Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 373 The Impossible Disappearance Case

When entering the Land of Dragons, the first thing to do is to settle down and put your luggage.

The three people's accommodation was in a large house.

"This house used to be the ancestral home of the Ao family. Only direct bloodline can enter. Generally, we are not allowed to get close. This house was later handed over to the Presbyterian Council to manage it. However, after all this time, no one has lived here. It’s dead, its last owner was Aunt Ao Muxue.”

Ao Xue, the twin sister, said in a clear voice.

My sister Ao Shuang is much more polite and polite: "We have cleaned the guest room in advance. You can just stay here. Don't worry, no one dares to disturb you here."


"You're welcome, you are a guest." Ao Shuang took her sister to prepare tea for the reception.

Bai Yu randomly chose a guest room.

It's just an ordinary residence, with nothing to say in detail.

After walking out of the room, Su Ruoli shook his head gently at Bai Yu: "There is no surveillance."

Tao Rusu also checked it and said, "I didn't find it either. It seems that they really didn't dare to do anything in the ancestral house."

"Danger still exists, be prepared just in case." Bai Yu raised his finger to remind.

Arriving at the living room, Long Mingcheng, Ao Shuang, and Ao Xue were not seated.

"Would you like to go for a walk next?" Long Mingcheng suggested: "There are many beautiful landscapes in the Dragon Country. The most famous one is the Hundred Dragon Wall here, which has a history of five hundred years. The cultural relics were destroyed once in the process, and it took more than a hundred years to repair them.”

"Before that, let's talk about business." Bai Yu snapped his fingers: "We still don't know what the water walking ceremony is."

"That's it." Long Mingcheng smiled and said, "I don't know either."


"Don't look at me like that, I really don't know." Long Mingcheng said helplessly, "Only the blood of the Dragon Emperor can host the water-walking ceremony. I am a man, so naturally it has nothing to do with me."

Everyone looked at sisters Ao Shuang and Aoxue, they should know.

"To talk about the water walking ceremony, we have to talk about water walking..."

Ao Shuang's hand when pouring tea was very steady, and she said slowly: "The process of the soul of a dead dragon returning to the sea is called water walking."

"The so-called water walking ceremony is to allow the souls of the dragons who have died in the past hundred years to return to the sea and find peace."

Bai Yu asked strangely: "When a person dies, doesn't his soul return to reincarnation?"

"The Dragon Clan is a bit special. The wandering souls in the Dragon Land need this special ritual to be sent back to the sea and return to reincarnation." Ao Shuang paused: "I don't know the specific reason, but this ritual has been passed down. In a thousand years, it has been held no less than ten times.”

"The last water-walking ceremony failed, right?" Tao Rusu asked after taking a sip of tea.

"It was a failure." Ao Xue picked up a biscuit and took a bite: "My sister also participated last time, but this is my first time."

"The reason for the failure..." Su Ruoli hit the key point with one sentence: "Is it because of Ao Xuanyue's disappearance?"

"The intuitive reason is because of the disappearance of Xuan Yue, but the people of the Dragon Country believe that this result was caused by not following the ritual." Ao Shuang sighed softly: "They all believe that only the true bloodline of the Dragon King can complete If this is not the case, the water walking ceremony will definitely fail."

"It can be selected into the Wonderful Stories of the World." Bai Yurui commented: "Ao Xuanyue disappeared, but no one investigated the reason? Rather, it was attributed to the failure of the ceremony. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

"It's not that no one is investigating, but that the investigation can't produce results." As one of the parties involved, Ao Shuang has personally experienced the original incident: "I still can't figure out how Xuan Yue disappeared."

Su Ruoli took out a pen and paper: "Can you elaborate? I'm sorry to trouble you."

Ao Shuang hesitated and started talking about the disappearance case three years ago.

The water walking ceremony, as a once-in-a-century event in the Dragon Country, has always attracted much attention.

The place where it was held was located in a place called ‘Longyuan’ in the Dragon Country.

This place is a huge abyss with only one way to pass.

There is a platform on the dragon's abyss where you can stay, and a place for the water walking ceremony was built here.

three years ago.

Ao Xuanyue said that she could hear the call of her ancestors and spoke the ancient dragon language, so she was identified as a candidate for the water walking ceremony.

Matching it, there are Ao Shuang and another woman from the Ao branch.

