Alien Lord

Chapter 1695: Soul crystal

To be honest, Lin Ze could not wait for Baidu Mojun to enter the world of Plane Seeds directly and compete with him for control of the Plane Seed World. In that way, Baidu Demon King has become a turtle in the urn. What does Lin Ze want? Clean up, just clean him up.

It is a pity that Lin Ze will not make such a choice until he is forced to do so.


It's not because Lin Ze is afraid of leaking things in the world of plane seeds.

You know, in the blood sea space, there are not only hundred poisonous demon kings, but also hundreds of other demon warriors. These warriors have their own consciousness. Once they feel something is wrong, they all escape directly. What will Lin Ze do?

Although these warriors have been demonized, they will definitely not be accepted by Zheng Dao Sect, but once they go to the Dao Sect, Lin Ze will have to face the countless pursuit of the Dao Sect.

After a period of time, the Zheng Dao Sect arranged for the Dao Zong Sect's secret son to pass the news, and Lin Ze faced the pursuit of the entire cultivation world.

No matter how strong Lin Ze is, no matter how confident he is, he doesn't have the ability to fight against the whole practice world.

Not to mention the entire practice world, even one thousandth of the practice world, dealing with Lin Ze is easy and pleasant. (The cultivation circles mentioned here are not only the cultivation circles of several countries surrounding Chu Kingdom, but the cultivation circles of the entire mainland of Shenzhou.)

With these considerations, Lin Ze boldly stood directly in front of the Baidu Demon King.

Even, before they pit a lot of magic weapons for the middle-aged young masters, this is because Lin Ze was very confident.

Just like before, most people dare not devour a trace of the Divine Consciousness from the Baidu Demon King, but Lin Ze dared to devour this Divine Consciousness. This is because Lin Ze had a powerful hole card .

If it can't be sustained, it can directly use the power of the plane seed world to devour the knowledge of the Baidu Demon King.

So, for that red mango, although Lin Ze finally heard from those old people and others, this is a sort of knowledge of the Baidu Demon King. If someone else is afraid of it, it is because it cannot be controlled and cannot be swallowed, but For Lin Ze, there is a plane seed as a hole card, let him swallow it with confidence.

After seeing this trace of his knowledge being swallowed by Lin Ze, the red-haired man said nothing, his eyes were cold, staring at Lin Ze for a long time, he slowly said, "Well, you are real Although the strength is low, but your spiritual strength is extremely strong, even my people are not comparable. Although your knowledge of the sea is not yet capable of condensing the soul core, but with your present, you can swallow me It’s also a satisfying experience."

Baidu Mojun nodded with satisfaction, and he was very happy that Lin Ze absorbed his knowledge so quickly, because then, the chance of his soul body replacement method is even greater. That is to say, the time from his complete escape is also closer.

Therefore, the following Poison Demon King faced the most powerful man with a trace of eagerness on his face and said: "Wandering soul, you help him condense the soul core!"

When he heard this, the wandering man was obviously trembling when he heard this, and there was a hint of hesitation and unwillingness on his face, but, soon, he saw the cold eyes of Baidu Mojun After that, he was a chill, and the next moment, he was decisive and replied in a low voice: "Observe my master!"

After speaking, his right eyebrow was a little bit of his eyebrow. At the next moment, his body shook involuntarily. The strength of the eyebrow position fluctuated strongly. Immediately afterwards, he was obviously weakened a lot. At this time, a crystal clear, A flash of red crystal light flashed out of his eyebrow.

As soon as the crystal light ball came out, his whole person immediately collapsed, and he could no longer maintain the previous humanoid state, and soon turned into a demon state. The power fluctuations on his body were extremely dramatic, and there was a feeling of self-detonation. For a while, these fluctuations were suppressed by him. Afterwards, he slowly condensed into a human form again, but looking at his current body shape, he was in a semi-human form and demonized.

"Here you!" There was a trace of anger and helplessness in the wandering tone, and the crystal light ball in the hand was directly thrown to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze took it directly, and then his eyes flashed. Without a word, he opened his consciousness. A lot of spiritual power immediately swarmed up and wrapped this crystal light ball.

This crystal light ball contains the huge soul energy in this wandering soul, that is, soul power, and is now refined on one side, becoming a very pure soul power, so now Lin Ze swallowed, almost It is said that there is no hindrance. In less than half a scent of incense, this crystal sphere was absorbed by Lin Ze.

