In front of Chang'an City.

Li Shimin's caravan headed for Chang'an City. Before entering the city, they showed the sign of Duke Lu's Mansion, and there was no obstruction. They went straight into the city.

However, as soon as he entered the city, Li Shimin suddenly felt a little lost.

The houses were messy, the people had dull eyes, carriages and horses were rampant, and there were some beggars walking on the streets in tattered shoes, with pale faces and thin bodies.

And from time to time, you can see noblemen riding horses in the streets, flying hawks and running dogs.

There are also many places in the city where sewage is spread everywhere, and it smells bad from time to time.

Li Shimin couldn't help but cover his nose, but he had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

This atmosphere is far worse than Lingnan.

He had to admit that Chang'an could not compare with Lingnan City in terms of enjoyment and environment.

Li Shimin could not help but sigh:"Since I ascended the throne, I have worked diligently, reduced corvée labor, promoted commerce, and the people have become increasingly prosperous. All nations have come to pay tribute, and there is a hint of a great era. But now, after a trip to Lingnan, I suddenly realized that I am not as good as my son Li Kuan in this regard!"


Renyuan hurriedly comforted him:"Your Majesty, you are working hard on national affairs. The whole world needs your governance to prosper, and Your Highness the King of Chu is just in a remote corner and cannot be counted!"

"Really? Maybe!" Li Shimin smiled bitterly. He knew that Liu Renyuan was complimenting him, but he didn't point it out.

Liu Renyuan didn't seem to have said anything false. His face was a little red. Indeed, during his inspection of Lingnan, he found that Li Kuan could unite the people and the development was extremely rapid. His Majesty at least had not solved this problem. He was even secretly restricted by the Five Surnames and Seven Affiliations.

However, seeing that Li Shimin had not replied for a long time, he added:"Your Majesty, do you want to let the important officials of the court receive you?"

"No, enter the imperial city through the side door!" Li Shimin shook his head:"Give orders, don't let the Lingnan news leak out!"

Although he had released the news about Xunyou, he only told the closest people this time.

The Five Surnames and Seven Families had already planted many spies under him. If these people knew that Xunyou went out, he would be in danger.

Even if he went out this time, he asked the crown prince Li Chengqian to supervise the country and stay in seclusion for several days on the grounds that Li Yuan was in mourning and chanting sutras.

So this time, apart from the close people, few people knew that they had left the palace and Xunyou.


Let Cheng Yaojin go back, and the two of them entered the palace through a side door.

"Your Majesty, are you back?"

In the bedroom of the Taiji Palace, someone has already notified the Empress Changsun and is waiting outside.

"Guanyinbi, why are you outside? Come back to the palace!"

Looking at the elegant and beautiful woman in front of him, Li Shimin hurriedly stepped forward to support her and took her into the palace.

The palace maid also hurriedly brought tea.

"Your Majesty, how was your trip this time?"

Empress Changsun naturally knew what her Majesty was doing, and now that there were no outsiders around, she seemed more free to ask.

""Since I came to the throne, I have been implementing benevolent policies. I thought that all the lands of the Tang Dynasty would prosper after entering Chang'an. However, the lands in all directions are barren and far inferior to those in Chang'an....."

Li Shimin wanted to talk about Li Kuan, but after seeing Empress Changsun, he swallowed his words.

Empress Changsun thought that Li Shimin was just sighing, and then comforted him:"This is also normal. Chang'an City is the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, it is more magnificent than other places!"

After that, she added:"But your majesty, you work diligently for the Tang Dynasty. I think it won't be long before the people will live like Chang'an!"

When Empress Changsun spoke, she also praised Li Er for his diligence and love for the people. If it were the old Li Shimin, he would probably laugh in the meeting. He also had confidence in himself.

But the trip to Lingnan greatly reduced his confidence.

"I hope so!"

Li Shimin nodded, then picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.


The tea he just drank sprayed out directly in his mouth. Looking at the tea, he couldn't help but blurt out:"What kind of tea is this?"

""Ginger tea, your majesty likes to drink it most. Is it too hot?" Empress Changsun glanced at the maid beside her as she spoke, with some complaints in her eyes.

The maid was a little terrified.

"It's not hot, I just haven't had it for a while, so I'm not used to it!"Li Shimin shook his head.

It has to be said that after staying in Lingnan for these days, he has become accustomed to drinking Lingnan's pure tea. This kind of mixed tea always tastes weird. Did he drink this stuff before?

Now it always feels bland, and he has been drinking it for more than 30 years?

Suddenly, Li Shimin felt that he had lived in vain all these years, and he didn't want to drink tea anymore.

"Guanyin maid, I brought back a new kind of tea this time, you can taste it!"This tea can't be mixed, but tea must be drunk anyway, fortunately I brought back a pound of roasted tea from Lingnan.

Call Liu Renyuan in, let him give the tea leaves to the maid and teach her how to make tea.

Liu Renyuan didn't want to give it, there was only a little more than a pound in total, and he was going to take it back to the mansion to drink it himself, but he didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor was still thinking about this pound of tea.

Almost, he was almost going to resign and go back to the mansion.


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