The three women have different roles.

According to the rules of the ceremony, Ao Shuang and another woman were in charge of the first two doors.

The Dragon King's bloodline, which is responsible for the water-walking ceremony, is responsible for guiding the souls of the ancestors in the deepest part of the Dragon Abyss.

Soothe their resentments and obsessions, eliminate their injustice and anger, and bring peace to their souls.

After three days of baptism, this Dragon King bloodline will carry the souls of his ancestors through the Dragon Abyss and pour the water of the Dragon Abyss carrying their souls into the sea.

At that time, the water in the Dragon Abyss will recede.

This ceremony is actually not complicated.

It just requires a lot of preliminary preparations and essential candidates.

If you cannot listen to the echo of the soul of your ancestors, you will not be able to guide the soul to peace, and the so-called baptism will become nonsense. This is why it must be completed by direct descendants.

Because they are connected by blood, only the direct descendants of the Dragon King can hear it.

Ao Xuanyue was not a direct descendant, but she said she could hear it, and she did show evidence, so she was chosen for the water walking ceremony.

But after the three-day ceremony, Ao Xuanyue disappeared in Longyuan.

causing the ceremony to fail.

It is almost impossible to disappear in Longyuan. Why do you say that?

First of all, there is only one entrance and exit to Longyuan, which cannot even allow two people to walk side by side.

As already mentioned, there is no other way in or out.

Even this entrance was strictly guarded during the ceremony.

Secondly, even if you sneak into Longyuan quietly, to reach the inner ceremony hall where Ao Xuanyue is, you must pass through the gate guarded by the other two witches who participated in the ceremony.

Finally, down from the inner hall where Ao Xuanyue was, there was the Dragon Abyss, which was a hundred feet deep. It was built completely suspended in the air, so it was impossible to get around it.

"So, Ao Xuanyue might have lost his footing and fell to his death?" Tao Rusu raised the possibility.

"This is also impossible." Ao Shuang shook her head: "The inner hall door is locked from the outside, and she can't get out at all."

Bai Yu asked: "It's locked, can't you get out?"


"Who keeps the keys?"

"Me and another witch who participated in the ceremony each kept half of it." Ao Shuang replied: "It must be combined to open the inner temple, and this key cannot be copied. It is made of very special materials."

"It sounds like she could not have fallen to death while out for a walk." Tao Rusu still refused to give up: "But this is a disappearance. Have you searched the bottom of Longyuan?"

"We have searched carefully both inside and outside Longyuan, but no body was found at all." Ao Xue blew a breath: "She disappeared like smoke."

"Even if it's Long Yuan, if it has the ability to fly, it may not be impossible to pass." Su Ruoli guessed.

"Ao Xuanyue's strength is far from reaching the level of walking on the void."

"What if someone else helps?"

"Unless we can directly break open the space and take people away, it is impossible to hide the movement of Shattered Void from everyone." Long Mingcheng also said: "It's not that it's impossible, but the possibility is extremely slim. If it is true, Someone has the ability to travel through space, and this disappearance makes it even more difficult to deduce."

"If there is a rope ladder or something..." Tao Rusu was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

"You can't bring it in." Ao Shuang said: "During the three-day ceremony, no one can enter or leave except for the person who delivers the food."

"The person who delivers the food?" Bai Yu immediately asked, "You can elaborate on this!"

Ao Shuang thought for a while: "I don't think there's much to say, because I'm just responsible for delivering food."

"Even if you just bring food in, you need to go through several thresholds."

"The first step is the guards outside Longyuan. They will confirm the candidates and then check the lunch boxes and ingredients inside."

"The second one is us. He must see us before he can get the key to open the door to the inner temple."

"When the meal is over, you must lock the door to the inner hall, return the key, and then leave the same way."

After hearing this, everyone can imagine that in this case, it is absolutely impossible to transport a large living person out.

Ao Shuang explained in as much detail as possible, but was not sure whether her memory was accurate. She added: "But I may have made some mistakes. If you really want to know the specific process or learn more about the situation, you can ask me specifically. Ask the other witch from back then and the person in charge of delivering the food.”

Su Ruoli asked: "Who are they?"

Ao Shuang replied: "Ao Qinglian, and..."

She looked at Bai Yu: "Longjianquan."

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