Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 840 Losing the Big for the Small


Bai Yu looked carefully.

There was indeed a wound on the side of King Xiling's face, which looked like a wound left by a sharp object.

At first glance, it didn't seem like anything.

After all, King Xiling had been beaten up before, and his mask was broken, so it was normal to have a wound on his face.

But after a closer look, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Even for those who were canonized as saints seeking the truth, their physique was far superior to that of a fourth-level extraordinary person... The so-called extraordinary sainthood was a complete transformation, with a lifespan increased to three hundred years, and even the source of life was much stronger. It was just a superficial wound, and it was impossible for the bleeding to continue.

King Xiling was shot in the buttocks, and a lot of blood flowed, but it almost recovered in less than half a minute. He also took a pill, which accelerated the recovery of internal and external injuries. However, only the wound on his cheek had not been repaired and was still bleeding.

This seemed very strange.

I didn't think it at first, but now I look at it more and more.

It's just a facial wound, why can't the bleeding stop?

Bai Yu jumped directly in front of King Xiling.

The latter's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly stood up and pulled back dozens of meters.

Bai Yu grabbed a ball of red snow on the ground with his bare hands, rubbed it on his fingertips, and an unusual smell floated out of the blood stained with blood.

It's not a smell but a breath, there is something hidden in the blood...

Di Jiexing approached and asked: "What are you doing? It's not appropriate to play with the dirty things flowing out of other people's buttocks, right?"

"I stabbed his buttocks instead of the steel door and large intestine."

Bai Yu glanced at Di Jiexing and suddenly said: "Do you know that people can't breathe quickly when they open their mouths?"

Di Jiexing was stunned: "Really?"

He opened his mouth and was about to try.

Then Bai Yu quickly picked up a ball of snow and stuffed it into Di Jiexing's mouth.

The latter was caught off guard and fed a large mouthful of snow, his eyes widened, and he almost vomited.

"Fuck..." Di Jiexing squatted on the ground and wanted to vomit.

"It's okay, just add some blood to the snow, just like eating duck blood vermicelli..." Bai Yu patted Di Jiexing's shoulder and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Damn you!" Di Jiexing wanted to raise his middle finger, but suddenly his whole body stiffened, his hands and feet began to disobey his command, and he began to be paralyzed from the fingers. He fell to the ground, twitching all over.

He realized that there was something wrong with what he had just eaten.

"Snow... The snow is poisonous."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "It is indeed poisonous... But to be more precise, it is the blood that is poisonous."

He looked at King Xiling and repeated his conclusion: "Your blood is poisonous."

King Xiling subconsciously touched his buttocks, and then said lightly: "This has nothing to do with you... Even if my blood is poisonous, what does it matter?"

"No, it's a big deal."

Bai Yu turned the magic gun: "Because I have seen the poison in your blood with my own eyes."

There is no need for the customer service to explain everything to him.

Because Bai Yu's IQ is not bad, but he just doesn't have time to investigate carefully.

Now, this wound that was bleeding continuously was like a hint, dispelling many mysteries.

He stared at King Xiling and said it directly.

"It turns out that you have been secretly planning all along."

"You are the incarnation of Tai Sui!"

There was a sudden silence all around.

Even Huang Qixia's pupils shrank slightly.

This sudden conclusion was shocking.

Yan Luo, who was surrounded by Yin Qi, paused slightly and turned to look at King Xiling. His movements did not change much, but he had already shown due vigilance.

Now he not only had to look at Bai Yu, but also at King Xiling's reaction.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Yan Luo asked, his voice like a bronze bell

King Xiling was one of the top ten and a saint. If he was the incarnation of Tai Sui...

Just thinking about this possibility made people's scalps numb.

The incarnation of Tai Sui had infiltrated the upper echelons of power in Daxia, which meant that he could do a lot of things and cover up his traces.

Bai Yu noticed the reaction of the people in Yanluo Si. As he guessed, the people in Yanluo Si around him were spectators and neutral units in a sense, and they were all objects that could be won over.

Tai Sui's threat was greater than that of Nv Xie.

"Ridiculous... Bai Yujing, you are just making a fuss." King Xiling covered his face and said in a deep voice: "What evidence do you have? Empty words... Is it to disrupt the scene and give yourself a chance to escape?"

Yanluo also said: "Evidence is also needed for testimony."

"Want evidence? Sure!"

"Then I'll tell you clearly!"

Faced with many crises, Bai Yu spoke slowly and calmly.