Even, Lin Ze still has a feeling of wanting to continue to devour, so when he looked at the wandering soul, his eyes clearly showed a craving for food.

Seeing the wandering soul was goose bumps that got up directly, he even left a dozen meters directly, as if to avoid Lin Ze's eyes.

Lin Ze smiled at this.

Soon, Lin Ze focused his attention on the sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Ze can obviously feel that his range of knowledge of the sea has suddenly become several times larger. The most important thing is that the soul power in the space of sea awareness has directly increased by no less than ten times.

In addition, the disintegrating pill formed previously has also changed from the size of rice grains to the size of pigeon eggs.

The time when it can really transform into distraction is not far away.

"I really want another soul crystal like this. In this case, my distraction can really be shaped!" Lin Ze was full of desire in his heart. He had decided that if there was a chance, he would definitely get it again. Some similar soul crystals.

Seeing Lin Ze digesting a soul crystal so quickly, even the mouth of the Baidu Demon on one side gave a soft click, and it was obvious that the rapid development of things was beyond his expectations.

After a little silence, Baidu Mojun said slowly to the wandering soul again: "Wandering soul, continue!"

When the wandering man spoke to Baidu Mojun, he already had a very bad anticipation in his heart, but now, after hearing this anticipation turned into reality, his face immediately smirked, he did not expect to be directly Such a sacrifice will be sacrificed so mercilessly.

What I did not expect was that Lin Ze, as a strong man in the foundation period, had no soul nucleus in the sea of ​​knowledge. As long as he knew this, he said that he would not report Lin Ze’s affairs to the owner, but finally let himself It ended like this, and the Lin Ze in front of me somehow, the soul energy required to form the Soul Core is so huge, a soul crystal, obviously can not let it generate Soul Core.

It should be known that the Soul Core is actually the geometry of soul energy. It is a kind of soul power crystal that is naturally produced after the spiritual power has evolved to a certain degree. As the absorbed soul energy increases, once the soul power crystal is formed, the strength of the warrior Will score.

Not to mention, his power of consciousness can be directly enhanced by a dozen times.

Generally speaking, all the strongmen in the foundation period will devour a lot of energy at the first time when they are promoted to the foundation period, so that they can produce a soul crystal soul at the fastest speed to enhance their strength, and Lay a solid foundation for the later practice.

There is almost no strong man in the foundation period, which will let him exist for a long time without the soul power crystal.

The biggest difference between a cultivator with soul power crystals and a cultivator without soul power crystals is the speed of cultivation and the realization of the nature of the surrounding power. There is an extremely obvious difference.

The former is equivalent to doctor-level comprehension, while the latter is equivalent to pupil-level comprehension.

The gap between the two is too great, so the strong people in the foundation period will definitely form their own soul crystal in the sea of ​​knowledge in the first time.

However, the Linze in front of him has not yet formed his soul crystal.

Soul wandering is absolutely unexpected. It is not that Lin Ze does not want to form his soul crystal, but that his real strength is quasi-innate, and there is a distance of ten thousand miles from the strength of the foundation period.

Soul wandering is also his own mistake. After feeling that Lin Ze’s mental strength is in the early and middle stages of foundation building, he automatically substitutes the idea that Lin Ze is a strong person in foundation period. situation.

What even wandering the soul did not think is that when Lin Ze absorbed the soul crystal, it was not only used to expand the scope of the sea and form his own soul crystal, but also used to supplement the Divine Pill.

In this way, it is strange that Lin Ze can form a soul crystal!

In Lin Ze's current state, don't say a soul crystal, even if it is another one, if Lin Ze is still replenishing the energy in the Divine Pill, he still can't form a soul crystal.

Thinking of this, the wandering man smirked loudly, even though he was unwilling in his heart, but under the threat of Master Baidu Demon, he couldn't help but a little more direct eyebrow, and suddenly, his eyebrow position flashed again a bright Light.

A soul crystal slowly formed here, but the soul crystal has not yet appeared, and his body collapsed at once. This time, he no longer has the ability to recondense the human form. After a long time, a soul crystal flashing red mansions. Slowly separated from his phantom wandering soul.

At this time, his breath was already endless. Although it was still stronger than the ordinary Supreme Master, but it was far from the strength that made him the foundation period before. That was too much.

Lin Ze's eyes flickered, and his spiritual power poured out again, absorbing this soul crystal.

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