Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 851 Look at me, you bastard!

On the surface, the news of Bai Yu's death needs to be kept secret, but the mourning hall is real, and the funeral is also real.

Tao Rusu and Su Ruoli have also been dressed in plain white widow clothes these two days.

So it is reasonable that friends who know the news of his death will come to visit.

But Bai Yu is not dead, but lying in a coffin, retaining his self-awareness.

He couldn't help but wonder if he had experienced the same thing when he died in his previous life.

Alas, the computer could not be formatted in the previous life... Although the mobile phone was crushed, there are still many shameful things in the computer, especially the browser records...

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but want to cocoon in the ice coffin.

To keep a clean name in the world.


The people who came were not divided into several batches, almost all of them came from the Shen Ce Mansion in the capital.

As for Bai Yu's former high school classmates, his death is still unknown, and even Penglai College has concealed it very tightly.

Although he has been mentally prepared in advance.

But when Mu Yaoxi saw the ice coffin and the corpse, she still felt dizzy, and the sadness that surged like a tide almost swallowed her up.

"This is not true..." Mu Yaoxi shook her head, reluctant to accept the reality.

Su Ruoji supported her shoulders, and she was reluctant to accept this reality, but she could only remain silent.

In the past few days, her expression has become much more haggard.

Bai Yu, who was lying in the ice coffin, felt guilty and remorseful.

Su Ruoli, who was standing by, also lowered her head... She also felt guilty.

Not only did she conceal the news of Bai Yu's death, but she also practiced double cultivation with him.

Miss Su was thin-skinned, and seeing the sad looks of several people, she was also struggling in her heart whether she should secretly tell them the truth.

At least... her sister could tell her.

But there were many people at the scene, so this matter could not be mentioned in person.

She also needed to take care of it and return the courtesy, and she was a little overwhelmed.

Su Ruoli looked after Su Ruoji and Mu Yaoxi, and said to Tao Rusu, "Take care of them first, I'll be back later."

Tao Rusu nodded, and quietly stayed beside the ice coffin, responsible for returning the greetings to the visitor.

Su Ruoli took her sister and Mu Yao to the second-floor bedroom of the Su family and changed them into funeral clothes.

In the living room at this time.

Ren Nanbei burned a handful of yellow paper and sighed softly.

"I didn't expect that the farewell of half a year would become a farewell forever."

"Without you and Huang Qixia, I now find it difficult to even walk up..."

He sat cross-legged in front of the brazier, took out a bottle of wine, unscrewed it, poured a glass, and sprinkled it in the brazier, and the air was filled with the aroma of wine.

"This bottle of aged wine is a cellar in my hometown. I wanted to drink with you after breaking through the canonization, but I think there is no chance."

"I'll give it to you, and keep it. When I go down to find you, we'll drink together."

He stood up after drinking a glass by himself and patted his knees.

"Don't worry about the King of Xiling. I will kill this bastard with my own hands and bring his head to you for condolences."

He stood there for a while, muttering: "Bai Yu, how boring it would be if you were not born today."

Ren Nanbei bowed to the coffin.

Tao Rusu bowed in return.

After speaking to the deceased, Ren Nanbei looked at Tao Rusu and looked at her dress: "Are you the daughter of Zhen Shifang?"

"My name is Tao Rusu." She said: "I am now Bai Yu's wife."

"You are his wife, so you are also my friend." Ren Nanbei said in a deep voice: "The tyrant cannot be trusted. If you encounter trouble, remember to go to the capital."

Tao Rusu asked: "Are you on good terms? I thought you were opponents."

"A defeated general cannot be called an opponent." Ren Nanbei said self-deprecatingly: "I really want to be a good friend with him."

After Ren Nanbei, Long Jianquan came to mourn.

Long Jianquan did not use his previous appearance today, but returned to Ao Xuanyue.

In fact, Long Jianquan had never revealed his true identity and recognized Su Ruoji as an old friend.

Instead, he took the opportunity to find Su Ruoji and confessed after hearing the news of Bai Yu's death.

So... she let go of the past and returned to her female body.

But after being a man for so many years, she would feel a little uncomfortable returning to her female identity.

"I thought that one day after I confessed to Ruoji, I could recognize you as a younger brother..."

"You are indeed very similar to Jianquan."

Ao Xuanyue was talking about her weak younger brother who died young.

