Alien Lord

Chapter 1561: I thought of a way!

Although the road ahead, Lin Ze went very smoothly and did not encounter any danger, but it was because the demon snake did not know that he had entered his stomach.

The huge volume of the demon snake makes the organs in its body very large, and even the space of blood vessels and meridians is large, enough for Lin Ze to stand and walk inside.

In addition, Lin Ze has always been careful, so the demon snake did not notice Lin Ze's trace.

However, Xie Zijun's move just let the demon snake know that there are dangers in its body.

It is conceivable how the next things will develop. Lin Ze was discovered immediately, and, upon discovering that Lin Ze was advancing towards his heart, where Neidan was, the demon snake suddenly panicked, and then , Quickly mobilize all forces to kill Lin Ze.

The demon snake's decision is correct, but unfortunately...

"Oh, these'little snakes'..." Lin Ze looked disdainfully at the dozen blood-red snakes that had struck him quickly, and then he used the killer without hesitation— —Mental Storm! !

"Look at the powerful storm of my spiritual power!" Lin Ze sneered, and the spiritual power in the sea of ​​awareness appeared like a storm in the blink of an eye, and then directly enveloped the range of fifty meters around him.

"Boom!" A sound like a storm sounded, and then...

"His hiss!!" Snakes screamed and fell to the ground. After rolling a few times, they stiffened and became motionless.

"Before your mental power could not withstand the attack of my spiritual thorn, now the spirit power contained in these little snakes is only one thousandth, then it will not be my opponent." Lin Ze's face smiled They looked at the little snakes lying in front of them.

"Shut up!" Then Lin Ze directly put the comatose "little snake" on the ground into the plane seed world, and then directly poured it under the ambergris fruit tree.

"Hoo!" The amber fruit tree soared again, and dozens of beautiful flowers bloomed on some branches. The taste of the ripe amber fruit was even more fragrant.

"Oh, I can't imagine that these little snakes were made from the demon snake's own blood. Otherwise, there will be such a strong effect." Looking at the huge changes in the amber fruit tree, Lin Ze was satisfied. Said.

"Since it is the essence of blood, then I will be more polite, huh..." Lin Ze licked his lips after looking at the'little snakes' that kept hitting, and then his eyes were shining He took the initiative to meet him.

"Buzz!" Lin Ze's mental storm is really like a 12th-level typhoon. As long as he went, within fifty meters of the surrounding area, it was a mess.

The ‘little snakes’ at the level of Supreme Master Grandmasters were easily destroyed by Lin Ze’s spiritual storm to control their spiritual power, and then Lin Ze was directly taken into the Plane Seed World.

This time, Lin Ze did not continue to water the amber fruit tree, but ordered Xin blood to collect it.

The blood of these demon snakes is also an extremely precious treasure, so just pouring it directly on the ambergris fruit tree is really a bit of a waste.

Not to mention others, if you use these demon snake blood to refine the Jingxue Dan, even the strongest in the foundation period, you must rush to ask, because such a Jingxue Dan can directly increase their Jingxue. the amount.

For a cultivator, the more pure the blood and the more the amount of blood, the stronger his strength will be, and the limit of cultivation will become stronger and stronger.

"Hiss!" The two have been fighting for nearly a minute. After the demon snake lost more than two thousand "little snakes", after a roar, all the "little snakes" disappeared instantly.

The amount of blood of the demon snake is large, but it can't help Lin Ze's consumption and absorption.

In a minute, Lin Ze absorbed more than two thousand "little snakes" he consumed, if it was ten minutes, or even an hour...

Thinking that at that time he would become a dry demon snake, the demon snake suddenly became frightened, and directly recalled countless'little snake' avatars.

And to be honest, even if the demon snake wants to not recall these'little snake' avatars, its amount of sperm blood is indeed large, even if it is absorbed by Lin Ze, it only loses less than a thousand points. One of the essential blood is only, but, don’t forget that to form such an essential blood clone, you still need mental power, and the spirit power of the demon snake is obviously much weaker than its essential blood.

Before it received a mental stab from Lin Ze's first blow, now Lin Ze has absorbed more than two thousand'little snakes'. The spirit power of the demon snake can no longer be sustained.

If you continue this way, within ten minutes, the spirit power of the demon snake will be wiped out. At that time, no matter how much remaining blood the demon snake has, no matter how much strength it has played before, in the end Will be easily eliminated.

