Against the Gods

Chapter 2036: Mist Emperor Breakthrough


At this time, in the darkness ahead, a black shadow burst out and rushed towards the weak Yun Che.

This was an Abyssal Beast in the middle stage of the Divine Lord Realm, and Hua Caili had already noticed it. With a slight sweep of the Liyun Sword in his hand, an invisible sword light penetrated the space and penetrated the Abyssal Beast's head in an instant.

Abyssal beasts are not afraid of pain. To make an abyssal beast truly lose its threat, its body must be destroyed. The most efficient way is to destroy his head.

A burst of completely overlapping breaking sounds followed, and dozens of sword rays instantly erupted centered on the Abyssal Beast's head, directly breaking its head into countless flat pieces that scattered in all directions.

When she first entered the foggy sea, Hua Caili couldn't bear such a cruel hunting method. But now, there is no more hesitation and confusion in my heart.


The headless Abyss Beast's body was deflected and landed heavily on Yun Che's side. After a period of twitching, there was no more sound, and only the rich Abyssal Dust escaped silently.

Yun Che moved the Heaven Smiting Sword lying in front of him, then propped the sword on the ground and stood up with considerable difficulty.

"Thank you Fairy Sister for saving me." Facing Hua Caili, he suppressed his pain and tried his best to smile at her: "In this way, we can be considered even."

After saying that, he turned around, dragged the Heaven Smiting Sword, and left slowly.

"Ah... wait a minute."

Painting colored glass was a completely subconscious outlet. During this time, she had gradually understood how lethal her appearance was. Whether inside or outside the sea of ​​fog, everyone she encountered wanted to get close to her, and even used various means to get her.

Walk with her...even though she always covers her face with a veil of smoke, revealing only a pair of eyes.

Only this person met three times and turned around three times... as if he could not avoid it.

When the voice came out, Hua Caili was stunned for a moment, and then said naturally: "You have been so seriously injured, it will be too dangerous if you encounter the Abyssal Beast again."

"You saved me before. In return, I can protect you here for two hours so that you can recover in peace."

As she spoke, she stretched out her palm, and the jade fingers seemed to be shining with snow-jade light in the dark sea of ​​mist.

In the palm of the hand, there is a lavender round jade bead, exuding an aura that is enough to make any profound practitioner's profound veins throb.

"This elixir can help recover your injuries and profound veins."

As a goddess of the Kingdom of God, she naturally does not want to owe anyone any favors. This was the first time since she entered the foggy sea that she took the initiative to help someone. The elixir in his hand is called the Purple Heart Bead, which can quickly restore life and metamorphosis. It was given by the Pure Land priest and is extremely precious. She also knew very well that taking out the Purple Heart Bead was a very dangerous act, because the medicinal energy and spiritual energy it spilled out,

It is extremely easy to stir up a person's greed... especially in the sea of ​​fog.

However, when she looked at Yun Che, there was no trace of greed in his eyes, nor was there even any surprise or emotion.

He smiled: "Thank you Sister Fairy for your kindness. My injury only looks scary, but it's not that serious in fact. As for saving you before... Sister Fairy just saved me once, so it's even."

After saying that, he smiled, turned his eyes, and walked away slowly.

Hua Caili was stunned on the spot and at a loss.

No matter where she is, she is like a star. In Zhetian Divine Kingdom...even in the Pure Land, she was everyone's star. She had never been looked down upon so repeatedly.

Especially, it was the first time in her life that she took the initiative to approach a man and offered him a helping hand, only to be rejected without any hesitation.

Even if he didn't want to accept her elixir, she actually stayed with him for two hours... There was an unhappiness in my heart that I had never felt before. It was like there was something stuck in my heart. It was strange and inexplicable. Her words once again blurted out before her cultivation and reason: "Why do you feel so anxious every time you look at me?"

Stay away? Is there something about me that disgusts you? "

Yun Che turned around and turned his eyes, with a look of astonishment on his face, and then said: "No, no, I definitely did not mean this. It is a great luck and honor for me to meet Sister Fairy again and again in Linyuan Realm and Sea of ​​Fog. "It's just..." He smiled with a hint of loneliness in his voice: "I'm used to being alone, and I no longer dare to expect friends and companions. And someone like Sister Fairy must be a star in the sky with me. ...Destined not to be in the same life

Why should people from different worlds be close to each other? "

"..." Hua Caili didn't know how to respond.

And the moment Yun Che turned around, her vision suddenly froze.

His back looked so lonely. As he walked away step by step, the whole world seemed to be becoming distant, unwilling to give him any warmth... The only thing that accompanied him was the scarlet red color. The sword glow.

The word "loneliness" has never been so clear and suffocating in her heart.

What on earth has he experienced?

Yun Che was getting further and further away from her sight. When she came back to her senses, she suddenly realized that she had been staring blankly at his back.

She quickly looked away, and after a moment of confusion, she quietly glanced in Yun Che's direction.

But this time, she saw Yun Che suddenly kneeling down, and then never stood up again... From a distance, she could clearly see the violent trembling of his body, and heard the faint sound of gritting teeth. .

