Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 666 The church cannot be trusted


Melusina woke up to the smell of breakfast.

She turned over and saw that the curtains were opened. Next to the floor-to-ceiling window, the young man was taking a bite of the steaming buns. She could see the tempting oil flowing from under his fair skin.

Is it appropriate to let myself see this kind of scene early in the morning?

She really wanted to cover her head with the quilt and pretend she hadn't seen him.

Surprisingly nothing happened last night.

Just in case, she removed the disposable razor stored in the bathroom and kept the blade... not to kill the other person, but to avoid being tortured and committing suicide, although she may not commit suicide. courage.

But the young man really didn't do anything, he just slept quietly all night.

And she couldn't stand the fatigue and rested all night. It was already dawn at 7:30 in the morning.

Melusina slept for a full six hours... If she were still in the president's office, she would have gotten up as early as 5:30 to work.

Because of her special constitution, three hours of sleep a day is enough to ensure she is energetic throughout the day.

But now that I still can't stop feeling tired after sleeping twice as long, it only proves that my body is weak to a certain extent.

When she lifted the quilt, she saw women's clothes... or children's clothes on the bed.

Just when Melusina was about to speak, her stomach spoke first - gurgling.

Bowel sounds shouting that I am so hungry.

Bai Yu looked over, and she looked over calmly.

Bai Yu walked over with the bun, then squatted down and took a bite in front of her, and deliberately smacked his lips: "miamiamia~ Oh, it tastes so delicious."


"If you want to eat, go brush your teeth and wash up first." Bai Yu pressed her forehead against hers and pointed to the bathroom: "You don't need me to serve you, right?"

Melusina snorted, lifted the quilt, quickly finished washing, looked down and saw her own breakfast, and ate it.

Naturally, she would not be bribed for a breakfast, or develop an overly favorable impression of this mysterious young man.

For businessmen, everything has a price, including love... She can guarantee that after returning to Donghuang Group, she will repay the other party dozens of times for this breakfast, but she will never say it now.

Silently writing down the debt, she looked at the children's clothes again. Although they were disposable clothes, she still had to write them down.

"Eat more. Only by eating more can you grow up." Bai Yu said with a smile, "Little Shirley."

Melusina said: "Once my body shrinks, ordinary food alone cannot make me grow up quickly. I need to take special fruits."

"What fruit?"

"It's called the Golden Apple."

"...Is this golden apple you are talking about the golden apple I know?"

"The golden apples in Western myths and legends are extremely attractive, and even goddesses are attracted to them. However, today's golden apple trees are almost impossible to find in Rome. Only the royal family and the ruins of the labyrinth sunk into the ground may remain; Other than that, they are only found in the fairy world in the middle of winter." Melusina said slowly: "Usually golden apples don't fall into the hands of ordinary people, they always appear at auctions."

Bai Yu touched his chin: "I can't get this, I don't have that much money at the moment."

"You don't need to get it." Melusina replied: "As long as you take me back to your residence, there will be three golden apples in my safe... If you are interested, I can also give them to you as a reward. One."

Remuneration was promised in advance, and the topic entered the employment stage.

"Okay." Bai Yu agreed, and he didn't make any reservations anyway.

"..." This time it was Melusina's turn to be stunned. She had prepared many excuses, but none of them came into use.

"I'm surprised why I agreed so simply?" Bai Yu said.

"Your words and actions are inconsistent with yesterday."

"Because I decided that I should have a good rest last night, but you didn't seem to want to do that."

"I admit that I was a little reckless yesterday." Melusina paused and said, "If you could send me directly to a nearby church, I would be very grateful to you."

"Okay." Bai Yu agreed simply: "But the premise is that you can't go in and sue me directly. I have to stay with you for three days."

"Is this the commission you received?" Melusina said, "I accepted it."

Bai Yu stretched out his hand: "Then, happy cooperation."

Two hands, one big and one small, are held together.

Ten minutes later, Melusina changed into children's clothes and arrived in front of a nearby church.

Although it is okay to go to the police station, for this kind of case, it is obviously safer to go directly to the criminal police brigade than to the police station.

