Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 807: Since ancient times, he has been Luohou's lackey

"I never thought that the two eyes in the shadow world are actually connected."

[Of course they are the same, just like one is a mouth and the other is a steel door]

"?" Bai Yu was stunned for a moment: "So which one are we coming out of now?"

[It depends on your opinion. Do you think it is better to eat it in and poop it out, or from...]

"You are good at metaphors." Bai Yu was disgusted by this statement.

After a brief chat, he continued to focus on the corpse.

"The Black Evil Archer died here." Bai Yu said: "If it is Taiyin Demon Realm, how can I get out? Customer Service, do you have a map?"

[Although there is no map, I need to remind you]


[There are two people approaching from above]

Bai Yu released his soul perception, and on the cliff, two figures rushed towards the deep valley like a Hokage, and the speed was very fast.

He did not go up to them immediately, but kept a distance and quietly changed his appearance suit into another set of close-fitting knight suit. This suit was similar to the tights of racing drivers and also had a relatively high protective effect, which could effectively resist impact and puncture.

Two figures in black robes quickly fell to the ground.

After searching around, they followed the smell of blood and found the tragic corpse.

“We are late.” The older archer said, “He must have been ambushed and separated from the original team. This injury looks like it was caused by the Heart Devouring Demon.”

As he spoke, the archer reached out and began to touch the corpse, turned over the other party’s body, and took out a package from behind the corpse, which contained some supplies, a hairpin and a letter.

"Put away the relics." The older archer emptied the package and handed it to the younger archer who was slightly shorter next to him: "If we can leave the Taiyin Demon Realm, these things must be handed over."

This is a customary rule among the followers of the evil star. After all, no one knows how long they can live, so they always carry a suicide note and relics that they are reluctant to discard in their backpacks. In the end, they will be sent out or buried according to the way in the letter.

"Teacher, what should we do with the body?"

"If it stays in the Taiyin Demon Realm, it may become a demonic corpse puppet. It is impossible to take it out. Destroy it on the spot."

The master and apprentice archers talked, and their tone did not fluctuate much, as if they were used to it.

The black evil archers are all old people leading newcomers, and they also follow the master-apprentice inheritance method.

After dealing with the body, when the two were about to leave, they suddenly heard the sound of stones falling from the cliff.

"Who is it!" The older archer pulled the bowstring, and the cold arrow aimed at the depths of the dark valley.

The young archer was a little nervous and followed the bow and arrow.

"You two... are my own people." Bai Yu raised his hands and walked out.

The young archer put down his arrow subconsciously when he saw that it was a living person: "Teacher, it doesn't seem to be a demon."

"Stop, don't move!" The older archer said in a low voice: "Although it looks like a human, it may not be a human. It may be a human form camouflaged by a high-level demon. And why are there other living people in the Taiyin Demon Realm?"

"Because I am also a black evil archer who follows the evil star, I naturally came here to perform the mission, but I was unlucky and encountered the terrain changes in the Taiyin Demon Realm, and I was separated from my original people." Bai Yu did not give his real name. He was also wary of the two archers.

Because Bai Yu knew that he was a celebrity, he would definitely attract unnecessary attention if he exposed himself rashly. If his identity was exposed, the other party would definitely ask why he was in the Taiyin Demon Realm, and he would need to explain it at that time, which would be more troublesome.

He took out the Black Evil Bow he had just seen: "Isn't this enough to prove my identity?"

The older archer said indifferently: "If you are a follower of the evil star, then report your title."

The Black Evil Bow seems to be able to serve as an identity certificate, but who knows if it was stolen?

Bai Yu was a little embarrassed. Although he knew the naming rules of the archer, it was obviously inappropriate to use a random name to impersonate. If he reported a name that the other party knew, he would be unable to defend himself.

He thought about it and lied: "I haven't obtained the title of star yet, and I haven't graduated yet."

The older archer took a look at Bai Yu's appearance. He looked very young, probably less than 20 years old. At this age, he really didn't meet the standard of a master.

"Who is your teacher?"

"Earth Robbery Star." Bai Yu directly borrowed the name of the only old acquaintance.

"Dijiexing is one of the six evil stars. I haven't heard him say that he has accepted disciples."

"The actions of archers are relatively independent." Bai Yu replied: "We have always been solitary."

These words were also said by Dijiexing when he was still Tiankuxing. If it is a group activity, the hunting efficiency will be lower. Most archers choose to act alone. Unless they encounter an opponent they cannot deal with, they will call other archers.

The older archer continued: "But you still can't prove your identity. If you are Dijiexing's apprentice, he should give you a token to prove your identity."

This old guy is really suspicious.

Bai Yu thought that there is no token, at most a phone number, and in Taiyin Demon Realm, it must be outside the signal circle.

Seeing that he fell into silence, the older archer narrowed his eyes slightly. In this Taiyin Demon Realm, even if the other party is a living person, it may not be worthy of trust. What if he is a human slave brought in after being brainwashed by a high-level demon.

It is better to kill by mistake than to let him go.

Although it is not recommended for the Black Evil Archers to fight each other, the other party has not yet become a follower of the evil star, but is just an apprentice. Even if he is killed, the Earth Robbery Star will not know. He can only blame his bad luck for not taking good care of his apprentice.

The master-apprentice relationship of the archers is quite close. Usually, they form a team when entering the evil land, and it is impossible to separate.

In the final analysis, this white-haired archer suspected that Bai Yu was lying.

"There is no token." Bai Yu said bluntly.

"Teacher..." The apprentice beside him seemed to want to say something to beg for mercy.

The older archer remained silent, thinking that if he could not confirm his identity at this time, he should not relax, let alone be soft-hearted.

"There is no token because there is no need for a token."

