There is no lack of nitpickers in the excitement of the world.

Some people think that Phoenix Destroyer is one of the fusion facades.

Naturally, some people think that Phoenix Destroyer is not enough to be the facade of the fusion monster!

Among these complicated and diverse voices, no one doubts that the system fusion strength of the hero card group is definitely ranked first!

Of course, this is just the beginning.

A stronger fusion system is still to come!...

Noble Yin Xiong player:"Okay, after summoning this hero card to destroy Phoenix Man, do you think it's over?"

Noble Yin Xiong player:"I said, the next idea is the biggest scene! Naturally, we need a stronger first-hand field!"

Noble Yin Xiong player:"Remember the miracle fusion retrieved by Sunrise Man?"

Noble Yin Xiong player:"That's right! The next step is to use the miracle fusion! Fuse the Sunrise Man and the Cross Man in the graveyard!"

"A heroic flash that brings hope!"

"The fusion trump card that breaks through the shackles of fusion!"

"Come on! Fusion Summon this monster card!"

"【Wake up your E?HERO】!!!"

【Card Name: Awaken Your E-HERO (10 stars)】

【Attribute: Light】

【Race: Warrior】

【[Attack and Defense: 2500/2100]

Fusion again?


Why fuse this monster again?

All duelists subconsciously thought of this question!

And the next second!

When they saw the effect!

They seemed to understand something!

Effect 1!

The attack power of this card increases by the number of monsters used as fusion materials of this card × 300. During one battle phase, you can attack monsters up to the number of fusion monsters.

A simple strong attack effect!

But if it is for the ultimate first hand field!

Effect 1 is temporarily useless!

And effect 2!

This card will be activated after the battle damage of the battle between the monster and the monster is calculated. Destroy the monster and inflict damage equal to its original attack power value on the opponent. It is also an attack and clear effect!

It comes with a blood burn effect!

Obviously, it is not the key point to use in the first hand field!

Then there is only effect 3!

That's right!

It will be activated when this card is destroyed. Special summon 1 Warrior monster from your hand or deck.

Then! It's for this effect!

And it was destroyed!

It's very simple! The hero of destiny destroyed the Phoenix man!

Everyone's thoughts were immediately linked at this moment!

And the picture! It was just as they calculated!

"I believe that this is also the expansion of the hero's basic operations and thinking."

"The Fate Hero Denial in the Cemetery can now take effect"

"If this card exists in your Graveyard, you can activate this effect if there is a"Destiny Hero" monster other than this card on your field or in your Graveyard."

"At the same time, it has the effect of negating person 1!"

"When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you can activate this effect. Select 1"Destiny Hero" monster from your Deck, Graveyard, or Banished State and place it on top of your Deck."

"We can choose the previously excluded demonic person and place it on top of the deck."

"Destroy Phoenix Man, choose yourself and this fusion monster [Awaken your E?HERO】Blow it up together"

"Wake up your E?HERO to take effect, we can special recruit Skyman in the deck"

"Skyman works, guess what we are searching for?"

"That's right! It's this card that blocks monster effects!"

"【Destiny Hero Blood Demon D】!!!"

As the video blogger's voice ended, the moment he heard the name of the hero Blood Devil D,

Ed Phoenix couldn't hold it anymore!


Could it be!

This guy!

Still wants to summon the hero Blood Devil D?

And the fact!

It was just as Ed Phoenix expected!

In the screen, the operation was still going on!

"Next, we can activate the Cemetery Demonic Man Exclusion, and the Demonic Man on the deck will continue to be pulled out of the scene."

"Right now!"

"We have Skyman, Negator, and Demonic Man on the scene."

"At this time, we release the 3 monsters on the field!"

"Pull out this destiny hero monster that can suppress all effects!"

"Blood Demon!!! D!!!"

【Card Name: Destiny Hero Blood Demon D (8 stars)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Warrior】

【[Attack and Defense: 1900/600]

Here it comes!

It is indeed!

Destiny Hero Bloodthirster D!!!

Such crazy use of resources!!!

It is not for the so-called Bloodthirster D's effect of pulling opponent's monsters as equipment!

Without a doubt!

It is for Bloodthirster D's suppression of monster effects!

As long as this card is on the field! It can suppress the development of many decks!

"Okay, now our work can be declared over."

"Of course, if we have Fusion Fate and Mask Change!"

"Then you can also use more resources to produce a masked hero Dark Claw!"

"Wait until your opponent's turn to prepare"

"Our Phoenix of Destruction is back on the scene!"

"Then, it’s your opponent’s turn!"

"Our scene will be!"

"Phoenix x Dark Claw x Blood Demon D!"

"This can be said to be the biggest scene of the hero, right?"

"Because of this field!"

"It is equivalent to the second-speed explosion x graveyard search suppression x monster effect suppression x!"

"Who could crack it so easily?"

"Okay, the heroic story ends here!"


As the video blogger finished his last words, the hero first-hand scenes depicted for the six worlds have emerged in the minds of every duelist.

And it is precisely because of this description!

Duelists from all worlds went crazy.



The GX world!

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