The waves were raging, and the originally huge ship was just a small boat on the vast sea, swaying.

It seemed that it could be swallowed by the waves at any time.

However, the ship was like a tumbler, although it was not swaying or tilting, but it did not show any signs of capsizing.

"It's over, it's over!"

Cheng Yaojin's body was tied to a pillar, but he kept mumbling as he looked at the surging waves outside.

Occasionally, water came in through the tilted windows of the boat twice, and he thought it was over, but the boat stood firm every time.

However, after several experiences, his legs were already weak.

While he was still sad, an unfixed chair in the cabin flew out with the shaking of the boat and hit his lower abdomen violently.


The severe pain made Cheng Yaojin regain some of his sanity.

Li Daozon was not much better, with a thousand horses galloping in his heart. He should not have come. If he had known the current situation, he would have waited for Li Kuan to return in Lingnan, so that he could enjoy life. He never expected that he would be stuck on the sea.

Compared to the two of them���It was better if it was wider, but he was also worried in his heart, thinking that his boat would not be able to withstand the storm, right?

He must hold on.

Shi Yixiao was quite calm. He had encountered bigger waves than now when he went out to sea before, but the deep-bottomed boat built by the prince had survived, let alone such a huge Chang'an.

There would be absolutely no problem with the boat.

In this way, several people endured in fear, praying that the storm would pass quickly.

In this way, time passed very slowly. Under the highly tense situation, they felt every tilt of the boat clearly, and their hearts were always hanging.

After an hour, the waves gradually became calm, and Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozon and others untied the ropes with difficulty and approached the window. The next moment, there was dry retching.

They had been nervous just now and did not feel uncomfortable, but now that their mood had just relaxed a little, the feeling of dizziness suddenly hit them and they could not control it at all.

""That was a close call. I almost thought I was going to die!" After vomiting, Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozong collapsed on the ground, their legs and bodies still trembling. They really survived a disaster just now. They will never go out to sea by boat next time.

"Don't worry, the deep-bottomed boat built by the prince is designed to withstand strong winds and waves, and this little wind and wave will not harm the boat!"

Shi Yixiao was very calm, looking at the embarrassed people with a smile and comforting them, then stepped onto the deck.

The wind and waves were small, and he wanted to see the damage.

Li Kuan sat on a chair, his face was a little pale, and after sitting down, he felt his legs a little weak.

This kind of wind and waves was the first time he experienced it, but as a prince, he had to remain calm....cough cough...Be steady.

Da Niu and Zhao Xin were similar to Cheng Yaojin, sitting on the deck in a miserable state, gasping for breath.

After another half an hour, the wind and waves subsided, and the ship returned to stability.

Li Kuan also recovered some strength and walked onto the deck. What came into view was the busy sailors and the commander Shi Yixiao, who was calling on his men to set sail.

"How much is the loss?" Li Kuan came over to ask.

Shi Yixiao was a little helpless:"My Lord...Many of the fresh water barrels were damaged, and I'm afraid there's only enough fresh water left for three days!"

"Three days? No problem, three days is enough to reach Java!" Li Kuan nodded, patted him on the shoulder, and indicated to follow the original route.

Shi Yixiao nodded, took out a compass to determine the direction, and continued to drive.

Although the prince said that he didn't care, he had to hurry to find land.

Set sail and move forward quickly.

Try to find the mainland within three days, otherwise, they will be in real danger.

The only way now is to move forward in the southwest direction.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

Early the next morning, the roar of the sentry on the watchtower interrupted everyone's sleep:"Land, land, we found land."

Li Kuan suddenly woke up from his sleep, quickly got up and climbed up the watchtower, and looked in the direction of the sentry's finger. Sure enough, there was a black dot at the end of his sight, which was very blurry.

Damn it!....I must get some telescopes this time. After I came here, I didn't think about telescopes because I didn't need them.

I forgot that they are also needed for naval navigation.

I squinted my eyes and finally saw clearly that it was really land. I immediately shouted in ecstasy,"Haha!"....We are here. Order the boat to test the water depth and reefs first, and the others to prepare to dock!"

An order was given!

Everyone was excited, and everyone was extremely excited.

Shi Yixiao's boat sailed around the land for a long time, and finally stopped at a natural harbor where it could dock.

Drop anchor, secure!

Li Kuan and his group then got off the big ship, but because there was no repaired harbor, they still needed to take a small boat to the shore.

When they stepped on the land, Li Kuan instantly felt a lot more stable. Land is still good. Standing on it gives people a sense of security.

Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozon stood on the land and breathed a sigh of relief. This voyage almost cost them their lives, but fortunately they arrived safely on land.

"Yang Dachuan, you stay here and check the damage to the ship!" Seeing everyone get off the boat, Li Kuan ordered:"Zhao Xin, you are seasick, rest here too!"

After that, he looked at Shi Yixiao again:"Yixiao, take a team with me to check the surrounding environment and find fresh water!"

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