
After Li Shimin put on the coat, although the clothes felt a little heavy, he felt the wind blowing in his face and didn't seem to feel cold.

He moved his arms and body, although it was a little difficult to adapt to the thickness of the coat.

But I have to say, it is indeed very warm.

He gently pressed the surface of the coat. The texture of the coat is still very soft and warm.

After a while, Li Shimin felt that his body had a little warmth, which was not the feeling when he wore fur.

In this cold wind, it is still so warm, it can be called a cold-proof artifact

"What is sewn inside?"Li Shimin looked at the sewing thread and frowned. As an emperor, how could he not know that there were clothes made like this?

If everyone in the people could wear this kind of clothes, would there still be people who froze to death?

"Bai Fen Zi!" Zhao Xin said directly. In fact, when Li Shu brought these Bai Fen Zi, he didn't expect that his own prince would use Bai Fen Zi to make clothes and quilts. He hurriedly continued to explain:"The prince asked people to take out all the seeds of Bai Fen Zi. Using them to make clothes and quilts is very soft and warm!"

Bai Fen Zi?

Li Shimin didn't expect that Bai Fen Zi could be used to make these clothes and quilts. No wonder Li Kuan got so many Bai Fen Zi today, and made the New Chu Palace full of Bai Fen Zi fluff.

I really don't know what Li Kuan is thinking about all day long. He can always come up with something different, and every thing will make people feel refreshed.

Just this warm clothing is enough to make Li Shimin look at him with new eyes.

"Where did your prince get these white folds?"Li Shimin touched the soft cup and mattress and asked curiously.

"We have very few white folds here. Wanbao Pavilion had them transported thousands of miles from the Western Regions..."Zhao Xin paused here and said,"But the prince said that if we save the seeds, we can plant a large amount of this white flounder next year!"

"Planting? Can we also plant white calamus on a large scale here?" Li Shimin's eyes lit up.

Now white calamus is an ornamental flower in the Tang Dynasty. It can survive if treated with caution, but if white calamus is planted like wheat and rice, then the people will have a better winter.

Zhao Xin did not give a direct answer, but said:"If the prince says it can be planted, then we can plant it!"

"......"Li Shimin was speechless

""Okay, I'll take the things, you can go back!" Li Shimin waved his hand to signal Zhao Xin that he could leave.

Li Shimin found that anyone who followed Li Kuan would trust Li Kuan unconditionally, so he was curious about what charm that boy had.

"Your Majesty, here are seven sets of bedding, one for you, one for the Queen, one for each of the four imperial concubines and Concubine Yang!" Zhao Xin did not leave, but finished what his prince had told him to do.

Li Kuan had told his mother to use them, so he had to make it clear.

Li Shimin's mouth twitched. This brat was still thinking about his mother. If Concubine Yang was not in the palace, would he still remember his father?

As for sending those imperial concubines, I'm afraid it was just a byproduct.

"I understand!" Li Shimin nodded and waved his hand impatiently, indicating that Zhao Xin could leave.

But Zhao Xin stood there without moving.

Li Shimin wondered:"Why don't you leave?"

"The prince told me to take the carriage back because the palace still needs it!"Zhao Xin didn't dare to look at Li Shimin but looked at the carriage next to him.

When the prince came, he said that if the carriage stayed in the palace, it would not be returned, so he asked him to leave the things and take the carriage back.

"I go..."Hearing this, Li Shimin finally burst into swearing.

This rebellious son is so rich, why does he still care about this carriage?...Am I the one who cheated him of his carriage?

Why don't you die ?

""What are you waiting for? Move the things down and let him go!" Li Shimin looked at Liu Renyuan and waved his hand unhappily.

Liu Renyuan was also stunned by Li Kuan's stinginess just now. He was stunned for a moment. The King of Chu was too brave.

Hearing Li Shimin's words, he hurriedly took several eunuchs to move the bedding down.

Zhao Xin didn't dare to stay any longer under Li Shimin's murderous gaze. He said goodbye to Li Shimin and walked quickly out of the palace with the carriage. If riding a horse was not prohibited in the palace, he would have left by now.

After watching Zhao Xin leave, he looked at Liu Renyuan Wang Bao:"Send one set to Ganlu Palace, and send the other sets according to the list said by the King of Chu!"

Wang Bao nodded and took the eunuch to the harem. Only Liu Renyuan was left holding a set of bedding and followed Li Shimin into Ganlu Palace.

There was a bedroom in Ganlu Palace, where he would rest when he was busy with official duties. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Shimin did not remove the fur on the couch, but directly spread the mattress and lay down.


Lying on the mattress, Li Shimin felt that his back was very soft, and even his body, which had been tired all day, began to relax.

It must be said that when it comes to enjoying life, it depends on Li Kuan.

""Renyuan, please leave. I need to rest!" Li Shimin didn't want to get up after lying down. He felt sleepy all of a sudden.


Liu Renyuan was puzzled. It was just a quarter past Wushi and it was a little after seven in the evening. Your Majesty wanted to rest? In the past, he would go to bed after half past Haishi and ten in the evening.

But he had no choice but to leave.

There was no conversation that night!

The next day, Li Shimin woke up from the bed and felt the warm quilt. He didn't want to leave.

It must be said that he had never had such a warm quilt before.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go to court!" Wang Bao found that Li Shimin had woken up and hurried forward to say.

Li Shimin sat up unhappily, and the cold wind immediately penetrated his body, making him shiver unconsciously and want to get into the quilt.

But thinking that he still had to go to court, he still endured it.

After putting on his clothes, Li Shimin stepped out of Ganlu Hall and looked around to see a vast expanse of white.

It was snowing.

No wonder it was so cold. Li Shimin couldn't help but tighten his clothes and then looked at Wang Bao:"Put on the coat that Li Kuan sent me!"

Then a very strange scene appeared.

When going to court, Li Shimin wore a coat to the court.

Li Kuan's courtyard!

It was bright in the sky before Li Kuan got up from the quilt. He hadn't enjoyed the feeling of sleeping under a quilt for a long time.


When he got up, he saw Princess Yuzhang looking at the snow in the courtyard and exercising. She was very happy to see Li Kuan coming out:"Second brother, you are awake!"

"Sister, did you sleep well yesterday?"There were nine sets of bedding yesterday, seven of which were sent to the palace, and the remaining two sets were given to him and the sick Princess Yuzhang, one each. After all, Princess Yuzhang was still sick and needed to recuperate.

"Second brother, your quilt is so comfortable, I have never slept so well!" Princess Yuzhang's face flashed with joy:"By the way, do you still have that quilt? I... will pay for it!"

She felt a little embarrassed when she said the last part. Li Kuan probably didn't have many such comfortable quilts.

"I am still making them, but many of them have been booked out. But don't worry, if there are any left, I will definitely send them to you!!"Li Kuan smiled and nodded. He complained in his heart that there was not enough cotton to share.

After that, Li Kuan had breakfast and walked towards the Misty Rain Tower on the snow. Since Wei

Wang Li Tai had sent an invitation to the poetry meeting, he could not let down his kindness.

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