Alien Lord

Chapter 1338: Suddenly realized

It wasn't until this time that Lin Ze realized in his mind why the body of this soul-eating butterfly queen was so strong, even if it exceeded the limit of the master, it was not killed by the formation inside the Xuanyin tomb? The reason why it was only acting at the entrance of Wang Chao before, but did not come out, suddenly has the answer.

In the warrior world, there is a kind of exercise called tortoise breathing technique, or convergence technique, or hidden skill.

These names are actually just a common name. There are various cheats of similar abilities in various schools. The mysteries are different, but they all have similar functions, so they are called by these similar names.

However, these martial arts do have a strong role in hiding the breath, but they are not omnipotent.

To use an analogy, let's use the technique of turtle rest.

Turtle breathing technique is also among the top three in all hidden breathing techniques, and it also has a strong life extension effect. Therefore, although turtle breathing technique is a hidden breathing technique, it is The level of exercises is also very high.

Guixishu is counted as a prefecture-level cheats, and ordinary sect cannot get it at all.

After practicing the turtle rest technique, as long as the warrior wants to hide, it is difficult for other warriors to find him.

Like turtles in the sea, once they are lurking deep in the bottom of the sea, motionless, and other carnivores want to hunt them, it is as difficult as going to the sky.

The same is true for the warrior. Turtle breath can hide the breath of the warrior to the lowest level, even as low as the breath of nature. In this way, it is difficult for other warriors to find him. Too.

However, no matter how good the martial arts are, it also has flaws.

Turtle Breathing is very capable of concealing breath, but other warriors really want to find him, and they can still find it out.

First of all, the smell of you.

No matter how strong the turtle is, he can only hide your warrior's breath, or slow your breath to an extremely weak point that other warriors can't hear, but your own taste in your body is still existing.

Therefore, it is very simple to find only some wild beasts with extremely sensitive senses of smell to find a warrior hidden in the turtle breathing power.

Of course, since there are such obvious shortcomings, other warriors will certainly find a solution, and indeed many warriors have come up with corresponding solutions.

However, even so, there are other ways to find you out.

Like the pressure of the innate strong.

The instinct of the innate strong man is very sensitive. Once he feels something is wrong, he will immediately release his own prior weather. At this time, even if you want to hide, it is difficult.

The breath of congenital strongmen is not so easy to bear.

Unless you have the same strength as this innate strong man, otherwise, as long as you lose him, you will not be able to bear it, and then he will be found traces.

In addition, some spiritual masters in the congenital strongman of the Grand Master level can easily detect the biological breath that does not belong to them at that time. At that time, your turtle breathing technique will be useless.

Just like Lin Ze, for Lin Ze, even a grandmaster who had practiced the turtle to the extreme to ambush him would be easily discovered by him.

As long as an inductive scanning, everything is in Lin Ze's grasp.

Or maybe some warriors have spirit beasts like snakes around them. With these spirit beasts there, your turtle's breathing power will be of no use.

Guixionggong can't even change the infrared ray even if you reach the extreme. Snakes are the best veterans to detect infrared rays, so it is 100% discovered by snake spirits.

Why do many masters keep some snakes and beasts? The reason is here.

Although these people don't know what infrared rays are, but the experience of tens of thousands of years let them know that snakes and wild beasts have an excellent role in detecting martial arts killers that use hidden breaths such as turtle breathing power.

Lin Ze installed a lot of infrared sirens in his house in Huangsha Town. Before that, he also learned about the intrusion of Chengyinglou killer for Lin Ze.

In summary, the hidden martial arts of Guixiong are powerful, but they are not omnipotent. There are many ways to find them.

However, the king's nest next to Queen Soul Eater is different now. Instead of hiding the breath, it directly isolates the powerful breath of Queen Soul Eater.

As long as it does not reach the power that can directly break the isolation of this space, or the power that invades this isolated space, no one can ever notice the abnormality inside.

The formation power of Xuanyin's Tomb is strong, but it is obvious that its strength is not enough to break or invade this king's nest. Therefore, even if the Queen of Soul Eater is about to advance to the strength of Grand Master, Xuan The formation of Yin's Tomb was still not found.

Moreover, once someone uses such a treasure to assassinate, then...

Thinking of this, Lin Ze directly shivered.