Bai Yu raised the Black Evil Bow and shot an arrow into the sky. At the same time, his figure flashed forward, and the distance between the two sides was instantly shortened.

Such a rash move should have aroused the vigilance of the master and apprentice.

"Teacher, it's true... just now it was the Moon Hidden Step and the Demon Slaying Arrow." The young archer reminded in a low voice.

The white-haired archer put down his bow and arrow, and his expression and tone softened a lot: "This is indeed very effective as an identity certificate."

Only the followers of the evil star can use the steps and archery taught by Luohou. This young man must be an apprentice, otherwise he would not be able to learn it. Even if he could learn it, he would not be able to master it so well. This must have taken at least ten years of hard work.

"Haven't you asked me yet?" Bai Yu asked politely.

"Tianliang Star." The white-haired archer introduced: "Next to me is my apprentice, who just inherited Feilian Star."

"Wow..." Bai Yu was surprised for 0.5 seconds. He didn't expect that just meeting someone casually would have a very high position.

Tianliang Star doesn't sound very domineering, but it is one of the Seven Stars of the Southern Dipper.

Among the followers of the evil star, there are four levels of A, B, C, and D according to strength and qualifications. The Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper and the Seven Stars of the Southern Dipper are collectively called the Fourteen Main Stars; below are the Deputy Stars, and below are the B-level stars, the C-level stars, and the D-level stars.

As one of the fourteen main stars, Tianliangxing's position is higher than Dijiexing, the deputy star. However, the status difference between the archers is not particularly large. There is no saying that a superior can control subordinates. All mandatory orders are voted, and the minority obeys the majority.

Later, the three chatted about some things while looking for a way to leave the pit.

Bai Yu did know something about Dijiexing, and he could answer most of the questions.

It's just that he didn't know much about this operation. As an apprentice, he didn't have to pretend to know something and pretend that he was here to broaden his horizons.

Tianliangxing and Feilianxing are a pair of master and apprentice, and the latter is obviously more lively and doesn't think so much when speaking.

In this way, Bai Yu roughly sorted out the current situation in the conversation.

Three months ago, the followers of the evil star cleared the surrounding demon strongholds and successfully blocked the exit of Taiyin Demon Realm. After doing this, they decided to start the second phase of the offensive and carry out large-scale operations.

The Taiyin Demon Realm has completely entered its active period, with a large number of demons proliferating, and it is also possible that it will be born.

Once Taiyin is born, it will inevitably bring a tide of demons.

It is almost impossible to destroy the Taiyin Demon Realm, because Luohou has not been able to destroy it in thousands of years.

Luohou shoots an arrow at the Taiyin Demon Realm every day to draw a lottery, with different angles and strengths, trying to kill the core of the Taiyin Demon Realm through the lottery, but Luohou has no bottom line rule... A full thousand years have passed, and it is still an empty air force every day.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Taiyin Demon Realm from continuing to activate, the followers of the evil star took the initiative to enter the Taiyin Demon Realm and began to fight with the demons without restrictions, causing trouble in the opponent's base camp and nest, and suppressing the tide of demons in the Taiyin Demon Realm in a nearly suicidal way.

Of course, the archers did not die in vain. Their biggest goal was to delay time to suppress the speed of Taiyin's awakening.

They usually return to the ground to rest after completing their daily missions.

Until Tianliangxing had bad luck this time, and the demon tide dispersed the large group, and he took his apprentice Feilianxing to find a way out.

The Taiyin Demon Realm is very large, and the map changes over time. Because the Taiyin Demon Realm is Taiyin itself, whether you can get out depends on luck.

Taiyin is one of the three incarnations left after the death of the Demon Ancestor. It is the body of the dead Demon Ancestor. It is a living evil place!

Feilianxing may have been too intense with his teacher, and he talked about many things he knew when he met a peer.

"Taiyin is the body of the Demon Ancestor; Taisui is the heart of the Demon Ancestor; and Nvxie is the soul of the Demon Ancestor."

Bai Yu asked: "The reason why Taiyin Demon Realm is activated is because the other two have appeared in the world?"

"Yes." Fei Lianxing nodded seriously: "Taisui is the heart of the Demon Ancestor, and it appeared to find Nvxie after reincarnation."

"Once these three are combined into one, the Demon Ancestor will reappear in the world."

"It will be a disaster for the whole world at that time."

Bai Yu asked: "Isn't there Luohou? He can kill the Demon Ancestor once, and he should be able to kill him a second time... How can Luohou a thousand years later be stronger than a thousand years ago?"

"It seems that Dijiexing has concealed a lot from you... But it is also true that if an apprentice knows too much, it will affect his state of mind." Tianliangxing said in a deep voice: "The Demon Ancestor killed by Luohou back then was not in his prime... Even if Luohou is stronger now, he may not be the opponent of the Demon Ancestor in his prime. Moreover, even if he can really kill the Demon Ancestor, this battle between the two sides will inevitably bring huge losses to Daxia. No one knows how many people will die."

When gods fight, they will not care about ants.

Even if they care, they can't stop.

Just like Ultraman fighting monsters, he certainly knows how much loss will be caused by each battle and how many civilians will die, but there is no way. If he doesn't fight, the damage caused by the monster will be even greater.

What's more, Luohou never cares how many people died. His only wish is to eliminate demons and his only will is to kill the Demon Ancestor.

If the Demon Ancestor is born, even if the whole world's power is finally gathered to eliminate or seal it, Daxia will certainly no longer exist by then.

"Is there no way to stop the activation of the Taiyin Demon Realm?" Bai Yu asked Tian Liangxing, "Can we only buy time?"

"There is only one way..." Tian Liangxing plucked the bowstring: "Kill the evil woman and let her reincarnate! This can buy us five hundred years."

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