Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 204 The eyes become sharp

The college entrance examination starts at nine in the morning and ends at five in the afternoon.

During the two-and-a-half-hour break at noon, students are provided with food and can move around freely, but they are not allowed to enter the examination room or leave the designated area.

Everything is under strict surveillance and control.

In order to put an end to all cheating, huge resources were mobilized.

Bai Yu was assigned to another classroom, but there was an acquaintance in the same examination room.

Sitting on the seat next to her was Tao Rusu.

She came relatively early, entering the examination room at half past eight. When she saw Bai Yu, she was surprised and said, "Is it so destined?"

Bai Yu said: "We are so destined, why don't we compete to see who can hand in the paper in advance?"

"Okay." Tao Rusu was full of confidence. Her grades in cultural classes were always among the top ten in the school. There was nothing to be afraid of.

Soon, the invigilation team entered.

The sealed file bag was opened, and the charm on it released a one-time light, accompanied by the streamer of Xia characters, which proved that it was original.

After that, the papers were distributed to everyone.

Everyone waits to get started until the bell rings.

The students began to immerse themselves in marking and filling out the papers.

Bai Yu briefly glanced at the test paper. This year's difficulty was similar to previous years. It was easy and easy. With his absolute memory, he didn't worry about failing the test at all.

However, less than half an hour after the college entrance examination started, a student was detained in the examination room next door and put into a police car.

"How dare you cheat in the college entrance examination."

"It's unfair, I didn't cheat! I really didn't cheat!"

"You think we can't sense your psychic communication? Your mental power fluctuates like electromagnetic waves. Don't think the invigilator is deaf!"

Ten minutes passed, and another student was carried out.

"Why are you arresting me? I obviously didn't cheat!"

"The innate ability of fixed-point perspective is well hidden. Unfortunately, this ability has a flaw. If you use it too much, it will turn into cross-eyes."

"Is there something wrong with me being born with poor eyesight?"

"The answer you copied to the question is wrong, and it is exactly the same as the one before me!"

"What! Isn't he a top student? He can answer questions fluently!"

"Hey, you brat, you didn't expect that. They were fake test takers who were deliberately planted. The answers are all wrong and they were used for fishing purposely!"

"What the fuck!"

The same examination room can actually have these two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks...

Another half hour.

At this time, Bai Yu had already started to check the papers, and soon he heard another noise, which was from the examination room next door.

"Why are you arresting me? I obviously don't have telepathic communication or clairvoyance! You must be mistaken!"

"Shut up, you just looked around and thought we were blind? I've never seen you cheat so blatantly. You even copied the wrong line!"

"I'm just born with a little slanted eyes."

"Shut up, you're cheating without any technical skills. It's so shameful!"

"Whoa whoa whoa-!"

The third one had already been arrested and was crying like a child weighing two hundred pounds.

Bai Yu put down his pen, his eyes calm, then turned back to look at Tao Rusu.

The latter also just completed the test paper.

‘No check? ’

‘No need! ’

So they both stood up at the same time and walked out of the classroom. It was okay to hand in the papers in advance. The invigilator immediately put away the papers.

There were people watching outside the door, and they saw students who had submitted papers in advance: "You can go to the rest area and stay there. Don't affect other students' exams."

The two went to the rest area and found that there were many people who had submitted their papers in advance.

However, the paper was handed in just over an hour after the exam started, so there is a high probability that more people will hand in blank papers.

So there weren't many people at the scene trying to figure out the answer.

Tao Rusu stretched out and found a place to sit in the shade: "This is the college entrance examination. It really doesn't feel real at all."

"What kind of reality do you want?" Bai Yu touched his chin: "A group of reporters are waiting outside, plus a group of enemies who have a grudge against you, waiting for you to slap your face on the spot after your college entrance examination results come out to heighten the atmosphere?"

Tao Rusu laughed heartily: "Hahahahaha, it sounds very exciting... But it's a pity that those people won't look at me more because of my good college entrance examination results..."

She puffed up her chest: "The focus is still on the martial arts subjects on the following day. I don't know what the specific content of this year's exam will be."

"What else could it be? It's just a normal numerical test." Bai Yu said.

"It seems you don't know anything about the real selection method for the college entrance examination."


"You'll know when the time comes." Tao Rusu didn't plan to mention it more, but she did know more than the average person.

Bai Yu looked at her with empty eyes: "I've known for a long time that you are not simple, but now I feel even more... you are really a riddler."

Tao Rusu raised the corners of her lips: "Want to know more secrets about me? Being curious about a girl is very dangerous."

Bai Yu agreed: "Indeed, it is easy to cause death."

Tao Rusu slapped him hard on the back and said angrily: "What nonsense!"

At this time, a faint cold breath approached.

"You guys, want some water?"

Bai Yu turned around and saw the girl sitting nearby under the shade of the tree.

At first, I almost didn't recognize it, but soon I could see clearly that this girl was someone I hadn't seen in more than a month...


"Well, I haven't seen you in January, Bai Yu." Ruan Qingxue nodded gently: "It feels like a long time has passed."

