Chapter 1851 - The Devil Master’s True Form (1)


Long Bai burrowed deep into the ground he crashed into. Above him, Yun Che descended at high speed and with enough darkness profound energy to turn the space within five hundred kilometers of him ice cold.

Yun Che was already beating Long Bai just by using his profound energy and physical strength alone. The dark power that hailed from the ancient Devil Emperor herself could only be stronger. At the very least, all seven Dragon Gods were stunned by what they felt from the encroaching darkness.

"Get lost!"

Suddenly, a white figure shouted and charged toward Yun Che. The draconic blast was obviously unleashed in haste, but it was still an incredible power.

It was the White Rainbow Dragon God choosing to interfere with the battle.

Yun Che shot the Dragon God a sideways glance, redirecting his darkness profound energy against the draconic blast. A dull bang later, the White Rainbow Dragon God retreated, and Yun Che back-flipped a short distance before descending on the ground.


The pit Long Bai had sunk into erupted. Then, the Dragon Monarch emerged once more.

His expression was shockingly dark, so dark that even the Dragon Gods themselves had only seen it a couple of times their whole lives. Still, he was able to keep his emotions from seeping into his aura.

"Heh. Hehehe." Yun Che let out a cold chuckle. "Is it just me, or do you prefer naughty dogs, Long Bai? Or maybe the pride, honor, and control you value so much are worth no more than a dog's fart?"

Yun Che stretched out his little finger before pointing downward. Face crawling with the kind of disdain that was normally reserved for a disgusting worm, he said, "How revolting! How despicable! I went so far as to wound myself for the sake of fairness, but the Dragon Gods you supposedly command would interfere with a sacred duel? One-on-one fight, my ass! Ptooey!"

"Silence!" The White Rainbow Dragon God said heavily, "A lowly devil person like you doesn't have the right to shame the Dragon God bloodline!"

"My lord." He faced toward the Dragon Monarch next and said, "The devil scum are already on their last legs. We are one step away from annihilating them all. You don't need to exert yourself, much less stain your hands with their filthy blood."

The Dragon Gods were without a doubt the ones who were the most stunned by the outcome of Yun Che and Long Bai's battle.

If Long Bai truly suffered a horrible defeat at Yun Che's hands, it would be a huge blow to his and the Dragon God's reputation.

That was why the White Rainbow Dragon God had decided to act and interrupted the battle.

"Oh no… that idiot!" The Pure Dragon God muttered to herself while staring at Long Bai's back. In the end, her fear won over her desire to speak out on behalf of the White Rainbow Dragon God.


After Long Bai had pushed his fingers back into place, he abruptly slapped the White Rainbow Dragon God violently across the face.


It was just a slap, but the resulting detonation of energy sounded like the crumbling of a gigantic mountain.

Caught completely off guard, the White Rainbow Dragon God crashed into the ground so hard that a shower of blood jetted out of his wounds.

This was probably the most brutal slap in the history of the God Realm. After all, it had crumpled a Dragon God's left cheek and sent half of his teeth clattering across the floor.

The White Rainbow Dragon God couldn't see or hear for a couple of seconds. His head buzzed like there were a million flies in it. When he finally regained his consciousness and returned to a world of pain, the Dragon Monarch had brought down his leg right on top of the right arm he used to attack Yun Che earlier.


The bones had snapped like a fragile twig. The arm of a Dragon God was usually unbreakable, but not when the attacker was the Dragon Monarch himself. The White Rainbow Dragon God stiffened for a second before letting out a bloodcurdling scream. When his gaze touched the Dragon Monarch's, he saw a terrifying look he had never seen in his monarch's eyes. It was dark and overflowing with killing intent.

"My lord…" The White Rainbow Dragon God dared not resist or struggle despite the distressing pain that was throbbing from his head and arm. He begged, "Please… forgive…"

Long Bai's gaze on the White Rainbow Dragon God was so brutal that it would haunt all those who saw it for many days to come. The fury and hatred that were just a hair away from bursting through Long Bai's discipline kept the rest of the Dragon Gods as still and as quiet as they could be.

In response to the White Rainbow Dragon God's begging, Long Bai raised his leg into the air before stepping down in one brutal motion.


Another bloodcurdling scream worse than even the one from before pierced through the air. The sound of flesh and bone giving away to violent power caused sick trepidation in everyone's hearts.

