After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 32 Don’t look back

Of course He Lingchuan also heard it. He held his breath, looked at his nose, and looked at his heart. No matter what he heard, he was like an old monk in meditation and ignored it.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the voice changed, like a soft girl of sixteen or seventeen years old expressing her true feelings, soft, cute and cooing. As He Lingchuan listened, he felt more and more like the girl he had a crush on when he was a child.

He secretly thought that the soft girl ran away with the rich second generation from her hometown before she finished her studies. In less than three years, she gave birth to two rich third generations. As soon as he saw the two children with long runny noses, he felt that he was very stupid. This three-corpse insect has not done its homework well and does not know that those who abandon me will not stay the same as yesterday.

At this moment, the hull of the ship suddenly shook, as if some heavyweight monster climbed up, and then came the exclamations and screams of the soldiers, as well as the curses and swords of the sand bandits. Unsheathed symphony.

Later, they fought hand to hand, and the battle was fierce.

The latest scream sounded from behind He Lingchuan. He seemed to have talked with this soldier before.

Then the monster rushed straight towards here, its dull footsteps sounding like it was stepping directly on the human heart.

Is this a trick of the Three Corpse Insects to lure him back?

But if it is true, if he stays still like this, there is a high probability that he will become a snack for the monster. This is the Panlong Desert, a place where many strange beasts roam. Who can guarantee that not one or two will climb onto the boat and eat people?

Getting closer! This heavy sense of oppression made the hairs on He Lingchuan's back stand up.

He hurried to see He Chunhua. Dad was face to face with him and should be able to see clearly what was happening behind him.

He Chunhua's facial muscles twitched slightly, and his expression was even a little ferocious, but his eyes were empty. He Lingchuan's expression was strange, and he didn't know what his father heard.

How can both parties understand each other's intentions through eye contact alone?

But with the three zombies in front, no one dared to open their mouths.

Fortunately, He Chunhua suddenly came back to his senses, looked straight at his eldest son, and suddenly winked at him with his right eye as if hearing his thoughts.

This action was very rare for a dignified county guard to do, but it directly destroyed the solemn and terrifying atmosphere. He Lingchuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt reassured.


Dad is trying to tell him that no matter what he heard, it was all false!

Sure enough, the monster's footsteps rushed to the back of his head, and he could hear the monster's heavy breathing, but it disappeared in the next second.

The only sound left in my ears was the whining wind.

The few wisps of virtual smoke around him also lost interest in him, shaking their heads and going elsewhere.

He Lingchuan passed the test, and he also winked at his father.

The little red pill that everyone had taken before was Du Hun San, which was specially refined by Sun Guoshi for this trip. The main ingredient was the rotten heart grass that grew in the extremely gloomy place. After humans take it, not only can they see "dirty things" in a short period of time, but they can also cause fire to temporarily block the breath of living people. As long as the Three Corpse Insects don't swim into people's upper and lower apertures, they will just treat them as dead objects.

But the biggest weakness of this method is that you can't turn back easily!

There are three life fires around the human upper body, which can protect the heart and prevent the invasion of external evils. But if you turn around when being stared at by the Three Corpse Insects, your Life Fire will immediately weaken and you will no longer be able to hide it from them.

This is not Sun Fuping's exclusive invention, but a method recorded in a handbook by a magician from Xianyou Kingdom. The person who knows you best is probably your opponent. Xianyou Kingdom and Panlong City have been fighting for more than thirty years, and they must be thinking about ways to deal with the Three Corpse Insects all day long.

In fact, this kind of thing often happens in the wild forests and fields at night. Pedestrians hear someone calling from behind and inadvertently turn around, weakening the life lamp, and are invaded by evil spirits.

When He Lingchuan got the small pill, his heart moved. The Xianyu Kingdom has been destroyed for a hundred years, and it must be difficult to obtain the magician's handbooks from that time; besides, the rotten heart grass is a rare thing, with harsh growth conditions, and it cannot be cultivated or produced in large quantities. How much effort does it take just to collect raw materials and refine Du Hun Powder for three hundred people?

Did Da Sima and Sun Guoshi really start preparing to explore the Panlong ruins half a year ago?

Of course, this thought just passed through his mind, and He Lingchuan didn't think about it deeply.

He saw that He Chunhua's expression had returned to its original calmness, and the three corpse insects around him also scattered in all directions, which showed that his father also passed the test.

But his eyes glanced at the soldiers behind He Chunhua, and he was suddenly startled: "Hey, don't..."

This man actually has red eyes and tears?

As soon as the words left his mouth, the soldier turned his head.

He Lingchuan watched helplessly as the life fire on his left shoulder went out with a "pop".

The light of the other two lights suddenly weakened.

The three corpse insects swimming nearby were like sharks that smelled blood. They swung their tails and got in through his ears and nose!

The soldiers' eyes suddenly became distracted.

Seeing the eldest son staring behind him, his expression changed drastically. The veins on He Chunhua's neck suddenly bulged. It was obvious that he had spent a lot of effort to stop the instinct to look back.

He didn't look back, but took two steps forward.

This is really an example of successful self-rescue, because the soldier suddenly pulled out the long knife from his waist, pointed it at the back of He Chunhua's head, and smashed the mountain with force!

Originally, the distance between the two people was only four feet, but he moved so fast that he wanted to chop the leader's head like a watermelon.

When the blade fell, it was less than two inches away from He Chunhua's head.

He Lingchuan and his father passed each other shoulder to shoulder, and he ran into the arms of the bodyguard with a single stride, carrying a knife with him.

The guard's movements immediately stopped, and there was a knife tip on his back.

He Chunhua escaped from death, took a few breaths, and suddenly stared ahead and said: "Chuan'er slowly turned around, I will deal with these puppets."

He Lingchuan pushed the corpse away and saw a phantom emerge from the deceased's seven orifices, slip back into the air, and swim slowly again.

After a person dies, the Three Corpse Insects can no longer live there, so they have to come out.

He kept his neck still, used strength in his waist and legs, and turned around slowly. In this way, the fire of life on the shoulders will not be blown out by oneself.

The boat was in chaos.

Janissaries are not an exception. Although they had been warned in advance and warned repeatedly, seven or eight people were still bewitched by the voice in their ears, blowing out their life lamps and being ridden by the three corpse insects.

Once possessed, they will not recognize their relatives and will kill everyone they see.

In just a few seconds, a commotion broke out on the ship, four or five people were injured, and one unlucky guy had half his head cut off.

He Chunhua went after the murderer. This was a sand bandit. Even after being possessed by the Three Corpse Insects, he was still strong and vigorous. He did not engage in direct combat. Instead, he played hide-and-seek among the crowd, occasionally stabbing one or two.

If people always remind themselves not to turn around, their flexibility will be greatly reduced. He Chunhua felt that he was as dull as a zombie. He had to slow down his pursuit by three beats, but he couldn't get around this grandson.

Just as he was about to cast his spell, a dagger flew from behind and stabbed into the murderer's right eye with a whoosh.

Go forward and pass through, exploding a blood flower.

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