Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 784 Holy Grail, Goblin, Queen

The Holy Grail has always been placed in the most conspicuous position.

It's just that few people notice.

It exists in Buckingham Palace, and it can even be said to be everywhere.

Traces of its existence can be seen in any mirror or any surface of water.

It does not exist in the real world, but exists in the gap between illusion and reality. If you want to see the reflection of the Holy Grail, you must be sincere and spiritual.

"Generally speaking, if you want to become a Knight of the Round Table, you need to be blessed by the Holy Grail."

"If you want to be blessed by the Holy Grail, seeing the Holy Grail is the first and most important test."

"After the Knights of the Round Table are canonized, they will be qualified to see the Holy Grail. At that time, they will be promoted to Knights of the Holy Grail and qualified to enter the kingdom of fairies."

“This is unique to the middle of winter.”

The princess clapped her hands, signaled the attendants to extinguish the lights, and then lit the candlesticks in the banquet venue.

She smiled and said: "You can try to see the Holy Grail. With Mr. Bai's strength in defeating Pendragon's red dragon, he must be able to see the Holy Grail."

Bai Yu touched his chin and asked, "Can you really worship me? I'm not a midwinter person. Is it so casual? Is there no need to abide by the eight honors, eight shames or knightly virtues?"

"That's not really important."

The princess smiled: "Most of the rules that test whether a person is qualified to become a Knight of the Round Table are artificially set to select suitable candidates and test their character and character... and the Holy Grail's rules for selecting people Very simple."

"As long as it's strong enough."

Hearing this, Bai Yu complained: "This sounds like a bus..."

The banquet venue fell silent.

Bai Yu looked at the mirror with the curtain removed.

Standing in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but think of a classic line: "Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in the world"...

...Oh, I don’t know why, but suddenly I have a poison apple in my hand.

Thinking for his own amusement, Bai Yu looked at his reflection in the mirror again, thinking that if you are really useful, you will give me the whole life.

Then the scene in the mirror suddenly began to spin and twist.

As if the fusion card was activated, the light and shadow rotated towards the middle, turning into a weird vortex.

And when it returned to normal, Bai Yu saw a tree.

The body of the vibrant emerald green tree is wrapped with countless red thorns. The thorns pierce the trunk, and the tree seems to be flowing with red blood.

The blood seeping from the branches gurgled and gathered into drops, and fell into a cup drop by drop.

The cup looked ordinary, just the most ordinary wooden cup with a bright red liquid like wine inside.

Is this the Holy Grail?

It's so ugly.

Sure enough, the golden shape of the Second Tour Holy Grail in Model Moon is unbelievable. It has the same virtue as the 8848 titanium mobile phone.

If you think about it carefully, the Holy Grail appeared at the Last Supper because it contained wine representing the blood of Jesus. Whether it was a gold cup or a silver cup, I am afraid they were not available at the time.

Of course, there are obvious differences in the origin of the Holy Grail in different worlds. The simple appearance of this Holy Grail contrasts with the big tree in the picture, which seems to imply that it is not a dead object.

The princess exclaimed: "It's the Holy Grail."

The nobles in the banquet hall all exclaimed in surprise.

Bai Yu turned his gaze sideways and expressed confusion. There were many Knights of the Round Table. Haven't they seen the Holy Grail before?

"It's not that simple." The princess acted as the commentator: "Generally, the manifestation of the Holy Grail cannot be seen by third parties, only the person involved can see it. But now that it is manifested so clearly, it seems that the Holy Grail is really popular. you……"

At this time, Bai Yu heard the sound of water flowing from the mirror.

Looking back, I saw that the Holy Grail in the mirror was tilted at an angle, and the red liquid was poured out of the cup.

The liquid spilled directly from the mirror, and several drops splashed on Bai Yu's shoes. He quickly backed away.

Princess Helen, who was thinking about the plot of the new work at the side, saw this scene and immediately shook off the unnecessary thoughts, rushed over, picked up the utensil from her hand, bent down and knelt in front of the mirror, and caught the bright red liquid poured from the Holy Grail. .

"It's a blessing!"

"The blessing of the Holy Grail!"

"Oh my god, am I not dreaming? The Holy Grail actually gave blessings to... uh, a stranger?"

A lot of liquid was poured into the Holy Grail in the mirror, so much that it almost filled the entire goblet.

Helen, who was holding the cup next to her, had some cold sweat on her forehead. She tried her best to maintain her body balance, and felt that the cup in her hand was getting heavier and heavier. She turned around and looked at Bai Yu for help.

The princess quickly said: "This is the blessing of the Holy Grail, Mr. Bai, you..."

"Wait a minute!" Cordelia raised her hand to stop the princess: "If I remember correctly, once you receive the blessing of the Holy Grail, you won't be able to leave Midwinter, right?"