When Long Bai withdrew his leg, everyone thought that he was going to let the Dragon God go. However, he defied their expectations and stepped down on the latter's solar plexus next.


The White Rainbow Dragon God's chest crumpled inward, and his chest bones either bent or broke completely. At the same time, his head shot up, and a jet of blood that flew at least three kilometers away burst through his lips.

"My… my lord!" The Azure Dragon God blurted.

"Hmph!" Still glaring at the writhing Dragon God beneath his feet, he spoke in a voice that was as cold as the abyss itself, "Who gave you the gall to disobey me, dog!"

Pupils widened to the point of breaking, the White Rainbow Dragon God stuttered through blood-drenched lips, "White Rainbow… impudent… please… forgive… my lord!"


Finally, Long Bai kicked him into the distance before turning away in disgust. It almost looked like he was kicking away a pair of disgusting shoes.

The Jade Dragon God and the Sky Dragon God hurriedly rushed forward to catch the White Rainbow Dragon God. Just as they received him gently, Long Bai's icy voice rang beside their ears, "Anyone who disobeys my order again will face ten times that punishment!"

Not a single person chose to respond to his threat. The scene was as cold as it was silent.

Forget the western region Divine Masters, not even the Dragon Gods had ever seen such a scary Long Bai.

Half of the reason Long Bai had punished White Rainbow so severely was because he was that angry. The other half was because he was venting.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Yun Che clapped his hands slowly while praising, "As expected of the bones of a Dragon God, they sound perfectly crisp when they snap… it's too bad that nothing will change the fact that your word and your honor are worth as much as a dog's fart though, not even if your Dragon God Realm kowtows ten times to me now."


The demonic fury that seized Long Bai earlier gradually faded as he walked step by step toward Yun Che. "Your growth is truly surprising considering the lengths you went to to conceal your draconic energy back then, Yun Che."

Yun Che: "..."

"As a human, it is impressive that you are able to master a dragon's energy to this extent. However…"

A white gleam appeared from Long Bai's eyes as he stopped in his tracks. "You don't think that it is enough to suppress my power, do you!?"

Long Bai's words came as a shock to everyone in the Dragon God Realm.

"I knew it." Long Yi looked up sharply. "It wasn't a false feeling, and it definitely wasn't because the Dragon Monarch had slipped up on purpose."

"Not only does Yun Che possess the blood of the Dragon God, the fact that the Dragon Monarch's power crumbled before it means that…"

Bloodline… suppression!" Long San's response caused every Dragon God, Dragon Sovereign, Master Dragon, and his own peers to shiver from the bottom of their souls.

"Even worse, as much as thirty percent of his power was suppressed by Yun Che's bloodline!"

Long Bai's draconic power was earth-shattering, but the five Venerable Withered Dragon had noticed since the very first exchange that thirty percent of Long Bai's power would crumble on its own when it got close to Yun Che… to quote a saying, it was like a bird who played dead when it heard the sound of a bow twang.

Long Si muttered, "It takes ten times or higher the purity to achieve a thirty percent suppression."

"Is… is that even possible?" Long Wu muttered dazedly.

Not only did the Devil Master possess the bloodline of the Dragon Gods, the purity of his blood… was ten times above Long Bai's or higher!?

This was the Dragon Monarch they were talking about!

The Dragon Gods knew that Yun Che possessed the Dragon God's bloodline and divine soul a long time ago, but to say that his bloodline was ten times purer than even their Dragon Monarch's...

How could they believe it, much less accept it?

"Northern Region Devil Master," Long Yi suddenly asked, "where did your Dragon God bloodline originate from?"

Yun Che didn't even bother to look in the Venerable Withered Dragon's direction, much less answer him. It was as if Long Yi didn't possess the right to get any response out of him at all.

Instead, he raised his palm toward Long Bai and said, "Is that so? You can try it if you want."

Long Bai's fingers tightened as he lowered his gaze. He murmured as if he was speaking to himself, "It would be all too easy to destroy you and the Northern Divine Region. The only reason you are still laughing… is because you must die by my own hands!"

"Your sins can never—be—forgiven!!"


He flew into the sky and shone like the sun. A moment later, a berserk roar shattered the sky and blotted the actual sun itself.

As the sky darkened, a vast, seemingly endless pressure fell down from the sky.

For the second time, Long Bai had revealed his thirty thousand meter tall true form and unleashed his full power.