"Not long ago, I had a big fight with the gun-eating ghost Gu Ming. He had a gun in his hand named Xiang Liu."

"The Xiang Liu gun has the secret of converting human blood into a deadly poison."

"It has two effects. One is to paralyze people and make them unable to move. The other is that it will continue to proliferate. Even if it is canonized, it cannot completely remove the poison in a short period of time."

He raised his finger and pointed it at King Xiling.

"These two characteristics just correspond to the wound on your face!"

"I am 100% sure that the wound on your face was left by the Xiangliu Spear."

King Xiling covered his bleeding face with one hand. His blood was indeed poisonous. This was a fact that could be found out after a check.

He had also shed a lot of blood in the previous battle, so he had no chance to quibble at this time.

"I was indeed poisoned by the Xiangliu Spear..."

King Xiling admitted: "But what does this have to do with Tai Sui? I just met a gun-eating ghost on the road. I was unlucky and was careless..."

"There are two loopholes in your sentence."

Bai Yu interrupted directly: "The first loophole, I penetrated the heart of the gun-smelling ghost, and he was already dying. Why did you approach him rashly? And gave him a chance to fight back before he died? With your cautious personality , have you not noticed how dangerous a dying Ten Evils are?"

King Xiling raised his eyebrows: "I told you that I was not aware of it for a while, and the gun-smelling ghost was struggling to death. He knew that there was no chance of survival, so he came to me for his life..."

Bai Yu sneered: "I severely injured him to death, but he didn't have the courage to fight me, so he would target you instead?"

The King of Xiling bit the dead man to death and was unable to speak: "I am one of the top ten, so is it not natural for me to kill the ten fiercest men? Why should I let him go when he was seriously injured?"

He sneered disdainfully: "You only doubt me because of the wound on my face? What a child's play!"

As the speaker of Yan Luosi, Yan Luo is also the person in charge of punishment in Daxia, and he has his own judgment on various situations.

"Most of the accusations of serious crimes are not proven guilty. Without evidence, the verdict cannot be reached."

Yan Luo said: "Just a wound cannot prove that King Xiling is Tai Sui."

Then after this sentence, Yama added another sentence: "Do you have any other evidence?"

"Yes." Bai Yu said, "This is the second flaw in his words."

"It is said that you have always liked to wear a gold mask when traveling around the world. This is both your signature and your characteristic."

"But can you answer me - why is it that the mask you are wearing is intact, but the Xiangliu gun can hurt your face?"

Only then did everyone remember.

In the previous battle, King Xiling's golden face was intact.

His wound was only revealed after the golden mask was broken... In other words, this wound was left before his mask was broken!

King Xiling was shocked. He didn't expect there to be such a loophole. How to explain this?

He forced himself to calm down and said with a half-smile, "It's just..."

"Do you want to say that you forgot to wear a mask, or do you want to say that you changed a mask midway?" Bai Yu gave him a reason without waiting for the other party to explain.

Bai Yu said lightly: "If it is replaced, take out the broken mask and show it to everyone. Even if it is broken, there should be fragments, right?"

"If you say you forgot to wear it - that's really strange. You, King Xiling, wear a golden mask and walk around the world. No one knows your true face, but on the way here, you forgot to wear the mask, and even let the ten evil people eat it. Did the gun ghost see your face?"

Even if you are trying to excuse yourself, you need to talk about basic logic. You, the Golden Mask of King Xiling, almost never leave your body. No one in the world knows your true face. You came here specifically to stop Huang Qixia and Bai Yujing today, how could you forget to put on the mask?

Seriously, it's like children quarreling and acting bad.

Bai Yu continued to pursue: "If you can't explain it clearly."

"Then why not listen to my speculation?"

"You are the incarnation of Tai Sui. Phoenix Tower and all our encounters today were all planned by you secretly."

"When you meet the gun-stoking ghost, you don't wear a gold mask, because if you wear it, you will be recognized."

"The reason why you were injured by the gun-eating ghost is because the gun-eating ghost went to find you when he was still alive, hoping that you could save his life, but you refused! Maybe you can't save him, maybe you don't want to save him, in short, You had a brief encounter with him, but you accidentally left a scar on your face. "

"Of course you won't care about this small wound, because no one will know you were injured when you put on the mask."

"It's a pity... you were poisoned by Xiang Liu. It seemed like a small deviation, but your identity was eventually exposed."

"If you hadn't been poisoned, I might not have been able to break your mask. Originally, I wasn't interested in your appearance, let alone the scar."