This is indeed true.

Although all Midwinters covet the blessings of the Holy Grail, drinking it means losing the chance to leave Britain forever.

Freedom or mystery.

Bai Yu will definitely choose the former, and the people present are not sure what to say.

"No, drinking it will not bind you to the depths of winter."

Suddenly, a light voice echoed in the banquet hall.

The voice came from the mirror.

In the corner of the mirror, a small person the size of a palm flew out. She had transparent wings like a butterfly. After passing through the mirror, her figure was illusory, emitting a glimmer of light, with golden hair and a charming face.

Everyone in the banquet hall was stunned, including the royal family.

They all recognized at a glance that this was a goblin from the goblin country.

The lifelong wish of the people in Midwinter is to enter the fairy kingdom...but most of them will never have the chance to see fairies in their lives.

And now she appeared in sight, still in a way that everyone could see.

Some nobles couldn't help but wanted to come forward and talk.

But the goblin didn't give them this chance at all. He snapped his fingers and forcibly silenced all the sounds in the banquet.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am a fairy from the fairy kingdom, Millicen Heil." She raised her chin and said proudly: "I am a descendant of the fairy in the lake."

Bai Yu looked at the palm-sized villain and asked, "What do you mean? The blessing of the Holy Grail will not restrict my freedom?"

The goblin put his hands on his hips and waved in the air: "You have not sworn or made any promises to the Holy Grail, so how can it bind you? The prerequisite for the oath to take effect is that you must swear to protect it."

"In that case, why does it invite me to drink wine?" Bai Yu glanced at the full wine glass: "Is the Holy Grail so hospitable? Everyone you meet has a glass of wine? Is it Northeast Silver?"

Milicenthail spread her hands and said, "You are so suspicious...but I don't know what the Holy Grail is thinking."

"In that case," Bai Yu refused, "then I'd better not drink it. After all, the risk at the cost of freedom is too high."

The goblin pouted: "As I said, it's not harmful to you, you must drink it."


"Only after you finish drinking can I treat you to the Fairy Country." She said matter-of-factly: "Don't you want to go to the Fairy Country?"

After saying this, the nobles at the scene were even more excited.

The princess was a little unable to control herself. She wanted to say whether she could be together, but she couldn't say anything, and she couldn't even get close to the edge of the goblin and the mirror.

Some mystery was excluding her and them.

But Princess Helen, who was holding a wine glass in her hand, was not affected.

The princess thought to herself, could it be because her daughter was very pure?

Hearing what the goblin said, Bai Yu was a little moved. One of his purposes in coming to Midwinter was to find Bai Potian. He wrote a letter saying that he was in the goblin country. If he could go to the goblin country by drinking wine, then...

He glanced at the full glass of wine and asked: "There is so much, can I drink it all by myself? Can I share it with others?"

The goblin shook his head: "It's best not to share. The more wine the Holy Grail gives, the more blessings it gives. What is given to you is yours... and if others drink it, it will turn into ordinary water, which can only heal injuries at most. It hurts, but it doesn’t have any blessing effect.”


Bai Yu picked up the red wine glass, thinking that if there was any trap, he would know after drinking it. Anyway, he was caught.

Raise your glass...done, guys!

Just when he was about to perform a dull performance, the third change came.

"——I suggest you don't make a hasty decision to drink it..."

Well, where did this sound come from?

Bai Yu paused.

Immediately, there was only a clicking sound.

The originally complete mirror suddenly broke into two halves, and the crack spread out from the middle like a bolt of lightning.

The goblin made a frightened sound, immediately flapped its wings and ran away, hiding behind Bai Yu, sticking out its head and looking at the other half of the mirror in fear.

In the other mirror, a cold world covered with ice and snow was reflected.

A colorful aurora floated in the sky, and in the snowy world, a bright red spear was stuck on the ground, and a pair of beautiful legs first appeared in the mirror.

Then he kicked the mirror hard.


The mirror shattered, and in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, a figure that was neither human nor ghost, entwined with the aura of ice and snow, appeared in the banquet hall.

The cold air bringing low pressure quickly filled the hall, and the candlelight in the banquet was dimmed a bit.

The woman wore a black gauze-like outfit and purple clothes, like a warrior, her whole body was wrapped in the clothes, nothing was exposed, she blended into the darkness perfectly, but highlighted the outline of her body It seems particularly sensational.

Then, his cold little hand was placed on Bai Yu's wrist. When he touched it, he felt as if half of his arm was soaked in an Arctic ice pool and was about to freeze.

"Although this little goblin didn't lie, she also didn't tell the truth..."

The queen with bright red eyes came uninvited.

"This is somewhat unfair."

She looked back at her reflection in the broken mirror.

"What do you think?"

"Holy Grail."

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