The northern region profound practitioners cried out in panic. Every single one of them had seen with their own eyes just how terrifying Long Bai was in his true form. Even the Yama Ancestors suddenly found themselves unable to breathe, and the most injured of them all, Yan Three stumbled and spewed out a bit of blood.

"Unforgivable sinner, I will bury you in hell for eternity by my own hands!"

The Dragon Monarch's voice resounded through the air. Anyone who heard it would know of his deep hatred and obsession instantly.

The obsession to slay Yun Che by his own hands!

The reason a Dragon God would assume a human form was to minimize the amount of energy they were losing. However, it was also a shackle upon their own strength. Now that he had unleashed his true form though… there was no way Yun Che could suppress him any longer, was there!?

The seemingly boundless pressure concentrated on Yun Che. Another Divine Sovereign would've crumbled in both body and soul in just a couple of breaths already. However, not only did Yun Che not look pressured in the slightest, a low chuckle escaped his throat.

"You think you deserve to be called a Dragon God?"

"You think you can call yourself a monarch in my presence!?"

Yun Che suddenly tilted his neck backward and let out a low hiss. The blood of the Dragon God inside his body started circulating swiftly, and the draconic aura he had kept hidden all this time showed itself completely.


For a second, everyone felt like they had just heard the sound of an ancient dragon roaring inside their souls.

The release of the draconic aura had caused the air itself to come to a standstill, and the terrible pressure pressing down on Yun Che's body to dissipate like a pathetic gust of wind.

The Dragon Monarch's presence could be felt throughout the entire God Realm except around Yun Che. It was as if he had conjured some sort of absolute domain that repelled any intruding force absolutely, even if it came from the Dragon Monarch himself.


"This… this is…"

Shock, fear, terror… the five Venerable Withered Dragons turned as white as a sheet. The Seven Dragon Gods looked thunderstruck. The Dragon Sovereigns and Master Dragons were literally shaking in disbelief.

They could be mistaken about many things, but they physically couldn't mistake the aura of a Dragon God for something else.

In terms of pressure, Yun Che's draconic aura was inferior to Long Bai's.

In terms of purity and richness, Yun Che's Dragon God blood was so, so, so much better that they would rather shred their own souls than believe their senses. It was terrifying to the point where they didn't even dare to probe or even touch it with their spiritual perception.

Long Yi was the oldest Dragon God of his kind. His shock far surpassed the others as well.

It was because Yun Che's bloodline purity and richness exceeded even the Dragon God ancestor who founded the Dragon God Realm in the first place by far.

"Im… impossible… impossible… impossible…" Long Yi muttered dazedly to himself again and again. He felt like he had been pulled into some sort of ridiculous dream.

Even Long Bai had suddenly frozen in midair, his shock so overwhelming that it overrode even his hatred temporarily. Over time, it turned into confusion and disbelief.

When he was fighting Yun Che in his human form earlier, he was both surprised and not surprised that Yun Che's Dragon God aura was able to overwhelm his Dragon God aura. After all, he knew since as early as the Profound God Convention that Yun Che possessed a very refined Dragon God bloodline.

At the time, he had even offered to take Yun Che as his adopted son.

Later on, he met Yun Che alone and got confirmation from Yun Che himself that the blood running in his veins had belonged to the ancient Dragon God's. He had even probed it in secret just to see just how refined it really was. It was pure… but it wasn't rich so to speak.

However, Long Bai could never have imagined that the Primordial Azure Dragon not only gifted Yun Che his divine blood and soul, but also the current world's one and only Dragon God Marrow.

The Dragon God Marrow would automatically produce Dragon God Blood every second of the day. Yun Che's Dragon God bloodline grew richer even when he was asleep.

This was why Yun Che never released his Dragon God's aura carelessly despite relying heavily on his Dragon God's body. He was afraid that the Dragon God Realm would become aware of his growing aura.

The Dragon God's bloodline might win him the favor of the Dragon God Realm, but the Dragon God Marrow? No matter how ascetic the Dragon Monarch was, there was no way he could've resisted the temptation.

As far as Long Bai knew, Yun Che's Dragon God bloodline hadn't changed from what it was a couple of years ago. That was why he was absolutely certain that his true self would be able to shake off the suppression even if Yun Che's bloodline was the origin blood of the primordial Dragon God.

When Yun Che unleashed his draconic aura in full though, his heart beat madly, and his draconic energy shivered. He even felt a flash of panic that made absolutely no sense to him!

Worse, the feeling that he was suppressed grew even stronger than before!

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