The whole place was silent, even the director and producer were stunned.

This scene can be compared to a collection of human tragedies.

Because the assistant actors are all acting talents, even if Ji Fei is among them, because the role is not heavy, the overall effect is actually more shocking than the previous confrontation with the best actor group.

The last performance of the male idol group caused many dramas due to stage restrictions.

But this time, people completely ignored the stage and were only immersed in the fate of the plot characters.

The eyes of Qin Yan and Qin's mother in the audience turned red. They thought their tears were low enough, but they didn't expect that Dad Qin next to them suddenly sobbed.

He looked straight at the emperor's back, as if he felt the emperor's helpless grief.

Only then did Qin Yan and Qin's mother realize that many people around them were emotional, some were choked, and some were angry.

Backstage, Qin Rong hugged Xiao Tao and cried.

Xiao Tao: "Didn't you watch them rehearse?"


Gao Hao kept tapping his phone to check the live broadcast room and Weibo.

Pei Mingxuan, who was listening only to the side, said: "Don't look at it, they will win for sure."

Gao Hao was stunned, then saw Pei Mingxuan smile brightly, turned around and said: "You have chosen the best subject, and thank you..."

Gao Hao raised his eyebrows. It was indeed a keen insight. Pei Mingxuan could tell that there was some hidden thought in their performance.

The other two groups in the waiting area began to look at Sun Mo and Yang Hong. Their eyes were full of banter, especially when they remembered that just now these two people were cheering the top team on.

Although they are not well-intentioned, the top group is really unkind.

Yang Hong had a gloomy face, and then cautiously glanced at Sun Mo.

Sun Mo's face was already bloodshot, his fists were clenched tightly, and he was almost gritting his teeth in embarrassment.

The contrast between the screen and the stage is simply a silent mockery of their performance just now, and also negates the many works he has performed.

It was almost like a slap in their face. What a shame.

Assistant actor Xu Meng, who was waiting in another area, was already crying. Some people really sympathized with her and felt that they were a little pitiful because of the performance of the top group...

I can’t say that the acting is the best, it’s really the plot.

At this time, whether it was the barrage in the live broadcast room or the hot search on Weibo, after a brief silence, it exploded!

“It’s really a fight between gods and mortals that suffers!”

"In the past, we were substituted as male and female protagonists, but in fact we were devastated creatures!"

"Nima, when you fall in love, why are we the ones who suffer? I don't accept it...I'm sorry for being so impersonal."

"What? We just lost our lives, but what they lost was their love, right?"

"Looking at the comparison, taunting and attacking MAX. As expected of you, Ji Fei of the Qin Dynasty, you still like to show off your face."

"I was so angry when I watched it. I suddenly felt that the drama I watched before was so disgusting. They were just talking about falling in love. They are obviously gods, so why are they thinking about falling in love? If you are in love, why don't you just talk about it? To torment the people around you.”

Most of the netizens resonated with it and probably wanted to complain before, but there was no centralized form.

This time the top group gave them a chance, and they went crazy criticizing the current fairy tale dramas.

But there are also a few who resist.

"It's just the setting of a TV series. You guys are too serious. Some people like to watch it. I just like to watch gods falling in love. Do you have to criticize it to make you different?"

"Life is like this, can't I watch sweet fairy love? It's boring to intentionally create black spots for black people."

"The top group is vicious, the top group deliberately targets, and the top group shows bullying!"

There are all sorts of things going on online, so let’s put it down and let the show go on.

Originally, everyone thought that it would continue to reflect the contrast between the two and let the audience see what it means to be moved by gods and have the three worlds restless. The result was a change of scenery.

Ji Fei walked out of the purgatory on earth, cultivated to become an immortal, ascended to heaven, and observed everything coldly. This time the stage is a fairyland scene. Qin Chao plays the emperor, and the assistant girl from last time plays the goddess.

It's almost the same as the previous group's performance. The heroine's identity is changed and she comes back from the dead, and the two of them can play around again. Then she started to run away from him.

The goddess fled into the forest, the emperor lit a mountain fire, and the goddess was forced out. The two fought to resist the ambiguity, but did not look back. The nearby villagers affected by the mountain fire suffered numerous deaths and injuries.

The goddess fled into the sea, and the emperor raised huge waves. The two screamed in the sea and told each other's painful feelings, but did not raise their heads to look. Countless fishing boats were swept into the sea, and no one in the small fishing villages along the coast was spared, even the races in the sea. Because he was too weak, he was in mourning all over the country.

The goddess continues to escape, the emperor continues to chase, the three realms continue to be affected, and people die anytime and anywhere.

Until the power that can truly destroy the Three Realms appears.

It's just that when the emperor began to massacre mortals in order to force the goddess to give up saving the world, it was really a scene where people continued to die at the hands of the emperor.

He also shouted the phrase "If you dare to die, I will be buried with you in this world!"

Sun Mo, who was in the waiting area, finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up suddenly, losing his grace and saying, "The director doesn't care? This is maliciously vilifying our previous performance."

Although Yang Hong felt that Sun Mo shouldn't stand up, he could only protest along with him at this time.

Someone in the back couldn't help but make sarcastic remarks.

"But in your performance just now, you did mention that you kept killing people in order to force the goddess to appear, but you avoided this kind of performance."

"Young man, I advise you not to pay too much attention to the other party's plot now, otherwise you may be at fault in the plot logic."

"Although there is no sound in our live broadcast, the audience is watching your performance. You must be graceful, otherwise you will be a clown."

The two senior seniors present said this, and Sun Mo was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick. In the end, he was pulled to sit down by Yang Hong.

"Don't be angry, Brother Mo, we are frankly performing according to the general routine. Even if it is not pleasing in comparison, we will not be implicated."


The audience was stunned, as if they had seen the plot of the previous group from another angle. They did not target the performers, but were shocked by the usual routine of the fairy drama.

It turns out that there is so much blood behind the domineering and paranoid love.

There are more scoldings on the Internet.

"Fuck, if you want to talk, talk. If you want to break up, break up. You two big idiots who only hurt innocent people! What? Are the people of the world part of your PLAY?!"

"Did the world provoke you? Do we know you? Why should we die for your love?"

"Unlucky, too unlucky! And you let us be buried with you! I gave you face, who will deal with these two crazy husbands and wives?"

Most netizens can no longer see the heart-pounding love, only anger.

The performance on the stage continued.


Until the emperor wanted to kill the demon king, the goddess appeared to stop him. When she was about to kill the emperor under everyone's persuasion, she couldn't bear it. She hugged the emperor and cried.

Everyone became more and more angry as they watched, and thought it was the same lingering performance.

At this moment, Ji Fei, who had been a bystander and standing on the edge of the stage, suddenly rushed out.

A sword pierced the emperor.

Everyone looked at Ji Fei in horror.

The goddess hugged the fallen emperor in astonishment.

"Who... who are you?"

"I am the soul of the thousands of innocent people who died because of you!"


The audience was stunned.

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