Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 712 You are not from this world

"Here here!"

In a woods more than 20 kilometers outside Vienna.

Frederica, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the firelight flying in the sky, jumped up and waved.

She was of little help to the wedding scene, so she evacuated early and stayed by the vehicle to wait.

A blazing fire fell from the sky. When it was three meters away from the ground, the flames sprayed in the opposite direction to form an upward momentum.

Let alone five hundred years ago.

Even five hundred years later, no one has ever been able to create a full-coverage kinetic armor.

Bai Yu's style can be said to be for both men and women. Compared with the Iron Man in the movie version, it is more fitted. There are not many technological elements, more like a knight's armor. There is no luminous nuclear fusion device on the whole body, just in the gaps. Open to release a fiery jet.

If it were a sci-fi-style armor, it would need to be equipped with energy sources, ejection ports, heat dissipation devices, etc. However, Bai Yu himself is the power source and does not need these parts at all. His own two hearts are dual-core drives.

I tried flying as early as the third level, but failed. After entering the fourth level, my soul power can mobilize the energy of the surrounding world as a supplement at any time. Flying is no longer a problem, but just flying is not enough. , the shape also needs to be concave.

It's also flying. Flying with a sword and flying upside down by the hilt are two different things.

After Bai Yu landed lightly, Frederica was about to pick him up, but as soon as she raised her hand, she realized that her hands were not enough.



No, why did you bring back two?

Only a bang was heard. Bai Yu was kicked. Immediately, his feet fell into the ground. The saint performed a high-altitude 720-degree pirouette and landed on the ground. She shook her hair and gritted her teeth angrily: "What on earth do you want to do?" What, you actually kidnapped me too?"

Frederica exclaimed: "Your Highness the Saint."

Jeanne smashed a tree next to her with her fist: "Bai, you'd better give me an explanation! Do you know the consequences of kidnapping me? This is ten times more serious than if you kidnapped the eldest prince's fiancée."

Kakaka—The armor was lifted, and Bai Yu returned to his regular attire: "Get in the car first. If anything happens, we'll talk about it on the way. We're still being hunted."

The saint turned her head away: "I'm not going, I'll just wait here for the Templar Knights to find them."

Bai Yu asked back: "Are you sure? We are here to find Alice. If we stay in the church, we will definitely not see her."

Jeanne suddenly looked confused.

After weighing things up, Bai Yu came up with the all-purpose sentence of "I've tied them all up" and successfully convinced Jeanne, who didn't really want to return to the church.

The saint got into the car and took the passenger seat as a matter of course.

Frederica's eyes widened. This was obviously her seat. She almost regarded this position as her own private territory.

But Jeanne made a great contribution this time. She really didn't have much courage to refute a saint, so she could only hold Angelica's hand and sit in the back row.

As Bai Yu started the car.

A not-so-exciting escape journey begins again.

With the current information transmission efficiency of the Roman Empire, it would be at least a day before the church gathered its troops to pursue and intercept them.

Besides, as long as the Saints don't take action, there is no chance of stopping them.

The Storm Chaser is an off-road vehicle that is fast even in mountainous and forested areas.

"Huh..." On the passenger side, she opened the window and blew in the wind, smelling the smell of grass and trees in the air. Looking at the mottled light spots and lush reflections on the glass window, Jeanne said softly: "Oh my God, this It’s much more comfortable than a carriage, and it’s so fast. Is this how you traveled all the way?”

Frederica said: "Yes, and this car also has a temperature adjustment function... Your Highness, please open the box in front of you. Yes, it is between your legs. Get me a Bring out the paper towels, mineral water and Wangwang snow cakes."

Jeanne opened the box, but she had never seen the things inside. She couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What are these?"

"Worthless gadgets." Bai Yu said lightly: "Disposable handkerchiefs, bottled water, and small biscuits."

"No..." Jeanne frowned: "Don't think I'm a fool. The products here are well packaged and finely made... The handkerchief can be reused after being washed, so why should it be made disposable? Bottled water is even more incomprehensible. , just bring it with you in a bottle, what kind of material is this translucent bottle made of? And these biscuits... what does this taste like, I have never tasted it before!"

"Hey! Your Highness the Saint, you should give me the snow cake!" Frederica glared and said, "Why are you eating it!"

"Let me have a taste." Jeanne said: "And don't call me a saint. I don't like this title in the first place."

She turned to Bai Yu and said: "I have met with Eastern businessmen several times, and they have never mentioned these things. This kind of product pursues convenience, but the profit margin is definitely not high, even bottled water. If you can make it, what’s the difference between taking off your pants and farting?”

Bai Yu held the steering wheel and said, "Bottled water means taking off your pants and farting. I have Coke, Sprite and iced tea here. Do you want to drink it?"

"It's just a drink..."

Bai Yu directly opened the refrigerator in the front row, took out a bottle of Coke and handed it over.

Jeanne hesitated for a few seconds, looking at the black liquid, wondering if it was poisonous.

"Shake it a few times before drinking."

Jeanne shook it vigorously a few times obediently, and then unscrewed the bottle cap. The carbonated drink expanded and a large amount of black foam poured out of the bottle.

The saint jumped up on the passenger seat, but she couldn't avoid being splashed with Coke.

"What is this!"


"You bastard!"

"It is a rare experience to roll over with an ice-coke. Everyone should try it. If you just try to open your mouth to block it, you will be even more surprised!"

"My clothes are all stained, how can you compensate me?"

"It's okay. We'll find a place to park later. When Angelica wakes up, you all need to change your clothes. This outfit is too conspicuous."

Bai Yu turned on the music player in the car: "Let's play some free music!"

A free English song began to play. The music on it was not found in this world. It all came from the earth. It seemed to come with it. I don’t know how it came from.

