with Lingnan in business must not disclose Lingnan information, otherwise the contract will be cancelled and cooperation will never be resumed!"

Very serious!

Anyone who wants to do business with Lingnan must abide by this.

"It's not easy to do business in Lingnan. This is the most important point. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, we can only find someone else!"Li Kuan said very seriously.

If even this can't be kept secret, there is no need for cooperation.

"So if someone asks where the goods come from, what should we say?"Li Shimin frowned and continued to ask

"This is not easy, why don't you just say you got it from the west of the Western Regions!" After Li Kuan finished speaking, he motioned Li Shimin to turn the page to page 2:"The back will teach you how to deal with people who interrogate you!"

Li Shimin and his companions were stunned and could not help but turn the page.

Sure enough, there is a response plan.

If you are interrogated by court officials, how should you answer?

If you are interrogated by aristocratic merchants, how should you answer?

The next step is that if you encounter someone who bullies you, don't be afraid. Each merchant will form a chamber of commerce and advance and retreat together.

"Your Majesty, do you really not want Lingnan to be exposed to the public?"Li Shimin never thought that Li Kuan would be so cowardly. Even in this situation, Lingnan cannot be exposed to the court.

"For the sake of the people in Lingnan, I have no choice but to do this!" Li Kuan and the other man smiled like foxes.

While the two foxes were talking, Cheng Yaojin's eyes turned:"Your Highness, since you don't want to show up, I know some people in the capital who can help you. Do you think the share should be higher?"

"Oh, who do you know?"Li Kuan raised his eyebrows and asked Cheng Yaojin.

If there is a suitable person to support the scene, it is not impossible, but he has to feel that the person is suitable.

"hey-hey...The current Duke of Lu, Cheng Yaojin!" Cheng Yaojin laughed and said smugly

"Duke Lu?" Li Kuan narrowed his eyes.

Cheng Yaojin was a scoundrel in the Tang Dynasty. Although his second wife was from the Cui family, he was a military commander of the Tang Dynasty and supported Li Shimin. He was destined not to get too close to the Five Surnames and Seven Families.

"How about I let him protect our caravan?" Cheng Yaojin said slyly, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

What Li Kuan brought out was a good thing, and the profit was not low.

This was a good opportunity to make money. If it could really increase a little, his Lu Guogong Mansion would not be short of money.

Li Shimin glanced at Cheng Yaojin. He knew that it was Cheng Yaojin's idea, and he did not expose it for a while.

"Can you represent Duke Lu?" Li Kuan looked at Cheng Yaojin, his words revealing disbelief.

"My name is Cheng Yijin, I am the brother of Duke Lu, I have helped him run his business before, if I tell him, he will probably agree!" Cheng Yaojin said seriously.

"Well, the name of Duke Lu's Mansion is worth half the city's profit!" Li Kuan nodded and looked at Cheng Yaojin:"I'll add one more thing. I'll send someone to the capital to contact Duke Lu. If he agrees, I'll give you an extra half of the city's profit!"

"Okay, I'll inform Lord Cheng when I get back!" Cheng Yaojin nodded happily.

Li Shimin also said tentatively:"I am familiar with Li Daozong of the royal family, why don't you also.."

Li Shimin did not say that he was familiar with the emperor, but only said that he was familiar with Li Daozong.

Before Li Shimin finished speaking, Li Kuan waved his hand and said,"I don't cooperate with the royal family!"


Li Shimin was full of black lines on his head. Why not cooperate with the royal family?

Damn, aren't you a member of the royal family?

"Look carefully, if you agree to cooperate, you need to pay a guaranteed membership fee of 3,000 taels of silver as your membership capital, and from now on you will also be a member of the Lingnan Chamber of Commerce!!"Li Kuan reminded again.

Li Shimin and others also saw

"Let's think about this. If possible, I will send the silver to the palace tomorrow!"Li Shimin also saw the clause and said seriously

"Please help yourself!" Li Kuan smiled and nodded. After all, 3,000 taels was not a small amount, so it was reasonable for him to hesitate:"If you have figured it out, you can come to the palace to find me!"

Just like that, the few of them chatted for a while and then left.

Li Shimin also walked out of the restaurant.

""Liu Renyuan, go out of the city and get 3,000 taels of silver!" Li Shimin said to Liu Renyuan after leaving the restaurant. Liu

Renyuan was slightly surprised:"Your Majesty, do you really want to join the King of Chu's Chamber of Commerce?"

"heheI want to see what this kid is up to."Li Shimin sneered in his heart.

When he returns to Chang'an this time, he will definitely remove this kid's position and fiefdom.

"Your Majesty, you are not planning to attack Li Kuan, are you?" Cheng Yaojin knew his emperor very well. As Liu Renyuan left, he asked tentatively:

"Isn't it possible?" Li Shimin asked back.

Cheng Yaojin said:"But now you have no reason to take action against Li Kuan!"


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