There are priests in the church who can directly contact nearby knights.

She also needs the knights of the church to protect her.

After the morning service, Melusina went directly to the priest.

The priest of this church was dressed in black robes and glasses. He looked gentle. He bent down and said, "The combination of the two is quite strange. A foreigner and a cute little girl. Is there anything that needs to be done?" , or are you here to listen to prayers?”

He doesn't even need to preach doctrine. The Holy Church has absolute orthodoxy in Rome, and more than 80% of the citizens are believers. There is no need for propaganda. Faith is stronger than loans and can be passed down from generation to generation.

Melusina said bluntly: "Father, can you take a step to speak?"

The priest first glanced at Bai Yu, and the young man spread his hands and said, "She has always been very assertive. Please listen to what she wants to say."

"Please follow me." The priest opened the interview room.

Bai Yu was left outside the room, and a nun in the church came over and started chatting with him.

After Melusina entered, she sat down and got straight to the point.

"Yesterday, Father, you must have heard about the explosion in Huadu."

"Yes, we have discussed it in the church." The priest asked, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"I am a survivor of this explosion. My identity is the current president of Donghuang Group. My real name is Melusina. My citizen identification number is MLXN199****..." Melusina pressed He touched his chest and said: "Although the list of victims has not yet been found, my name should be among the missing."

The priest put his hands on the table with a slightly serious expression: "Please continue."

"I survived because of my inherent magic, but I turned into this appearance." Melusina continued: "It is also because I turned into this appearance, the things around me have been thrown away, and I cannot directly use my personal belongings. Prove my identity, so I hope the church can help me contact Donghuang Group."

The priest understood: "You want to prove your identity through Donghuang Group and obtain the protection of the church during this period, right?"

Melusina affirmed: "Yes, I am very sure...the group retains all my personal information and can compare it one by one."

"Please wait a moment, I need to ask my superiors for instructions." The priest immediately stood up and left the interview room.

About five minutes later, he returned to the interview room and replied with a smile: "The superiors have agreed to contact the Donghuang Group. Madam should stay in the church and not move around until the other party arrives."

During this period, the priest and Melusina reconfirmed the questions and details, and left clear paper records.

"Well, you certainly don't seem to have anything wrong with you." The priest said, "It doesn't look like you have experienced mind control or brainwashing."

Melusina was very sure: "I am who I am, there is no doubt about it."

At this time, the nun outside knocked on the door: "Father, there is an announcement."

The priest went outside to answer a phone call, but the nun did not leave with him. Instead, she bent down and started to collect the water glasses on the table.

Have you already started cleaning up before you left?

This detail caught Melusina's attention, and she immediately asked: "Is it coming soon?"

The nun obviously did not expect this question. She paused and spilled a little water on the table. She pretended to be nonchalant and said, "No, it's not here yet. Please wait patiently for a while."

No, there is a problem...

Melusina doubted this answer even more strongly.

She tried again: "Really, but I seemed to hear a sound outside..."

The nun immediately smiled, stood at the door and said, "Please wait patiently for a while, the knights haven't arrived yet."

Melusina nodded: "Okay, I understand."

She secretly clenched her little hands.

Didn't he mention the 'Knights' to this nun just now?

Why would she know?

And putting away the water glasses in advance is clearly a tacit understanding that they will be moved soon.

Melusina began to feel uneasy in her heart, and this uneasiness soon became magnified.

When the priest pushed the door open again, his expression and movements did not change at all, but there was an extra subtle movement after closing the door.

He covered the door lock with his robe, blocking the fleeting light.

That is the spell that locks the door.

After Melusina shrunk, her strength was reduced to ten percent, but her visual perception was still there, and this tiny little movement could not escape her eyes at all.

This set off alarm bells in Melusina's heart.

She jumped to the conclusion.

...The church wants to put me under house arrest!

...Why do they do this?

...No matter why you do this, this is not an attitude towards a target that needs protection, but rather like an attitude towards a would-be criminal!

…The church cannot be trusted!

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