She said bitterly: "Jianquan died for me, and you died for Huang Qixia... Both of you are stupid boys, but I have no right to blame Jianquan, nor do I have the right to blame you... Maybe both of your choices were not wrong, but the results were not satisfactory."

Ao Xuanyue really had nothing to say.

Bai Yu killed Jin Peng with his own hands, ended her nightmare, stopped the turmoil in Dragon Country, and protected her hometown... She had already repaid this kindness in the past, and now even repaying it has become a luxury.

Afterwards, several people came to pay their respects.

Xiao Shuihan, Lin Haiya, Huo Haitang... They didn't have too many interactions with Bai Yu, but they had conflicts and frictions before, but in the end, they were all left behind by Bai Yu.

The people present were actually divided into different categories.

Some people had interactions and friendships with Bai Yu, so they came to pay their respects. They didn't care about Bai Yu's past in their hearts, but were just sad because of his death.

Some people felt sorry for Bai Yu's premature death. He should have become the mainstay of Daxia, and should have a status comparable to the Wusheng Pavilion in the future. He could have written a hundred years of romance, but it came to an abrupt end.

When everyone believed that he would become the proud sun of the sky, he became a meteor.

"It's just like a blood curse..." Huo Haitang said to himself after the worship: "Bai Xinghe's whereabouts were unknown, and later Bai Potian was forced to leave Daxia. Now it's Bai Yujing's turn... As long as they can be safe, the Bai family will sooner or later be able to become three saints, but..."

"Rather than blood, it's better to say... because of feelings." Lin Haiya didn't wear a sword today. After knowing that Bai Yu died, he threw away the sword, skipped the sealing sword and hiding the blade, and changed to abandoning the sword to practice. He put his right hand on his waist, which was not used to it, and said lightly: "Bai Xinghe was suppressed by the Beiming family because he fell in love with Beiming Yao; Bai Potian was for his son; and Bai Yujing was for Huang Qixia..."

"Countless facts have proved the danger of feelings. To express your feelings to others means handing them a knife that can kill you at will."

"Bai Yujing was killed by this butcher knife. The extraordinary people in the future should take it as a warning and never fall in love easily."

Lin Haiya just finished speaking and felt a chill.

Looking up, a man in a frosty white robe walked in from the door.

Bei Mingque glanced at Lin Haiya and said lightly: "For the past, the Bei Ming family lost the most, and now the people of the Bei Ming family will be the most heartbroken."

"You only regret Bai Yu's talent, not him." Xiao Shuihan shook his head and said: "It's just a matter of taste, otherwise how could you be the only one here today?"

Bei Mingque walked into the mourning hall in silence.

He had just heard the news and rushed here.

He was in doubt all the way, and when he really saw Bai Yu's body, his mood was particularly complicated.

He thought he would feel a little lost, but he didn't feel too much loss, but felt a deep emptiness and inexplicable heaviness.

Bei Mingque suddenly realized at this time...

The existence of the 27th deadline kept him depressed. He was actually worried not only about his own life and death, but also the burden of the entire Bei Ming family.

He felt relieved and relaxed after Bai Yu suddenly appeared and overwhelmed him, because... as long as Bai Yu was still alive, he would definitely have a way to solve the 27th limit and would not let its mistakes continue to the next generation.

The Beiming family was so eager for a saint, and most of the reason came from the fear of the 27th limit.

And the revival of the Beiming family was just the inevitable result and convenience after the sainthood...

When Bai Yu was there, Beiming Que only needed to care about himself, instead of carrying the burden of the entire Beiming family.

But now that he is gone, those heavy pressures are back on Beiming Que's shoulders, so it is so heavy and so empty.

He came here, got an answer, left a sad farewell and hurried away.

The funeral hall is like a mirror.

Through the death of a peerless genius, many people saw the reflection in the water, reflecting their past, present and future.

Bai Yu, lying in the ice coffin, was silent.

It was just through the soul power that everyone's reaction was clearly seen.

He felt that this was not a bad thing.

It was not because they mourned or cried for themselves, but because they seriously reflected on their past and took a new step towards the future.

This was a good thing worth celebrating, and it was a growth that everyone had to go through.

Soon, the mourners dispersed.

It was evening.

Mu Yaoxi had to get up and leave. She couldn't stay here for a long time. There were too many things in Shen Ce Mansion that she couldn't get away from.

In the past, Mu Yaoxi looked after Shen Ce Mansion for Bai Yu, waiting for him to come back and take over, but now she had to abandon this idea and take good care of the "legacy" left by Bai Yu.

