Mrs. Cui was very straightforward and briefly explained the situation of Wanbao Pavilion. She especially emphasized the location of Wanbao Pavilion.

""Mrs. Cui, did you buy that soap from Wanbao Pavilion?"

At this moment, one of the women suddenly asked curiously.

She had just gone to the toilet in a hurry and washed her hands when she came back. She was deeply attracted by the soap.

It was full of foam and her hands were still fragrant after washing. She wanted to buy it.

"this...There didn't seem to be much soap in Wanbao Pavilion, so the few remaining pieces were given to Old Cheng!"Mrs. Cui said this with pride in her eyes.

Now in Chang'an City, only their Lu Guogong Mansion used soap.

"Soap? What is soap?"

The other women looked puzzled. What is soap? But knowing that the two people were talking about it should be a new thing in the world.

Mrs. Cui smiled and explained the use of soap. Every woman was envious and even tried it.

"Really useful!"

"After washing your hands, there is still a fresh fragrance!"

"There is so much foam. If I use it to take a bath... Sister Cui, given our relationship, you have to give me a soap!"

"My hands become so smooth after washing. It would be so comfortable to use them for bathing!"

"I want one too, please don’t be partial!"


Everyone was very interested in the soap, and this interest was even greater than that of a glass mirror.

So everyone looked at Mrs. Cui.

Finally, Mrs. Cui had no choice but to take out two bars of soap from the house, cut them into several small pieces with a knife and distributed them to everyone.

Slowly, the news of Wanbao Pavilion spread among the top ladies in Chang'an City.

Zhenbao Pavilion...

"Wang San, is there no business in Wanbao Pavilion today?"

I drank a little yesterday and came to the shop in the afternoon. Looking at the deserted shop opposite, I still had disdain on my face.

"Yes, there is still no one!"

Wang San nodded casually. The business on the opposite side has been quiet for more than one or two days.

They are used to it.

Wang Hu nodded and returned to his own small room, then asked:"How is our business today?"

"Shopkeeper, today we sold 30 bronze mirrors, a dozen or so pearls, and several rolls of top-quality silk!"Wang San was a little excited when he spoke. The business in their Treasure Pavilion was pretty good. He made more than 800 strings of cash in one day.

" seems that business is pretty good today!" Wang Hu laughed. If he continued like this, it seemed that he had taken some thousand-faced bronze mirrors and Dongzhu under the pressure of his family. Now it seemed that his approach was right. He had made a lot of profit for the time being.

Not bad....good...If he continued like this, he would be able to recover his capital within a month, and then it would be time to make money.

If he continued like this, his status in the family would be further improved. He would even be assigned more business in the family.

However, just as they were discussing, a luxurious carriage stopped at Wanbao Pavilion.

A woman got off the carriage, dressed gorgeously and with a noble look on her face.

This woman was a woman who had just come out of Duke Lu's mansion. In order to buy the glass mirror first, she went back home to get the money and came here.

"Madam, this is Wanbao Pavilion!"

A maid supported the woman and looked at the deserted Wanbao Pavilion with some hesitation in her tone.

Why is this Wanbao Pavilion so deserted?

"Let's go in and take a look!" The woman nodded and walked towards the Wanbao Pavilion shop.

""Welcome!" Seeing the woman coming, a woman dressed elegantly came out and bowed.

Wanbao Pavilion has special female waiters to receive female guests of Wanbao Pavilion.

They were all redeemed by Li Shu from the brothel in the past two days. These women have an advantage that they are open and can chat with guests, especially when both parties are women. It can give female guests a sense of closeness.

"oh.."Seeing the female receptionist, the woman was stunned.

In the past, when she went to other stores, most of the receptionists were men, which was also the reason why women did not go out for a long time. She did not expect Wanbao Pavilion to be so thoughtful.

Thinking of this, the woman could not help but speed up her pace.

The female receptionist looked at the woman and asked again kindly:"I want a mirror. How many types do you have here?"

"Mirror? We have a kind of glass mirror here, but they are all different sizes!" The waitress led the woman to one of the counters and took out a palm-sized wooden box. She gently opened the wooden box and found a mirror embedded in it.

"This is the kind of mirror I want!"

When the woman saw the mirror, her eyes lit up. This is the kind of mirror she wanted.

"How much is the mirror?" The woman was a little excited. She didn't expect that this kind of mirror was really

"This small mirror is not expensive....80 strings of cash!" The waitress said with a smile, and then took out two slightly larger wooden boxes from the counter, the largest of which was 80 centimeters long:

"The medium size is 150 guan, and the large one is 300 guan!"

The woman narrowed her eyes when she heard the price. She opened them and looked at them. The largest one was bigger than Mrs. Cui's.

But she may not know that Cheng Yaojin actually had a full-length mirror, which was much bigger than the largest one. Unfortunately, it was smashed by the prodigal son of their family.

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