Having said this, the young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled: "Your next sentence must be..."

"These are all speculations of yours." King Xiling said coldly: "You are doubting me just based on a wound and a mask? You are..."

"Suspicion is enough." Bai Yu said lightly: "Where do you think this is? A court?"

"I don't need to provide evidence, because as long as you are suspected of this, someone will naturally collect evidence."

"You may be able to dispose of the gun-eating ghost's body cleanly today, but what about all the arrangements before that?"

"Can you sort it all out?"

"Every time you pass by, you must have left traces."

"You must have made many arrangements under the cover of being one of the top ten and being a saint, right?"

"These things will reappear sooner or later."

On the silent ruins, only Bai Yu's voice echoed.

"I am the master of Shence Palace...the first person in the new generation of Daxia."

"With my connections, it is not difficult to mobilize the Shence Mansion and the Wusheng Pavilion to conduct a thorough investigation on you."

"King Xiling, you are mistaken. I never need to prove that you are Tai Sui."

"I just need to make your logic inconsistent and your true identity come into question."

"Someone will do the next thing for me."

"Ren Nanbei has been keeping an eye on you and your family for many years."

"The moment you are suspected of being the incarnation of Tai Sui... you are the one who needs to prove your innocence."

He exerted pressure through words, word for word, sentence after sentence.

"You can either choose to obey to the end, do nothing, accept investigation, inquiry, summons or even trial; or simply tear off your disguise and show your true ugliness in public."

Bai Yu cast a sarcastic look.

"Do you think you are the only one who understands the conspiracy?"

"The essence of overwhelming others lies in taking advantage of the situation. I didn't know who Tai Sui was before, so I was in a passive position."

"Don't think I will always stand there and be beaten."

While speaking loudly, he showed a sarcastic and happy sneer.

"No matter which one you choose, it doesn't make any difference."

King Xiling said coldly: "What do you mean by this?"

"Literally, the Yama Luosi will definitely investigate the cause of death of the gun-eating ghost. Now you and I are both under surveillance." Bai Yu patted the dust on his clothes: "If you leave, you will be targeted by the Yama Luosi."

"What if I don't leave?"

King Xiling was also thinking about what to do next in his heart. The situation was very bad.

Because from the moment Bai Yu discovered his identity, he had changed from a chess player to a chess piece, and was dragged into the Chuhe Han boundary.

The price of entering the game is that you may be eaten by other chess pieces at any time!

What to do?

He thought secretly, thinking that he still couldn't move at this time.

If he took the initiative to escape, he would be targeted by Yan Luo, and escaping meant that he had something to hide.

It was right to keep his troops in place.

Yes, as long as he waited for Luo Hou to arrive...wait for Luo Hou to attack, everything would be fine.

Then his thoughts were predicted again.

Bai Yu said lightly: "I know you are waiting for Luo Hou."

"And I can tell you clearly that once Luo Hou comes here, I will identify you as Tai Sui."

"Whether he will shoot this arrow to kill you depends on God's will!"

It depends on God's will and luck!

It also depends on whether you bet right!

If it wasn't the incarnation of Tai Sui, there would be nothing to be afraid of... Luo Hou would not attack the irrelevant canonization.

Of course, King Xiling didn't dare to gamble!

He is the incarnation of Tai Sui.

That is a peerless bow, and there will be no hesitation in exorcising the demon!

Although Luo Hou may not be able to see through his disguise, what if he will identify him after being pointed out?

In the final analysis, it is still a one-shot.

Tai Sui has been a chess player for too long, and he is reluctant to put himself on the chessboard.

Huang Qixia's death was the result of his long-planned plan, but if he sacrificed himself, even if he got this result, it would be more than the gain!

He couldn't help but think of the warning that the Tyrant said before he left.

- Don't lose the big picture for the small.

Originally, he didn't take it seriously.

Now it's a naked slap in the face.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Those who don't care about details will eventually lose in the details!

He never thought that just because of a wound left by Xiang Liu's spear, it became a death warrant for his identity to be discovered, forcing him to run for his life!

King Xiling took a deep breath and clasped his fists towards Yan Luo.

"This king has something to say..."

Pause briefly.


With a flash of light, he fled a hundred miles away.

Yan Luo said in a deep voice: "You confess without being asked... There is something wrong with this Xiling King."

After speaking, he turned around and followed.

Both saints left.

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, his calm attitude collapsed, and he immediately turned around and grabbed Huang Qixia: "Let's go, to Penglai!"

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