Until Mu Yaoxi left, Su Ruoli was hesitant about whether to tell the truth, but after thinking about it... she decided to give Mu Yaoxi some time, hoping that she could come out.

After all, Mu Yaoxi was also a strong girl, not the kind of person who would take revenge on society if no one loved her.

"What do you see me doing?" Tao Rusu asked sharply.

"Nothing... After a busy day, what do you want to eat tonight?" Su Ruoli asked casually: "Do you want to buy some vegetables nearby?"

Her original intention was to send Tao Rusu away, and then wake up Bai Yu to show her sister and calm her down.

But Su Ruo immediately volunteered to raise her hand, with a posture of turning grief and anger into appetite: "I'll go buy vegetables, eat chicken today!"

Su Ruoli looked at her sister speechlessly as she carried the basket out of the door.

Tao Rusu sat back again, looking at the ice coffin, which turned into a stone for waiting for her husband.

Su Ruoli had no choice but to go to the kitchen to cook.

Just then, she heard a sharp questioning voice.

"What are you doing here?"

Tao Rusu said coldly: "It's not the tenth day yet!"

The visitor had a common face, at least Su Ruoli couldn't recognize who it was, but from Tao Rusu's attitude, she quickly judged the identity of the visitor. There was only one person who could make Tao Rusu so nervous.

The Tyrant·Suppressing the Ten Directions

The Qingming and Shuangtian swords flew out, standing in front and behind, constantly rotating around themselves.

The moment Zhen Shifang stepped into the door, he released the pressure of the holy way of canonization. The huge spatial pressure nailed the two girls in place.

He said calmly: "Come and take a look..."

Walking to the ice coffin, Zhen Shifang kicked the brazier away.

"Bai Yu is a very talented kid, but he died too early."

"Instead of letting the body rot here, it's better for me to take it back. Maybe I can bring him back to life."

Realizing what Zhen Shifang was going to do, Tao Rusu's eyes suddenly turned red.

"If you dare to use his body as an experimental subject, I will definitely put you to hell!"

"People can't be resurrected after death. Instead of wasting it like this, it's better to make use of some surplus value."

The Tyrant disagreed. He always despised human life, let alone desecrating corpses.

From another perspective, the Tyrant's heart for seeking the Tao is quite pure... but purity does not mean it is not evil.

His reputation as one of the Ten Evils is much more well-known than Bai Potian. His achievements are built on a lot of blood debts, which can never be washed away.

In the past, he didn't target Bai Yu because Bai Yu had no use value, but now it's not the case.

Tao Rusu and Bai Yu, both have reached the stage of being harvested.

Su Ruoli put his fingers together and drove the two swords to fly out. The sword light that cut through the space surged like a tide, but was firmly blocked by the Holy Land and some mysterious bloodline.

"It's pointless to struggle." The Tyrant said calmly: "You would rather watch him lie here than bet on the possibility that he might survive?"

"He's dead!" Tao Rusu twisted his body forcefully, and his bones were broken and repaired under the pressure of the Holy Dao: "Even if you wake him up and save him, he will only be a half-human, half-ghost thing, no longer Bai Yu, and no longer the person I love the most!"

The Tyrant said calmly: "It seems that you still can't understand the true meaning of hatred."

"It is precisely because you lack the courage and will to turn everything into your own use that you can never completely subdue all the blood in your body."

"Remember, my daughter... As long as you are strong enough, even death and reincarnation can't take anything away from you."

"Now, I will teach you in person, open your eyes and watch carefully, the brutal savagery that even death can desecrate!"

Zhen Shifang took out the test tube in his hand and was about to open the ice coffin and pour this drop of modified blood from Luohou.

"Stop!" Tao Rusu shouted hoarsely, and blood almost seeped out of his eyes.

But the Tyrant turned a deaf ear to him.

He wanted to use this opportunity to make Tao Rusu feel powerless and further stimulate her to control the power of her blood.

Suddenly, a dull sound came from the living room.

The ice coffin opened.

But it was not opened from the outside, but pushed open from the inside.

As Tao Rusu's eyes changed from anger and pleading to almost dull, a hand stretched out from the frozen coffin and pressed directly on Zhen Shifang's face.

"There is a road to heaven, but you don't take it. There is no door to hell, but you break in..." Bai Yu opened his eyes, and the power of his soul opened the floodgates to release the flood: "Old bitch! Look at me!"

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