Therefore, the scared monster snake retreated directly.

"Ah, what a pity, such a good opportunity to absorb the blood of the demon snake, it is so over, alas..." Lin Ze said with a sigh.

He wanted this kind of thing to continue. Although it would consume a lot of his mental power, Lin Ze's current mental power could be maintained for ten minutes.

With these ten minutes, Lin Ze is enough to clean up the demon snake.

It is a pity that this demon snake is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When it saw something wrong, it immediately ran away, and it was obviously terrified to see the panic when it fled.

"Just, have you escaped like this? Don't forget, this is not far from your Neidan and your heart!" Lin Ze sneered, then ignored whether the demon snake understood him, To step forward, go in the direction of the demon snake Nedan and the heart.

"His hiss!!!" The devil snake's entire body rolled continuously, and the voice inside his mouth was full of panic.

"Huh, this demon snake looks very scared now, oh, no, it should be said that it is terrified, is it senior Li..." Seeing the horrified look of the demon snake, and more and more Focusing on how they looked, Sun Xifeng's eyes lit up and guessed.

"This Li Ze really is... alas..." Chang Xinyuan on the side directly sighed.

He is also not a fool. He also saw what Sun Xifeng saw.

The previous demon snake was still fighting with them with all their strength, but the next moment he recovered most of his strength. When he fought with them, he seemed to be dealing with things.

Like some attacks, as long as it is not going to the key position of the demon snake, the devil snake simply ignores it and directly uses its powerful body to take it hard. Such a thing has never happened before.

Adding Xie Zijun's words before, Chang Xinyuan immediately understood that this was Lin Ze's attack in the stomach of the demon snake, and that it should really threaten the life of the demon snake, so the demon snake would be so alarmed.

"Where did this Li Ze come from, really, such a guy, not staying well in the Great Qin Empire, what is our little Chu country doing!" Chang Xin Yuan kept complaining in his heart.

Lin Ze didn't know about these changes outside, he was now heading towards the location of the monster Nedan and the heart at full speed.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!" At this time, a loud noise like thunder came from Lin Ze's ears, and the blood vessel vibration under the feet became more and more intense.

"Well, it should be about to reach its heart, otherwise, there will not be such a violent shock!" Lin Ze said to himself, these changes around him let him know that the destination is already near In front of you.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, dozens of blood-red gangles rose in the meridian channel in front of Lin Ze. These gangles, like a door, blocked Lin Ze's way forward. And, behind him, a dozen gang gates were also raised, thus sealing Lin Ze in the meridians.

"This time I'm smarter, I know how to make a few gang gates to block me." Lin Ze smiled and looked at the gang gates in front of him, and stretched his right hand to stroke it.

"Yeah, it's really hard!" The strong repulsive force from the right hand made Lin Ze's face Yeba, let me try the defense of these gangsters Right! "Speaking of which, Lin Ze directly took out Yan Long Fen Tian Pei to fully stimulate its power.

Lin Ze is the only person here, so he doesn’t have to worry about Yan Long Fen Tian Pei being exposed.

"Dragon Flame!!" Lin Ze yelled, the Yan Long Fen Tian Pei in his hand directly turned into a miniature fire dragon, and then a dragon's mouth, spit out a red shiny dragon flame.

"Boom!" A series of explosions sounded in the meridians, and the powerful aftermath of the explosive power forced Lin Ze to carry his protective body to resist it.

After the dust passed, Lin Ze's face showed a surprised look: "This..."

Appearing in front of Lin Ze is the unchanging meridian and the intact gang gate.

"How could this be?!" Lin Ze was a little hit, and Yan Long Fen Tian Pei was in his heart, but there was an invincible existence, but now...

"Ah, I forgot, before I used Yanlong Fentianpei to deal with people of the Supreme Grandmaster level, and this demon snake was the strength of the Jindan period, although the sealed ones can only use the strength of the foundation period, However, the power of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is already lower, and only those magic instruments, or magic weapons, can break the blockade of these gang gates in front of him." Lin Ze pondered and quickly figured out everything inside.

"Did I get trapped like this?" Lin Ze thought for a long time, frowning at the seals of these gas valves.

"Bang Bang Bang!!" Suddenly, the sound of a beating heart caught Lin Ze's attention.

"Hey, I figured out a way!".....................

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