'You will know you're reborn tonight~'

‘Must be ragged but I stay by your side~’

When the music started to surround the car, Jeanne's shoulders shook slightly and she looked around the car wall.

Although music is not unfamiliar, music players must have been a novelty five hundred years ago. In this era, there was only photo magic and no phonograph.

There were too many strange and novel things that she encountered in a short period of time. Jeanne took another sip of the carbonated drink. The stimulating taste would be uncomfortable for many people at first, but she soon fell in love with the taste and even drank it. I hiccupped several times in succession too quickly.

Lean back on the seat, feel the flow of the wind, the scenery recedes on both sides, and the music surrounds your ears.

She licked her fingers, feeling a mixture of excitement, sweetness and a hint of bitterness.

This feeling is really good.

Driving around, listening to music, and taking a quick trip are a way for modern people to cultivate their sentiments and purify their hearts.

Put down your burdens and go camping to relax your mental stress. Even on a rainy afternoon, you can sit by the river with a fishing rod and wait in silence.

Soon, Jeanne was immersed in this comfortable atmosphere. She unconsciously felt a little sleepy, as if the fatigue accumulated over a long time was being washed away, as if some stubborn stains were being washed away.

The music also became gentler, switching to another song, with a woman's voice singing softly.

She closed her eyes.

All worries and worries are quickly gone.

"Jeanne, Your Highness Jeanne?"


When she woke up, Jeanne noticed that the sky had darkened.

Frederica turned her head and said, "It's time to have dinner soon, come down."

"Did I sleep all afternoon?"

"Yes." Fleur said, "Let's go change some clothes first and camp tonight."

After being taken to the stream, she changed out of the same saint-specific clothing that she had worn all year round and changed into men's casual clothes that were popular in the Roman Empire. Women could also wear men's clothes, which was even considered a good thing in the Roman Empire.

Jeanne, who had not seen her dressed like this for a long time, turned around in the rearview mirror and said, "Not bad, how come it fits so well?"

"I went to buy it specially." Frederica said.

"Huh?" Jeanne blinked: "So you were thinking about kidnapping me from the beginning?"

"No, I bought several models of new clothes on purpose." Frederica folded the old clothes and put them in the laundry basket: "Let me ask in advance, can you do laundry?"

"Of course." Jeanne said: "Although I haven't washed it for a long time, as long as there is water and some plant ash... I usually find it troublesome and just use the purification technique directly."

"That's so laborious."

"It doesn't take much effort." Jeanne said, "Twenty minutes of purification is enough."

"...There is laundry detergent here, and I will teach you how to use it later." Frederica put her hands on her hips helplessly: "Now, let's eat first."

As soon as I arrived at the camping area, I smelled a scent, the aroma of barbecue.

Bai Yu is making barbecue, and the ingredients are the second senior brother who got lucky along the way.

"Let's just eat some instant noodles and barbecue today. Unfortunately, there aren't many vegetables, and I don't know the wild fungi in the woods. I am a Chinese and have been trained to be immune to all poisons, but I'm afraid you will have to lie down after eating them."

Except for Koreans, no one would regard instant noodles as a staple food.

But does it really taste bad?

Frederica, who had at least eaten several square meals, still couldn't forget it. Even Angelica, who had just woken up, was swallowing her saliva silently.

The smell of spices wafted from a plastic bucket.

Jeanne was no exception. After confirming that the instant noodles were cooked, the three of them immediately opened the seal without hesitation. There was an alluring smell floating in the amber soup, and the light yellow noodles were curved and elastic. They were all excited for the first time. Instead of eating meat, he stared at the noodles and launched an attack.

Just after the first bite, the salt, sugar, chili powder, spices, beef powder, monosodium glutamate, palm oil and other ingredients added to the instant noodles are constantly stimulating the taste buds. This feeling is for those who are used to eating bread, barbecue, vegetables and so on. For medieval Europeans who ate salad, etc... it was really, really too exciting.

In an era when tea was a special product, coffee was called the drink of God in Europe in the 15th century.

In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, Europe in the fifteenth century was not very advanced. After all, the ignorant and shameless people were still the majority; and the so-called delicacies often tasted like wax without enough spices and seasonings.

The saint unknowingly finished the bucket of instant noodles, even drank the soup, and didn't miss the quail eggs and ham.

She put down the plastic bucket and began to look at the unfamiliar words on it and the brightly colored packaging.

As a saint, she was certain that with modern Roman technology, it would be impossible to make such a packaging box. It would even be impossible to just render such a color.

Jeanne suddenly asked: "Is this called instant noodles?"


"How much does a barrel cost?"

"How much is it?" Bai Yu calculated, then shook his head: "It's not expensive."

"One Roman gold coin?"

"One Roman gold coin can be sold for more than fifty boxes, and there are twenty barrels in one box." Bai Yu said lightly.

"One gold coin can buy a thousand barrels of noodles?" Jeanne was stunned.

Her throat rolled, not because of any businessman's instinct, but because of a strong shudder.

"Do you know what will happen if such cheap goods are released to the public?"

She said softly: "All civilians who have tasted it will fall into madness without exception."

"I know." Bai Yu said with a smile, "It's like a raised wolf tasting the first drop of blood."


"I'm not threatening you." Bai Yu shook his head: "I don't plan to do those boring things here. I only brought three boxes of instant noodles, and they will be gone after two or three days."

"Appetite is the most primitive pursuit of human beings." Jeanne took a bite of the barbecue sprinkled with cumin powder and chili powder, bit down hard, and said, "I started to regret it, if I never eat like this again. What will you do if you smell something bad?”

Bai Yu sat down, picked up his bowl of instant noodles, and took a bite... Well, it turns out that the pickled cabbage flavor is the most authentic.

"White Elm."


"You're not from this world, right?"

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