Hua Caili came to Yun Che's side in an instant: "You..."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she noticed that the profound energy around Yun Che was in chaos, as if there were countless out-of-control wind whirlpools entangling his crumbling body.

This is clearly...a precursor to a breakthrough!

"Sister Fairy," Yun Che said, his voice calm and difficult: "Can I, please... help me..."

Halfway through, he collapsed on the ground: "My profound strength has reached the critical limit some time ago, but I am in the sea of ​​fog, so I can only suppress it by force... But with such a severe injury, it can no longer be suppressed... "

Unless there is someone you trust to protect you, breaking through the fog sea is undoubtedly an extremely high-risk act. Because once you encounter an abyssal beast during the breakthrough process, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I understand." Hua Caili nodded lightly: "I will stay here, you can just break through with peace of mind."

Seeing that this weirdo who had avoided her again and again had to take the initiative to seek help from her, she felt inexplicably happy... as if she had suddenly gained the upper hand in some kind of contest that she was about to lose.

Yun Che smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Sister Fairy. I will definitely... know... um!"

The mysterious energy was completely out of control, and Yun Che seemed to be unable to speak anymore. He tried his best to sit still and guide the circulation and renewal of the mysterious energy.

Living in a sea of ​​fog, surrounded by abyss of dust, and seriously injured, the risks of breaking through in such a state can be imagined.

Hua Caili didn't dare to disturb him out loud, but she could only whisper in her heart: Call me sister again, she is obviously so much older than me...

But it doesn’t seem wrong…

No, no! Father God, aunt, and Uncle Yuanhuang all said that I was nineteen years old, and I was nineteen years old. He just shouldn't call me sister!

She was talking to herself in her heart, but her beautiful eyes couldn't help but fall on Yun Che's profile.

The first time she saw Yun Che, she remembered his appearance very clearly.

After leaving Linyuan Realm, it was nearly seven months before we met again. At that time, her vision was obviously blurred due to exhaustion, but she recognized him at a glance.

Even she herself didn't understand why she was so impressed by him.

Maybe it's because of his behavior and his mysterious power is too weird, or maybe it's because... his face is really hard to forget.

There are undoubtedly many wonderful and beautiful men in the world who paint colored glass. She is engaged to the nine acquaintances of Senluo Godson Palace, who are both elegant and sharp; the Dreamweaver Godson dreams of seeing a stream, his eyes are like a dream, and a fleeting glance is enough to lure a woman into a dream; The beauty of difference is interpreted to

To the extreme.

As for Emperor Yuan, everyone in the abyss knows that he is the best in appearance, strength, and status among men in the world.

Hua Caili, who grew up in such an environment, would never be touched by a man's appearance in the slightest.

At this time, even she had not noticed that she had been staring at Yun Che's profile for a long, long time... She was less than three feet away from him. His face is beautiful and special... His eyes are as clear as water, but there is never a trace of water lines, as if all the ripples are hidden at the bottom of an unknown deep pool... His The eyebrows seem to be locked

A lot of secrets... His facial features are very beautiful, but they seem to exude a kind of loneliness that makes people feel heartbroken...

Continuous thoughts appeared in her heart, suddenly startling her, her eyes turned back in panic, and even her steps retreated hastily.

"...?" In the distance, Hua Qingying frowned slightly.

Hua Caili shook her head slightly, quickly dispelled those strange and inexplicable thoughts, and concentrated on exploring the surrounding atmosphere.

At this time, the profound energy in Yun Che's body suddenly stagnated, and then suddenly burst into flames that reached the sky.

Hua Caili's eyes that were not easy to look away suddenly turned back, and at a glance, she saw a cluster of golden flames burning quietly on Yun Che's body.

It was a golden flame that she had never seen before. It was pure gold that seemed to have no impurities. The golden flame passed through layers of abyss, turning the originally dark world around it into a gorgeous golden color.

The golden flames reflected Hua Caili's beautiful eyes, attracting Hua Qingying's attention.

She knows a lot about those who can burn golden flames. But she had never seen such pure gold.

The golden flame burned for a few breaths and then slowly extinguished. The whirlpools of profound energy continued to linger around Yun Che, and then... suddenly a manic storm rolled up.

The surrounding rubble and corpses were all pushed away by the storm, and even the space was slightly distorted.

Zhi! Hiss~~

The storm gradually subsided, thunder flashed suddenly, and thunder and lightning flashed and screamed on Yun Che's body. It was purple thunder at first, and gradually turned into red thunder like blood.

Ten breaths later, the roaring thunder and lightning turned into streams of bluish water, flowing rapidly around Yun Che, like countless circling water dragons.

Immediately, the water dragon condensed in the circle again, turning into a frozen ice that released dreamy brilliance.

Fire, wind, thunder, water, ice...

Hua Caili stayed there completely, her pink lips unconsciously opening at some point.

Hua Qingying's face clearly showed shock.

At this moment, Bingyi's blue light slowly retreated, replaced by a gradually deepening yellow light.

The ice was also mutating silently, eventually turning into a layer of yellow jade surrounding Yun Che.


Hua Caili's half-open lips opened wider again, and the surprise in Hua Qingying's green eyes lasted for more than ten breaths and still did not dissipate. She actually saw five elemental lights in the same person!

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