Because, if this were the case, even if Lin Ze faced such an assassination, he would definitely not be able to escape.

After the space was isolated, even the infrared rays of the killer were directly cut off, and it was useless to have the best modern infrared siren beside Lin Ze.

"The cultivation of Queen Soul Eater Butterfly is obviously not only the strength of the guru, but was not killed by the formation here; it is no wonder that she was so excited before, and she was just leaving the group at the entrance of Wang Chao, but did not leave Wang Chao. step!

It seems that this is the function of Wang Chao's isolation space, which made her escape from being torn into pieces by the formation forces in Xuanyin's tomb and practiced to the point where she is now.

I don’t know if it was accidentally hit by mistake, or what generation of Soul Eater Queen was so shocked that it was so amazing that it could use the natural nesting means of Soul Eater to such a degree that it directly isolated the induction of the surrounding space, In turn, the strength of Queen Soul Eater is guaranteed to rise.

It is a pity that Wang Chao is good, it can allow the Queen Soul Eater to continue to advance her strength, but at the same time, it is also a dungeon. The Queen of Soul Eater is bound to the Wang Nest in no way. Because, once they appear outside the Wang Chao, they will be directly killed by the formation of Xuanyin's tomb. "Lin Ze thought secretly, all the doubts in his mind had an answer at this time.

"The feeling of being very strong, but only able to stay in such a size, is definitely very poor, otherwise, there are definitely more than one soul eater butterfly with strength reaching the Grand Master, there will definitely be more There are many soul eaters above the master level." Lin Ze thought very much.

This matter was judged by Lin Ze through the actual situation. If it wasn’t for Wang Chao’s scope is too small, there were only two hundred square meters. I believe that the number of Guru-level Soul Eaters now appearing in front of Lin Ze would definitely be More than ten times, even dozens of times.

Just like you are the lord of a country, as the lord of a country, you are directly imprisoned in a small mansion. I believe that even if it is eaten every day, you will not be happy. I thought it might be better to die early, at least that way, you can get rid of this captivity.

Soul Eaters are the same, obviously they have the strength of guru or even guru, but can only be imprisoned in such a projectile land, no, not even the projectile land, and the time is still hundreds of years time. (The life span of wild beasts is much longer than that of human warriors. Generally, the life span of congenital wild beasts will be as long as five or six hundred years.)

The most terrible thing is that the other strengths are far inferior to her, or the soul-eating butterflies under her men, but they can live freely in the vast world outside. I believe that even if it is you, you can't stand such things.

Therefore, since these five or six hundred years, this group of soul eaters has only left the queen of the guru strength. Other guru levels have either committed suicide or forced to break through the limitations of the Xuanyin tomb cave formation method. At that time, he was killed.

And seeing the same thing The soul-eating butterflies outside are also very smart and have not been promoted. They are kept at about two layers of the innate, and even the peaks of the two layers of the innate are not dare to be promoted, afraid It is trapped in Wang Chao, or accidentally broke through, and then was killed by the formation of Xuanyin Tomb.

Otherwise, the entire Xuanyin tomb will now be the world of Soul Eaters.

No, it shouldn't be Xuanyin's tomb, even the Yinfeng Canyon above will be their world.

Fortunately, this is the case. Otherwise, all the settings of Master Xuanyin will be abolished, and Lin Ze would not dare to come to Yinfeng Canyon here.

Here, Lin Ze had to sigh again, the talent of the barbarian in some aspects is much stronger than that of humans.

Even if they have a low IQ, the longevity of a few hundred years is enough for them to advance to a very strong level.

"It's a pity." Lin Ze sighed slightly, looking at Queen Soul Eater's eyes with some pity.

Seemingly seeing the meaning in his eyes, Queen Soul Eater whispered, slowly dropped her beautiful body into the king's nest, then stretched her head and looked at him with expectation.

"Ugh!!" Queen Soul Eater called a few times, as if to say, why don't you?

Then, Queen Soul Eater seemed to figure it out, and she tweeted again.

At the same time, countless soul-eating butterflies outside Wang Chao seemed to have heard some orders at this time, and they started to act again with a "wow".

Soon, another ten minutes passed, and the volume of the spirit material stacked in front of Lin Ze had doubled.

At this time, countless soul-eating butterflies surrounded him directly, and all looked at Lin Ze as expected by Man Han, as if he were their savior.

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