"How is this made?"

"What a terrifying weapon!"

Everyone present was stunned. The cannon was too lethal.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu was so powerful.

It simply overturned the cognition of everyone present, but the Lingnan officials were calmer. Although they didn't know what the red cannon was, they knew something about what made the earth-shattering noise. The princes would send some to some mining places in Lingnan, but those things were protected by special people.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The chieftains were so scared that their legs were now weak. They didn't dare to imagine what would happen if more than a dozen cannons were fired at their village?

Dare not think, dare not think


At this moment, a few people came over from a distance of several hundred meters, driving three groups of cattle, and then the three groups of cattle were tied in three different places.

"What's going on again?"

Everyone was puzzled. Has the demonstration been completed?

However, they still wanted to see more of the cannon's power.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our cannon has two attack modes. The one we just demonstrated is only the first attack method. There is another method!"This time it was Zhao Xin who explained:"Do you see the cows over there? There are ten cows in each group within a radius of three and a half sticks!"

Everyone looked far away, and it seemed to be true.

Several herds of cattle were separated by hundreds of meters, and they could see them clearly from the city wall.

Then they saw Li Kuan waving the flag again at the bottom, and then Gongshu Ziyu under the city followed the original steps, piled gunpowder into it, and put in another iron ball?


Isn't this the same as the action just now?

How could there be a second attack method?

Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin looked at each other. With their military vision, they had already seen the attack principle of this cannon.

It was similar to the attack method of the catapult, but this time it was replaced with an iron ball.

But this second method still uses an iron ball?

"Don't blink, everyone!"

Li Kuan waved the flag in his hand again.

Gongshu Ziyu nodded, adjusted the position of the muzzle again, and aimed at one of the cattle.

The people on the city wall consciously covered their ears with their hands, because every time the cannon sounded, their ears were buzzing.


The earth trembled, and they looked and saw an iron ball flying out and landing in the herd of cattle.

That's it?

Some of them have already understood that the cannon shot a line, and everything the iron ball passed was turned into powder.

But this herd of cattle is not a densely lined army, nor a thick city wall, but an origin.

Such an attack may not kill many cattle.

But before everyone's expression changed, there was another explosion in the herd of cattle.

Smoke rose.

They could see that the dust around the herd was blown up by the shock wave, and ten of the cattle fell to the ground.

The howling of the cattle could still be heard faintly.

Silence....Deathly silence.

The entire city wall was terribly silent, with only heavy breathing to be heard.

After a long time, the sound of swallowing saliva could be heard. It was too horrible.

If such a cannonball fell into the crowd at this moment, then among them, half of the people present would fall down... no... more than half.

Li Shimin also swallowed his saliva. Can this be called a weapon? This is a magic weapon.

If the Tang Dynasty had such a magic weapon, it would be invincible in attacking cities and conquering territories.

Boom... Boom!

There were two more loud noises, and the two herds of cattle on the opposite side also fell to the ground.

The sharpness and accuracy of this artillery are already the best in the Tang Dynasty. It is much better than a catapult.

After the third shot, Gongshu Ziyu did not stay and pushed the cannon away

"Ha ha....How about my Lingnan artifact?"

Li Kuan laughed as he watched Gongshu Ziyu leave.


"It is truly a national weapon!"

"With this cannon, the Lingnan army will be invincible!"

After a moment of silence, there was a surge of enthusiasm. With such a powerful weapon, Lingnan City would become indestructible, not to mention anything else.

"Hahaha....I will treat you all to beef today?"

Li Kuan listened to what everyone said, laughed and walked down the tower.


Li Shimin looked at Li Kuan's back, and his teeth were itching with hatred.

This kid deliberately used a cow to test the cannon, maybe he was greedy for beef.

Several officials from Lingnan Prefecture also reacted at this time, and waved to everyone and made arrangements:"Everyone is in for a treat, please follow me!"

After that!

He took everyone to the place where the guests were entertained.

Li Shimin walked out of the city in silence, he wanted to see the real lethality of the cannonballs.

Cheng Yaojin followed behind.

When he walked to the dozen or so walls that had been built, he looked at these dozen walls, none of which was one foot thick, but now there were only ruins on the ground and broken bricks and tiles.

Cheng Yaojin didn't believe it and picked up a brick to smash the remaining wall, but it didn't move at all, it was extremely solid.

"this...If this is used to attack the city wall, it won't take long to blow a big hole!" Li Shimin whispered softly, with the shock on his face not diminished at all.

He also picked up an iron ball, which was very heavy. It was the power of this iron ball.

He walked to the other side, where someone was picking up the dead cows. Some of them were not dead, but they had many wounds like those cut by sharp blades on their bodies, and they were dying.

I can't imagine.

If this kind of killer weapon is used on the battlefield and explodes among the hostile forces, how much lethality it will have.

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