Bai Yu looked at the other party in surprise. She gave people a completely new feeling. In the past, she was warm when she was close to her, but now she is cool when she is close to her.

"Is updated version?"

"You really can't speak." Tao Rusu interrupted: "You can tell at a glance that you have awakened your bloodline."

"What you said was an understatement."

"There are so many people in Daxia that are not human, so there is no need to make a fuss." Tao Rusu said lazily, "Maybe there is a part of your body that is not human but a bird and beast."

"Are you going to scold me again?"

"Then there's a part of you that's worse than a bird or an animal."


Ruan Qingxue was about to speak when a hug came from behind.

"Qingxue, I miss you so much!" Hua Li hugged her from behind and rubbed her face: "Ah, it feels so cold, so comfortable."

"Everyone, long time no see." Ruan Qingxue politely greeted Hua Li and the people coming behind her.

At this time, the exam has ended, the students have left the exam room, and the classmates in the class are also gathering here.

After a while, a large group of people sat down, and then they went to the canteen to queue up for food.

Today, the cafeteria aunt's hands are not shaking anymore. There are enough good dishes provided, and they are completely free.

While Kong Wen was eating in Baiyu, he had already queued for the third time.

Bai Yu looked at the other party and came back with a whole plate.

"Aren't you afraid of pushing yourself to death?"

"It's okay, I digest it well! It's big!"

Kong Wen continued to cook, and his confident smile made Bai Yu always feel that something was wrong. It should be said that he was too masculine or felt a little too good about himself.

"You..." Bai Yu just said one word.

"How do you know that I have had a fiancée whom I have been married to since I was a child?" Kong Wen blurted out immediately.

A dozen boys on the nearby table all turned their heads and said in unison.

"Who asked you?"

"Didn't anyone ask? It's okay, then I'll say it again." Kong Wen's face was full of showoff, but he almost didn't have 'winner in life' written on his face.

"It's indeed a bit enviable." Bai Yu complimented: "That's great."

After hearing this, Hua Li looked at Su Ruoli on Bai Yu's left, Qin Xuezha on the right, Tao Rusu on the opposite side, and Ruan Qingxue diagonally opposite.

She shuddered and shivered.

"How the human heart can be so vicious."

"How on earth can a mouth with a temperature of 37 degrees say such cold words?"

Kong Wen was still immersed in his own world and sighed: "My father said that when I get into Penglai, he will immediately arrange a blind date for us, hehehehe."

Bai Yu didn't understand: "What's the point of having a fiancée? You've been admitted to Penglai, and you're still worried about not finding a partner?"

Kong Wen said with a look of disdain: "This is called the royal way of unfolding, marrying with your fingertips, be husband and wife first and then fall in love!"

Bai Yu asked back: "Do I need to prepare several fiancées for you to choose together to be more classic?"

Kong Wen's smile gradually changed: "That's also very good..." Then he patted Bai Yu on the shoulder: "Hey, don't envy me, maybe your old man has already made arrangements?"

"That's what happened." Qin Xuezhao suddenly said coldly.

"What?" Bai Yu turned around.

"Xiao Yujing's fiancée." Qin Xuesha took out a tissue and wiped his mouth: "Don't you know? I saw it mentioned in the letter sent by Mr. Bai before, saying that he had made an engagement with Bai Yu."

Bai Yu: "?"

Kong Wen: "?"

Su Ruoli almost stood up, but resisted: "I didn't know about this."

"You are too young, what's the use of knowing it." Qin Xuezhao said calmly.

"Then, where is the letter?" Ruan Qingxue asked nervously.



"When Su Ruoji's mother saw it, she was very angry and burned it." Qin Xuezhao's tone was still very calm.

"It's indeed something mom can do." Su Ruoli said softly.

"Do you feel relieved?" Hua Li joked.

"Indeed." Ruan Qingxue replied.

After he finished speaking, he realized that he had answered earlier. Everyone looked at him with subtle eyes. He immediately raised his hands and waved: "No, that's not what I meant..."

Kong Wen took a bite of the mutton chop and swallowed it whole: "It won't be of any use even if the letter is burned. Anyway, the engagement is finalized and it's not cancelled."

Qin Xuezhao nodded: "Indeed, the later letters occasionally mentioned it, but it was either hidden or burned."

Bai Yu put his hand on his forehead: "I have no idea at all."

Tao Rusu asked curiously: "So where is the engagement?"

Qin Xuezha replied: "Midwinter."

Everyone: "???"

"It's the middle of winter in a foreign country, and she's the daughter of a noble family."

"It's too far." Hua Li said in an exaggerated tone: "It's so far away, even a ghost ship would take more than a month to get there."

"So to complete the engagement, we have to go there." Qin Xuezhao explained: "Obviously, Ms. Shang didn't want her child to be married off, so she decisively burned all the letters."

"It's completely understandable. Who wants to leave their hometown?" Tao Rusu spread her hands and said narrowly to Bai Yu: "Do you want to go?"

Bai Yu paused and replied honestly: "...I think."

Instantly, the eyes of the ladies present became sharp.

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